#me almost typing a ship name and realizing it'd be seale :skull:
merrilark · 7 months
looks like sean was cale's one and only TRUE obsession, i mean cale even told him his Big Evil plan (and made curls) dkjfgjbbb im kidding but. i love thinking about it
LISTEN. You're kidding, but I'm not skdfjskdljfslkfs
Okay, maybe a little. But hear me out.
Cale is definitely obsessed with recreating the childhood trauma of his first murder, as well as keeping order, and when his order was interrupted by Sean, so was his obsessive recreation through Katie. Putting my tinfoil hat on here to say that I really do think that shifted something in Cale and he gradually began to see Sean as the horse trainer he killed far more than he saw her in Katie. The lines get awfully blurred near the end imo, and the parallel between Cale shooting Katie and Sean screaming is almost 1:1 with the scene at the beginning where Cale shoots the young horse and the trainer screams.
There's also just something about Cale not only stealing Sean's jacket and wearing it to attack Riley, but also what appears to be trying to mimic his hair that really makes me raise my brows. I... I just honestly can't tell if whatever that thing is is a valid symbol of something deeper, or if I'm just reading too much into it because I'm the freak that enjoys rolling around the extremely messed up Cale/Sean dynamic à la Hannigram lmao
But whatever it is, I dooo love thinking about Cale being a little obsessed with him especially after canon events. There's actually an interview with Robert Sheehan where he was asked how he thinks a sequel would go, and he says:
"I think the FBI tries to put Cale under [...] pressure in order to confess for all the girls he has killed for many, many years and I think they use Sean because they understand that Cale has this strange affection, this strange camaraderie, twisted camaraderie [....] There’s a kind of mutual respect, I mean not necessarily mutual, but definitely a respect from Cale to Sean. So he’s not totally free of him! And I don’t think he ever will be, as he said."
To me, this implies that Sean is the only one Cale would cooperate with enough to talk, and "affection" is a very interesting choice of words. Of course an actor's word isn't necessarily canon, buuuut I am Definitely Looking. 👀
I swear if Bad Samaritan had a bigger fandom, Cale/Sean would be one of the big ships. This quote is practically begging for it.
Whatever it is between them, though, it's canon that Cale is at least impressed by Sean and more than a little intrigued that someone as bumbling as him managed to not only break his routine but was persistent enough to track him all the way to Sandy. For that alone, he calls Sean "worthy". I can only imagine how Cale must view him after his arrest... Surely there must still be some twisted form of respect and admiration there beneath the hatred?
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