#luai marrash
annefraid · 4 years
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skam italia friend groups
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nicolinocolino · 4 years
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now you’re just somebody that I used to know
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thehollowprince · 3 years
At least elu or sobbe fans are not "curious" to know how eliott and the boys he had would have played out. Martino and Niccolò are beautiful together. In my opinion they have everything a couple should have :softness, passion, playfulness, cuteness... And yall still think about his past 🤦‍♀️
You know what's really funny about this? I mean, aside from someone being so bored on a Friday night that they're in random people's inboxes in some vain attempt to cause problems. No, what's really funny is that I reblogged that post from someone else, meaning it wouldn't show up in the tags. That means you deliberately went searching for it, ans then stupidly try to act "surprised", as if we all don't know how this website works at this point.
But I've made time, so let's get into this, shall we?
The only thing Elu and Sobbe fans truly seemed to care about is Elu and Sobbe themselves. Not the individual characters themselves and what they went through or the journeys they took, but the whole, in a relationship part, and only when they were cutesy and in lurve. If there was any kind of drama (which, come on, this is Skam) the fandom chose Eliott's and Sander's sides in almost every instance.
Which, of course, brings us to one of the cornerstones of fandom in general. Fandom loves their broken white boys. So much so that they'll often ignore anything that doesn't have to do with how broken they are, because it triggers some kind of uwu fantasy where YOU would know how to treat him, and YOU would make him feel loved. That's why the Skam fandom was always so hyperfixated on the Even character, because that was the half of the pair that was into girls. And for a fandom made up predominantly by women, that was perfect. The Isak character became a self-insert for them to live out their fantasy of mending their broken boy, without actually having to interact with anyone who had a MI.
That's another reason why most of you hated Marti and Nico so much, because Marti was taller than Nico, and it ruined the binary, big-small, top-bottom stereotype. But let's not get into that right now.
This fandom never cared about Robbe or Lucas, except in how for how they made Sander and Eliott feel. There was nothing but scorn and mocking whenever Robbe or Lucas did anything to try and be "more straight". A vast majority in the fandoms didn't care about them dealing with their internalized homophobia, they just wanted them to skip to the happy gay shit so they could watch two boys kiss. That was incredibly apparent with WTFOCK, because they didn't follow the normal timeline of events, and all I saw for three weeks was "where is Bel!Even?" Over and over and over again. Almost like, you didn't really care about Robbe or what he was going through. It got worse the further along it went, like when Robbe snapped at Sander and y'all immediately started talking about having Sander be with Lucas VDH instead.
People like you didn't care then, so I find it incredibly hard to believe that you suddenly care about Martino now. Why does it bug you that we're interested in Marti and Nico passed their relationship with eachother? Is it because both Marti and Nico got development on their own? That they had things going on aside from Marti's love fixing Nico's BPD? That we actually got to learn that Nico had a whole life before he transfered to Marti's school? What is it? And while you're at it, show me where any of us said we wanted Marti and Nico to break up? Show me.
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lazy--koala · 4 years
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Ryan Daroui 📷 Enrica Brescia
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I just pictured Nico looking out for Luai and telling him that his current boyfriend shouldn't get to say who he can or cannot meet, while Luai is trying to persuade Nico that honesty is the best policy and he should come clean about his past with Marti and Niccolò is being all "I'm sure Martino doesn't need to know everything about my past to trust me in the present... And I wouldn't know how to tell him in a way that doesn't make our fling seem way too important, anyway. It doesn't seem you really managed that part with your boyfriend, if he we can't even meet because he's too jealous of me..."
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yuhaengga · 4 years
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here netflix i added one
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ayellowcurtain · 4 years
I have the curiosity about what Marti and Luai could talk in the last episode…soo could you make this happend?
Marti doesn’t know what he’s supposed to say to the guy. 
Hey, sorry for getting in a fight with you, but it’s because the guy I love used to love you and I can’t have that. 
This is stupid, but they’ll spend some days together and Marti doesn’t want to be the annoying one that makes his friends’ holiday a misery with his bitterness. And he’s back with Nico, doesn’t want him to feel bad for loving someone else in the past. Marti won’t get over that so easily, but he has to try for everyone else. 
When Gio pushes him inside the small room, there’s not much room for acting like it was an accident, turning back around and avoiding Luai for the rest of his life. So he introduces himself like they never got into a fight in the first place. Sana is there so just her presence makes it that much easier. 
