#luis bales
louisbxne · 9 months
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venusjailer · 11 months
American Psycho brainrot text posts (pt. 2) ♡
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opsena · 9 months
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wildbleaberry · 11 months
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strawberry blond but sentiment remains
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goldenspirits · 11 months
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towboats · 2 years
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warrior catifies your slasher movie
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ibuks · 1 year
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Patrick Bateman in make-up…
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… inspired by these pictures of Christian Bale.
Where’s your masculine sigma male now, huh? Right here. He never left. Men in make-up are the biggest sigmas of all.
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vanbasten · 1 year
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federico chiesa / patrick bateman’s monologue in american psycho
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Patrick: Any last words?
Luis: Do you think I'm cute? Be honest.
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whatsnewtonetflix · 1 year
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It’s time for a new episode of What’s New to Netflix Instant!? and while February may be the shortest month of the year, that didn’t stop Netflix from releasing a whole bevy of new movies and shows coming in February 2023.
Then we watch as John Travolta takes a subway car hostage and it's all up to Denzel Washington to stop him in Tony Scott’s action thriller, The Taking of Pelham 123 from 2009. Next, we witness a grizzly murder that only Christian Bale and Harry Melling, in an excellent performance as Edgar Alan Poe, can solve in The Pale Blue Eye from 2022. And last, we see the true story of a homeless vagrant turned viral celebrity getting convicted of murder in The Hatchet Wielding Hitchhiker from 2023.
All of this plus movies you shouldn’t take your friends to, singing crocodiles, Floribama, the new You, video games on Netflix, everything you ever wanted to know about golf, shark cages, alien astronauts, attractive teens stuck on an island, and what it's like when all the reality dating shows collide into one hot mess.
got a suggestion for the show?: [email protected]
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tavoit · 10 months
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American Psycho's Patrick Bateman (played by Christian Bale) was a fan of vintage fragrances. Along with Oscar de la Renta Pour Lui (1980) and Caron's Pour un Homme (1934) was Saint Laurent's personal signature scent from 1971:
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Quel bon gout!
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curiousdreamerx · 1 year
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"𝐈𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬 𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐩𝐚𝐩𝐞𝐫, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐞𝐧." - 𝐀𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐲𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐬
In this post, I will be mentioning all of the fandoms and characters that I will be writing about:
Call of Duty
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
John Price
Simon “Ghost” Riley 
Johnny “Soap” MacTavish
Kyle “Gaz” Garrick 
Alejandro Vargas
Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra 
Kim "Horangi" Hong-jin
Philip Graves
Dimitri Bale
Maxim “Minotaur” Bale
Call of Duty: Black Ops, Cold War + Black Ops 2
Russell Adler 
Frank Woods 
Alex Mason 
David “Section” Mason
Jason Hudson 
Eleazar “Lazar” Azoulay
Vikhor “Stitch” Kuzmin
Call of Duty: Ghosts
Thomas A. Merrick
Keegan P. Russ
Logan Walker
David “Hesh” Walker
Call of Duty: World War ll
Ronald "Red” Daniels
Robert Zussman
Frank Aiello
Drew Stiles
Joseph Turner
William Pierson
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
Jack Mitchell
Resident Evil 4
Leon Scott Kennedy
Jack Krauser
Luis Serra
Albert Wesker 
For the time being, these are the characters and fandoms that I can write about. However, if you have any other request or suggestion, I am more than happy to oblige. Please note that I will be updating this page frequently and will be adding links to each character soon. Also, I will be attaching my AO3 (soon) and Google Forms suggestions/request and questions links below. Don’t forget that you can message me and use my page for your suggestions if you do not want to use the Google Forms. Thank you in advance!!
