#man onwire
fangjuexias · 1 year
The Last Crew Game || Song, "The Last Crew"
演唱:X/冷任非/林栗/周怀夜/柯恩/泊尔/艾默/沈沉沉/容易/祁凛/姜风桀/黎朝/明烁 词曲:隆历奇/早安/多雷/乔伊JY/G.G张思源/GALI/IcePaper/Mc光光/辛巴/土人儿TRE/Doggie/Lambert 念白:吴磊 制作人:Ice Paper/庞世安 编曲:Ice Paper/戴艺 配唱制作人:Ice Paper 监制:Ice Paper/庞世安/APG GAMES文案组 项目音乐总监:庞世安 人声录音师:小红/胡友林 人声录音工作室:NEW BAND STUDIO 鼓手:徐元甲 鼓录音工作室:Soundhub Studios 鼓录音师:阿烈 吉他手:孙闻楠 和音:小郭/郑毅/CP 音效:阿汪@B.W Studio 后期编辑:Alan Zhu 混音:Alan Zhu 母带:Alan Zhu
统筹:陈圣昀/庞世安 出品方:APG GAMES
X : Welcome to the Perfect World 请记住这句话 这会是《绝对理性计划》的末章 也会是人类全新未来的序幕 但总是有些蝼蚁 自以为是地鼓吹那泛滥的情感 你们这些注定的失败者 还妄想成为英雄 怎么还没认清 规则由我制定 全体: We are the crushers 看清是谁的主场 You must be losers 满嘴谎言的模样 Look at me 别错开视线 Wake up 现实从不遮掩 Love is Tattoo of Hero Man No pain No chance BRAVE CITY 冷任非: 快过来接受我的审判 剥开你虚假的外皮 是非颠倒 都被蒙蔽判断 你们看惯的我就看不惯 为了正义辩护 从来没败诉 这是我态度 随时埋伏 歹徒 出击 逮捕 我的降临惊世骇俗wow 当我 从天而降 打开白色羽翼瞄准 你最好乖乖自首 否则背后会有锋利刀刃 冷酷的制裁也守护着挚爱 running running running running running represent brave city ha 林栗: Back off 这游戏的规则由我来定就注定不会违背天性 我受够了在你眼里的样子和被拘束的言行 要乖 要符合期待 固定的框架和结构不能 破坏 要看起来很无害 我赌你不想看见身体里的另个我 我赌你不敢看见身体里的另个我 是绝对赤裸 危险 崩坏 接近疯狂的天堂 肮脏的手 砸烂了全世界的锁 点燃不灭的火 周怀夜: 金钱的帝国里面封存着我的位置 实验室里面的柜子却冷藏着恶的刽子 Poker Face下面是我救赎的罪事 勇敢是胜利者的配置 危险的边缘与谁对视 还在对峙 在善恶博弈路中的痛 绝不类似 在污泥之中天下合纵 不会褪色的灵魂在这黑夜歌颂 从不会低着头的我已选择必承其重 REAL CITY 柯恩: 迸发 炙热的 光 That’s my show time 伴随 午夜的 钟声 大门 推开 褪去 瑕疵 的 完美 It’s not my type 撒下 美丽 花瓣 转身 离开 穿梭 在 黑暗 中 制造梦的 屏障 Magic show 低下头 碎片 由我 拼凑 Real City 都 陷入 我的 梦境 被我占领 把城市 当做 背景 泊尔: 穿梭在高楼 享受的自由未偷走 月光在颤抖 从未随波逐流 那些阴谋 伤我 吞噬我 但热忱会赢过 虚伪和冷漠 Yes sir let me show you how what you gonna do 坚定我的路 是否愿意和我漫步 As you wish the world becomes funny Fox wanna get drunk with a doggy 艾默: 看无暇的美貌 被人们复制伪造 I never sell my soul去脱离开运转的轨道 我不在乎人们眼睛里面所谓的完美 还自我以本来面目 何必要自我安慰 真实才会最耀眼 哪怕这世界倒转 用放肆的笑填满日出又或者是傍晚 Cuz Real City the Real life 别放弃希望和爱This can be realized MAN ONWIRE (冷任非+林栗+周怀夜): 毁灭之前 别躲着活 逆转时间 恢复脉搏 (MAN OMWIRE) G-HOST (柯恩+泊尔+艾默): 毁灭之前 别躲着活 逆转时间 恢复脉搏 (G-HOST) PROUD CITY 沈沉沉: 凤鸣龙吟梦中醒 夜揽明月照铜镜 曲过山川戏入海 有情有义鉴寸心 容易: 它们正在经历 着老化 不断氧化 不断风化 斗拱与滴瓦 看夕阳西下 岁月的孤霞 繁荣与欺诈 建盏无人擦 就让画面定格在这黄昏吧 他们留守在这辉煌的城池经历风沙 的冲刷 哪怕是大地崩塌 别再妄想能够把我的骄傲通杀 回到那旧日荣光的方寸方圆天地之间 光荣永远不会蒸发 祁凛: 带着那天生的孤傲 看到我的剑锋已出鞘 挥洒于方寸皆去用生命来对弈 要捍卫最初的荣耀 和我的队伍及同道 身后总有种无形的力量在汇聚 每一局 每一粒 每一曲 每一方天地 恰似人生 落子秋萍 抬手步步为营 遥指星阵逶迤 而我余酒尚温 霎那电闪雷鸣 UNITY CITY 姜风桀: Now bad boy is coming 没有危险 别来call me 每次下注 都是 all in Only first shot把你搞定 我是shooter 中的shooter 别进我的瞄准镜 总有不长眼的家伙 想要跟我来硬碰硬 But I don’t give a fk 捕猎的专家来开讲座了huh 找不到我的破绽因为实力差太多了 What’s up Homies走近 call me 最凶恶的保护罩 Bad boyz Bad gang gang huh我的人我会照顾到 黎朝: 从暗处崛起wooh 在准备绝地反抗 沦陷的人性wooh 想要把黑暗点亮 得拿出勇气胆量 With my homie过关斩将 yah 在地上做着抗争而不拘泥地下 团结队伍完成使命做个大的计划 在乱世插一脚 黑暗中保持着童真 希望就在下一秒 身处绝境也会重生yah 绝境里重生yah 绝境里重生yah 明烁: 捍卫不息的life we’re ready to fight,bro 拯救延续 脉搏与爱 黑夜到白昼 紧握着unity wanna see peace available 伤痛都let it go believe me 向前走 抬起头 寻找拯救妥协的解药 别忘记心跳 发自内心的笑 我想看到 不愿听到谁为谁哀悼 shut up stand up coming and join us now I PROUD (沈沉沉+容易+祁凛): 毁灭之前 别躲着活 逆转时间 恢复脉搏 (I PROUD) BEE BROS (姜风桀+黎朝+明烁): 毁灭之前 别躲着活 逆转时间 恢复脉搏 (BEE BROS) 全体: keep going keep riding 带上爱与和平把你叫醒 从不低头 无需祈求 这场游戏看谁能留到最后 毁灭之前 别躲着活 逆转时间 恢复脉搏 毁灭之前 别躲着活 逆转时间 恢复脉搏 keep going keep riding 带上爱与和平把你叫醒 从不低头 无需祈求 这场游戏看谁能留到最后
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jokertrap-ran · 3 years
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(最后的厂牌  LAST CREW) His Story: [MAN ONWIRE] 冷任非 Leng Renfei Translation Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ  
*Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Welcome to another round of Ran’s sinning whims. *Lawyer man’s future tag will be #LAW ONWIRE *THEY RAP WELL!!!
