#luxury hotel in istanbul
travelturkeyandmore · 4 months
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istanbulitecom · 4 months
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Pera Palace... 
The hotel that is full of mysteries, stories, and memories.
If you are a mystery hunter, this hotel is the perfect match for you!
Even though it's in the heart of the city, you step into a whole different century.
Pera Palace was renovated several times, however, most of the building was kept as original from the ballroom to the rooms. 
It's not only a hotel, it's a living museum, a book that you can't get enough of. 
Till this date, some mysteries have never been solved.
Pera Palace was the first high-standard, luxury hotel in İstanbul. It was built back in the day, at the end of the 19th century, with an order from the Ottoman Emperor when electricity was not available in most of the buildings. It was the first hotel to establish an electric lift and you may still see it in the hotel with its elegant design.
The aim of the order of the Ottoman Sultan was to host foreign guests arriving to Constantinople via the famous Orient Express.
Pera Palace opened her gates in 1895 to host the passengers of the world-famous Orient Express. The train brought world-famous guests such as Ernest Hemingway, Zsa Zsa Gabor, King VIII. Edward, Queen II. Elizabeth, Austro-Hungarian Emperar Franz Joseph, Shah Reza Pahlavi, President of Yugoslavia Josip Broz Tito, General Franz Von Papen, Greta Garbo, Alfred Hitchcock, Pierre Loti, Jacqueline Kennedy, Mata Hari, and the most memorable ones are world famous murder novel writer Agatha Christie and of course Founder of the Turkish Republic, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk.
Atatürk used to stay in Suite 101 frequently between December 1915 and October 1917. On the 100th anniversary of his birth, 1981, the room transformed into a museum. Even if you're not staying at the hotel, you can visit the room and see the mysterious carpets that were given to him years before his death with symbolisms of his death date and time. Back in the day, the debate about how the owners of the carpets knew the details about his death, was printed in the newspapers of the time. You will see the elephants and birds symbolizing death, a clock that shows 09.08, November flowers, and 10 glasses on the carpet. Atatürk died on November 10th, at 09.05.
Do you think it was some sorcery, a mediumship, or a planned threat? Nobody knows who sent the carpets to this date and the mystery was never solved.
Another mystery is about Agatha Christie. She used to stay in Room 411, where she wrote her world-famous novel, “Murder on the Orient Express”. After her death, Warner Bros wanted to make a film about her life and went to a psychic, Tamara Rand, to find out about the missing 11 days of her life. Rumors say she called the author's soul to receive information and her soul told the filmmakers that the secret is hidden in the Pera Palace Hotel and added that she witnessed Christie hiding a key under the floorboards in her room. The key was supposed to open a hidden room in the hotel and there should be a notebook about those missing days.
The key was found where the medium describes it! The medium wanted to have another session to ask Christie’s soul about the location of the notebook, but there were disagreements between the hotel management and filmmakers, and the hotel didn't give away the key, and notebook was never found and the mystery was never solved.
To learn more about the other mysteries and details contact us.
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tafa · 9 months
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Next Stop #Istanbul #Turkey. Stay tuned for my next upcoming trips: Turkey ( DEC 8-15 ) and more, including 2022 FIFA Qatar World Cup Final. Subscribe to my IG Chanel, for full access to exclusive content, curated tips and recommendations, unique experiences, vip amenities and benefits, plus much more. My mission is to transform Tourists into Travelers by experiencing unique travel experiences, moments and destinations worldwide. Luxury Travel Curator, Concierge, Blogger & Lifestyle Consultant. Over 28 years curating the world of Authentic and Sophisticated Travel, Hospitality & Lifestyle, one destination at the time. Member of the exclusive @VirtuosoLTD Luxury Network, #AmericanExpress Membership Rewards, Fine Hotels & Resorts and Pay with Points Programs. Luxury #TravelAdvisor. #Jetsetter #Globetrotter #BonVivant. Founder of @LGTNetwork Luxury #GayTravel Curator, member of @IGLTA. #Travel #Hotel #Restaurant & #Airline reviews. Follow, read and share my travel experiences worldwide. #TravelAgent, #TravelBlogger, #WeddingPlanner #TravelBlog #LuxuryTravel #Luxury #Lifestyle #LuxuryTravelCurator #Concierge #Blogger #VirtuosoTravel #Miami #Florida #MiamiBeach #GPSCarlosMeliaMIAMI Luxury Travel Curator & Co Mobile & WhatsApp +1 (917) 754-5515 / Email [email protected] / www.luxurytravelcuratorco.com (at American Airlines Flagship Lounge) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl4Skp1JpkZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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The lux cottage couple of SAN YSIDRO RANCH
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When the Frogmore Cottage renovation project was announced to the British tax payers, Meghan used her personal "mouthpieces" to express displeasure with the choice. She found this cottage beneath her expectations for a royal standard of living. She publicly compared Frogmore Cottage to the homes of William and Catherine, and took to twatter to express her disdain for the free "staff" accommodations.
We already knew she detested Nottingham Cottage before Megflix because she lived in a rented house in the Cotswolds. A detail they conveniently forgot to mention in the mockumentary.
While her public disdain for rent-free housing is ON BRAND for Meghan, it is no coincidence that she moved to CA and deliberately chose a luxury COTTAGE as the faux Hollywood set of their reality tv show.