Suggestions/requests: https://forms.gle/Rq3hvFs2Z9W6tAE96
Questions: https://forms.gle/SrkXRCBGmoV2EHnE9
AO3: User ID: 17875237 https://archiveofourown.org/users/Curiousdreamer0984/pseuds/Curiousdreamer0984
I hope you get to enjoy my stories. I will start writing few stories and will attach their links to each character. If I don’t post/answer you as soon as possible, I apologize I advance. Uni is killing me, but I promise to start writing ASAP. Thank you for stopping by - Céline💕
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venusjailer · 9 days
Patrick Bateman is NOT a psychopath
Paul Allen is NOT arrogant
Evelyn Williams is NOT dumb
Courtney Lawrence is NOT a lost cause
Luis Carruthers is NOT a dweeb
Timothy Bryce is NOT straight
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footballconfessions · 9 months
Wow some people are so stupid to think this & actually agree with this???!! Real Madrid is NOT the best team in the history of football. The Brazil national teams that won five World Cups, the Spain 2008-2012 golden age team that won back to back Euro+World Cup+Euro, the German teams throughout their world cup winning history would all beg to differ that stupid ask statement.
For club level: most professional footballers, pundits, fans that actually watch football, journalists, people who understand the game unanimously agree the best ever team in history is the Barcelona teams with Puyol Iniesta Xavi Messi + Pep as manager 2008 to 2012 team that won everything, the sextuple, won UCL 2009 and 2011. Plus the glorious MSN best forward partnership ever Messi Suarez Neymar 2013 to 2017. Luis Enrique's Barca can be considered one of the best teams of all time too.
Real Madrid did not win UCL for decades, the last time they won was in 2002, they didn't win for twelve years, then Tebas & Madrid started bribing refs, so many offside goals given to rm, VARdrid, they won UCLs 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2022 because of corruption and FIFA's favouritism towards Madrid. I agree Madrid is One of the best teams in history, not THE BEST. They had amazing dominating players Modrid Ramos Bale Benzema Cristiano Kroos Marcelo Casemiro & the best goalkeepers in the world in Navas Casillas Courtouis. It's cause they have money to buy the best players & pay them top salary. Ferguson's United, Mourinho's Chelsea's and now Pep's City are all billion dollar squads because of power & money.
Anyways, just wanna say that people who think RM is the best in history & should be Mbappe's end goal are people who only started watching football for hot players, don't actually understand the game, probably don't even know how the offside rule works✌️
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diceriadelluntore · 1 year
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Storia Di Musica #253 . AA.VV. - I’M Not There (O.S.T.), 2007
Bob Dylan, che è stato anche attore (14 film come attore protagonista o co-protagonista), non concesse mai la sua autorizzazione per un film biografico su di lui. Con una unica, spettacolare eccezione: Todd Haynes, creativo cineasta canadese, che ha grande passione per la musica nei suoi film (cito per esempio Velvet Goldmine sul mondo glam, o un documentario sui Velvet Underground uscito nel 2021), ha il suo placet per un film su di lui, I’M Not There, che esce nel 2007. Dove per tutta la pellicola non viene mai citato Bob Dylan per nome, ma dove è rappresentato da 6 storie potenti e profonde da 6 personaggi diversi, ognuno a raccontare un aspetto del Dylan leggenda: il Poeta Arthur Rimbaud, il Profeta Jack Rollins / Padre John, il fuorilegge Billy McCarty, il falso Woody Guthrie, il "martire del rock and roll " Jude Quinn e la "stella elettrica" Robbie Clark. Il cast è stellare: Marcus Carl Franklin, 11 anni, in una prova magistrale per Guthrie, ossessione adolescenziale di Dylan; Christian Bale come Jack Rollins\Padre John, per il primo Dylan acustico e folksinger; Cate Blanchett come Jude Quinn, che rappresenta il Dylan della svolta elettrica ‘65-’66, accusato di tradire lo spirito della musica folk, per questo “martire”; Richard Gere è il Dylan che interpreta Billy The Kid nello storico film di Sam Peckinpah Pat Garrett E Billy Kid, e del ritorno alla musica country e folk; Heath Ledger è il Dylan febbrile e martoriato dalla fine del suo matrimonio