#mda dlc
hopeymchope · 7 months
The impact of "Ch. Yakou: Thank You, My Detective" on Master Detective Archives: Rain Code's story (and any possible sequel?)
The DLC for "Master Detective Archives: Rain Code" is complete. And having now played through all five of the "Substories," I think we can at least say that only ONE of them leaves any major impact on the larger narrative.
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I wouldn't say "Ch. Yakou: Thank You, My Detective" is the best of the substories. Not to me, at least. But it certainly ends on a note that strongly suggests a change to the status quo we all understood when the game ended.
MAJOR SPOILERS for both the main-game narrative of "Master Detective Archives: Rain Code" and the DLC "Ch. Yakou: Thank You, My Detective" are under the cut.
At the very start of "Ch. Yakou," we're controlling Yakou Furio from a side-scrolling perspective as he slowly plods and stumbles down a hallway.
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His face is in shadow with his hood up, and we occasionally get flashes of his memories... including Yuma pleading "Yes! I'm Yuma! Chief, you understand me?" And if you don't immediately remember when that moment occurred, it'll all be cleared up by the time you complete this trudge down memory lane. Because it all concludes with a memory of his death on the floor of the lab underneath Amaterasu Corporation.
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That's right — we're controlling Yakou Furio when he's already a shambling zombie homunculus! That memory of Yuma is even from the final chapter of the game!
These memory flashbacks are really an excuse for us to experience the backstory of how Yakou met the woman who ultimately became his wife — the one who was the driving motivator behind his actions in Chapter 4. (And who sadly isn't even given a name during this chapter in spite of getting backstory and a voice actress. Wtf is that.) But you might be thinking, "We could've seen Yakou thinking about this storyline at any time. Why doesn't this chapter just take place at some vague interval between chapters 1-3, like all the other DLC stories? Why is THIS the one weird outlier?"
Answer: Because of how it ends.
Yakou's march through the corridors comes to an end when he meets... a ghost? A memory? I'm leaning towards her being the former, but I can't be 100% sure. Regardless, some version of his deceased wife is there to leave him with a parting gift.
I'll let her explain it:
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Yup, you read that right. We end with DeadWife handed off a small batch of her experimental medication — a means by which Yakou can truly resurrect himself. ... Although she does add that cavet about how it "might be completed if someone takes over my research," which certainly leaves room for doubt about its efficacy at the moment.
In summation: Most of the final DLC chapter takes place in flashback... but it ends with dead zombie Yakou Furio being handed a medication that could potentially restore him to his original living state.
So uh... I guess they just set up the possbility of Yakou Furio showing up alive and well for Master Detective Archives 2, huh? They gave themselves an excuse to have the whole band back together if they so choose.
My Thoughts
Look: I love Yakou, sure, but his death is the emotional high point of the entire game. Furthermore, it's the ONLY loss to our central cast. Unlike in Kodaka's preceding franchise, the core cast of Rain Code manages to stay safe from harm throughout the adventure — with this one exception. The only loss to the group is Yakou, who goes down like an absolute badass via an exceedingly clever plan to exact his own brand of justice against the man who had his wife killed.
It feels wrong to undo that, y'know? It's just such an important moment for him, for the story, and for the group of detectives at its center who become to be so attached to him.
Despite that, will I be happy if he shows up in a sequel? Well... yeah, actually. He's a super-likable character that ultimately proves to be far more clever than those around him ever realized. There's a lot you could do with that.
So I guess I have mixed feelings. I'm surprised by this choice more than anything, but that's not to say that it's not still kind of cool. I definitely didn't expect it.
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yakool-foolio · 5 months
Do u think a MDA: RC anime is possible?
It very well could be. Won't happen for a long while, but I think it has potential to be a real thing in time. Rain Code being adapted into an anime could also present a lot of different expansions on the story, especially if it has a decently long episodic duration so it can fit in more extras. I've come up with a short 'wishlist' of stuff I'm hoping could happen with the anime if it does become a reality.