Meghan & Harry's Santa Barbara Cottages & Gardens represents another sign that she has always obsessed with setting up her rival faux ROYAL court. The BRF security team is obliged to flag these seemingly unrelated decisions as more evidence of Meghan's disordered bunny boiler personality which I have termed PCDD¹.
I still believe Meghan was crazy enough to name ARCHie and their ARCHewell BRAND after the word monARCHy. I also believe she named her tig blog after William & Harry's lost dog TIGger and their beloved lost nanny TIGgy. She used the word TIG to wickedly trigger Harry's boyhood traumas rooted in losses. In this case, a dog and a 2nd mother figure. Harry was a Marked man (now a Markled man) long before they met in Istanbul, Turkey.
Their decision to burn unearned wealth to cosplay in lux COTTAGES only feeds Meghan's Princess Catherine Derangement Disorder (PCDD¹) and her deluded fantasy that she is destined to become QUEEN of the world.
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To keep up their lux cottage couple lifestyle, from 2020-2022 Meghan Markle potentially burned through a min of $56,000-$84,000 per WEEK to stage zoom calls and create a fake lifestyle of luxury for a megflix mockumentary.
That is at minimum $1,000,000 (million) per year on luxury hotel fees all the while suing & shaming the British tax payers for SECURITY. This is CRIMINAL.
The money Meghan & Harry burned on a weekly basis (during a pandemic) is the amount of money average Americans hope to gross in 1 year. The average family in some of the poorest countries in the world could transform their entire village with what these (2) two spent in 1 week to stage zoom calls. No wonder Meghan was in debt when she married Harry. She's the fraudess who went into debt to create her HUMANITARIAN brand to "bag a Prince.²"
It doesn't add up: they own a 16 bathroom mansion and yet the director of megflix quit the job because Meghan & Harry weren't willing to film their REALITY TV show out of their home. They will write off the expense of these lux cottages. With the publication of SpareUs, they released photos and articles all about the cottages and the property. No doubt Meghan negotiated a reduced rate to act as brand ambassadors.
But why the deception?
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We learned that Charles cut Harry a check for a few million dollars, and yet ungrateful Harry went before the entire world with his lying wife and lying NOprah to shame his father for cutting him off financially. According to Harry it was only the millions from his mother (his very own patron saint who communicates with him from her grave) that made it possible for them to avoid homelessness.
NOprah had the audacity to publicly shame the British people for wasteful spending in honor of their Queen's Platinum Jubilee. This hypocrisy from the woman who televised the moment she gifted a room full of MULTI-MILLIONAIRES with an extravagant pair of diamond earrings. Her media mogul mentee, Tyler Perry, purchased 2 Rolls Royce vehicles: 1 for a billionairess, NOprah & 1 for a millionaire, Gail.
This cottage couple cried to NOprah because their royal baby didn't have SECURITY. Bethenny Frankle was even contacted by A list celebrities and told to take down her criticism of Meghan because they couldn't AFFORD to pay their SECURITY bills.
Free people should do whatever they desire to do with their own money; however in this instance, it is Meghan's pretense, her hypocrisy, and her penchant for deception that voted her the 2022 #1 celebrity that people are most sick of and of course Harry took the 2nd place spot.
Harry's law suit against his grandmother's government has already cost the British tax payer $300,000. This selfish, greedy California cottage couple has the audacity to demand that the UK tax payer cover their annual $3,000,000 SECURITY bill. You couldn't make it up.
This comes as no surprise to us bc we observed her celebrity NO work ethic at a mere 72 engagements.
If you pay UK taxes or live in a Commonwealth Country, please write to the MPs and to your Prime Minister. Sussex titles need to be stripped, thereby relieving the cottage couple (and their invisibles) of their ties to the UK and any need for tax payer funded SECURITY.
Admittedly, Meghan cares nothing for the sacrifices that were made by the British people (dead or alive). She feels entitled to other people's money. Unfortunately Harry, like his wife, lacks a pure desire for servant leadership.
William and Harry's mother, who actually worked hard for a living (even as a house keeper), would be appalled at Harry's sense of entitlement. Sadly, Harry has managed to embody the egomania his mother feared might result from an uber privileged upbringing.
In selecting Meghan, it is evident to the world that Harry has again tragically lost the mother he knew for the first 13 years of his life.
In 2019, Tatum O'Neal was asked about Meghan's infamous bad behavior at Wimbledon, and she seemed genuinely disappointed. "This is not Diana...I don't know what this is..." More evidence that Harry was told by numerous people who actually knew his mother that this wife lacks his mother's virtues, and yet he prefers to believe & parrot her lies.
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On Megflix, Meghan expressed that she's frustrated because after all this time (and Money on PR) people still don't have "a good sense" of who she is. For her to make such an outrageous statement only confirmed that South Park got it right, Harry's wife is "stupid."
Meghan dear, which one of your multiple personalities carried out those 72 engagements? Were we watching your clone? Did the British press tamper with the footage? Go back and watch yourself, preferably with a REAL medical professional. And while you're at it, print out the transcripts of those horrid podcasts. Everyone can see the real you except for you and your dumb now husband, H.
Harry had the audacity to say that unlike his British family members, he and Meghan never worried about how they might perform in front of the press because they are AUTHENTIC.
The fact that Harry believes Meghan is his mother incarnate is enough to warrant a wellness check visit on the invisibles by a qualified social worker. Obviously Dorito's CA license isn't worth the paper it was printed on.
