noharina · 8 years
ERASED!!!! And The Lost Village in only 3 eps in rn!!
deldara replied to your post “//okay so completely ooc here anyone have any anime recommendations?...”
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (fma 2003 doesn't follow the manga after a few episodes) is super good!! I agree w/ heavenly paper on Madoka Magica too!
naraboss replied to your post “//okay so completely ooc here anyone have any anime recommendations?...”
Tokyo Ghoul!!!!
rico-hyuuga replied to your post “//okay so completely ooc here anyone have any anime recommendations?...”
Yu yu Hakusho
tensasai replied to your post “//okay so completely ooc here anyone have any anime recommendations?...”
natsume yuujinchou/natsume's book of friends. it's pretty chill and not really action packed or anything but its adorable c:
maliignis replied to your post “//okay so completely ooc here anyone have any anime recommendations?...”
Mirai Nikki tbh x'3 or Tokyo Ghoul.
heavenlypaper replied to your post “//okay so completely ooc here anyone have any anime recommendations?...”
Madoka Magica. I hope you have a heart of steel
thatonecoolnara replied to your post “//okay so completely ooc here anyone have any anime recommendations?...”
//Sakamoto desu ga ;D ITS EPIC
isaidthatoutloud replied to your post “//okay so completely ooc here anyone have any anime recommendations?...”
//-whispers- Erased/Boku Dake Ga Inai Machi is a really good anime...I'm not biased or anything what
bubblebeeam replied to your post “//okay so completely ooc here anyone have any anime recommendations?...”
//Pls check out Nijiiro Days. It's a slice of life highschool based thing, and the characters are absolutely adorable
All except Yu Yu Hakusho and FMA: B have been added to the list for consideration! (Those two I’ve seen lol)
Thanks y’all! :D
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silenceindefeat · 8 years
maliignis replied to your post:nickname: sasshole ( forgive her xD )
SHE WOULDN’T LIKE HIM ANYWAY XD too much attitude for her taste
I don’t mind if people hate him uvu~~
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goldenyondaime · 8 years
maliignis replied to your photo
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maliignis replied to your post:“Because if that little kid likes me, how bad can...
she’s gonna hold onto that one xD
Don’t hold it against him. He’s just a socially awkward tree faerie 
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senjuiism-blog · 8 years
She puffed her cheeks out. "Your brain is going to melt if you keep working so much..."
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          “ If that is the event that takes place then so be it,             it’s not like anyone else can take this job.” 
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broken-support · 8 years
💘 /leaves this here bc;;
//Okay but if I get kamui’d it’s on you-
I haven’t had the luxury for very much interaction with the muse or mun, but I wouldn’t be opposed if only to see what might happen.
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“Because if that little kid likes me, how bad can I be?”
“That’s one way of thinking. Or the kid just likes everyone,”
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senjuiism-blog · 8 years
"Dunno. They've been longer though." she chuckled, poking his nose.
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         “ Back to business, Hiiro. “ 
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