#mcr oakland arena
smeagles · 1 year
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📸: Jennie Book
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mikeywayarchive · 11 months
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The Way brothers in Oakland, CA // Oct 5th 2022 // Alan Snodgrass
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current-mcr-news · 2 years
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beemer138: MCR • Day 47 • Oakland Arena • Oakland • Oct 5, 2022
[Oct 5, 2022]
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sleepoutro · 2 years
MCR north american tour full youtube recordings masterpost ✨
here's all the recordings/compilations of full shows i could find on youtube (some might be missing a few minutes/a couple of songs), plus a tiny bit of info on each video. ik these are probably all on the my chem archive dropbox but i didn’t have anything better to do lmao so here they all are in one tidy list. thank you to all the people who filmed these i owe you my life. (btw when i say right or left side of stage in this post i mean from the audience pov :D)
Oklahoma: Tony: filmed from ga
San Antonio: JYeahJasonJude: filmed from near barricade, with great zoom. Tony: filmed from seats, full stage view, phoenixrai: filmed from ga
Nashville: The Academy is My Beautiful Romance: compilation of different videos, streams, clips etc. ur internet boyfriend: filmed from back of the arena seats
Cincinnati: The Academy is My Beautiful Romance: compilation of different videos!
Raleigh: Yordoom: filmed from ga (this one has a really clear and fun view of the floor crowd in my opinion). dallon: filmed from seats, right side
Elmont: Alê Morais: filmed from high up right side. Mothman Multimedia: not a full video but a playlist of videos from the whole show, filmed from high up, center
Philadelphia: Electronic Beagle: filmed from high up left side. markit aneight: amazing quality!! deadhoarse: another great quality one, left side
Albany: The Academy is My Beautiful Romance: compilation :)
Uncasville: ConcreteRose: side of stage, right side. Kelush: filmed from ga
Montreal: Finnyfresh: instagram live uploaded to youtube, mostly filming jumbotron
Toronto1: Keandell Clyde Arcenal Pineda: filmed from floor seating, full stage and jumbotron view.
Toronto2: The Academy is my Beautiful Romance: compilation
Boston1: Full Sets: filmed from seats further away, full stage
Boston2: Cen's Jams: filmed from high up left side, stage and jumbotron in view most of the time. Blue Moon: Side/almost behind stage, frank's side. chaosangel42: filmed from seats on stage level, right side
Brooklyn1: The Academy is My Beautiful Romance: compilation
Brooklyn2: xZ3ROGRAVITYx: nice full stage view from the right side. Tom’s Archive: filmed from ga with a great zoom and some great quality shots from the jumbotron
Detroit: Bingop: filmed from further away, seats, Sheep: very good full stage view from the left
Saint Paul: Cool Concert Channel: filmed from ga, close to the stage
Riot Fest: Geoffrey Gardner: right-ish side of stage. phoenixrai: great quality. and kudos to both of these people for how stable the videos seem to be considering everything lol
Alpharetta: Blue Moon: close to stage, great quality
NJ1: phoenixrai: again, fantastic quality. deadhoarse: great quality, filmed from left side with a great zoom, so there’s nice variety in the shots. Tom’s Archive: close to stage, another great quality recording. Gothic Romance: just another great recording, more from the right side of the arena this time. nj1 had all the people with good cameras for some reason lol
NJ2: Tom’s Archive: Tom coming in with another banger. filmed from the pit, amazing closeups. ray toro is so beautiful. Andrea Warfel: filmed from further back in ga. Metal Love Collection: another great quality nj video, filmed from ga with a good zoom.
Firefly: alene b: good quality, just clips of last two songs. gems (loves frank iero): another nice quality one, good view of jumbotron most of the time
Sunrise FL: The Academy Is my Beautiful Romance: compilation!
Houston: Fredy Benitez: filmed from further back in seating
Dallas: phoenixrai: great quality, filmed from ga
Denver: Sudz’ Concert Recordings: filmed from further back but with a good zoom, nice full view of stage
Portland: The Academy is My Beautiful Romance: compilation!
Tacoma: SquawkyJo: full stage view
Oakland: The Academy is my Beautiful Romance: compilation!
Las Vegas: hearmenearme: filmed from left side high up. phoenixrai: great quality!
Aftershock: Elias Blake: divided into 2 parts, link is to part 1 :)
LA1: phanfanisonline: divided into 4 parts, link to part 1 :)
LA2: JMetalHead: filmed from right side high up
LA3: ray: filmed from pit, link is to part A. JMetalHead: filmed from right side high up. i love this person's reactions to their favorite songs haha RandomAspectsofLife: side of stage, frank's side (almost behind stage so you can see a lot of the crowd which i love!)