They don’t know each other, the only subject they have in common so far is obviously Nico, but Martino doesn’t want to go there. So they talk about Eid, about the amazing food they’re eating. 
Luai can cook, apparently, he tells Marti how some of these dishes are made, how he learned them all when he was a little kid before things with his family turned upside down, he says. Martino says he’s sorry for everything that happened and he means every word, of course. 
Nobody deserves to go through what Luai did and Martino would never have imagined that people still go through this, he can’t even imagine the emotional pain and the hurt and betrayal. Luai nods his head understandably and turns back around, carefully grabbing one of the fancy glasses Sana’s family has and offers him a new drink, telling Martino all about how it’s made, how it takes days for some of these to be made and Martino listen carefully, smelling the tea before drinking it. 
Sometimes there are some awkward silences, but not too awkward. Martino drinks his tea with no rush, maybe just sharing the same physical space can help make things a little easier between them. 
“My friend couldn’t come...” Luai starts the conversation again and Marti looks at him. 
Sana talked about this, about Luai having...someone else now. Martino looks around, all of Luai’s friends still there, talking with each other. He knows they’re okay about it, but Sana’s family is here and some of their family friends are too and Martino doesn’t know who knows what. Martino can’t imagine how hard it is to live your life like this, but Luai doesn’t say it any hint of annoyance, not at all. Maybe he’s used to it by now. He knows who he can be himself around. Marti has an idea, maybe, but his mom was nothing but supportive and he’ll forever be thankful for her. 
“Sorry. Wish we could meet him. You’re coming to the trip, right?” Luai nods his head and smiles, drinking his tea, “He should come too. I’m sure there’s enough room. Maybe there’s even a spot on someone’s car...” 
Luai smiles wider and nods his head again. 
“I’ll talk to him, but I’m not sure...He’s jealous.” 
“Oh...I didn’t know.” Marti suddenly feels a little too self-aware, of punching the guy because he hugged Nico a little too tightly, “Sorry for that too.” 
“It’s okay. I’m sorry if I went too far, but there’s nothing. I’m sure everyone already told you this, but I guess my words are of some worth about it...” 
Martino nods his head, because they are, but also because he doesn’t know what else to say. Everything is still a little too fresh for him. And it’s not Luai’s fault or Nico’s, but Martino will need some long time to get used to this part of his boyfriend’s past. 
Gio reappears at the door and nods his head, pointing to the direction of the door out of Sana’s place. 
“Gonna go out to get some...fresh air.” 
He’s going out for a smoke and he’s coming to rescue you. 
Marti puts his empty cup back on the counter, smiling at Luai, offering his hand again. “I have to go, but it was good to finally talk to you. I’m sorry again for...everything. Bring your friend for the trip, it’s going to be good.” 
Luai nods his head excitedly and shakes Marti’s hand. 
“Thank you for talking to me...” 
“Thank you for not hating me too much.” They both laugh and Martino walks away, passing in front of Gio, knowing he’s following him out and down the stairs.
“You okay?” he hears Gio ask and Marti puts himself against the heavy door to open it, taking a very deep breath in once he’s on the sidewalk.
“I need to smoke right now.” 
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glennethph · 4 years
I love Marti and Nico.
I would absolutely, totally love to see the Nico & Luai prequel.
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evak-elu-nicotino · 4 years
Fic Masterlist
Hey everyone, this is everything SKAM-related I’ve posted on AO3 so far.
SKAM Italia - 
tanti auguri a te -  Marti remembers their first meeting after a day at the beach. [post episode 4x10] a happy birthday Martino fic. [-  complete]
hold me close, and never let me go - My own take on what happened in Bracciano at the end of season 2, episode 7. Martino barely has the time to brush his teeth before Niccolò shows up at the door, and he has to remind himself how to breathe properly. [- complete]
when i put my lips on you - Slightly AU from canon. Marti and Nico got together a few weeks ago. Marti never thought he could get this turned on just by kissing someone. Then again, he thought he was straight a few months ago. [- under construction, 3 chapters so far]
Martino & Giovanni
tumbling down -  Martino Rametta was ten, and his life was about to change in a few different ways. But no matter what life will throw at him, he'll always have Giovanni Garau by his side. [- under construction, 1 chapter so far]
(past) Niccolò/Luai
now you’re just somebody that I used to now -  It all started like a normal evening out. Then Niccolò saw Luai, and he was swallowed by guilt and remorse again. [- complete]
you’re not alone - Elia has moved in with Filippo a few months ago, only to find out that his meaningless crush on his now roommate is turning out way bigger than he thought it was. And in such troubled times, Martino and Niccolò are there for him. [- under construction, 2 chapters so far]
Crossover OG SKAM/SKAM Italia
Martino/Niccolò & Isak/Even
collide -  AU - Martino just graduated from high school, and summer's looming. Niccolò has been away for college for a whole year now, and it's time for them to finally move in together in Milano. But first, they're going away for their first holiday abroad together. Little do they know that they're going to bump into two guys who seem strangely familiar... [- under construction, 1 chapter so far]
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nikhos · 4 years
Luai, el personaje figurante que trasciende.