The words of Harry's friend(s) about her rented apartment being Soho House "touched" certainly ring true today. I still don't understand the full meaning of those words, but even Dumb Harry wrote that she lived out of Soho House hotels where they stored her luggage.
"Soho House Touched" Living Accommodations
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If you watch the home videos of Meghan, it affirms what her Uncle Mike said about his brother Thomas: he created "a prima donna." Sadly the entire world has been impacted by Thomas' creation. Meghan, the faux humanitarian, has shown the world the level of destruction an ungrateful adult child is capable of inflicting on her own families, and on all the families she never had.
So many elaborate schemes executed to feed the world an illusion of two innocent lovers who escaped their awful life inside the gilded cage of royalty, only to act out a modern day tragedy on a global stage.
Carry on duke & duchess. Carry on
¹PCDD Princess Catherine Derangement Disorder Last year I read a comment that summed up the root of Meghan's psychosis with a simple link to this photo:
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²Gina Nelthorpe Cowne Quote
They negotiated a price cut from Mr. Warner. Too bad he also allowed them to redecorate w/Meghan's tacky home furnishings.
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cerenkocabas · 2 months
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( cemre baysel, cis woman, she/her ) ceren kocabaş the twenty-seven year old is known as the airhead within the group. they are known to be sagacious and quixotic which makes sense when you think about her hidden addiction to high-stakes gambling but i guess we’ll find out for ourselves.
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✿ 𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐬
↳ caard ↳ connections | plot ideas ↳ playlist ↳ pinterest ↳ musings ↳ visage
✿ 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐬
full   name.   ceren ece kocabaş
nicknames.   cee, ren   
age.   twenty - seven 
date   of   birth.   march 12th, 1996   
place   of   birth.   istanbul, türkiye
ethnicity.   turkish
gender.   cis - woman   
pronouns.   she / her
sexual   orientation.   bisexual  
insipired by.  rapunzel ( tangled ), jess day ( new girl ), daisy buchanan ( the great gatsby ), ben wyatt ( parks and recreation ), scarlett o'hara ( gone with the wind ), cher horowitz ( clueless ), emma woodhouse ( emma )
✿ 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝
early years: ceren kocabaş was born into a life of luxury and privilege. raised in turkey, for her first years, her family's wealth stemmed from their ownership of hotels and resorts (think kempinski or marriott). the kocabaş chain quickly gained popularity not just in turkey but across europe and asia, establishing them as a prominent name in the hospitality industry.
relocation: when ceren was around 8 years old, her family made the strategic decision to expand their hotel empire to the united states, specifically new york city.
family dynamics: unfortunately, the transition to the u.s wasn't without its challenges. shortly after settling in new york, ceren's parents went through a divorce. her mother remarried, leading ceren and her mother to relocate to michigan. this change brought a new step-sister (the musician) into ceren's life.
relationship with aaron: throughout high school, ceren experienced a rollercoaster of emotions in her relationship with aaron howell. their love was intense but tumultuous, marked by frequent breakups and reconciliations. the drama reached its peak when ceren decided to pursue a degree in hospitality in switzerland, leading to a final breakup shortly after her departure. while ceren returned six months later, they rarely saw each other. mostly because ceren knew how easy it was to fall again with him. however, they rekindled their relationship a year ago, but broke up for good three months ago. however, they remained "friends".
education and career: following high school, her father arranged for her to study hospitality in switzerland for four years. however, after just six months, she decided it wasn't the right fit and returned to michigan. opting for a change of course, she enrolled at the university of michigan and earned a degree in communications. these days, she divides her time between new york and michigan, where she's actively involved in managing her family's hotel chain, specializing in pr.
✿ 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲
if you are into personality tests and all that stuff here’s the tea: ENFP, type 7 / the enthusiast (enneagram), melancholic (temperament), neutral good, pisces, hufflepuff.
ceren's head is often lost in the clouds, chasing after the whimsical and the fantastical, with little concern for the practicalities of life.
her mind resembles a cluttered attic, brimming with a mishmash of ideas and thoughts that she flits between, often leaving others struggling to keep up.
though she may seem absent-minded or spacey, ceren's heart is always in the right place, overflowing with warmth and kindness for those around her. she's not particuraly dumb, but she gets distracted easily.
even though ceren can seem a bit all over the place, she's got some real smarts tucked away. you might be surprised by the wise words she drops in the middle of her scatterbrained ramblings.
her trusting nature can sometimes border on naivety, leading her to believe in the best of people, even when they may not deserve it.
with a heart as vast as the ocean, ceren possesses a profound empathy that allows her to effortlessly connect with the emotions of those around her.
ceren falls fast and hard, often for the wrong people, her heart an open book that eagerly pens chapters of forgiveness, even when it should close.
✿ 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
although she wasn't the top academic performer, she possesses a talent for languages, being fluent in turkish, english, french, german, and spanish.
her hidden talent is painting, also she mostly keeps this skill to herself.
she travels often, as she has to visit the family's hotels around the world.
her name is pronounced je-ren, but she is by now used to people pronouncing it ce-ren that she doesn't mind anymore.
she has a twin brother, but he pretty much was cut off and disowned. she hasn't spoken to him in almost 10 years. she rarely talks about this.
loooooves animals, back at the family home in upstate new york she has a horse, two cats and four dogs, that her father mostly takes care of since she's not home often.
you may not take her for a reader, but she is a bookworm at heart. she mostly reads romance novels.
often will brag that she's been to 15 eras tour shows just last year.
could fall in love with a potato, if the potato were nice to her.
she's too distracted, she hasn't been able to pass her driving test. she tries every year and somehow each year is worst than the last.
