#mainly had to do with deprogramming and just. unlearning a bunch of self beliefs (i at least was sorta aware of it but its hard even then)
diluc33rpm · 1 year
2/2 Do you crave approval and/or praise?
yeah? what do you mean you don’t like tumpet ? 🎺bwaaa?
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#the... normal amount i’d guess#i used to certainly#but i think that’s disappeared as a ‘craving’ in that sense and is a lot more of a mundane form of occasionally seeking reassurance#i get nervous about it sometimes but i’ve been beginning to accept that it’s ok to want to feel out differences in perspectives with others#so that’s fine#also helps a lot with feeling motivated about creative work and other kinds of pursuits#note on that though i am talking about PEER approval the first step in even getting here was being ok approving of myself first#mainly had to do with deprogramming and just. unlearning a bunch of self beliefs (i at least was sorta aware of it but its hard even then)#but once you have that particular baseline of respect for yourself as a person imo you don’t really crave anything so much?#there’s no subsisting off of other people inasmuch as conducting a relationship with them because you’re not trying to replace a lack of it#relating to others in a healthy way very much is about genuinely believing yourself and trusting your own pov first#before you can get to the rest. hell of a climb if you’ve spent any part of your life mostly hearing critical gaslighting or indifference#but in my experience at least it’s a lot of burden off both yourself and the people you care for once you finally make it there#gonna have a hard time constructing anything more if youre not standing on solid ground first (..& hopefully not somewhere prone to floods)
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