"Before meeting you, he was one who traversed the deep, eternal, and dark night; the Abyss.”
He, who terrorizes sinners with the holiest stance . Deep within the abyss, with feathers as sharp as blades, re-establishing Justice amongst the morass of Sin.
"So what if he's the most reputable Lawyer?" 
A MPV was parked at the entrance of Mingfei Law Firm. A man dressed in an impressively pricy-looking suit spoke to his assistant, who stood outside, through the rolled down windows of the car. "Same old, just give him the money. Double, if he scoffs."
"President He, this is just how Lawyer Leng works. He confirms each case he takes face-to-face with the client."
"What else is there to confirm…?"
Despite having said that, Mr. He still lowered his voice as he spoke. "Has that evidence already been dealt cleanly away with? No one else got their hands on it, right?
"Well… There are currently no other Lawyers in 000 City who can provide you with what you require, even without that evidence.” His assistant reminded him again, somewhat helplessly, of the same answer that the previous few Lawyers had all given him. They'd all said without a doubt that his sentence could only be reduced by a mere 3 to 5 years, and that any more would be impossible.
A few minutes later saw them both sitting inside Leng Renfei's Office.
The assistant was almost purring as he handed all the evidence over to Leng Renfei. "Have a look at these, Lawyer Leng…"
Leng Renfei didn't make a move to stand up and accept the proffered documents. Instead, all he did was to signal the assistant to place them down onto the table.
"We’ll give you anything you wish, so long as you're willing to do us this one favour."
Only then, does he speak. "This isn't a favour. It is my job, that's all."
His gaze fell upon Mr. He, who had been sitting to the side. He contemplated the man for a while before speaking.
"Is this all?"
It was obviously merely just a simple enquiry. Yet, being stared down by those eyes brought about an enormous sense of pressure. Mr. He, who had been so ostentatiously manspreading, couldn't refrain from rightening himself up a little, avoiding his piercing gaze.
"That's all."
Leng Renfei loosened his tie as he looked through the papers.
"Judging from these documents here, I'll say that 15 years for you, is but a normal sentence."
He flipped through it, chuckling as he reached the end. He then raised his head and fixated his eyes onto Mr. He.
"You wish to reduce your sentence to nothing more than 3 years? ...Very well, I shall accept your case. However, you must be absolutely truthful with me about everything pertaining to this Court Hearing. And you will also have to provide me with your full cooperation during the period in which I am taking charge of your case. Otherwise, I can't guarantee that you'll get the result you seek.”
⊹ ━━━━━ ∘◦  Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ  ◦∘ ━━━━━ ⊹
9:50 AM, 10 minutes before the hearing begins.
However, at this moment in time, the defendant, Mr. He and Leng Renfei were both stuck at the junction a street away from where the court was located. The luxurious MPV vehicle they were riding in had been blockaded by a group of people; the plaintiff's angry family.
"Professionally speaking, I humbly suggest that you get off the car now and start making your way towards the court." Leng Renfei suggested, pushing up his glasses.
The plaintiff's family members continued pounding on the bulletproof windows with no signs of ceasing anytime soon. They didn't make any move to back down despite the countless times their chauffeur honked the car's horn.
Mr. He looked repulsively at the dirtied windows of the car, seemingly disregarding Leng Renfei's "professional advice".
"Haven't we already contacted court security? I do not wish to affiliate myself with the masses by trying to fight my way through the crowd.
"You will no doubt be late if this continues on." Leng Renfei's hand landed on the handle of the door. "Besides…"
The last of his words had yet to leave his mouth when he vehemently pulled the door open, pushing Mr. He out of the vehicle with a forceful shove—
"...Only the obedient will be granted victory over the lawsuit."
The crowd outside swarmed Mr. He immediately, cornering him off to the curb.
At the same time, the MPV finally regained its movement capabilities. Leng Renfei, who was still currently seated inside, paid no mind to the on-going chaos outside, only lowering his head to review the documents for the hearing once more. He gave a slight frown, clicking his tongue before speaking once more.
"Please wait for him at the carpark's entrance."
⊹ ━━━━━ ∘◦  Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ  ◦∘ ━━━━━ ⊹
9:59, the defendant and his defence attorney arrive at court.
10:00,Court proceeds as scheduled.
Now, the suit adorning the defendant's frame was all crumpled and wrinkly. His hair, mussed up with dirt, and there were even visible red marks on his face. His heaving chest betrayed his obvious fury. Yet, the Lawyer beside him was the same as always. All the way from his neatly ironed outfit to the calm and composed expression he wore, with not a single flaw to be seen.
The duo had presented themselves as such an oddity that it even caught the attention of the judge. After going through the normal proceedings of the court's opening, the judge turned back again to question Leng Renfei.