MORE WORLDBUILDING! I wanna learn more about the inner workings of the WDO and the culture of Kanai Ward!
Slice of life episodes with the detectives and/or peacekeepers. I'd love to see what the detectives do when they aren't detective-ing and the peacekeepers aren't peacekeeping (at least not exclusively going after the NDA detectives).
Stylized Mystery Labyrinths! Without the constraints of the game's formula, the labyrinths could have it's own unique art style and exemplify it's mazelike layout.
Having perspectives outside of just Yuma. I'd love more character-focused episodes that are in perspectives outside of Yuma, similar to the DLCs. And it doesn't just have to be the detectives! It can also be the peacekeepers or even some of the city citizens if it's important enough! Give us a Worried Man episode damn it!
This is definitely more of a me thing, but give us flashbacks or even episodes that take place before the game's events! I wanna see blue hair era Yomi! I wanna see Yakou n his wife's blossoming relationship! I wanna see flashbacks to the NDA detectives' childhoods!
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elina-sakura · 7 months
Spoilers for Yakou DLC
Do not read this until you have seen or played the DLC. Because I want you guys to feel the same emotions that I have when I watched it.
*takes deep breath*
Chief Yakou is going to come back!
He is going to come back in future MDA games!
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creativegaming · 6 years
Teleportation MDA Breath of the Wild  *reworked*
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Teleportation is the instantaneous travel between two locations without crossing the intervening space. This mechanic is very common in the Game Industry. The idea of teleportation lies in the 19th century. The earliest recorded story was in 1877 in the book „the Man without a body“  by Edward Page Mitchell. From that time people started using it everywhere in the fiction genre. With new technologies scientists put out the terms of dematerialization and materialization regarding to black holes existing in the universe. The term of teleportation was in everybody’s mind. A lot of games like Skyrim or Zelda use this mechanic and some of these mostly consist of it like Portals and Portals 2. But how does it work? In the Game scene teleportation is called warp.  If a player controller enters a transparent game object it will trigger it’s action and you get teleported to another transparent object. There are many ways to use teleportation. Another example is teleporting to specific point on the map to for example shrines in Breath of the wild. Mostly before you enter you can’t see where you will be teleported. However some games like portal 2 will let you see where you teleport like a mirror of what you see if you would look strait at it. Teleportation affects a lot of games.  
Example: Zelda Breath of the wild 
 In Breath of the wild and many other games you can teleport from your current location to a specific location on a map or of your choice. The system checks your current location of your character and moves it to the chosen location. These locations will always be noted Vectors. Since breath of the wild is a 3dimensional game they use Vector3 (x, y, z) for the locations. That one mechanic works there usually needs to be at least a second one to assist. To enable the mechanic of teleportation there is another mechanic in use. Before you can teleport you need to click on specific clickable objects on the map (altars) to start the teleportation.  
To teleport in breath of the wild you need to unlock the first shrine. The shrine is this specific location where players can teleport to as I mentioned earlier. After you unlock this shrine you can return to this location whenever you want. How you do it is simple. You press the map button to open the map and on this map there will be an icon displayed. You can click on this icon and an option “move to” will be displayed.   In the DLC of breath of the wild there is another way to teleport. It’s a specific item which allows you to teleport anywhere on the map you discovered before. Here you choose a location you want to return to and use the effect of the item. There will be a blue circle displayed and now whenever you use this item again you will be teleported to your marked location  
Breath of the wild has in my opinion a very beautiful and sensefull teleportation animation. When you do the teleportation process you will have a 3-4sec time span where you see your character disappearing into blue light lines. You will reappear on your chosen location reversely. First the blue light lines appear and form your character which also lasts for 3-4 seconds. The creators of BotW are using a beautiful particle system. As I mentioned in general the idea of teleportation is dematerialization and materialization. With that they build a bridge to the real world which effect’s the player in a positive way. According to the Game Research of Robin Hunicke, Mark LeBlanc and Robert Z. it touches terms of “Sensation”. BotW is aesthetic wise a pleasure. Another taxonomy is “Discovery” which is actually a very big part of the game. In breath of the Wild everything is aestethically fit together. For example the colorscene fits to each enviroment and brings a specific mood with it. Each action and each location has its own unique sound which lets you immerse into the game even further. even the teleportation has its own unique ancient sound. To conclude the aesthetics support the mechanics very well which makes it such a successful game.