✿ 𝐬𝐤𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐨𝐧
the airhead
every group has that one friend that just never seems to understand what’s going on. this is them, as much as she tries somethings just go right over her head. they are the ex-girlfriend of aaron howell, best friends with the prom queen and step siblings with the musician. they stayed in michigan. this muse is female or non-binary.
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sphelelesworld · 10 months
Turkish dramas 🦋
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Okay, alright, as someone who truly believes that the world is filled with so many entertaining stories and shows that all need to be explored regardless of whether they're in different languages or not ( and I think that if you don't watch something because you're reading subtitles, you're missing out) I mean there are so many pros to exploring other cultures and languages.
Now that I am done with my little rant todays focus will be in Turkish dramas I recommend.
The difference in Turkish dramas compared to the rest of the other dramas I’ve watched like ( k dramas/ Korean dramas, Brazilian-dramas, telenovelas and more …) is probably just how entertaining they are without further ado my top recommended Turkish dramas
1. Hercai
The drama was recommended right smack in the middle of lockdown, so let's just say it saved me from boredom! In my opinion, this is the best Turkish drama I've ever watched. The storyline was amazing and filled with plot twists and crazy storylines. You'll never get bored watching it for a moment. You end up falling for the characters and getting caught up in Hercai's world. 10/10
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Miran is seeking revenge for his parents death so he plans to marry daughter Reyyan from the family who was responsible for that. unexpectedly he falls in love with Reyyan.
2. Adim Farah
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alright running second is Adim Farah is the most recent drama, I've watched and oh my soul it's amazing its got action, comedy and a beautiful love story and if you're a big fan of a bit of mystery as well. 10/10 ( second season coming soon)
summary: farah is a 28 year old Iranian woman who works illegally as a cleaner in istanbul and witnesses a crime commited by the mafia her life takes a huge turn
3. ask 101(love 101)
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Someone said summer, yeah, this is the one. This show is two seasons and is a gripping story of friendship, love, and coming of age. 8/10
summary: love 101 ( ask 101) is a Turkish teen drama, that follows a group of 17-year-old misfits who set their mind on keeping their favourite teacher in town through a whole lot of scheming.
4. midnight at pera palace
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It's so good, I binge-watched the whole series in one go. It's giving mystery, it's giving suspense, and it's giving what it needs to 9/10
summary: a young journalist, Esra’s encounter with the legendary Pera Palace Hotel in Istanbul. When Esra is assigned to write a piece about the hotel, she accidentally discovers that one of the historic rooms is a portal to the year 1919. Thrust into the past, she lands in the middle of a political conspiracy against the founder of modern Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. Together with Ahmet, the quirky hotel manager, Esra must protect the course of history and the future of Turkey. But Istanbul in 1919 is a dangerous place, and when Esra meets Halit, the handsome and mysterious owner of Istanbul’s wildest club, she realizes that in the Istanbul of 1919, nothing is as it seems and no one is who they say.
5. Who were we running from ( Biz kimden kaçiyorduk Anne)
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Another thriller packed drama, with a while lot of mystery overall you will not regret watching although trigger warning things can get intense. 7/10
Summary: mother and her young daughter Bambi are on the run, away from someone, staying in luxury hotels, keeping on the move, leaving a trail of bodies behind…
Alrighty folks that’s just the few of my fav recommendations !! I hope you enjoy 🙂
There’s many more recommendations 🤭to come
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eurotriptour · 10 months
Courbevoie City Tour Guide France Holiday Destination
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About Courbevoie City destination: Courbevoie is a suburb of the Paris city in France country, Europe. Courbevoie suburb is a good destination to explore local French people social modern life style.
Distance from Courbevoie: Courbevoie suburb city is very well jointed to other France regional places via air, train and road transport. Courbevoie suburb city is just 9.8 KM distance from Paris city centre, Reims city is just 163.7 KM distance, Amiens city is just 138.0 KM distance, Orleans city is just 133.1 KM distance, Le Mans city is just 209.0 KM distance and Le Havre coastal city is just 189.5 KM distance.
France tour: It is a well idea to France country tour which is located in Europe region. France country is situated in northern of the Spain country, Southern of the UK and western of the Germany country. France country some major cities are Paris central capital city and Marseille a port city. Europe holiday tour booking, Japan holiday tour and Switzerland holiday tour booking.
How can come to Courbevoie: Courbevoie is a suburb of the Paris city in France country, Europe. Courbevoie suburb city is very well connected to other European countries and France regional places via air, train and road transport. other countries people can come to Courbevoie (Paris city) via air transport where has two international airports.
Air Transport:  Paris Charles de Gaulle International airport is the busiest international airport of the Paris city where passengers can get air flights to other overseas countries.
Paris Airport-Le Bourget International airport is the second international airport of the Paris city where passengers can get air flights to other foreign countries and France native places also.
Water Transport: Courbevoie suburb city is not a coastal or port city where has not water transport services to other overseas countries and France native places. But people can boating and other water sports into the Seine River.
