#me: and in this essay i will describe all of kaeya and persephones parallels-
ccaptain · 6 months
New verse:
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for the immortal flowers in my bones; for the ice in my heart v. aka what are you doing with your life if you don't have a greek gods verse for your muse?
   vines adorned with colorful flowers often hide the truth. the thorny strap his parents keep around his neck is tight and unpleasant.
   the more he grew, the more he understood that it was about control- not the love and concern that the demeter entities have cooed to him about. that he was being seen as nothing more than an obedient, forever child for them- his only duty to regulate the harvests and stabilize seasons.
   it didn't mattered that the centuries had turned his body into the one of an adult, doe-eyed gaze admiring his features under a loose chiton. it did not mattered that he had grown muscles, that he could outrun even the fastest of animals if he so desired, that he wanted to explore, to live- he was still being seen as a child, and as a child he was to be controlled, least he harmed himself.
   being one of the gods of agricolture and harvests served him very little. 
   ( the handmade obsidian dagger with a splintered wooden handle speaks about he's not a pretty, naive thing. )
   despite the demeters being not much liked by the other gods, the young man cannot form a plan to escape- for the olympus was vast, and his means to hide from the omniscient gaze of his parents few and unreachable.
   his only way out seems to be a loveless marriage with someone who will whisk him away- he'd tolerate... no, he'd take it. it'd still be much more freedom than he has now.
   and then...
   the occasion comes, unplanned and surprising. at a banquet like any other, two chips of ice stare at him across the room, hungry and undeterred by his parent's wrathful looks and angry whispers to come closer to them for protection. and at that gaze-
  -he meets the eyes of the god of death. it's hades that has taken an interest on him- the cagey god of the underworld. 
   and it's then that his insides move with something as warm as the aromatic wine in his cup- pale stars refuse to lower, glow alight with interest, curiosity and something far from innocent, creating a connection between them that shifts the energy of the room even without them speaking a single word to one another.
   if it can't be nothing else, it's an occasion. the encounter leaves him stirred, no longer able to sleep at night as easily as he did until now.
   an occasion to act on his escape plan presents itself two days later: protected by an hooded cloak, kaeya descends into the underworld of his own volition- knowing that every step taken makes him more free by the minute.
   he offers himself to the lord of the underworld in soul and body, without the slightest hesitation. he knows that the god won't reject him, even if fueled by the lust that characterizes every god of the pantheon. he'd take anything, if it meant freedom.
   ( to me, his eyes seemed to say that day. come to me. )
   whatever the consequences are, he deems himself ready. he pours his trust in the figure towering over him, for he feels no threat coming from it. he decides to trust wriothesley━
   ━and finds himself loved beyond means.
   the union between their souls is as much carnal as it's a pact to seal the deal- the sensations repressed by a long period of innocency imposed on him, and he dips into the newlyfound sensations eagerly. he consumes his new spouse mutually, makes himself at home in the terrifying, cold world that is now half his, and discovers that he was born into his new role finely- and the ravenous hunger of mind and body.
   kaeya finds in wriothesley a most passionate, devoted lover that looks at him like he's the sun and stars both. wriothesley gives him a new name- persephone, now forever his partner in ruling the underworld, their twined hands bound by velvety, soft ivy sprouting from the cracks in their thrones.
   and when the day comes that zeus has no choice but to call kaeya back to his parents, he looks at his husband in the eyes as he consumes pomegranade seeds off his hand, licks blood-like juice off his fingers to savor the taste of their bond before he departs.
   persephone emerges to the surface clad in dark, fumous robes, from the newly-created meadow of pale flowers at the entrance of the underworld, crystals of ice forevermore embedded in his hair and a crown of black, frozen thorns over his brow.
   he has never felt more free, even among his parents wailing that he has been defiled. what he ate bounds him to the underworld, he knows, hiding a smile behind his hand.
   defiled? is he a tomb, an object? why does his innocence matter, when to keep it he had to endure so many privations? now he can no longer submit to demeter's wishes- when he has known the longing, the warmth of another body next to his, the depths of a multifaceted, deep intimacy with the one he willingly offered himself to.
   nothing as trivial as his celibacy matters, when the tangy taste of the seeds connecting him to the deity of death- to his husband, lingers on his tongue. the taste of freedom has by long exploded in his mouth;
   his to savor.
tag: For the Immortal Flowers in my bones; for the Ice in my Heart ━ ( Persephone V. )
This verse is singleship with @daybreakrising's Wriothesley.
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