con Sara di Blood On The Tracks; Ben Whishaw è un Rimbaud decadente e immaginifico, e Dylan non ha mai nascosto il suo amore per la poesia del grande francese. Il film ebbe grande eco, e vinse a Venezia il Premio Speciale della Giuria (presieduta dal regista cinese Zhang Yimou) e la Coppa Volpi per la miglior interpretazione femminile andata a Cate Blanchett (il quale premio fu ritirato, data l'assenza dell'attrice, da Heath Ledger, in una delle sue ultime apparizioni pubbliche prima della morte avvenuta il 22 gennaio 2008). Haynes pensa ad una colonna sonora degna di tale progetto, chiamando una serie di artisti a reinterpretare il catalogo dylaniano, pescando in alcuni dei momenti non solo più classici, ma anche minori della sua lunghissima carriera. Il materiale è così tanto che viene utilizzato solo in parte per il film e viene raccolto in una colonna sonora da 2 cd, che esce con lo stesso titolo del film. I’m Not There è infatti un’altra perla di quel tesoro infinito che furono i Basement Tapes e qui è presentata in due versioni: la prima dei Sonic Youth, quella di Dylan chiude il secondo disco quasi a dire che beffardamente che “lui non sta davvero là”. In mezzo altri 32 brani, dove amici ed estimatori prendono e reinterpretano, la maggior parte in modo interessante, il catalogo di capolavori. Parto subito dal dire che si poteva fare meglio sulla versione che Charlotte Gainsbourg fa di Just Like A Woman (uno dei massimi di Dylan), per il resto il disco è pieno di gioiellini, soprattutto quelli che riscoprono brani del Dylan minore: tra questi, emozionante sono le riprese di Goin' To Acapulco di Jim James e i fantastici Calexico (da The Basement Tapes,1975), che con il loro tocco psichedelico-tex-mex sono favolosi, anche in Dark Eyes con gli Iron & Wine (brano dal disco Empire Burlesque,1985). Molti dei brani sono suonati dalla Million Dollar Bashers, supergruppo che prende il nome dal titolo di una canzone di Dylan - The Million Dollar Bash - composto da Lee Ranaldo e Steve Shelley degli Sonic Youth, il chitarrista Nels Cline degli Wilco, la chitarra magica di Tom Verlaine, Tony Garnier, bassista di fiducia di Dylan, il chitarrista Smokey Hormel e il tastierista John Medeski. Ci sono prove di classe di grandi vecchi: One More Cup Of Coffee di Roger McGuinn con i Calexico, Tombstone Blues cantata da Richie Havens, Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues reinterpretata dal grande Ramblin' Jack Elliott, Senor (Tales of Yankee Power) da Willie Nelson (da Street Legal, del 1978, uno dei primi dischi del Dylan convertitosi al cristianesimo).  Caratteristiche sono le riletture mariachi dei Los Lobos di Billy 1, dalla colonna sonora di Pat Garret,  I Wanna Be Your Lover dei Yo La Tengo (questa presa da Biograph, disco del 1985). Non mancano i super classici: All Along The Watchtower cantata da Eddie Vedder con i Millon Dollar Bashes, The Times They Are a Changin' da Mason Jennings, Highway 61 Revisited cantata da Karen O degli Yeah Yeah Yeahs con i Million Dollar Bashers, Simple Twist Of Fate cantata da Jeff Tweedy. Da ricordare una tenebrosa Man In The Long Black Coat di Mark Lanegan, brano tratto da Oh Mercy! del 1989 e la bella ripresa di The Wicked Messenger dei The Black Keys. Vennero scelti anche due brani particolari all’epoca: Can't Leave Her Behind, registrato incompleto su nastro e in video nel maggio 1966 in una stanza di hotel durante la mitica tournée nel Regno Unito di quell’anno, riarrangiata in parte e cantata da Stephen Malkmus & The Million Dollar Bashers ; Mama, You've Been on My Mind / A Fraction of Last Thoughts on Woody Guthrie, qui uniti insieme da Jack Johnson, erano usciti separatamente nel primo volume della Bootleg Series (1991), Vale l’ascolto anche You Ain't Goin' Nowhere di Glen Hansard & Markéta Irglová, che in due si chiamano The Swell Season, i quali nel 2008 vinceranno l’Oscar per la miglior canzone originale, Falling Slowly tratta dal film Once. Rimane un tentativo unico e davvero interessante di carpire l’essenza di Dylan, da sempre misteriosa e sfuggente, il quale nel brano omonimo dice: Sì, credo che sia giusto, oh, nell’animo lo credo\mi hanno detto, come ho detto io, quando prima portavo io il peso del delitto\quando lei è tutto quello che le hai detto, come ho detto, tira dritto\vorrei essere lì ad aiutarla ma non ci sono, me ne sono andato.