"Defence Attorney, the court notices that the defendant is dressed in a rather dishevelled manner. Does he require some time to sort himself out before the hearing officially begins?"
Leng Renfei held the defendant back as he shot up from his seat in anger. He stood back up, cleaning his throat before answering the judge.
"Thank you, your honour. My client was actually assaulted on the way here and chose to undertake a huge risk by traversing here whilst under attack by an angry mob; all because he didn't wish to delay the hearing. Although the mob in question has already been detained by the court's security team, I personally think that this attack is intricately, but undoubtedly linked to the plaintiff."
⊹ ━━━━━ ∘◦  Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ  ◦∘ ━━━━━ ⊹
Everything was proceeding as planned. This case was a win. Now all the defendant needed to do was to pay the plaintiff a certain amount of money as monetary compensation.
But of course, the endless stream of questioning and inquiries had to come first before any celebrations could be held.
"The plaintiff accuses you of using underhanded means of winning the judge's sympathy. What do you make of it?"
"Did you and the defendant plan for him to make an appearance to court, as dishevelled as he was?"
"Many people claim that your defence is flimsy and holds no weight. They say that your winning streak in court will soon be broken due to this. How are you prepared to answer these queries?"
Leng Renfei halted in his footsteps upon hearing the last question. He turned around to face the cameras and the millions of faceless civilians who were watching behind the screen.
"All I have to say is that I’m sorry to disappoint you."
"Unfortunately, I've yet to taste defeat even today."
"And as a matter of fact, I have no plans to do so in the foreseeable future either.” 
"Lawyer Leng, rumour has it that you'd stop at no end in order to win. May I ask about your opinion on this?"
He smiled. "Doing anything and everything in order to uphold the law? That sounds like a compliment to me." 
"But have you ever placed yourself into the shoes of the victim's family? Can that bit of monetary compensation make up for a life? You are deliberately twisting the truth! It’s despicable!"
Those 8 words were spoken with much emphasis, causing Leng Renfei to look towards the reporter who’d directed the question at him with much interest. It was a youngster, teeth bared and eyes glaring daggers at him. The rims of his eyes were even a little red to further add to the effect. 
The entire media lapsed into silence. All the mics and cameras turned their focus to the lawyer. Looks like this biting question has aroused the interest of everyone present.
His moved his gaze from the young reporter, whose face was radiating sheer justice from it. He removed his glasses, the side of his mouth curling upwards as he replied to the reporter’s accusation with his usual smile and finesse.
“It’s a given that I have to defend my client’s interests seeing as how I’m a Lawyer. I’ve most certainly received the compliments from the plaintiff’s family.”
“Congratulations on another victory, Lawyer Leng.”
⊹ ━━━━━ ∘◦  Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ  ◦∘ ━━━━━ ⊹
―—Back in his grand residence, Mr. He happily helped himself to another glass of red wine despite already being quite drunk.
Leng Renfei’s lips curled into a smile. “I should really congratulate you for having obtained a fair hearing from the court.”
“But of course.” Mr. He all but patted himself on his back. “How would those cretins ever affect me? The real evidence has already been destroyed and dealt away with, right from the very beginning of everything after all...”
Before he could finish his sentence however, he suddenly remembered the “rules” that the Lawyer beside him had set down at the beginning of it all. He sobered up a little, swallowing before looking towards Leng Renfei.
However, Feng Renfei’s expression didn’t change at all, only raising his glass lightly in question. “Not caring for another glass? Victory brewed by one’s hand will only taste all the sweeter when enjoyed in person.” 
“Haha… You’re right, Lawyer Leng. I’m going to sober up.“ Noticing how nothing seemed to be amiss with Leng Renfei, Mr. He breathed a sigh of relief as he quickly removed the cork from the bottle.
Judgement has already been passed, and the results have already been secured. Moreover, all the condemning evidence was already long gone, and even the most powerful Lawyer cannot ask for the case to be opened again. He couldn’t help the smug expression that appeared on his face.
Watching the fresh red wine trickling into the glass as it was poured, the smile on Leng Renfei’s face morphed into one that was a little more sincere.
⊹ ━━━━━ ∘◦  Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ  ◦∘ ━━━━━ ⊹
Stemming from the heart of 000 City, the river expands outwards in an X formation.
Located upstream were those who slumbered self-deceivingly within a beautifully fabricated dream. And located downstream, was where the entire City's waste was endlessly swept under the carpet. There, at the very edge of the City, was a particularly convenient place to carry out certain "things".
During night, at an abandoned warehouse located near the edge of the City— Mr He, who had been celebrating his victory so triumphantly earlier was now pathetically tied up on a chair against the wall.
His face was bruised, and one of the lenses of his glasses had been pierced by something thin and small. It was levelled just a few millimetres away from his eyeball. He sat there, tied and ramrod straight. He didn't even dare breathe, for he was afraid that doing so would cause that sliver to pierce through his eye.
A guy's voice reverberated through the darkness. "Do you still remember what I said?"
Mr. He frantically nodded, his cries coming out as mere whimpers as fearful tears fell from his eyes in an endless stream. 
"I hope to hear news of your confession tomorrow at noon."
——The dim lights, along with all the piled up junk and debris, formed a blind spot. White feathers darted out from one of the dark corners, flashing past.
It was as if something pure had just quietly fluttered it's wings amidst the sins that surrounded it. Out of place; yet shining ever so bright.
"Perhaps I shall let you enjoy what remaining freedom you have left. All these incriminating evidences are sufficient to land you in prison for the rest of your life after all."
A small blade flew out from the darkness as the voice faded away, cutting him free of his restrains.
Mr. He tore off the tape that gagged his mouth, breathing a sigh of relief as the spiking anxiety in his heart significantly calmed.
The next second saw a sharper, deadlier, blade brushing past the side of his eye, slicing a thin line across his temple before embedding itself into the wall just a mere hairsbreadth away.
The cold silver of the blade gleamed, reflecting his eyes as he widened them in a moment of panic. His breath came in short intermittent stutters, choking, as if he had his air flow concurrently cut off.
It was then, that Mr. He truly saw what was hiding in the shadows—
Leng Renfei, the Lawyer that had still been under his hire mere hours ago, was now here, skilfully manoeuvring his blade as he played with it.