LA4: ray: filmed from seats, right side, full stage view + occasional jumbotron, link to part A.
LA5: Tina Sharp: full view of stage from the left side. deadhoarse: great quality, filmed from the right
WWWY2: StayThicc: filmed from further back, jumbotron in view the whole time. The Academy is My Beautiful Romance: compilation!
WWWY3: PichyTheReefCoralTheReef: full stage and jumbotron view
MEXICO CITY: we got our professional recording! uploaded by a lot of people but here is one link
and obviously a reminder that there are also a ton of amazing quality individual song performances on youtube, these are just the full show recordings! please lmk if you notice any mistakes, it's late when i'm making this lol. i'll try to add on to this if new videos are uploaded :) happy watching! edit: just to add, if you click on one of these videos and it turns out to be one of those that barely show ray at all just please click right out of there. i haven’t watched all of these through so please know that i don’t endorse that and find it weird as fuck to say the least
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deviljho · 9 months
i saw a thing about concerts on twitter so i wanted to repost >_> lol
first concert: smash mouth lmfao…
last concert: tennis <3
best concert: of montreal @ the fillmore, mitski both times, svt @ oakland arena, los campesinos @ august hall
worst: loona in sf LMAO but not bc of them the venue was just literally the worst thing ever
loudest: mcr (due to gerard’s crazy ass playing that synthesizer at an ear shattering volume. love u queen but damn…). also aquabats LOL
seen the most: of montreal like four or five times. my mental illness era…they’re very good live though in my defense
most surprising: kero kero bonito bc EVERYONE was moshing & i was not expecting that vibe lmao
up next: idk 😭😭 i haven’t been to many concerts this year, but maybe next year if more groups i like announce tours…
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swaggenderfrank · 2 years
i live somewhere different now, but oakland is my HOME and i should be there tomorrow istg i’m gonna cry mcr at the oakland arena where i saw my first big concert i shojld be there
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theswarmanthology · 2 years
Katie Wetzel, 19, Bay Area, CA
"It’s a family truly. I remember being very young when I first began engaging in MCR fan culture. The elders have always been so welcoming. They showed me the ropes and made me feel cared for. Having more fans my age now is wonderful too, I love connecting with such an amazing group of people."
Fast Facts: How long have you been a fan?: 9+ years Did you get to see MCR live before this tour?: No, this tour was my first time seeing MCR How many shows on this tour did you attend in total?: 1 Favorite album: I have more than one favorite album Show experience out of 10: 10 Did you cry at your show?: I'm still crying right now
Which date of the tour did you attend? 10/05/22, Oakland Arena, Oakland
When did you get your tickets for your show? Was it a struggle, or were they easy to grab? I got my tickets in January of 2020, I told my cousin about the tour and she bought them while I was in class.
Did you attend with anyone else? I attended with my younger cousin
What did you wear? I wore jeans (yes, blue, yes, I felt weird wearing blue jeans to an MCR concert) as well as a “The Black Parade” t-shirt (thanks 2010s Hot Topic), and my high-top black Converse.
Where were your seats? Our seats were in section 124 which is slightly angled behind the stage on Ray’s side.
What was your favorite song(s) from the setlist they played at your show? My favorite song they played was Boy Division. It’s not a song I was expecting to hear, and it’s one of my favorites.
What song were you most hoping to hear? Did you get to hear it? I was really hoping to hear Dead! They didn’t play it lol. I was also really hoping for them to play Teenagers. I know they get tired of playing that song, but it introduced me to the band, and I never expected to hear it while I was still a teenager. They played it and it was really special.
What was your favorite moment from the show? My favorite moment from the show was Gerard chasing a crew member off of the stage while mumble yelling the words to I’m Not Okay. Good reminder for everything there of how spooky and creepy he is.
What was the most unexpected moment from the show? The most unexpected moment from the show was Gerard dedicating The World is Ugly to a couple who just lost their dog Walter. RIP Walter.
Did you snag any merch? What pieces? I grabbed a tour shirt (with the the Three Cheers picture on the front) as well as the cheesy, J-14, Tigerbeat style ‘Boy Zone’ shirt (I’m in love with it and wear it all the time).
Many fans describe seeing MCR live as feeling like coming home. Did you experience anything like that at your show? I truly felt like I was home. I felt like I was with my family. Seeing a group of freaks and weirdos gather to be freaks and weirdos at a concert for a band made up of freaks and weirdos was really special. It was very nostalgic but also new and so much fun. Mikey was so sweet during our show, he kept coming to our section to sing to us and it really livened everyone up. Such a happy moment for us all.