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hopeymchope · 7 months
How're we squaring up Halara's motivations/actions in her DLC chapter with each other? Or with her statements in the main game?
In the main narrative of Master Detective Archives: Rain Code, we learn that Halara Nightmare adores cats. However, through a cruel twist of fate, they're also allergic to cats. Therefore, Halara sadly declares they can never have one.
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I've complained before that Halara's conclusion is short-sighted and stupid because their story is literally just like mine: I'm allergic to cats but also love cats. And guess what? I underwent allergy treatments so I could still have cats around without repercussions. Yes, TREATMENTS EXIST! And Halara lives in some kind of weird sci-fi future where said treatment is probably even better. Buuut... that's not my complaint right now.
My complaint is instead about how we square this up with what Halara says and does in Ch.Halara: Raining Cats and Dog. They take actions TWICE in this chapter that don't appear to make sense either when put up against their previous claims in Gumshoe Gab... and even don't make sense when taken together in just this one hour of DLC!
Some spoilers for how the chapter starts and ends — nothing related to the actual mystery/case, ONLY the conversations in the intro and denouement scenes — are included below the cut where I explain the issue.
At the start of this DLC chapter, Halara is initially uninterested in whatever Yakou's got going on with his latest client, but circumstances require Yakou to enlist Halara's help with the case that his newest client brings to him. He's unable to afford Halara's typical exhorbitant fee, so he makes a proposition: If Halara solves the case, they can keep a cat in Nocturnal Detective Agency's office. And with that offer on the table, Halara is suddenly all in.
The first issue: Aside from when they're actively working a case, Halara seems to hang out at the office for 90% of the day every day since arriving in Kanai Ward. Won't this cat naturally trigger their allergies? A whole lot? ALL DAY? So... why is it okay for them to have a cat now? Why did they previously claim they couldn't, but now it's totally cool?
But then, days later, after their case is wrapped up? Halara doesn't ever get a cat. They receive no recompense at all. In our wrap-up scene for the DLC chapter, Yakou approaches Halara as they play with a stray. He asks if they're going to adopt it and have it live at the agency. Halara responds by faux-"translating" the cat's vocalizations as the cat saying that it doesn't need them or their help. And... that's just... it. No other cats are discussed, nor is their dream of cat ownership taken any farther than their rejecting this one specific stray on the docks that they feel doesn't want to live with them.
Yeah, that's the second issue: What the hell just happened? Halara was SO HYPED about potentially having an office cat, but then suddenly just drops the entire possbility after the case. No explanation. What in god's name drove them to flip on the concept and not ever get the cat?
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hopeymchope · 9 months
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Am I grateful for the existence of Rain Code's DLC chapters? Absolutely, YES. They're giving me good reasons to return to the game each month, and the two released to date have both been fun side stories which have gifted us some memorable moments for the supporting cast.
Do I also deeply wish they lasted longer? Well GOD YES. It's taken me about 50 minutes to complete each one thus far. Which, like... DAMN, yo. It'd be really cool if one of the remaining two chapters lasted one whole hour? But I guess I won't get my hopes up.
ALSO: Lowkey disappointed that "Fubuki's Luckiest Day" wasn't much of a showcase for Fubuki. More like "Ch. Halara and Desuhiko Do the Actual Work," amirite?
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