secretmakertiger · 1 year
Pregnancy is supposed to be the most beautiful and pampered phase in any woman's life. Yes, it is a difficult road till the end, but the end result makes the entire journey worthwhile. . . Though the elders of the family feel the responsibility towards the woman, yet the support of the sibling is most important and holds a real special plane for the woman in the entire journey. Here's how you can help and extend support to your sister in her pregnancy journey while enjoying the wait for your niece/nephew. . . Share this with your sibling in case you want her/him to know !! Visit our website 👉 https://momsjour.com . .
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history-matters · 7 months
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In 1938, the world's top eight players met in the Netherlands to compete in the AVRO tournament, whose winner was supposed to get a title match with the World Chess Champion, Alexander Alekhine (right). Mikhail Botvinnik (left) placed third, behind Paul Keres (Estonia) and Reuben Fine (USA). According to Botvinnik (wife-Gayane Ananova), Alekhine was most interested in playing an opponent who could raise the funds. After consulting the nearest available Soviet officials, Botvinnik discreetly challenged Alekhine, who promptly accepted, subject to conditions that would enable him to acclimatize in Russia and get some high-quality competitive practice a few months before the match.
But, it was Stepa Mamulov, chief of staff of the NKVD, who informed Alekhine, through Boris Weinstein, of his immediate arrest upon his arrival in the USSR for a match with Botvinnik.
After the WWII, the 53-year-old world champion received a telegram from Mikhail Botvinnik: “I regret that the war prevented our match in 1939. I challenge you again to a match for the world championship. If you agree, I await your response, in which I ask you to indicate your opinion about the time and place of the match." It was soon agreed that the title fight would take place in London. Alekhine did not know that Botvinnik was fighting for the right to play with him; due to the stubbornness of the Soviet chess player, even the head of the All-Union Chess Section, Boris Weinstein, resigned because, according to him, the NKVD, including Lavrentiy Beria personally, was against the match with Alekhine’s participation. At the meeting where the issue was resolved, Weinstein turned to Botvinnik: “Mikhail Moiseevich, I am not member of the party, but you are a communist, and we are both Jews by origin. And I don’t understand how you will shake a hand that is up to the elbows in the blood of communists and Jews?!” To this, according to Weinstein, the Soviet chess player replied that if his match with Alekhine did not take place, then Euwe would proclaim himself world champion, and then lose the match to Reshevsky, and thus the title of world champion would forever float away from the USSR to America. Everything was decided by the government telegram that Botvinnik received - the People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs of the USSR, Vyacheslav Molotov, gave the go-ahead for the match, as was the case in 1939. Boris Weinstein resigned after losing the vote on this issue. The battle of the giants was sanctioned at all levels (the match with Alekhine did not take place due to the unexpected death of the world champion).
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bollywoodadda · 3 years
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Their little hands stole my heart, their little feet ran away with it. After a long stay in the #biggboss house, @alygoni is enjoying a break with his nephews. @the_leo_munchkins @ilhamgoni #alygoni #mamulove #loveforbabies #biggboss14 https://www.instagram.com/p/CL53388gwX0/?igshid=naexr3q10n7i
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secretmakertiger · 1 year
Pregnancy is supposed to be the most beautiful and pampered phase in any woman's life. Yes, it is a difficult road till the end, but the end result makes the entire journey worthwhile. . . Though the elders of the family feel the responsibility towards the woman, yet the support of the sibling is most important and holds a real special plane for the woman in the entire journey. Here's how you can help and extend support to your sister in her pregnancy journey while enjoying the wait for your niece/nephew. . . Share this with your sibling in case you want her/him to know !! Visit our website 👉 https://momsjour.com . .
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secretmakertiger · 1 year
Pregnancy is supposed to be the most beautiful and pampered phase in any woman's life. Yes, it is a difficult road till the end, but the end result makes the entire journey worthwhile. . . Though the elders of the family feel the responsibility towards the woman, yet the support of the sibling is most important and holds a real special plane for the woman in the entire journey. Here's how you can help and extend support to your sister in her pregnancy journey while enjoying the wait for your niece/nephew. . . Share this with your sibling in case you want her/him to know !! Visit our website 👉 https://momsjour.com . .
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secretmakertiger · 1 year
Pregnancy is supposed to be the most beautiful and pampered phase in any woman's life. Yes, it is a difficult road till the end, but the end result makes the entire journey worthwhile. . . Though the elders of the family feel the responsibility towards the woman, yet the support of the sibling is most important and holds a real special plane for the woman in the entire journey. Here's how you can help and extend support to your sister in her pregnancy journey while enjoying the wait for your niece/nephew. . . Share this with your sibling in case you want her/him to know !! Visit our website 👉 https://momsjour.com . .
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secretmakertiger · 1 year
Pregnancy is supposed to be the most beautiful and pampered phase in any woman's life. Yes, it is a difficult road till the end, but the end result makes the entire journey worthwhile. . . Though the elders of the family feel the responsibility towards the woman, yet the support of the sibling is most important and holds a real special plane for the woman in the entire journey. Here's how you can help and extend support to your sister in her pregnancy journey while enjoying the wait for your niece/nephew. . . Share this with your sibling in case you want her/him to know !! Visit our website 👉 https://momsjour.com . .
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history-matters · 8 months
And yet it was Mamulov.
In one of my previous posts (Nov. 22, 2022), I disputed myself stating that with a certain probability I met with Bakhcho Kobulov, but not Styopa Mamulov. But the latest findings prove the truth of my initial story that it was Styopa after all.
P.S. Revolt Pimenov is recalling:
"Мамулов, например, при всех обходах нашей камеры приезжими начальниками из Москвы демонстративно поворачивался к проверяющим спиною и отказывался заявлять какие бы то ни было жалобы-просьбы. Из той же демонстративности он всегда носил только тюремное одеяние: х/б куртку и х/б штаны. В отличие от Штейнберга, одетого во все заграничное и бреющегося только "Жиллетом". Впрочем, лезвия Мамулов у Штейнберга брал иногда. И я брал - всегда, когда между нами существовали дипломатические сношения. Тот же Мамулов больше всего переживал предательство своего фронтового друга, который 26 июня, когда Мамулов получил (подложную) телеграмму от Берии с приказом немедленно вылетать в Москву, на военном аэродроме обнял вышедшего из самолета Мамулова с восторгом встречи после стольких лет, да так крепко обнял, что тот и не вырвался…
Два ордена Ленина, один за строительство Волго-Дона, два ордена Красного Знамени, орден Отечественной Войны I степени, медаль за боевые заслуги, за оборону Москвы, за оборону Кавказа. Депутат Верховного Совета СССР выборов 1937 и 1950 годов. Держал у себя крокодила, с которым любил прогуливаться по Москве. Но ордена и точные титулы я пишу не по его рассказам, а по справке Эрнста Орловского, который все знает, а насчет крокодила поведал мне неутомимый сплетник Штейнберг."
Компьютерная база данных "Воспоминания о ГУЛАГе и их авторы" составлена Музеем и общественным центром "Мир, прогресс, права человека" имени Андрея Сахарова при поддержке Агентства США по международному развитию (USAID), Фонда Джексона (США), Фонда Сахарова (США).
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