#maggie i DID copy paste and edit this from that chat i sent u in the middle of the night but i Can't Stop Thinking About IT
grasslandgirl · 5 years
jonmartin musicians au time folks!
OK ok ok ok so. au where Martin is like. The KING of indie music and has all of these lowfi acoustic songs with really poignant poetic lyrics (think like. Sufjan meets florence meets mitski) and Jon is a nobody who works in a bookshop or a library or smth BUT hes good friends w Georgie who’s like a B-list punk pop singer right? And one day, Georgie’s gf Melanie is out of town and she doesn’t want to go to this big party with producers and contacts alone so she drags Jon along and in a haphazard high school musical-like string of events he ends up singing karaoke and he’s Good ofc. but he sneaks away afterwards bc hes awkward and introverted and Martin (who is of course also at the party) follows after Jon and tries to strike up a conversation because here’s this cute guy who can sing and WHY NOT right? And Jon like. IMMEDIATELY shuts him down and tears him apart bc hes stressed and awkward and defensive and martins like :(( shit ok asshole
And THEN somehow over the course of the convo it’s revealed that Martin is The Martin Blackwood and Jon like. Almost Loses It but of course he goes “oh ok. Your music is........... tolerable” and inside hes dying bc he really does enjoy Martin’s music but he thinks he’s already burned that bridge and doesn’t know how to fix the shit he’s completely messed up. but they keep chatting and slowly Jon loosens up and chills out and Martin calms down and they end up spending the rest of the party having this really lovely conversation- the kind where you end up in some kind of emotional liminal space its quiet and private late at night and you feel like you can tell the other person anything? that. 
But then the party ends and Martin realizes after he and Jon have gone their separate ways that he never got Jon’s number or email or even his Last Name so he’s like. screwed, right? and he gets all sad bc he thinks that he’s never going to see Jon again. Anyway, Martin is staying in London and ends up unintentionally popping into the bookshop Jon works at and they’re both immediately like oh my god what the fuck dude. but then they start talking AGAIN and end up going for tea or smth after Jon gets off work and they just REALLY hit it off and they argue and bicker and discuss everything under the sun and its awkward sometimes and they piss each other off like twice an hour but it’s. it’s nice, you know?
And then Martin brings up the party, and specifically Jon’s song. And he’s like... “how would you feel about recording a demo with me?” bc Martin really Does like Jon’s voice and vibe and he’s been thinking about doing a duet for a while now and it’s a LOVE SONG of course and so there’s this span of like. Idk two three weeks? Where they’re writing and workshopping this song together (surprise! Jon studied music theory in college and has more than his fair share of Thoughts and Input) and of course. They’re Falling In Love the entire time. And then they release the song and Martin goes on tour for his album and Jon goes back to his quiet life and meanwhile they’re both pining out of their MINDS but don’t think the other person cares That Way.
And then like six months later Jon gets an email from Martin’s producer/manager asking if he wants to appear in a performance in the last stop in Martin’s tour- London! And he says yes obviously and they perform it together and the twitter response is IMMEDIATE! The song (which was doing well, but not one of Martin’s Big Hits) SKYROCKETS on the charts and everyone is Immediately like Oh So They’re In Love, Huh? And Martin and Jon are BOTH just stress.png because Oh No what if it’s Awkward bc Twitter is Outing my Feelings but he doesn’t Feel The Same Way
And they have a big fight that’s about it but also not about it? (You know how people fight about things as an excuse to fight and THEY’RE talking about the things they’re mad about but indirectly bc they don’t want to cop to what they’re actually mad about? Yeah that) and then of COURSE mid big fight one of them (Jon! Probably!) bursts out with the CLASSIC “well I AM in LOVE WITH YOU-“ and Martin just. Freezes and Jon deep dives into anxiety mode and starts to backtrack and then Martin is Kissing him and :))))
And a few months later they drop another love song duet with some cute self referential title and Martin goes on another tour a little while later for his new album (which is like. Mostly love songs 🥰) and Jon comes with and will sometimes open for him or come onstage and sing one of their duets with Martin and then Martin just kind of. Retires and steps away from the music business and there’s a rumor that somewhere in London there’s a book and record shop owned by The Martin Blackwood (and his husband)
and they lived happily ever after :)
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