#lotm volume 2 spoilers
calekinnieplus · 10 months
Hey, guess what. It's time to recap what I've read today! And it was quite a bit of reading time, reaching 7 ½ hours. Not bad, if I do say so myself. I've reached chapter 373 now.
Basically, Klein successfully provided wonderful support to Sharron and Maric, being a wonderful magician. With that, he got that Book of Secrets, which helped him in various endeavors already, even if it was freshly acquired.
Klein also helped that Mother Earth Sequence 5 Dawn Paladin, Father Utravsky to defeat his "dark side" heh. In the process, he gained the Master Key- wait, I think I read about this yesterday... regardless! It has connection to what I've read today! Due to this side quest, he was able to easily complete another side quest! The disappearance of Emlyn White.
That was hilarious lmao I love this duo surprisingly much, they're just so fun. Emlyn's brand of good-natured arrogance is hilarious paired with Klein's "idgaf" attitude with him bahahah it was a fun chapter.
Oh yeah, Detective Sherlock Moriarty is earning quite a name for himself! I love reading how he's earning bank fr fr. Let the man be rich! Let him enjoy the delicacies of life! It's satisfying, alright?
And of course, what I consider the most significant part of today's reading... the first appearance of Amon.
See, to gain a decent amount of motivation to start this long ass novel, I needed a bit of incentive, a guarantee that I won't be bored to death in the middle, trying to get to the end. And that was gained by accidentally finding some spoilers. Not enough to ruin plot twists, but enough to keep me guessing and intrigued.
This way, I'm aware that Amon is an... Important character, but I don't really know anything specific about him. Just that he's the antagonist. Yay!
(Also he's scary. But he has potential to be silly as well, so I will definitely be entertained by him)
Right, so Amon. And the suspicions of the council of the City of Silver. Little Sun be going through it rn. The elders are misunderstanding Derrick’s involvement with The Fool and taking it to mean as his involvement with Amon. Kinda awkward ngl.
Mhm, what else, what else...
Oh yeah! LEONARD! MY BOY! I missed him. But he has a Parasite?? That's his deal? Interesting. I'm curious where that will lead him.
Audrey is great and awesome, Susie is adorable, Derrick is innocent, Alger is ambitious and kinda silly sometimes, Fors is Doing Her Best, Stuart is Sherlock Moriarty's new fan, Jurgen is a reliable fellow, Brody the cat might be more perceptive than initially assumed but that could just be paranoia, Amon is Scary and Praise the Fool, thank you.
I miss Melissa and Benson... the Nighhawks squad... the times when Klein didn't have to worry about revenge against a Sequence 5 mf. Of course, I greatly enjoy the story right now. I just get sentimental for Klein from time to time :')
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calekinnieplus · 10 months
"After going around a corner, Leonard saw a staircase leading down. There, he saw Captain Dunn Smith, with a pair of dark gray eyes and dressed in a black windbreaker, and Klein Moretti, who exuded a bookish demeanor standing there, smiling and waiting.
He tilted his head back and sighed.
My memory has also gotten worse.
I’ve already forgotten that the two of you no longer exist…"
Way to break my heart, dang...
But also, Leonard is back!! Hi, Mr Poet, I missed ya! :))
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calekinnieplus · 9 months
Hiya! Did ya miss me? I didn't update for 2 days, I missed myself. Let's see! Today, I've read for 4 hours and reached chapter 596. I'm pretty sure I could continue reading to reach chapter 600 today, but I gotta get up early tomorrow, so self care ayeeee
Moving on to my comments...
Does the author know just a little glimpse into Klein’s siblings' life is enough to pull at my heartstrings? Does the author KNOW.
Glad to see Benson is making progress into the Civil Servant Exam tho :') and Melissa is out there, being a supportive sister :') i love them
What happened in the chapters I read today otherwise? Uhhhh Klein figured out some of the Faceless principles by attempting an assassination of Ailment Admiral Tracy. Which led to Mr Azik encountering a Demoness from his past and there's Stuff to be unveiled there. He's a powerhouse, man! We already knew that, but. Still.
Hm, ah yes! Alger, Emlyn and Derrick advanced to Sequence 6, 6 and 7, respectively. With Audrey at Sequence 7, Fors at Sequence 8, Cattleya at Sequence 5 and our very own Klein at Sequence 6, the Tarot Club is gaining quite a bit of power.
Klein also got 3 methods to get rid of the True Creator's contamination of the All-Black Eye.
Oh! Another noteworthy mention is that due to encountering the Beast Tamer/Apothecary from the Backlund Beyonder meetings, Klein also realized the Life School of Thought's connection to the Snake of Fate (or was it Snake of Mercury? I can't seem to recall which one is correct), Will Auceptin. (Special thanks to our lovely mirror, Arrodes, for the clutch 🙌 👌 👏) Thus, Will was able to contact Klein through the paper crane that Klein realized he still had above the gray fog lol. I have a feeling he will somehow get involved in that plot as well. Juuuuust a feeling. Hah.
AND ANOTHER THING! Bansy Harbor was raided by the Church of Storms, apparently. Klein also theorized that the evil spirit stuck in the ruins is actually a King of Angels?? Goddamn. That brings more danger to finishing off that dang spirit.
With that said, I'm looking forward to see where this is heading :)
Until next time ;)
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calekinnieplus · 10 months
Welcome back to my shit show. It's recap time :)
I've read LOTM for almost 6 hours and reached chapter 479. My gut tells me volume 2 will end in a few chapters, but I'm tired and I can't entirely enjoy the epicness of the battles going on. Without further ado, it's time to get into some details!
Spoilers for Lord of the Mysteries until chapter 479, which is in volume 2.
Uhhh idk where to start, where did I leave off yesterday... (I had to go back and check lol)
SO, Klein successfully advanced to Sequence 6!! Yayyyy :)) he's so cool and badass, guys. But this advancement brought out a bit of existential crisis AND a lack of Hornacis Flegrea ravings. It's quite intriguing.
There have been quite a lot of developments here that I can't really recall. Uh, Trissy came back and is apparently on her way to be the incarnation of the Primordial Demoness.
Klein somehow got involved with a Prince to solve a case.
Derrick was stuck in a goddamn time loop. It's fine he got out :)
Xio is probably gonna be involved in the plot with the royal family.
Aurora Order bastards are crazy bastards... Rose Redemption peeps don't seem far off.
MR AZIK CAME BACK TO HELP KLEIN!! We love to see it :))
Ince Zangwill will probably be dead soon? Or is already dead? I couldn't tell, I was multitasking while reading that part.
Sealed Artifact 018 is surprisingly coming in clutch after ruining Klein's life in volume 1.
Rip Master Key
Uhhh I'm off to bed, gn
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