A pair of pure white wings unfolded, stretching out from behind his back, each feather, as sharp as a blade.
With him, there was no hint of any of the kindness associated with angels. The edges of his feathers were razor sharp, akin to claws straight out of hell.
Stained with blood, they had a metallic tang to them. 
"Surprised?" Leng Renfei approached him slowly, one step at a time.
"Funny. I thought I'd already made it clear to you? That you must be absolutely truthful to me about everything that pertains to this Court Hearing. Otherwise, I won't be able to guarantee that you'll get the results you seek. No?"
The horrible pressure Mr. He felt forbade him from making even the slightest movement. His feet, clad in pristine leather shoes, tensed up as he slowly shifted his weight, inching backwards.
"If I fail to see the news tomorrow at noon, then…" A voice, low, yet hard to perceive, sounded beside his ear. Leng Renfei’s angelic wings fluttered a few times, and Mr. He felt the very real threat that they posed inching in closer every time they moved.
Next, a foot slammed itself hard onto his knee, forcing him to revert his focus back in front, to the owner of those deadly wings. From whom, he heard words that angels would never speak of.
"...You shall fall into the depths of hell with me."
He retracted his pure white wings, concealing the holiness once more.
Mr. He’s vision plummeted into darkness once more as Leng Renfei turned his back on him, walking towards the faint light that shone behind the door.
Halfway out the door, Leng Renfei paused. The few rays of light permeating the inky darkness illuminating his features, vaguely showing the way his lips curled into a smile. He placed his hands into his pockets, his words tinged with a bit of child-like “sincerity”.
“Right, I seem to recall that you got a B for your rational adaptation rating. There’s still a way if you wish to live out the rest of your life a little more comfortably.”
Despite how he’d already been driven to the corner, he couldn’t help but to see a new glimmer of hope upon hearing Leng Renfei’s words.
“S-ranked prisoners will receive special preferential treatment. How about you try your hand at it since you’re going to be spending the rest of your life in prison anyway?”
“I’ll always welcome you with open arms as the Adjudicator of 000 City’s Erasure Tests.”
"I promise you that you'll be able to get the fairest trials for your crimes there."
⊹ ━━━━━ ∘◦  Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ  ◦∘ ━━━━━ ⊹
The next day, noon. Mingfei Law Firm was swamped with the endless ringing of phone calls. 
The defendant who had won the case yesterday had suddenly confessed and turned himself in to the police. He’d even confessed in front of the media, apologizing to the family of the victim who had died from being unable to shoulder the burden of being cheated out of a large amount of property.
Half-slumped on his chair, Leng Renfei crossed his legs atop the table, off-handedly picking up and answering one of the many media calls.
“Oh? You’re asking me for my thoughts about it?”
“As a Lawyer, I feel sorry for my client; but personally, I’m very happy to see that justice has been served.”
⊹ ━━━━━ ∘◦  Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ LAW ONWIRE Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ◦∘ ━━━━━ ✩˚ ⊹
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code-0025 · 2 years
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jokertrap-ran · 3 years
(最后的厂牌  LAST CREW) [MAN ONWIRE] 冷任非 Leng Renfei Personal Audio Drama《无权抗辩》 “No Right to Plead" Teaser Translation Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
*Welcome to another round of Ran’s sinning whims. *Lawyer man’s future tag will be #LAW ONWIRE *I promise you all a teaser, so of course the actual one will be translated… right? *THEY RAP WELL!!!
⊹ ━━━━━ ∘◦  Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ LAW ONWIRE Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ◦∘ ━━━━━ ✩˚ ⊹
You! Why... Why is it you!? I want a change of person! I-
Leng Renfei: Should I be congratulating you?
Leng Renfei: It's also a good thing to be seeing me here, after all.
No, no... H-Help...
Leng Renfei: "Help me"?
Leng Renfei: I detest hearing these two words.
Leng Renfei: Why are people so foolish?
Leng Renfei: So foolish; to think that someone would come save them, so long as they shout the words "Help me"?
Leng Renfei: Alright. Since this is your last assessment, let me tell you this...
Leng Renfei: Exhaust your own means and save yourself.
Leng Renfei: Only then will you get my fairest adjudgment.
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jokertrap-ran · 3 years
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(最后的厂牌  LAST CREW) Solo Story: [MAN ONWIRE] 周怀夜 Zhou Huaiye’s 「NIGHT」 Translation Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
*Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Welcome to another round of Ran’s whims Evan brainrot, extended. *CEO man’s future tag will be #CEO ONWIRE *See his 1st Solo [Night] here! / His Story, here!
"Feeling brave? But… your time as Hero today has come to an end. Just leave the rest to me.”
The sound of shattering glass was akin to the prelude before the alarms started blaring, brash and rude as it resonated throughout the retro grandioseness of Kono Bank.
Surrounded by guns poised in all directions, he shields you within the encasement of his black wings. He wears a smile, as if victory was close at hand, looking every part the arrogant Villain of the City.
Kono Bank, a bank renowned for being the safest bank in all of the Thousand Cities. Behind its last doors, hides the secret of the entire City.
The breath-taking, yet intricately designed baroque domed ceiling, the spiralling staircase that no one can see the end of at a single glance, the lustrous and dazzling crystal chandeliers… All of it was starkly out of place in 000 City. 
The only thing that had some modicum of correlation with this highly efficient City were all the robots that patrolled under the dazzling lights of this place 24/7.
However, the retro music comes to an abrupt end. Amongst the symphony of shattering of glass and blaring alarms, the uninvited guest uses the simplest, yet most ruthless way to steal the “secret treasure” that had been sealed away…
If someone told you that you’d experience “robbing a bank” in the future a few months ago, you’d never have believed them.
⊹ ━━━━━ ∘◦  Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ  ◦∘ ━━━━━ ⊹
Kono Bank, midnight.
The record player is playing grandiose retro music on loop. You and Zhou Huaiye stand before the very last door of the bank. Faced with the sound of the fast-approaching footsteps of the robots, your fiercely pounding heartbeat blends together with his. Every turn and click of the dial before you sends a thrill down your spine.
An odd off-key sound rang out amidst the never-ending loop of music...