Train Transport:  Gare du Nord is the busiest international railway station of the France country where passengers can get train transport to other European cities and France regional places.
Courbevoie City tourists attractions: Courbevoie suburb city city has lots of modern and historical places to visit which some are Parc de Becon - Park, Sports Area Jean-Pierre Rives - Sports complex, Parc des Bruyeres - City park, Aquatic Center Colombes - Aquatic centre, Marcel Payen Sports Complex, Pont de Levallois - Bridge, Intermarche - Supermarket, Square Silvain - Park, Paroisse Saint Maurice de Becon - Catholic church, Stade Olympique Yves du Manoir - Stadium, Parc Pierre Lagravere - Park, Louis Vuitton Foundation - Art museum, Parc Bagatelle - la Roseraie - Garden, Bois de Boulogne - Park, Roland Garros Stadium - Sports complex, National Estate of Saint-Cloud - State park etc.
Courbevoie City famous Restaurants & accommodations: Courbevoie suburb city has several modern and luxury hotels to stay. Courbevoie suburb city some popular restaurants are Bistro d'Edouard - Esplanade de la Defense - Restaurant, IT - Italian Trattoria La Defense - Fast food restaurant, Le Tournesol - Haute French restaurant, So Thai - Thai restaurant, Sha Village - Chinese restaurant, The arts - Restaurant, Brasao - Restaurant, Pizza Ottima's - Au Feu de Bois - Pizza restaurant, Laser World La Defense - Laser tag center, Restaurant Istanbul - Turkish restaurant, L'Atelier - Restaurant, Asian Touch - Restaurant, Aux Delices Parisiens Colombes, Bubble Vib’s Bubble Tea et waffle sucre - Restaurant, The Ranch Restaurant Colombes - Halal restaurant etc.
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paintcdnights · 1 year
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Little pearl, you think you're in gold, but I can see the dirt in your lines | ABOUT DILAN
NAME: Dilan Azize Ozdemir
AGE: Twenty-Seven
GENDER & PRONOUNS: Cis Woman, She/Her
FACE CLAIM: Aslihan Malbora
HEIGHT: 5'6"
DATE OF BIRTH: December 13th, 1995
ZODIAC SIGN: Sagittarius
OCCUPATION: Singer/Songwriter & Hotel Heiress
HOMETOWN: Istanbul, Turkey, then Los Angeles, CA
IN TOWN: Fifteen Years
POSITIVE TRAITS: Effervescent & Charming
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Reckless & Impetuous
Growing up in Turkey, Dilan was sheltered from the world. Her father, Berat Ozdemir is the founder and CEO of the luxury hotel chain Azure Tulip Resorts & Hotels throughout Europe and Asia. Dilan and her older sister and brother had everything they could every want due to their status, but still her father tried to shield them from everything that could harm them. She grew up with nannies and tutors devoting their entire work and time to bettering her in every which way possible and she excelled with everything that was put in front of her. However, her father had aspirations to grow his brand into something larger.
Berat looked to the west for his newest and biggest hotel concept: Los Angeles, to be specific. It was a huge project that would take a number of years, something he would take care of remotely and with many trips to the states for. However, he began to realize it wouldn't be a task that he could continue to leave his children and wife as he had been doing for the last year. Making the hard choice, he decided to move his entire family to L.A., permanently.
Moving to Los Angeles was a culture shock for Dilan. All the things her father had hidden away from her was suddenly in her face and glared back at her. The luxurious things her father only gave in moderate were now everywhere in front of her eyes and readily available to devour. Designer bags, clothes and eventually drugs had consumed Dilan, a complete change from her former self. She took every opportunity to flaunt the wealth her father had provided her, throwing parties in the hotel penthouse, taking friends on trips around the world on their private jet and every other destructive thing she could possibly participate in.
Her father would attempt to interfere as much as he could, but the more he tried to control his youngest child, she would often fight harder against him. The wholesome relationship she had with her father and turned dark as she would oppose every restriction he'd put on her. It was easier for her to fall into the lifestyle that he had brought her into willingly. It seemed Dilan had gone from the happy go lucky daddy's girl to this disrespectful and deplorable woman Berat no longer recognized. He had given up on her as she continued to spiral and eventually she fell into an addiction that she couldn't get out of. It wasn't until hotel staff found his youngest daughter passed out on the bathroom floor of one of the penthouse suites with vomit spilling from her mouth.
Finally, Berat was pushed to the point of no return and pulled a baker act, putting her on an involuntary 72 hour hold so that his daughter couldn't hurt anyone or herself most importantly. Finally, he had come to an agreement with her: he wouldn't cut her off if she completed rehab. Throwing in the towel, Dilan finally gave into her father's demands and completed a ninety day sober program. It was there without an escape and anything to cloud her mind that she turned her anxious thoughts in to words on page, prose that flowed easily from her fingertips.
Once out of rehab, Dilan had dabbled into her old bad habits, just on a smaller scale and she was able to balance a life that her father would be proud of and the one he wouldn't. She didn't let her stint in rehab change her completely, but enough to have her father off her back. Now, she still uses her father's name and money to get her whatever she wants. All the effort she puts into the world deals with the music she attempts to make, but has never showed anyone her work and if she ever sings, it's just covers. Her anxiety still gets the better of her and she turns to illicit substances to help her through every bump in life.