If you could change one thing about your show experience, what would it be? I would change the amount of people I talked to. I wish I was more social with the audience. It’s a concert full of people that have connected to this band in a very special way, I’m sure I could’ve made some friends if I had spoken up to the people around me. I’m not a socially awkward person, it just didn’t cross my mind. I wish I had spoken to others more.
Has your perspective or opinion about the band changed since seeing them on this tour? If so, in what way? I have always loved the band and been so appreciative of them. But, it made me more appreciative of not just what they have given us as fans, but appreciative of the fact that they are still around to even do these shows. Knowing that some of them almost didn’t live to see getting married or having children, and now they’re rocking out on stage with their kids drawings tapes to the amps, and their wives taking photos of them on stage, I’m so glad they’re around for it.
What advice would you give to people seeing My Chemical Romance in the future? Go crazy. There was a period of time in which we never thought the band would be getting back together, and now they’re in front of you rocking out to songs that you grew up with. Forget about the people around you, forget about the opinions of others, have fun. Headbang until your neck is sore, jump around until your legs feel weak, sing until you have to stop to catch your breath (all if you are physically able of course). Have your moment. Make that memory.
Anything we didn't ask that you feel obliged to share or talk about? Maybe the fact that the costumes and makeup were INCREDIBLE at the show. So many people dressed up in really dark and off-putting ways. It was so cool.
Thanks, Katie!
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burn-the-white-flag · 2 years
MCR reunion tour & wtf am I doing
k so this post aged like milk (don’t even bother reading it): https://burn-the-white-flag.tumblr.com/post/119263364676/the-end-of-an-era-4-2-13
A reunion tour happened! When I first heard it announced, it was 2020 and I was living in Mountain View. They managed to have one (totally sold out) concert in LA before covid postponed the rest of the tour for two years. During that time, I left my job, started another one, and moved most of my possessions across the country. Two vaccines and two booster shots later, I flew across the country to show up at the concert that I had purchased tickets for two and a half years ago...
The concert was held at the massive Oakland Arena and every seat was booked. Steven and I were under-dressed: almost everyone went all out emo with heavy black makeup, pink hair, fishnets, studs. I loved so many of the t-shirts I saw; two that stood out to me said “It’s my birthday bitch” and “nonbinary” (in rainbow). It was an incredible throwback to middle school & high school in the late 2000s!
As we were waiting for the concert to start, Steven was doing some reading and commented that Gerard Way was gender fluid. I had no idea, and I realized how little I knew about the band even though they’ve played such a huge role in my life. This feeling created an extra magical feeling throughout the rest of the concert, which can be loosely described as a feeling of familiarity with the bangers they performed and a feeling of incongruity with the strangeness of the “medium” it was being delivered to me. The familiar wall of sound was coming from living, breathing human beings, however tiny and far away they were. All around me were people cheering and screaming and dancing and moving.
And of course everything sounded a little different from the recordings: Gerard missed a few high notes in Welcome to the Black Parade. No two screams ever sound the same 😇. The audience “solo” sang the entire first verse of Famous Last Words and it seemed like every single body in the arena knew the words. At some point late in the concert, the band walked off-stage and left the entire arena breathlessly waiting and hoping for at least one more song. When they came back on, Gerard said something like “sorry, headaches suck”... and then they performed their last song (Helena).
I don’t say these things as a criticism. I would not have wanted a single moment to be changed (although I do feel sorry that someone had a headache that night). What made that night magical for me was the realization that the members of MCR (Gerard Way, Frank Iero, Mikey Way, Ray Toro, and whoever the drummer was) were real people who decided to share this time and place and experience with us. This feeling has blossomed into a lot of momentum in my life in a direction I don’t understand yet. But before I go into that, I’ll talk a bit about what their music meant to me going into the concert.
I don’t even know how I stumbled across them in middle school. I can only assume I was sucked into the rest of the album by Welcome to the Black Parade. I have such strong memories of being totally mind blown by the energy and rage and defiance in their music. I spent almost all of my childhood doing the things that other people told me to do. I didn’t know that I could choose not to do the things that were forced upon me by the expectations of the people around me. I felt lonely all the time and didn’t have anyone to talk to about the intense grief and fear and bewilderment that I was experiencing. MCR was the first to teach me that there is another way of living: one that consisted of spitting and fighting and grappling my way towards what I wanted, fueled by spite towards a cruel world. MCR saved my life by giving me a life, because for a long time I only know of a life that consisted of withdrawing from the world.
