#love n support for drunk driving thou
metalgearemily · 1 year
being in college is meeting people who love drunk driving
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Oct 30, 2019
1. A Hollywood charity event used Keanu Reeves’ name to sell pricey tickets — saying “The Matrix” icon would attend and be honored — but Reeves had never heard of the organization, wasn’t meant to go, and was even shopping at Whole Foods as the gala went on.
Global Charity Initiative, which says it aims to “eradicate poverty on a global scale by empowering people to take charge of their lives, primarily by achieving a shift in mindset,” prominently put Reeves on its invite to an event last Sunday at the Beverly Hilton.
The organization also promoted Reeves’ attendance on social media with his image and the garbled come-on, “Join some Hollywood finest actors like Chadwick Bosman [sic] and Keanu humble and lover humanity supporting GCI to eradicate poverty.” A Facebook post said tickets cost up to $1,000, and an attendee told us that many guests purchased them for a chance to be in a room with the “John Wick” star.  The source told us that the gala also auctioned off a painting of Reeves at the event.
But Reeves was not there, and his rep told us, “He knew nothing about the event and has no affiliation with this organization whatsoever. And they used his image without permission.” A Twitter user even said they spotted Reeves at a Whole Foods while the event was going on. We’re told that actress Eugenia Kuzmina — who stars in the upcoming series “Spy City” — was set to give an award to Reeves, but that she left when something “felt off.”
A celeb who was promoted — and did turn up — was “Black Panther” star Chadwick Boseman. While a source told us that Boseman “left after five minutes,” there are several images of the actor at the event.Boseman also appears in several photos posing with the foundation’s head, Gershom Sikaala, a self-published author who claims he has an “honorary” doctorate from online seminary United Graduate College and Seminary and that he’s a UN Goodwill Ambassador. Reps for Boseman and for the charity did not comment.
2. Cat Marnell is a whole new person. After releasing her popular memoir, “How to Murder Your Life,” the former fashion editor and admitted drug addict moved to Europe and never looked back. Now healthier than ever, Marnell opened up to Page Six about the trials and tribulations of her drug-riddled past and how she managed to get it all together to become “too healthy.”“I’m not entirely sober but listen—all these healthy trendy chicks micro-dosing and smoking weed out in LA are taking more drugs than I am!” Marnell told us via email.
“Adderall might as well have been arsenic—to my mental health, anyway. I haven’t taken a smidgen of Adderall in over two years,” she said of the ADD medication, which she used to abuse. As a result, the writer says she’s healthier than ever. “My health is soo good. TOO good! I’m too focused. Exercise is the most important thing in my life,” she shared, adding that she works out with Beth Cooke at Sky Ting Yoga in New York, and uses KICHGO, a portable fitness kit and video plan designed by Jennifer Lawrence’s trainer, Kit Rich, when she’s traveling. That said, Marnell still does use focus medication, though this time around she’s regulating it.
“I take a different amphetamine now, in a very controlled dose that doesn’t get me high or affect my sleep,” she explained. “I don’t doctor shop or mess around. I don’t touch illegal drugs and I rarely get drunk. You gotta protect your energy and your brain and your spirit like they are precious jewels.
“I have too much dope stuff coming up in my life to mess with that anymore.”
Marnell told us Sony TriStar is planning to turn her memoir into a TV series. She also just released the Audible Original titled “Self-Tanner for the Soul: How I Ran Away to Europe and Found My Inner Glow (When Life Got Dark),”
Although she’s found herself strapped for cash at various times throughout her European journeys, she admitted she’s worked more than she lets on to her fans.
“I’ll tell you a secret: not everything that I do for money has my name on it!” she teased. “Too much pressure. I suck at pressure.”
3. Actor and comedian Kevin Hart on Tuesday shared emotional video footage of his recovery process after he nearly died in a car crash in September. Hart, who reportedly fractured his spine in three places in the crash, shared the footage of his rehab process on his Instagram page.