Did the music hit the wrong note? Or was that the ding of a wrong password? Were you Criminals or Heroes? Was this Depravity or Salvation? Only you and him know the answer.
Following a deafening screech, the secret hidden behind the huge door finally falls within the palms of your hand. Meanwhile, mechanical guns raise from all around, their crosshairs aimed at the both of you from behind.
"Feeling brave? But… your time as Hero today has come to an end. Just leave the rest to me."
The horizon of battle was imminent. Zhou Huaiye captures you within his embrace.
"The countdown will be three minutes. 3 minutes till the Villain claims victory for the night." 
Gunfire, explosions, music, and the sound of his trenchcoat all merged under the curtains of the night.
You raise your head, only to see him vehemently guarding you within the cage of his black wings in the night skies of the supposedly emotionless City.
He wore a smile, as if victory was close at hand, looking every part the arrogant Villain of the City. 
He looks at you amidst the eternal lights, his eyes, the very window to his soul. It's almost as if he wants to boldly snatch back all the emotions of this world, if only to give them to you once more.
There was nowhere to run or hide. 
With the grandiose music of Kono Bank and the sounds of the City’s “Rational Manifesto” in the background, you weaved through the bullets together with him, flitting past the City lights and out of the sights of your pursuers.
You thought that all the sinful secrets that you’d committed together with him tonight would disappear with the heralding of the sun. And that none of you would ever speak of this experience again, letting it be a forgotten thing of the past.
However, a few days later, you receive a record with a message he'd left you within it...
"The evidence of my Sins will be consigned, only to the Hero that saved me."
⊹ ━━━━━ ∘◦  Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ CEO ONWIRE Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ◦∘ ━━━━━ ✩˚ ⊹
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jokertrap-ran · 3 years
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(最后的厂牌  LAST CREW) His Story: [MAN ONWIRE] 周怀夜 Zhou Huaiye Translation Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
*Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Welcome to another round of Ran’s whims Evan brainrot, extended. *CEO man’s future tag will be #CEO ONWIRE *THEY RAP WELL!!!
"Before meeting you, he was the one who bore the name of [Hero]”
He never wanted to become a Hero, never expected to be associated with greatness. The wings of the Devil shields the night skies of the city, bestowing destruction upon the emotionless world beneath before light peaks.
The 24th of December, the Year 2100. Christmas Eve.
Dark clouds have hovered above the skies of 000 City for a good two months now.
A year ago, on this very Christmas Eve. The last Thousand City Conference of the 21st Century was going to be held in 000 City. Everyone present was overwhelmed with joy as they looked forward to the arrival of "The New Chapter of Mankind".
However, the emotions of this City have been concealed by the cold buildings all around on this night of the year. Every sliver of light is a luxury in this silent, pale, steel tomb of a City. And at the very top of it all, on the top floor of PAINK’s Headquarters, located at the very heart of the City——
Zhou Huaiye was waiting on an important document in the vast, but very empty office.
There was only a small light lit on the long table, made of solid wood, before him. He laces his fingers together, crossing them before him as he places his arms on the table, pressing the tip of his nose against his knuckles.
His usually sharp and indifferent eyes were now rimmed with red. Was it anger? Or sadness? His dark blue eyes were dark and clouded, as if obscured by dark clouds that would soon break out in heavy torrential rains and howling winds.
Zhou Huaiye swivelled his chair around, looking out of the window overlooking the City. All the pedestrians that made an occasional appearance out on the streets had emotionless faces.
He turned the ring sitting on his index finger, a little on edge. The sound of metal chafing skin was infinitely amplified in the deathly silence of the office.
⊹ ━━━━━ ∘◦  Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ  ◦∘ ━━━━━ ⊹
The phone that sat to the side gives an untimely ring in this subtle moment of silence, sounding especially shrill to the ears.
Zhou Huaiye took one glance at the screen before closing his eyes once more. He straightened back up, turning the ring on his index finger back around to face upwards, and leaned back in his chair.
Gone were the pain, doom, and gloom, in his eyes when he opened them again. There was even a hint of a smile playing at his lips when he answered the call.
He crossed his fingers together, naturally resting them against the top of his crossed legs, preparing for the start of this important conversation.
"You're in quite the jolly mood." The man on the other end of the line, someone who had been deemed "perfect", took the initiative to speak.
"Several of the new drug production lines that I've had my eye on for a long time now will finally change hands tomorrow. They will be falling into the hands of the right people." Zhou Huaiye casually picked up the wineglass beside him, holding it up. 
He appeared seemingly at ease as he laid back in his chair, but his eyes never once left X's face.
"I've also just heard of that piece of news. Hence, I'm here to congratulate you. Now, there will no longer be anyone capable of threatening PAINK's position in the Pharmaceutical Industry." X waved a printed document in the air on the other side of the line.
A hint of something flickered past his eyes, his facade was broken. However, he made no move to cover it up, only leaning back in his chair, taking a sip of his wine.
He then crossed both of his arms before his chest, expressing his dissatisfaction. “And here, I thought that my confidentiality measures were doing quite well in being infallible.”
X seemingly disregarded the hostility that was apparent in Zhou Huaiye’s voice, or perhaps he was deliberately making a display of his never-seen-before lenience and generosity. 
“Our Emotion Suppressing Chip is based on your Gr-0. It only became a success thanks to your research and development it. I’m even willing to share with you our Emotion Suppressing Chip’s production methods if it means that we can avoid unnecessary trouble in the future.” “In light of that, do remember that we’re always comrades and not enemies.”
Zhou Huaiye aptly adjusted his sitting posture, calming his hackles that had risen with hostility by collapsing his hands back together. “Surely, you aren’t just here to congratulate me, am I right?”
“The congratulatory message is merely the icing on top of the cake.” X crossed his hands together, casting a scrutinizing look at him through the screen.
“If you are willing to join Zenith’s latest project regarding the upgrading of the Emotion Suppressing Chip...”
Beep beep—
The beep of the notification denoting a new incoming report interrupted X’s business proposal. Zhou Huaiye turned around at the sound, noting that the thing of utmost importance that he’d been waiting on had finally arrived.