Her father still has a secret that he's kept from his youngest daughter and swore the rest of his family to secrecy: their funds are not as liquid as they were once. Her spending habits, her rehab, everything Berat has done to support her without question as attributed to the significant amounts of money lost. Their family still has the Ozdemir power it always has, but they have been secretly saving money in hopes of returning to the same amount of prestige as they once did. It's only a matter of time before the truth comes out and Dilan spirals once more.
her older brother and sister, one that may hold disdain for dilan and one that maybe takes care of her a little bit more
her ride or die best friend, one she’s known since she moved to la fifteen years ago
people she knows through the hotel her father owns (people who worked there during college or parents have worked there)
other socialites and nepo babies
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drturkaa · 1 year
📸🌟 Welcome to the Glamorous World of Dr. Turka! 🌍🏥
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beandesai92 · 1 year
Tevfik, Arif, and Donald Trump: VIPs invested in Turkey
Tevfik Alif, Donald Trump and other VIPs investedinTurkey Many real estate veterans have invested in Turkey, including Donald Trump and Kazakh-Turkish businessman Tevfik Arif. In the past, numerous celebrities and corporations have invested in Turkey real estate. Arif , the founder of Bayrock Group, and Jennifer Lopez are two examples of investors. Investments in real estate from overseas are attracted by Turkey for various reasons. The economy of the country is stable and its population is increasing, which is good news for investors. The infrastructure that is well-developed in Turkey makes it an attractive location for investment. The Turkish property market is flourishing There are numerous opportunities to invest in commercial and residential properties. The country is a great spot to invest your funds due to its robust economic growth is expected to continue for the coming years. Additionally, the Turkish Lira is also weak against other currencies, which makes it reasonable property prices for investors from abroad. In this article, we'll examine some of these concepts in more detail. Bayrock Group's Tevfik Anif as well as his all-inclusive hotel empire in Turkey Former Soviet republics were permitted to join a new world following the Soviet Union collapsed in the 1990s. Tevfik Arif became part of a new wave of skilled workers and moved from the public sector into the private sector. Following the Soviet Union collapse, Arif started several companies. They were involved in luxury real estate development in addition to food and minerals, natural resources, imports and exports. He owned numerous businesses and a large network. Tevfik moved to Turkey in 1993 and added real estate and business to his portfolio. The Armas Labada Hotel was opened in Antalya by him. He was a pioneer in all-inclusive hotels and was very popular. Turkey's first Trump Towers in Europe Arif's Bayrock Group helped him see potential opportunities in Turkish real-estate. So, in 2010, Trump inaugurated the Trump Towers Istanbul. They are located in Istanbul's Isli. Two towers are home to over 200 apartments, one being an office tower and one being a residential tower. https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/bayrock Complex also houses a shopping center with 80 shops, and an multiplex cinema. The Trump Towers, which were built in the European continent's first continent, are unique. One building houses offices while the other includes more than 200 apartments. Each apartment comes with an individual wine cellar. You can put up to 16,800 bottles of wine in the cellar. Residents also have access to an indoor spa, an indoor pool and a gym. From the ceiling-to-ceiling glass, residents can enjoy stunning views of Istanbul's skyline. Aydin doan, a property investor, has formed a partnership with Donald Trump. This complex is home to many Middle Eastern and European business. The employees of the office are able to use an indoor swimming pool, a gym and an aesthetic salon. They are not only the very first Trump Towers located on the European continent but they also boast an eight-store Mall as well as a multiplex cinema. Tevfik Arif Donuld Trump Adi Chabli was the original licensee. The Miami developer brought Trump to Turkey. Following that the rights were transferred from Istanbul to Dogan Group. Focus Wine Cellars constructed the basement for the residential tower. Tevfik Arif Bayrock It is the only collective Turkish wine cellar. What did it that attracted Donald Trump, Tevfik, and other investors in Turkish real estate? Turkey is a major player in the world stage and continues to be a welcoming place for foreigners. Turkey as a nation that combines both the East with the West, is a perfect blend of both. https://thesportsdaily.com/news/tevfik-arif-linked-doyen-sports-cristiano-ronaldo-and-jose-mourinho-the-football-leaks-fallout/ Turkey is a country that is popular for second citizenship. However the property market in Turkey offers substantial yields on investments. Let's take Istanbul as an example. A number of the most sought-after areas have penthouses as well as new developments of land in the suburbs. Ex-pats love Turkey's Asian economic potential and Western standard of living. This combination creates Turkey an excellent investment choice. The legal system in Turkey along with housing and architecture trends has seen many modifications. Here are some advantages of buying real estate in Turkey. The Turkish real estate market entered the international market late. This is why the cost of homes attract many international nationals and expats. There are luxury homes available. However, there are also 2-BHK apartments in coastal towns which can be furnished for less than $60,000. Profitable Return on Investment The Turkish real estate market is