#luckily i did sell some stuff for a spirt fundraiser
riseofthedark · 1 month
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I designed this pattern and I hate myself for it. Half of the time spent on this hat was three rows that had to keep being undone because I kept fucking up the pattern. Then a friend went and said they looked like bannanas just for the bit -_-#
I heavily admire people who create many of their own patterns because this shit is hard. I just wanted to make a duck hat for my partner but no pattern looked like something I'd want to make. So here I am......... In total this took me around 2 months (in reality more like 27ish hours). And see the issue is I saw where I could improve some things and where I need to adjust the pattern. But I'll never make this again (for now).
It's funny because I'm like maybe I could sell one? Not entirely as a side hustle but more because roughly a third of my earthly possessions is yarn and I'm moving in 2 months. Soooo yeah.
But my partner who knows knitting and how long this took me plus the frustration was like no. It's not worth it. Because the price for which you'd sell it is way less then what you should sell it for (plus I didn't enjoy the experience)
One long winded rant later but fuck those people who don't do fiber arts who say to consider selling your stuff. The love time and frustration this takes is not worth the $20 you want to pay me for it
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riseofthedark · 1 month
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I designed this pattern and I hate myself for it. Half of the time spent on this hat was three rows that had to keep being undone because I kept fucking up the pattern. Then a friend went and said they looked like bannanas just for the bit -_-#
I heavily admire people who create many of their own patterns because this shit is hard. I just wanted to make a duck hat for my partner but no pattern looked like something I'd want to make. So here I am......... In total this took me around 2 months (in reality more like 27ish hours). And see the issue is I saw where I could improve some things and where I need to adjust the pattern. But I'll never make this again (for now).
It's funny because I'm like maybe I could sell one? Not entirely as a side hustle but more because roughly a third of my earthly possessions is yarn and I'm moving in 2 months. Soooo yeah.
But my partner who knows knitting and how long this took me plus the frustration was like no. It's not worth it. Because the price for which you'd sell it is way less then what you should sell it for (plus I didn't enjoy the experience)
One long winded rant later but fuck those people who don't do fiber arts who say to consider selling your stuff. The love time and frustration this takes is not worth the $20 you want to pay me for it
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