“It’s Christmas Eve. Are your subordinates still working on the Eve of Christmas?” X’s lips curled in amusement, the reason behind indiscernible.
Zhou Huaiye made no move to hide or conceal anything. He openly clicked on the file, opening it up under X’s watch. This was just a compiled analysis report on the profits of a couple of the drug production lines.
“Well, I’m most certainly expecting to see more people coming by to congratulate PAINK tomorrow. And as for that new project of yours—”
Zhou Huaiye’s smile was reflected in X’s eyes; it was not only was it oozing self-confidence, but it was also a little conceited. “I have no use for the Emotion Suppressing Chip, so as to speak. It is of no commercial value to me, and neither do I wish to do any more of these sort of arduous and thankless tasks in the name of ‘public interest’.”
“Now that’s truly a pity.” X feigned his regret at the notion. “And here, you could have been a Hero again.”
“I’ve already earned the status of ‘Hero’ once.” Zhou Huaiye pointed to the financial report. “People will always remember my company, PAINK, and the ground-breaking contribution that my Gr-0 has brought to the Medical World.”
"I wish you success in your endeavours. And, a merry Christmas to you."
"Thank you." Zhou Huaiye smiled pleasantly at having received the reply that denoted the end of the conversation, pressing the button in his phone to end the call.
⊹ ━━━━━ ∘◦  Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ  ◦∘ ━━━━━ ⊹
The pleasant smile that had been on his face disappears the very same moment X's visage does. 
He reopens the document he'd just received earlier. Inputting a password revealed another two documents within the file. He opens the first one, quickly skimming through it. It was a sheet, packed full of information. The gears in his head whirled to life as he repeated the motion like clockwork, again and again for a couple more times, before he hit the end of the sheet.
There were many columns to the table that presented themselves on the sheet, detailing the most basic information of all individuals whose profiles had been recorded. They were of different ages, different genders; yet, they all had the same look of fear on their face, and the same hometown, TFZ-007.
It was the one and only area that the raw material needed to produce Gr-0 could be mined.
And the human experimentation that this sheet came from had also started at around the same time that the very same mining area was officially classified as a City.
Of course, it also coincided with the time when Zhou Huaiye, the pharmaceutical research and development genius, was promoted and placed on a pedestal by 000 City itself when he successfully optimized the production of Gr-0.
He tried his hardest to still the tremor of his fingers.
The sender, going by the name of “Nuts”, had attached an encrypted message for him at the bottom of the sheet. “The list is still being updated.”
The list was yet to be completed; and his sins, never-ending.
He lowered his head, harshly pressing his forehead against his prominent knuckles. There was something seemingly starting to protrude out from his back, rising and falling with his every breath.
Outside the floor-to-ceiling window before him laid the usual cold and bustling city. However, he bowed his head towards it in a manner that was almost humble, almost regretful.
Zhou Huaiye's jaw tightened, his lips pressed into a line so thin that it went white.
He cannot lose control yet.
He closed the first document and opened the second.
⊹ ━━━━━ ∘◦  Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ  ◦∘ ━━━━━ ⊹
Only coordinates were written within. “127°16′E, 31°18′N”
Zhou Huaiye only realized that it was snowing out when he left PAINK's HQ.
The sereneness of the City in the snow faintly reminded him of how this holiday night used to go…
Whenever it was snowing, the lively crowds would flock under the array of colourful lights. The whole City, lively and alive, bathed in warm lights and dancing shadows.
However, in a year, all of that is nought but a mere distant memory of the past.
Zhou Huaiye let out a long and deep sigh as he turned and walked into the shadows of the City.
A black silhouette stands atop the highest tower in the City. Looking from the tower down below, 000 City was akin to a cold rock. The night turns the entire City into a black hole after the lights of a thousand over houses are dimmed, swallowing the gazes of anyone who dared set eyes on it.
The wind brings along a message; of the rumbling that was approaching, closer and closer. It reverberated in his ears, reminding him of how close his target is. And in another ten seconds or so, a huge transport vehicle made up of many hard metal cargo compartments attached to it comes into view. According to the fixed route in which it traverses, it should continue travelling at high speeds along the opposite transportation passageway after coming out of the airborne expressway.
However, under his silent gaze, the transport vehicle makes a sharp turn, careening towards the concrete pillars of the expressway. A second before the transporting truck made impact, the ground below the pillar suddenly sank to reveal a hidden tunnel.
Granted, the entrance to the tunnel sealed itself back up as soon as the truck went in, turning into hard ground with nary a flaw.
A pair of huge wings sprout from the figure above the tower. Black feathers flutter in the night sky. The cool lights from the City were like revolving lanterns, illuminating the devilish face of the man, caged within his black wings.
His face could not be made out clearly in the inky darkness, but he had a pair of particularly intimidating eyes. It was as if they held the darkness and sins of the entire world within their depths.
In just mere seconds, the gigantic black silhouette followed the vehicle into the tunnel.
⊹ ━━━━━ ∘◦  Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ  ◦∘ ━━━━━ ⊹
Inside the tunnel, cold strips of light continued their never-ending extend forwards. The "demon" kept as close to the ground as possible to maximise speed.
Just as he was about to reach the end of the truck, the black wings suddenly retracted a little, taking the form of wings shaped to glide. The man slips under the bottom of the truck, his wings slightly fluttering as he slips himself between the ground and the undercarriage of the car.
When he reaches the head of the truck, he abruptly unfurls his wings to their full span, leaping straight to the front of the truck's windscreen from beneath the undercarriage.
Under the icy lights, he mercilessly attaches the hooks atop his wings onto the front of the truck, like a demon straight from the depths of hell.
The truck had no driver. But, those eyes, so sharp and piercing that it was almost inhumane, were firmly fixated upon the window, like someone who was staring straight at their deepest, darkest sin.
The car's windscreen reflected Zhou Huaiye's countenance.
His huge wings took to the skies, flying upwards. The hook attached to the front of the vehicle lifts the entire truck into the air, its wheels leaving the ground. The pitch-black wings flapped, lifting and pulling the transport truck along with it. Its tires were still spinning.
Then, he lets go.
The truck flies across the tunnel, crashing violently into the walls of the hidden tunnel. A raging fire was ignited as the truck exploded into flames.
