#marcia easily could've said 'hey shiv he's been acting a little weird' instead of making shiv think she's got him as a meat puppet up there
jeniffercheck · 5 months
tw // but you are the shivpert to ME and I was wondering what you think about the scene early in season 1 with logan and shiv when she goes to visit him and he's delirious and moves her hand down. I know a lot of fandom people don't consider the early season 1 stuff canon because so much was still being figured out but I would love to hear what you think
aw omg i'm honored to be your shivpert, there are so many in our fandom i feel like i am always learning something new from someone else 😭
light TW for SA (not talking about anything outside of the canon of the show) and of course i'll tag it as well -- but this topic is actually really interesting to me, and i've been meaning to think about it more just with myself LMFAO. i can see where a lot of people are coming from when they think these small moments in s1 don't count toward the rest of the show, but i actually do consider them really integral and informative for a lot of things they get into later on!!
that scene, shiv x roman's date rape by calvin klein scene (one of my favorite jokes of the whole show Pilot you will always be famous), and kendall getting a boner for rava in the hospital in s1 all stand out to me as kind of scenes of the same vein. i do believe to a certain extent that Succ was trying to live up to the HBO raunch, and the show seemed a lottt more interested in sex as a plot point then, (the shivnate car sex?????), but that's not to say it was just "needless," because i don't think it was excessive even if the tone is a little bit different than the rest of the show.
that moment with shiv, to me, is the earliest defining moment of shiv's entire "fuck around and find out" arc, and i honestly think that even IF s1 had the same tone as 2-4, they might leave that scene in. it was such an earnest display of the way that her stubbornness/honest efforts always blow up in her face and it's not all that different to her other standout moments in the show, ie. tern haven, the "would you stop buzzing in my ear" at the shareholder meeting, the s3 finale, 'rape me' speech at waystar, argestes panel, etc. etc. etc. -- also all culminating in voting TOM as CEO, which was not her plan when she negotiated a board seat for herself!!
succession at its core is just soooo wild, and that scene was very wild (i would argue kendall's boner at the hospital to be one of their bolder choices i will say) and i do also have more (and different) thoughts about the sexualization of shiv roy, BUTTT like i said above, i think the point of it was to be jarring, (and the jarring part about it is that when you get to that point of that episode, you're not really used to succession's antics yet, so they start at 100 instead of 0) and really show in one isolated incident, Shiv Roy's dedication to fucking around and finding out<33 it's so HER like truly only that would happen to her 😭
[as an aside: i do think it's very interesting under the context of shiv's sexualization as well, especially with all of the slut jokes aimed at her in season 1, and the focus on her promiscuity and obvious daddy issues, but i think it's more intentional symbolism than maybe people like to give it credit for]
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