a great place to invest for long-term goals. Turkish buyers enjoy a distinct advantage over the Spanish and Cyprus in the sense that their prices for homes have increased dramatically. Turkey provides a substantial ROI on your investment if you take good care of your home. Simple Buying Process The Turkish government has taken the appropriate steps to help ease the process of drawing investors into the real property market. This is why Turkey is the best choice for investment in property. Citizenship in Turkey The benefits of this Turkey's golden visa is one of the greatest advantages of buying real estate. Turkey is a top choice for foreigners looking to purchase a second home. Turkish citizenship through an investment scheme: Ex-pats may get Turkish citizenship through investing $400,000 in 60 Days. Turkey is a top second home destination for those who are foreign. Turkey is a country that provides many opportunities for professionals, students, businesspeople, and retirees. It's worthwhile to search for Turkish real property if you want to make an investment. Other stars who own real property in Turkey We know that investors around the world have been competing for the best investments in Turkey. Famous people have also followed the trend and picked Turkey as a place to go for their vacations or investment opportunities. These famous names are guaranteed to amaze you with their incredible homes in Turkey. actress, singer, and dancerJennifer Lopes Amy Schumer, American singer-actress, chose to invest her funds in Atasehir's Bosporus view apartment. She bought the property in 2012, and then returned to get her keys last year. Tevfik Arif Actors Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt The most well-known couple, "Branjolina," has selected Urla in Izmir to offer themselves a vacation house. They paid $2.7M on a sea view villa in the year 2015. Footballer Cristiano Ronaldo Madrid's Portuguese footballer was able purchase a mansion in Izmir in the amount of $3.44million to go on a holiday in 2015. Model Naomi Campbell The well-known British model and entrepreneur has an island home for vacation in Turkey. It's located in Playa De Cleopatra in Turkey's Gulf of Gokova, locally called Sedir Adasi. The house was a gift from her boyfriend for her 41st birthday celebration in the year 2011. http://search.sunbiz.org/Inquiry/corporationsearch/SearchResults?inquiryType=EntityName&searchTerm=BAYROCK INVESTMENT CO. - COLLINS AVE. EXCHANGE, LLC It was specifically made by a Spanish architect, to be designed in the shape of the Egyptian eye of Horus to guard her. These impressive investorsbelieve Turkish properties are a good idea. There are no restrictions on your ability to make this happen.
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luxurytravelcurator · 2 years
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Been to Abu Dhabi a few times before, but not since the recent opening of LOUVRE Abu Dhabi, which indeed will be a highlight of my upcoming visit to #AbuDhabi. As I am getting ready for my VIP Corporate Group for FIFA Qatar World Cup 2022, next week I will be heading to Istanbul, Turkey and Abu Dhabi / Dubai, United Arab Emirates, for a week of site inspections and to curate, live and witness every single experience, restaurant, hotel and services, to ultimate details and logistics, towards December 2022 #QatarWorldCup Stay tuned for my next upcoming trips: Orlando, Florida ( OCT 3-5 ). Istanbul, Turkey plus Abu Dhabi & Dubai, UAE ( OCT 9-17 ). Milan & Lake Como, Italy ( OCT 24-31 )… and more, including 2022 FIFA Qatar World Cup Subscribe to my IG Chanel, for full access to exclusive content, curated tips and recommendations, unique experiences, vip amenities and benefits, plus much more. My mission is to transform Tourists into Travelers by experiencing unique travel experiences, moments and destinations worldwide. Luxury Travel Curator, Concierge, Blogger & Lifestyle Consultant. Over 28 years curating the world of Authentic and Sophisticated Travel, Hospitality & Lifestyle, one destination at the time. Member of the exclusive @VirtuosoLTD Luxury Network, #AmericanExpress Membership Rewards, Fine Hotels & Resorts and Pay with Points Programs. Luxury #TravelAdvisor. #Jetsetter #Globetrotter #BonVivant. Founder of @LGTNetwork Luxury #GayTravel Curator, member of @IGLTA. #Travel #Hotel #Restaurant & Airline reviews. Follow, read and share my travel experiences worldwide. #TravelAgent, #TravelBlogger, #WeddingPlanner #TravelBlog #LuxuryTravel #Luxury #Lifestyle #LuxuryTravelCurator #Concierge Blogger #VirtuosoTravel #FIFA #Qatar #WorldCup2022 #UAE #UnitedArabEmirares @emiratespalace @mo_hotels @louvreabudhabi @visitabudhabi #louvreabudhabi Mobile & WhatsApp +1 (917) 754-5515 / Email [email protected] / www.carlosmelia.com (at Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjLEOfgufzk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gyromitra-esculenta · 2 years
Work in progress Wednesday, the dreaded ‘steampunk vampires’, and the things I had to google for the short transition, like plotting a reasonable route to get to London from ‘nothingwhere’ somewhere in the south of Crimea, or ‘what would be a colloquial name for morphine in 1910-20s’, or ‘what high class hotels were in 1920 in Copenhagen’, or ‘remember, it’s Constantinople, not Istanbul, in 1920′. Well, barely anything happens, but a wedding is mentioned. Also, mostly unedited.
The drive to Odessa takes well over a day, and to Jack's utmost satisfaction Gabriel has to forgo his wide-rimmed hat for the time as it turns out to be anything but aerodynamic. He doesn't ask about the Andalusian, sure it will find its way to the owner when needed. Then the situation gets turned back on Jack when his credit line at the bank is refused due to his lack of perceived regality until Gabriel vouches for him as his ward, which he, in the legal sense, probably is. He wouldn't put it past father to do so, the miserable fuck.