Zhou Huaiye stretched out his wings, hovering above the fire as he watched the metal boxes of the truck get swallowed up by the ravenous flames.
Stacks upon stacks, boxes upon boxes; those Emotion Suppressing Chips born from his sins burned, under his watchful gaze.
Cracks had appeared on the outer wall of the whole tunnel following the explosion.
In the span of a mere 10 seconds, the pressure of the water outside made the entire tunnel collapsed upon itself. The strips of cold light submerged, sinking into the deep sea.
The fire was extinguished, and the demon straight from the depths of hell had also returned to its domain, disappearing along with the blue abyss.
Everything disappeared without a trace.
⊹ ━━━━━ ∘◦  Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ  ◦∘ ━━━━━ ⊹
Zhou Huaiye now sits beneath the viaduct, where the river meets the sea, completely drenched.
Everything was so peaceful, it was almost as if the tunnel never collapsed. It was as if the explosion never happened, with how highly efficient the City continued to run.
He raises his head, looking at the towering bridge and the tall buildings all around him that rose to the skies. A sea of skyscrapers, threatening to swallow him whole at any given moment.
It was then that his phone sounded a notification. A message from nuts: "The transport route has been altered. Now searching for the new route."
The message automatically deleted itself a few seconds later.
Zhou Huaiye propped both of his hands behind his back, raising his head as he looked back above once more…
The snow stopped, and the light of dawn filtered down from the skies.
...Merry Christmas…
 ⊹ ━━━━━ ∘◦  Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ CEO ONWIRE Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ◦∘ ━━━━━ ✩˚ ⊹
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jokertrap-ran · 3 years
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(最后的厂牌  LAST CREW) Qixi SMS 2021: [MAN ONWIRE] 周怀夜 Zhou Huaiye Translation Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
*Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Welcome to another round of Ran’s whims Evan brainrot, extended. *CEO man’s future tag will be #CEO ONWIRE *Qixi is also known as Chinese Valentines~ *THEY RAP WELL!!!
⊹ ━━━━━ ∘◦  Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ CEO ONWIRE Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ◦∘ ━━━━━ ✩˚ ⊹
Zhou Huaiye: Sparkling Water and Matcha Latte in a 1 : 1 ratio. Mix well before adding 2 leaves of fresh mint and 3 frozen lychees.
Zhou Huaiye: As per your recipe of what makes a "good drink".
Zhou Huaiye: I even paired it with a small side of jackfruit marinated in sea salt, only to realize after you left that you didn't touch it at all.
Zhou Huaiye: Perhaps I should keep my glass away from you, lest you "accidentally" take it.
⊹ ━━━━━ ∘◦  Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ  ◦∘ ━━━━━ ⊹
Zhou Huaiye: I'm not opposed to you drinking, but if you start downing it neat straight off the bat, you're just going to end up like how you are today and miss all the other plans for the day.
Zhou Huaiye: Not a single thought went into watching the movie. You nearly fell asleep with the cup in hand.
⊹ ━━━━━ ∘◦  Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ  ◦∘ ━━━━━ ⊹
Zhou Huaiye: …Nevermind. We can watch this again during your next day off.
Zhou Huaiye: Besides… It's not like I was that focused on watching it when you started blearily leaning closer either.
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jokertrap-ran · 3 years
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(最后的厂牌  LAST CREW) His Story: [MAN ONWIRE] 冷任非 Leng Renfei 520 Celebratory Fic Translation Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ  
*Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Welcome to another round of Ran’s sinning whims. *Lawyer man’s future tag will be #LAW ONWIRE *Inspired by Leng Renfei’s 520 Voice Drama [Within the Pocket]~
An Easy Score ━ by沐槿
"And as for the next ball… Who do you think will cinch pocketing it?"
The last striped ball fell into the pocket with a sharp resounding clack.
You fixed your gaze on the black No.8 ball, palms sweating nervousness.
"Your turn." Leng Renfei approached you from the other side, handing over the cue.
You accepted the cue, feeling a little deflated.
"You're very good at this. This game's your win if I fail this one shot."
"Of course, I have yet to taste defeat even till now." He didn't acknowledge your praise at all. In fact, his tone only seemed to grow cheerier, as if relishing in the pleasure of it.
"And now— Are you going to admit defeat now, young miss?"
"Nope." You shoot him an aggrieved glare, leaning down to take aim. "Only losers will admit defeat without putting up a fight."
Thud, thud, thud…
The sound of his footsteps drew closer, and you soon felt the hands of the person draw upwards when he came up behind you.
"Why? Are you mad?" His warm breath tickled your ear and his voice held a provocative edge to it.
"......" You didn't respond, only hearing a very pleasant sounding chuckle erupt from his throat.
"I might be your opponent, but as your Defence Attorney, however…"
"If it is victory that you seek, then it would be my pleasure to be of service to you."
"I will do anything for you, if you so desire."
"Your hand should be placed here." "Yes, that's right. Not too forceful."
The extravagant lights of the billiard establishment flickered. He gently encased your hand with his own, directing your cue in the right direction. You could feel the warmth of his palms upon your hands. He was pressed up close to you, his body carrying along with it the faint fragrance of pine.
The surroundings were silent, so much that you could almost hear the sound of your own heartbeat.
"Looks like I'm the one making you nervous…"
His low, magnetic voice caressed your ears. You could practically feel the heat of his breath fluctuating the air as he spoke.
"Relax. Just follow my lead." "Yes, that's right. You're doing great." "And now…"
The black ball falls into the pocket.
The white ball silently comes to a stop at a corner of the table.
"You win." "Congratulations, my lady. This match's victory goes to you."
He rightened himself back up, clapping his hands in a show of applause as he congratulated you.
Finally free of his shackles, you breathed a sigh of relief. You stood back up, head bowed and ready to escape in an attempt to hide how awkward you felt about this.
...However, his hand reached out to catch your wrist before you could leave, tugging you backwards and cornering you by the table. "Why are you in such a hurry to leave?" 
Warning flashed in his eyes as he tightened the grip he had on your wrist.
"Or, are you saying that there's someone else other than me that you're intending to meet up with…" "On this fine occasion today?"
