#me: so one time in 3rd grade my school made kids pull 100 pound wagons for a few miles in the name of learning history...
purplehoodiesimon Β· 2 years
6 and 23 for the ask list!
- zee 🀍🀍
Thank you Zee! πŸ’œ
6. signature/favourite scent?
I answered signature scent here and my favorite scent is probably lavender or roses. I like drying flowers and those two are my favorite. Wisteria is also pretty nice.
23. a story from your childhood?
Ooh okay, so when I was in like 3rd grade (10-11 years old), that's when they kinda tried to teach us some of America's basic history and in my area we focused on learning about the nearby tribes, about coming out West and the gold rush, the California missions and things, etc etc so we learned a lot about the 'western pioneers' coming out here in wagon trains. So every year, the 3rd graders in my town take a 'wagon train trip.' Basically we get assigned a partner and spend a few months getting the materials we need, making a wagon, decorating the wagon (though not too much), and then the class sets off from the elementary school on a Wednesday, heads up a trail that starts right across the road with the wagons, and basically hikes like 5-6 miles up to the campground on my road, stays there learning cool history and camping stuff the Thursday, and hikes back to school on Friday. The wagons are usually about 100-120 pounds, because we have to carry like everything in them. All the camping supplies, all the food making supplies, all the little rocks and sticks 10 year olds collect in the woods, all of it. And the parents are there to help, of course, each kid has to have one adult along with them, but they're more there as backup and supervision. It's mostly the kids hauling the wagons. Me and my partner's wagon was cool as fuck and honestly the best constructed wagon on our trip. We didn't have a single "wagon down" moment where shit collapsed and had problems. We used a wood hauling cart as our base, so it had tall sides to keep stuff from falling out (unlike, say, all the little red wagon bases other people had), and our wagon cover was canvas over willow branches, so it was pretty sturdy without being too stiff. We also had my dad the expert backpacker helping us pack lightly and efficiently. And because I live in the area, I'd already hiked the trails we were on many times, which was really helpful in keeping my spirits up every time we had to haul that thing uphill. So yea, it was honestly a really fun trip, it's something the kids around here look forward to in 3rd grade and it was always really fun gathering on the playground to cheer on that year's group setting off.
I'm bored, send me asks
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