#mellohs comms
mellohd · 2 months
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I'm doing commissions!!! This is gonna be a master post with all my info, I might update it in the future click to keep reading c:
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lines and sketches are the same price since my art style is messy :) ALSO only cashapp because I'm not old enough for a PayPal (and don't want to fake and run the possibility of losing an account) If there is another method that doesn't require PayPal, I am happy to try it out.
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Here are some examples of each kind of render I can do! my full rendering is kinda a new thing I've been trying to do.
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Just FYI, If my commision slots are full, feel free to DM anyways and I might get to you when I'm done! I'll have a status of my slot availability on my intro post :-}
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Sometimes I draw in different styles, even rarer I post them. If you've seen a post of mine in a specific art style and you say, hey I like that but don't see a price I'm more than willing to negotiate something reasonable!
also, I'm pretty flexible in what to draw. Want a sketch page similar to Castiel's? Go ahead and ask! Want a ref sheet, ask! If you have something in mind that isn't listed here, go ahead and ask and if its reasonable, and I can accept comms atm, Im sure we can work something out!
My DMs are also open on Tumblr and Tik Tok, and all my socials go under the same user. Toodles!
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mellohd · 5 months
Blog Intro ayayyy
(now with colorr whoopieeee!!!1!)
i realized i forgot to make a new introduction after i took down my last one however many months ago so im gonna make one neow
Hello, im MellohD. you can call me mell, melloh, melody, idrc (I would tell you my real name but im paranoid my old school or smth will find my acc and I really don't want that..)
I go by any pronouns
I don't really care what happens with my art as long as I'm properly and clearly credited, not used for AI training of any kind, or weird nsfw things
My Homepage: https://mellohd.neocities.org/
Commissions: Open!
Commission Info here
Slot 1: Open
Slot 2: Open
Proshippers, Zoos, bigots, basic DNI criteria. and if I interact with you and you're on my list it was either an accident or you're gross and i was calling out your depravity
My dms and ask box is always open, if you want to rant about a media related to my blog, theories, thoughts, questions, art requests(not guaranteed to do them but I might), anything! anything but nsfw though, please don't send me nsfw again, even if you're mad at me, its weird to send that shit to a minor . (its a long-ish, and sorta funny story)
i don’t specifically have an art tag, but all my art posts have #art and my commission posts should have #mellohs comms and i normally always tag fandoms(except if its just a random small doodle in a page of mainly another fandom cuz i dont wanna clog tags :3)
The rest is just stuff I'm interested and the type of content I post :]
I typically post fanart of whatever I'm interested in at the moment, and or art of my ocs/random thoughts. However, i do struggle with motivation often, so sometimes I just be posting sketches or shitposts a lot. speaking of shit posts, i love making shit posts and unneccesary crossovers.. Cry of Fear and Psych crossover? BANG in the works AS I TYPE!
I have a deceent ammount of interests, i kinda rubberband between them all then a new one comes around and it joins the rotation.
My interests right now:
Supernatural, Portal, Postal,Half life, half life adjacent stuff(hlvrai freemans mind etc) Cof, AOM, Psych, Fallout 4, Overtime, TSP, Interloper, Petscop, Game development, behind the scenes of games, coding, 3d modeling(blender), godot, game development... i love it but im so ass at coding. I just cant get my brain to learn it idk why. game developmmmmeeeeeennnt. OH VALVE! somebody ask me about game development and valve. i barely even know a lot about valve but god is their models SO COOL AND LIKE THE EARLY GAMES AI AND INVOOEIATION AND OMG L4d2, TF2, PHASMOPHOBIA.
Ok this is turning into a rant, ill spare you the rest
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