I used to think this was a realization in the past and that that page is closed. But as I stood in section 209 of the Oakland arena watching the tiny figures howling on stage, I thought about how I didn’t actually know anything about them and something strange bubbled up inside of me. After the concert, the rest of my trip to the bay area was mostly quiet and ruminating on what this strange thing was. A week afterwards, I decided to follow up on what Steven had said to me during the concert and read more about the individual members of the band.
It surprised me. For one, they all went to high schools in New Jersey around where I grew up! They had all been off doing random things before they came together as a band; Gerard was a hermit studying comics-drawing, Ray Toro was in film school, and Mikey was... going to a lot of parties...? Apparently the birth of the band happened when Gerard was on his way to an internship in Hoboken and he witnessed 9/11 happening. He decided that he needed to do something actually meaningful, and then everything started from there. Oh, and he was also 24 when this happened.
This was all ridiculously relatable and tangible in my present-day life. I guess I’ve just always been under the impression that most musicians start stupidly young and just kind of “fall into” that path from the get go. This point of view probably mostly stems from cultural stereotypes and my own ignorance, rather than any actual research. But regardless of why I believe that, I’ve written myself off as being “too old” for a lot of things. I’m 27! That’s ancient! And so I’ve found myself withdrawing into my shell trying to come to terms with what my life is (and therefore what it “must” be going forward). The things that I want to do are _hobbies_ and so they can wait for another day while I do the things that I actually _need_ to do in order to do my tech job and get health insurance and _maintain_ my life style, my friendships, my obligations, my expenses... so on... and on...
I want to write music; something that allows me to express that darkness and frustration and freedom and love inside of me. I downloaded Musescore and then couldn’t use the keyboard shortcuts because my keyboard didn’t have arrow keys. I want to write something like Headfirst for Halos. I didn’t know I could play chords on the piano until Jakob told me I could. I want to make a total fool out of myself and not give a shit. I’m going to be the biggest dumbass who knows jack shit about writing, performing and improvising. I want to believe in something so much that I step out into my life.
I want to!
I want to!!
I want to!!!
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kobrakids · 4 years
if anyone else is going to the oakland show hmu!!
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axogothi · 4 years
MCR US (and canada) TOUR DATES:
September 9, Detroit, MI, Little Caesars Arena
September 11, St Paul, MN, XCEL Energy Center
September 12, Chicago, IL, Riot Fest
September 14, Toronto, ON, Scotiabank Arena
September 15, Boston, MA, TD Garden
September 17, Brooklyn, NY, Barclays Center
September 18, Philadelphia, PA, Wells Fargo Center
September 20, Atlanta, GA, Music Midtown
September 22, Newark, NJ, Prudential Center
September 26, Sunrise, FL, BB&T Center
September 29, Houston, TX, Toyota Center
September 30, Dallas, TX, American Airlines Center
October 2, Denver, CO, Pepsi Center
October 4, Tacoma, WA, Tacoma Dome
October 6, Oakland, CA, Oakland Arena
October 8, Los Angeles, CA, The Forum
October 10, Sacramento, CA, Aftershock
October 11, Las Vegas, NV, T-Mobile Arena
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smeagles · 1 year
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Oakland 10.5.2022 | Jennie Book
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mikeywayarchive · 11 months
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Oakland Arena, Oakland, CA // Oct 5th 2022 // Onome Uyovbievbo
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current-mcr-news · 2 years
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frankieromustdie: Tonight’s our night Oakland! 6:30pm doors @ The Oakland Arena with Taking Back Sunday and Surfbort.
[Oct 5, 2022]
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mychemicalcafe · 4 years
Hello Killjoys! My name is Steph and welcome to the first blog of MCR Monthly. A monthly blog dedicated to all the new MCR news from this month. Here is what shook the MCRmy this month:
January 3rd:
On January 3rd, My Chemical Romance released an image of a cloaked person with a skeleton mask in a very foggy forest with a shiny dagger. The caption had a United Kingdom flag in it which we now know was hinting at the Milton Keynes MCR Show this June.
January 9th:
After the UK flag caption speculation MCR released an 11 second video of flashing symbols of the Theban alphabet which we now know was also mentioning the UK Show
It reads something along the lines of:
June 20th 2020
January 14th:
MCR release a photo of a patient in a hospital bed that had just died (noted from the sheet over the head) with a vampire in the caption…as of right now there is no definitive explanation for this, some speculate it could be a call back to The Black Parade….this theory is becoming more accepted after their next post,,
Janurary 17th:
MCR posted a 12 second video of the 1977 Pontiac Firebird (Trans AM) from Danger Days doing stunt moves in the California desert, this was followed up by a direct reference to Danger Days at the end with initial text. Its worth noting that the caption had a United States flag in it,, as of right now we do not know what it could be leading to.