“When God talks, you got to listen,” Hart says over the footage, which shows him taking steps with a walker as health aides on both sides guide him. “In this case, I honestly feel like God told me to sit down. You know, you’re moving too fast, you’re doing too much sometimes you can’t see the things you’re meant to see.”
In the Sept. 1 crash, Jared Black was driving Hart’s 1970 Plymouth Barracuda in Los Angeles when he accelerated into a turn on Mulholland Highway and lost control of the car, the California Highway Patrol said. The car slid down an embankment and slammed into a tree, authorities said. Hart was a passenger in the car along with Black’s fiancee, Rebecca Broxterman, police said. Hart and Black suffered serious back injuries, while Broxterman had minor injuries.“
After my accident, I see things differently. I see things from a whole new perspective,” Hart says in the video released Tuesday. “My appreciation for life is through the roof. So don’t take today for granted because tomorrow’s not promised.”
4. John Cena said he is donating half a million dollars to the first responders battling the California wildfires. “In times like this, when people are giving their lives and working around the clock, what they need from us is resource,” Cena, 42, said in a video posted on Twitter Monday. “This is the right thing to do and I’m doing my part to help the cause.”
The actor made the $500,000 pledge in honor of his new comedy, “Playing With Fire,” which is centered around a team of firefighters tasked with babysitting three young siblings. He asked Paramount Players, the production company behind his film, to pick a charity that “aids our first responders as soon as possible.”
“California is in dire straits. It is burning,” Cena added. “It is under siege from massive wildfires statewide, which means our first responders are working around the clock and they need our help.” The former WWE star also asked fans to join him in donating, saying, “I’m asking that today on #FirstRespondersDay we do everything we can to help those who risk their lives to protect us all. The California wildfires have reportedly forced more than 200,000 people to flee their homes, and over 2.5 million are without power. California Gov. Gavin Newsom declared a state of emergency Sunday as a result of the Kincade Fire. More than 3,000 firefighters have worked to get it in under control.
5. Kanye West, who released his latest album “Jesus Is King” last week, claims Democrats have “brainwashed” African-Americans — and are making them “abort” their children.
The 42-year-old rapper and fervent supporter of President Trump spoke with radio host Big Boy on Friday as part of his promotion of the long-delayed, gospel-inspired album.“ We’re [black Americans] brainwashed out here, bro. Come on, man. This is a free man talking. Democrats had us voting [for] Democrats with food stamps for years,” Yeezy said when asked about those who think he has turned his back on the black community.
“What are you talking about? Guns in the ’80s, taking the fathers out the home, Plan B, lowering our votes, making us abort our children … Thou shall not kill,” he continued. The hip-hop star appeared to confuse Plan B, the morning-after pill emergency contraception, with abortions that end existing pregnancies.
When pressed about his support for the president, he said: “I’d rather deal with somebody who call me the n-word to my face than a person that signed me for a lifetime deal on a 255-page contract. I’d rather know what I’m dealing with.”
Big Boy asked West whether he has considered that his support for Trump could be viewed as a tacit endorsement of racism. “The most racist thing a person can tell me is that I’m supposed to choose something based on my race,” he responded. “I’m not telling nobody not to vote Democrat,” he said, adding bizarrely: “I love Obama, I love lemonade, I love Wingstop, I love Polos, I love Jordans.”
And when asked if he feared losing his audience, West insisted that he is “only afraid of God.” “I’m only afraid of my daddy, God. I done been 15 years. I’m telling you that God is showing you that you can have your own thoughts, bro. I been canceled before,” he continued.
During the wide-ranging interview, West also revealed that he has no plans to ever perform his old songs live again — though he did say that, “We can play that beat, but I’m going to adjust [the lyrics.]” He added: “They made movies about Steve Jobs so y’all could understand who I am. “Now, when you go to the Apple store, I don’t be seeing no iPod 4 . . . Take you to eBay and get you the old Kanye and get you a vintage iPod 4 while you’re at it, a Sega 8-bit.”
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