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Uno de los aspectos interesantes sobre la estructura de la narración de la S4  es el uso estratégico del personaje figurante para darle un corpus lógico a las acciones de la trama y potenciar a su vez una sub trama no extenta de de su relación con la principal. Y quien se encarga de todo eso es justamente el personaje de Luai Marrash.
Él  aparece por primera vez como parte integrante del grupo de amigos de Rami, el hermano de Sana, grupo bautizado como La Rose Squad.
Poco después y como queriendo alejarse de su rasgo meramente figurativo, aparece en el episodio 4, específicamente en el relato de Malik, cuando éste le dice a Sana el motivo por el cual ya no no profesa religión alguna.
Este es un relato particularmente relevante porque conecta inmediatamente con los discursos de la trama y la subtrama narrativa: En la historia principal, Sana se mantiene renuente hacia Malik, su objeto de deseo, porque este ha abandonado por completo la fe en su religión. Lo que ha motivado ese abandono es la penitencia que recibe Luai cuando los padres de éste descubren esta suerte de relación “prohibida” que tiene con Niccoló. Cuando Malik narra en esta historia, tenemos en primer plano el video de Niccoló tocando el piano, que es el mismo video que ve Marti  durante la segunda temporada, cuando conoce a Niccoló y luego hace una búsqueda en google para saber más de él .
El episodio 05 es el detonante. Aquí todo converje para desestabilizar por completo la seguridad de espíritu tanto de Marti como de Sana. La presencia física de Luai en la fiesta, la mirada de Niccoló hacia él y posteriormente el reconocimiento mutuo, hace que Luai pierda su esencia de personaje meramente figurativo y se vuelva el eje de la acción por un corto tiempo.
Luego de la pelea con Martino,donde Sana pierde la confianza en sus amigas y en su hermano Rami,  Luai no volverá a tener tanta relevancia, ni siquiera en el episodio final. Sin embargo, la sola mención de su nombre o la de alguna acción concreta, como el de escribir mensajes de texto a Niccoló, permite  la ruptura entre Nico y Marti, haciendo incluso que éste último abandone la casa que ha compartido con su amado.
Por tanto, puede decirse que Luai se ha convertido en percutor del drama y, aunque no parezca, nunca ha perdido su condición de personaje figurante, ya que su importancia dentro de la historia va empalideciendo en la medida que se resuelven los malos entendidos.
Luai es pieza clave para mover los entretelones del pathos narrativos,  Sin tener mayor actividad en esta cuarta temporada, se ha ganado un puesto en la memoria de los personajes representativos de Skam Italia.
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azozzoni · 3 years
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Luai Marrash | SKAM Italia S4
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annefraid · 4 years
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Malik & Rami & Luai & Niccolò & Driss
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nicolinocolino · 4 years
Summary: Nico and Luai have a much-needed conversation on the beach in Salento.
Rating: T / no archive warnings apply Additional tags: Canon Compliant, Post-Canon, Light Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Closure, Friendship, POV Niccolò Fares Words: 2,838
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Marti and Luai 🙏🏽
It got longer than Six Sentences, so I’m just going to post it as a drabble :P ********************** “Mind if I ask you something?” “Shoot” Martino has never seen Luai look so distressed and though they are never gonna be best friends it doesn’t mean he takes pleasure in seeing him like this.“ Did you really think that something was going on between me and Nico? How did he get you to get over it? Because I can’t seem to make my boyfriend understand... Why can't he just trust me? ” His voice breaks, and Marti finds himself trying to comfort him by squeezing his shoulder. “Well, if you have been fully honest with him and that's still not enough, I see no other solution: break up with him. Sometimes people need a wake up call."
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yuhaengga · 4 years
luai with his hoodie on
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glennethph · 4 years
Knowing what we know from Season 4 about Nico & Luai, do you think Maddelena already suspected something when she found Marti alone with Nico at his place?
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