January 19th:
MCR release a video on their website which linked to a youtube video called "An Offering…", the video was an unlisted link only video until it became published by the band on all platforms. On Youtube the video went Trending at reportedly #7 before falling out of Trending. Here is a description of the video:
It's in a foggy forest where we see a cloaked skeleton man running with 2 others walking. There is acoustic guitar similar to 'Romance' playing in the back ground. The main skeleton phantom arrives at a pentagram and puts a dagger in the middle of it as chants begin to be heard (most commonly agreed Gerard was the one who voiced the chanting) as another cloak phantom appeared next to him doing some sort of ritual, the video ends with the UK Show annoucement with the u's being replaced with v's most likely concluding to MCR 5
January 22nd:
(Not important but an mcr post) Ray Toro posted a selfie/photo of a giant robot statute which while wholesome isnt probably important to MCR 5….however Ray is on our nice list for being the only band member willing to say anything but the cryptic stuff we've got, you've done it again Toro!
January 24th:
Tickets for the MCR UK show at the Milton Keynes are announced and sell out within minutes.
Later on that day MCR announce another night at the Milton Keynes and the 2nd night tickets also sell out quickly….but seriously why do you need to see them back to back nights?
January 27th:
In the early morning north american hours we get a series of show annoucement dates posted by MCR for Europe:
June 23rd Dublin, Ireland @ Royal Hospital Kilmainham
July 4th Bologna, Italy @ Sonic Park Fest
July 6th Bonn, Germany @ Kunst!rasen
July 11th Moscow, Russia @ Park Live
Hours after these posts MCR hits us with Night 3 @ Milton Keynes:
June 18th Milton Keynes
January 28th:
In the midday hours MCR release another cryptic quick sigil video. After hours of work the community realized these were US tour locations and spent the day trying to decipher as many cities as possible.
In the evening of January 28th MCR release a video teaser of a teenager about to do a magic ritual, this was to promote an annoucement the following day.
January 29th:
MCR release a 13 minute short film called 'A Summoning…" of a teenager running through symbol doors away from Draculoids chasing him through different visual interpretations of all 4 MCR albums. This was number 9 on Trending for Youtube
At the end of the video was a North American Tour Announcement:
Sept. 9 - Detroit, Mich. @ Little Caesars Arena
Sept. 11 - St. Paul, Minn. @ Xcel Energy Center
Sept. 12 - Chicago, Ill. @ Riot Fest
Sept. 14 - Toronto, Ontario @ Scotiabank Arena
Sept. 15 - Boston, Mass. @ TD Garden
Sept. 17 - Brooklyn, N.Y. @ Barclays Center
Sept. 18 - Philadelphia, Pa. @ Wells Fargo Center
Sept. 20 - Atlanta, Ga. @ Music Midtown
Sept. 22 - Newark, N.J. @ Prudential Center
Sept. 26 - Sunrise, Fla. @ BB&T Center
Sept. 29 - Houston, Texas @ Toyota Center
Sept. 30 - Dallas, Texas @ American Airlines Center
Oct. 02 - Denver, Colo. @ Pepsi Center
Oct. 04 - Tacoma, Wash. @ Tacoma Dome
Oct. 06 - Oakland, Calif. @ Oakland Arena
Oct. 08 - Los Angeles, Calif. @ The Forum
Oct. 10 - Sacramento, Calif. @ Aftershock Festival
Oct. 11 - Las Vegas, Nev. @ T-Mobile Arena
Tickets were said to go on sale on Friday January 3rd local time.
A barrage of MCR posts flood after that:
-Night 3@Milton Keynes ticket link
-Moscow, Russia@Park Live ticket link
-A Wholesome Frank Iero Post at Shibuya Station
January 31st:
MCR post all day whenever tickets go on sale for North America with various images from 'A Summoning…"
In 6 hours every show for the MCR North American Tour is sold out, resale numbers are high with the lowest being $200. We have entered a hype period of tickets were numbers won't go down until the resellers are forced to lower prices as time goes on.
Here are some date additions:
-Newark, NJ sells out and is given a second night
-Los Angeles, CA sells out and is given a second night
-Los Angeles, CA second night is sold out and is given a third night
-Los Angeles, CA third night is sold out and is given a final fourth night
January 2020 Has Ended…
Thank You For Reading MCR Monthly, We Will Be Back March 1st With February's My Chemical Romance News All Within 1 Blog….This Is Your Host Steph, Signing Off For Now….
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smeagles · 1 year
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Oakland • by Jared Stossel
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smeagles · 1 year
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📸: Arik Ruiz
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