#love giving out fredsythe/parentdale recs cuz the fandom is me and my 3 friends lmao
ariesbilly · 2 years
I would love fics Rec for FP n Fred pls!
yes!! okay 😊
from @fredheads:
fp's adventures in domesticity (T) - Fred's a professional when it comes to stretching himself thin, can usually make ends meet even when the rope's falling apart. But Fred can't run a household and recover from a gunshot wound at the same time, especially with both Archie and Jughead living there. That's where FP comes in.
you could justify sin (NR) - Fred Andrews was in middle school when he finally worked up the courage to do the right thing.
it breaks me in to stay alive (T) - fred in treatment for an eating disorder and fp being a supportive boyfriend
everybody's got a hungry heart (M) - Fred’s starving, and gobbles half of his plate in record time, using the crust of his bread to mop at the extra sauce. The dish is comforting somehow, the taste reminding him of his own childhood, his mother’s dinners. “I’ve missed this,” says FP casually, staring anywhere but Fred’s face. He speaks gruffly, but his fingers have been anxiously shredding the corner of his napkin into snow. “You and me.” Date? or not a date? He moves his fork a bit to the left. FP’s eyes follow it. Date, thinks Fred, with a swoop of panic, stuffing another mouthful past his lips to disguise his uncertainty. Date, date, date.
from @halcooper:
just won't quit (NR) - Fred Andrews never gets sick. Especially not during basketball tryouts. Especially not when his folks are out of town. or FP Jones spends his afternoon trying to get a delirious Fred Andrews home and tucked into bed.
from me :)
seventeen and coming clean for the first time (T) - It’s not until FP catches his breath that he realizes how silent the room has become. There’s a tension he hadn’t picked up on, but now that he has it’s so thick he’s practically choking on it. Reality slowly starts to crash in on him as his eyes roam up his father’s body to meet his own. They’re both at a standstill. Senior seems to be in a state of shock, like he’s trying to process what the hell just happened. FP’s just trying to figure out what play to make as the weight of what he’s just revealed finally dawns on him. It’s almost a game of chicken. And then…
show me what i'm looking for (T) - ”I don’t think I can go through with this,” is what Fred had told him less than 24 hours after being the one to ask FP to marry him in the first place.
it was me and you and the whole town under water (T) - the missing fredsythe storyline from 308 we all needed
all the best djs are saving their slowest songs for last (T) - Fred had always figured he’d chaperone his son’s senior prom. It’s just what he did. Went to every dance, every field trip, every PTA meeting… He was involved. It’s just… He also kind of assumed his wife would be there with him. Even after the divorce he still figured they’d go as friends. Never in a million years did he think he’d be dating his ex… whatever they were in high school.
and then some from miscellaneous authors who i am not in a group chat with lmao
The Shaggin' Wagon (E) - With college on the horizon, Fred Andrews and FP Jones fix up a van before taking it on a trip together, up into the mountains where it feels like they're the only two people on earth. It doesn't take long before the feelings that have been growing between them get too strong to ignore...
song for the last act (T) - fred and fp during their last week of high school
Where the Wild Rain Falls (M) - A storm comes in on the night of the parent-teacher conferences at Riverdale High.
stages of healing (T) - FP’s hands have been scarred for as long as Fred can remember.
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