Only in the cabin of the ship bound for Constantinople, Jack lets himself rest, with a little help from Miss Emma for the insomnia and his shoulder, painful and contrary now after the stretch behind the steering wheel over the dirt roads and fallows. He dreams of the ghosts of Bosporus pulling him down into the depths of the strait and of teeth in his neck - the afterimages last until hours past the boarding of the train, the automobile sent back separately via the sea route. The days slip by in a flurry of indifferent phantasms punctuated by mostly polite non-conversations with Gabriel hovering over him as Jack medicates for the pain. The wound, left alone, is stiff but healing properly, and shouldn't bother him in the foreseeable future.
Jack leaves off the morphine a day before they arrive in Copenhagen; the city itself welcomes them with sunny disposition and crisp air regardless of the talk of a plague sweeping through Europe said to kill unfortunates in less than a night. Yet, there is no delay or any other trouble at the zeppelin terminal to book a seat on flight to London for the next day. Jack, with barely suppressed glee, spends the whole evening soaking in a hot bath at Hotel Terminus, a luxury if there ever was one. He emerges from the water red and overheated, and plunges straight into cool satin sheets spread over impossibly soft mattress, such decadence almost unthinkable after over a year away from his home country - and privilege afforded him by his birthright.
Unsurprisingly, half the night is sleepless until he moves to the floor and wraps himself with a blanket, and even then his irritated skin makes the sleep nigh unattainable as he dozes off only to wake at the smallest of sounds, making his disposition in the morning foul - but having his moment of solitude together with a glass of subpar cognac on the front of the empty deck of the zeppelin does wonders for his mood. The clouds are low and dense, the air chilly and humid, the wind trying to get into his buttoned up leather jacket.
"Just in time for the wedding," Gabriel speaks from the side, and Jack resolves he should put a bell on the man, to have at least an idea of his approach.
"I wouldn't miss it for anything, I told you I was on my return trip." Jack rolls his eyes, exasperated.
"The peace accords were signed months ago. What was the reason for the expedition to Crimea?"
"Oh, yes, the peace accords, I heard about those," Jack pushes away from the balustrade and sits at the table. "Took me by surprise, because how could they be signed if Tsar is dead?"
"And how would you arrive at such conclusion?" Gabriel inclines his head, almost imperceptibly, moving to take place at the other side of the table.
"A séance." Hearing the quiet scoff, Jack continues, unbothered. "Not one of those sideshows. A spontaneous one."
"Why trust it?"
Jack spins the cognac in the glass.
"Because it's been the first time I've seen soulfire animate a corpse. Don't have to trust it now that I have proof for the Home Office, so we're stopping by the Diogenes first thing."
Bonus: (to keep the tradition of godawful dialogue for this specific au - don’t ask me about Jayne complaining about the vicar on the estate and how he spends his stipend)
So it's good that a glimpse of silver catches his eye out on the street: two Maltans outside of a hotel, both mounted on ridiculously embellished artificer's horses.
"Someone should tax the Vatican, the stones on them are worth as much as the horses themselves."
"Knightly Orders maintain their own upkeep after the tithe to the Vatican," Gabriel states matter-of-factly.
"Oh, excuse me for not keeping up with the latest Catholic lore."
"But," Gabriel continues, corners of his lips creeping upward, "someone should tax the Vatican."
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sagistgroup · 2 days
SAGIST GROUP Luxury Furniture Factory News from the Second Quarter of 2024:
¬ Open Showroom in USA.
¬ Open Showroom in Ghana.
¬ 40% Discount for Saudi Arabia for Hotel Furniture.
#news #sagistgroup #2024 #luxuryfurniture #homedecor #hotel #usa #ghana #ksa #saudiarabia #istanbul #türkiye #turkiye #metindurmaz
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izzypoopypoo · 4 days
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Okay so I've accumulated great wealth and prestige, so I'm going to be staying in the Gamirasu Cave Luxury Hotel Cappadocia, rated 4.8 stars on Google. Only 233 dollars a night!
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It's low-key amazing like free breakfast, AC, Wi-Fi, basically everything ever. Plus, it's pet-friendly, so I brought this fuck ass cat with me. I'm going to name him Deniz, the most popular Turkish name.
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Tabby cats are the most popular pet in Turkey. Turks have a 30.3% preference for Tabbies compared to other cats, and cats are way more popular than dogs. This is due to Islam being the dominant religion in Turkey, with 99% of the population being Muslim. In Islam, "cats are considered ritually clean and have been historically favored, dating to the Prophet Muhammad who is said to have loved cats." There is even a cat-friendly imam in Istanbul, the largest city in Turkey. He welcomes cats into his mosque and argues it is something any Muslim should do. There's even a Turkish saying; "If you kill a cat, you must build a mosque."
Time for me and Deniz to go on an adventure!!! So this hotel is in Ayvali Village near Urgup in the heart of Cappadocia. Here it is on a map!
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oh wait but first we eat this:
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tripees · 6 days
Turkey Holiday Packages.
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Turkey Holiday Packages offer travelers a unique blend of history, culture, and natural beauty. Explore the ancient ruins of Ephesus, the stunning landscapes of Cappadocia, and the vibrant city life in Istanbul. Relax on the pristine beaches of the Turquoise Coast or indulge in a traditional Turkish bath. These packages often include guided tours, accommodations ranging from luxurious resorts to charming boutique hotels, and culinary experiences featuring delicious Turkish cuisine. Whether you're interested in cultural immersion, adventure, or relaxation, Turkey Holiday Packages provides a diverse and enriching travel experience.
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