"Why would I?" You refuted him without a moment's hesitation, stunned and rooted to the spot from his sudden question.
You could hear a sliver of raw sadness behind his question.
It was 5/20.
Was that why he'd brought you here? Because he remembered what today was?
He sighs, softly kissing your forehead as he withdraws an exquisite little box from his pocket. He gently opens it— A delicate ribbon necklace gleams brilliantly within.
"Do you like it?" "As the winner of the competition today, this is the reward that rightfully belongs to you."
“So, are you satisfied with today?" "Happy 520."
"No." You smiled, sticking your tongue out at him when you saw that he wasn't mad at your response. "You haven't helped me put it on yet, Mr. Lawyer."
He looks at you a little helplessly, but still resigns himself to it, retrieving the necklace from within the box.
"Stay still."
Soon, you feel something cold touch your neck as the metallic necklace makes contact with your skin.
“There you go. It really does suit you.” He takes a step back, nodding in satisfaction as he lowers his head, contemplating you with interest.
“I really do have a good eye, if I must say so myself.”
Right, how ambiguous. Was he praising you, or the necklace?
“Well, I’ve most certainly received your kind feelings in whole. Can we go home now?” You tugged on his sleeve, nudging him to leave with you. You looked up, only to be faced with his eyes, sparkling brightly with mirth.
And then, soon after, you were swept off your feet and pinned to the billiard table.
???    ???
"Well then. The time for rewards is over. Now, as your Lawyer, and as someone who has helped you attain victory..."
"Can I now lay claim to the reward I so desire?"
To be continued…
⊹ ━━━━━ ∘◦  Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ LAW ONWIRE Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ◦∘ ━━━━━ ✩
[Permission to translate]
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19 notes · View notes
jokertrap-ran · 3 years
(最后的厂牌  LAST CREW) 520 Day Special: [MAN ONWIRE] 周怀夜 Zhou Huaiye Translation Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
*Welcome to another round of Ran’s whims Evan brainrot, extended. *CEO man’s future tag will be #CEO ONWIRE *520 is also known as Chinese Valentines~ *THEY RAP WELL!!!
[Another Can]
The drink vending machine always tends to have new flavours. He patiently accompanies you as you buy drinks, can after can. When he hands you the last one...
“While you can regret your choices in buying drinks; there are some things whereas you cannot.”
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⊹ ━━━━━ ∘◦  Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ CEO ONWIRE Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ◦∘ ━━━━━ ✩˚ ⊹
Why have you been staring at it for so long? Don't like any of them?
That's true… You'll find yourself at a loss if you have more options to choose from. 
Am I that old-fashioned that you have to actually explain your choices to me? I've never had this flavour of drink before, but… I suppose it'll do.
It's pretty cold. I'll hold onto it for you, so just take a sip. That bad? Your distaste is written all over your face. 
Which was the other drink you were contemplating earlier? Is it this one? You can always choose another if this one turns out nasty too. 
While you can regret your choices in buying drinks; there are some things whereas you cannot.
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jokertrap-ran · 3 years
(最后的厂牌  LAST CREW) 520 Day Special: [MAN ONWIRE] 冷任非 Leng Renfei Translation Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
*Welcome to another round of Ran’s sinning whims. *Lawyer man’s future tag will be #LAW ONWIRE *520 is also known as Chinese Valentines~ *THEY RAP WELL!!!
[Within the Pocket]
The cue moves towards the right direction under the guidance of his fingers. He relaxes, the sound of his breath brushing past your ear...
“And as for the next ball… who do you think will cinch pocketing it?”
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⊹ ━━━━━ ∘◦  Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ LAW ONWIRE Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ◦∘ ━━━━━ ✩˚ ⊹
So, you've decided on this one? Not going to check the others out? This is the 'weapon' you're going to be using to triumph against me on this pool table.
But of course, I can definitely give it a spin in your stead.
It's made of pretty good material, and it's also easy to wield. How about I lead you for a shot?
Relax and lean down. Lower…
You don't seem to be paying much attention?
Don't panic. You only have but one chance to strike. Else, your target might start to slowly slip out of your grasp.
Not bad. I'm starting to look forward to this a little more now.
And as for the next ball… Who do you think will cinch pocketing it?
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jokertrap-ran · 3 years
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(最后的厂牌  LAST CREW) Qixi SMS 2021: [MAN ONWIRE] 冷任非 Leng Renfei Translation Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
*Welcome to another round of Ran’s sinning whims. *Lawyer man’s future tag will be #LAW ONWIRE *Qixi is also known as Chinese Valentines~ *THEY RAP WELL!!!
⊹ ━━━━━ ∘◦  Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ LAW ONWIRE Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ◦∘ ━━━━━ ✩˚ ⊹
Leng Renfei: I truly never thought that you'd go all in.
Leng Renfei: There are many ways you could go about playing Texas hold 'em Poker, yet you chose the riskiest move; a remarkably brave act.
Leng Renfei: Looks like I can't be taking you lightly anymore the next time I go up against you.
Leng Renfei: I did say before that you can ask something of me if you win.
Leng Renfei: Not going to answer me?
Leng Renfei: Then, you sure are unaware of the opportune chance that you've just let up on.
⊹ ━━━━━ ∘◦  Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ  ◦∘ ━━━━━ ⊹
Leng Renfei: How about I help you decide then?
Leng Renfei: Remember that lone music score you saw in the hall?
Leng Renfei: Come see me tomorrow and it's yours.
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jokertrap-ran · 3 years
(最后的厂牌  LAST CREW) [MAN ONWIRE] 林栗 Lin Li Personal Audio Drama “GAME STARTS”  Teaser Translation Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
*Welcome to another round of Ran’s sinning whims. *Lin Li’s future tag will be #GEMINI ONWIRE *I promise you all a teaser, so of course the actual one will be translated... right? *THEY RAP WELL!!!
This course of action is not in line with the planー There may be a risk of Identity Exposure.
Lin Li: Danger? Just what is there that can be considered dangerous to someone like me?
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*(T/n): This boy GAMES with you...... ✨ ✨ ✨ Also Zhou Huaiye’s personal hacker boyo
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code-0025 · 2 years
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code-0025 · 2 years
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code-0025 · 2 years
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code-0025 · 2 years
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