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football-emperora · 2 years
Best football trios we'd miss
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The definition of "trio" is "the group of three people or things". Today, the word trio only resonates in our heads when these three stick together. While these players have phenomenal individual stats, they have blended really well to create good teammates that can wreck havoc on the opponent on the pitch. In this post we'd be talking about the greatest football trio in recent times, how they got separated, and their current status. Here's a list of football trios (in recent times) that will greatly be missed. If you didn't get to witness them, I advise you to watch their highlights on YouTube!
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Messi - Neymar - Suarez The Trinity was brought together by Luis Enrique (ex-Barcelona coach). During their time, Messi was the best number 10, Suarez was the best number 9, and Neymar was the best number 11. You can imagine the kind of chaos FC Barcelona cooked for the world with that combo. This football trio scored more goals than the entire Madrid squad in 2015 with 122 goals! They went on to break their own record the next year with 131 goals. They are arguably the best goal scoring trio in football They have one Champions League, two La Liga titles, and one Club World Cup, including a treble. All these in four seasons. The fun fact about this trio? They are good friends off the pitch. It ended when Neymar left for PSG for a record-breaking fee of 222 million as the most expensive signing at the time. Currently, Neymar and Messi play for PSG, while Suarez is yet to find a new club after leaving Atletico Madrid.
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Mo Salah - Roberto Firmino - Sadio Mane Jurgen Klopp brought Liverpool back to it's glory days with these three. This football trio were so fast, they could tear defense apart in minutes. Roberto Firmino helped with his intelligence while Salah and Mane with their dribbling skills and speed. They complemented each other so well that the broke plenty of goal records under Klopp. They helped Liverpool win their first league title in about 30 years, entered the champions league finals three times in four years, winning one of them, and a club world cup. The trio scored a total of 250 goals together. In 2022 they got broken apart by Mane who forced a move to Bayern Munich. Salah and Firmino still remain at Liverpool.
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Cristiano Ronaldo, Karim Benzema and Gareth Bale At the time of MSN, Real Madrid needed something similar to match up their arch rivals FC Barcelona. The BBC trio proved to be competent enough to do so. The football trio scored 97 goals in their first year together. They spear-headed the record breaking Champions League three-peat, all having note worthy UCL final goals. And four Champions League trophies in total. In addition to the two La Liga titles won. They redefined the counter-attacking style of football in their time. They broke apart after five years when Cristiano moved to Juventus. Currently, Benzema is still playing for Madrid, Bale plays for an American team, MLS, while Cristiano Ronaldo has returned to his childhood team, Manchester United.
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Xavi, Iniesta and Busquest We still don't know how Pep Guardiola cooked this but they'd go down as the most perfect Midfield trio in recent years. The fun part? They are all Spanish players, meaning they played together for club and country and the three were starters! They were know for their great passing abilities and vision. They were the heart of the team at the time. Xavi and Iniesta remain the only two midfielders to appear in the Ballon d'or top 3 more than once! From 2008-2015, they won't 3X UCL, 5X La Liga, and 2X CWC, excluding some other minor cups not mentioned. They broke up when Xavi left in 2015. Currently, Xavi coaches FC Barcelona, Iniesta plays for a Chinese club and Busquest still a Barcelona player. In conclusion, it is a dream of every football club to have their players team up together, to create magic that beautifies the moment. The easiest way this can be achieved is when players have a good relationship on and off the pitch. Also, getting more playing time together. Other trios not mentioned above include:
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Neymar - Mbappe - Cavani: They got broken up when Cavani left for Manchester united. Currently, Neymar and Mbappe still play for PSG while Cavani is yet to find a new club as he has run out of contract with Manchester united. Ribery - Robern - Robert Lewandoski: They got broken up in 2019, when Ajren Robben and Franck Ribery left the club at the same time. Currently, Lewandoski plays for FC Barcelona, Ajren Robben came back from retirement to play for his boyhood club Groningen while Franck Ribery plays for Serie A club Salernitana. Don't forget Modric, Kroos and Casimero. I didn't add them because they are yet to be separated. Which of these trio do you consider the greatest? drop your thoughts in the comment box below. Read the full article
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