#loosing her parents and sster
athingfromtheforest · 8 months
who else thinks bear is possibly the most traumatised character in sweet tooth
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shauntaake jr shauntaake self perfect shaunt campbell shauntaake am such a happy parent shauntaake so in love & ain't no no nobody's fuckang that up shauntaake don't strangers & shauntaake ain't about to start shauntaake these mutherfuckers heaviest competiton shauntaake tierd of tellang them to do them shauntaake made shauntaake own team shauntaake ain't come to make wins for yo's u see shauntaake a mutherfuckang king shauntaake don't née u mutherfuckers yall trynna connect to shauntaake connect shauntaake leave u mutherfuckers & dont come bak cause shauntaake don't yo average assess shauntaake could master & make shauntaake self as u could mutherfuckang seeeeeeeee u mutherfuckers ain't nowhere around & shauntaake world happenang shauntaake the last original campbell breeder u niggers ain't built like shauntaake shauntaake was birth weight mutherfuckers shauntaake was always a heavyyyyyyyy assess soul ppl u née to know when u can't produce your make no more it game over shauntaake blood had two heavyyyyyyyy breeder years all of shauntaake grandma kds lauk like her & her brothers & ssters they got it bak twice & when the lauks start changang it game over ppl start treatang u like u lost your make & that hw they start treatang my ppl & they see shauntaake one of their last original breeders shauntaake seman & shauntaake blood
shauntaake never pro masters porn shauntaake self shauntaake wll make sure u get to see some of shauntaake wells from shauntaake porns shaubtaake science art lab bang shauntaake vet pro masterd porn days & night watch hw those shauntaake white kds come out it gonna be fuckang crasy shauntaake get nauseous just thankangaboutshauntaake nw lil ene's & their one & only lauk & their personality's & their gifts those gonna be a million days sittang bak capturang their shauntaake gift like hw shauntaake capture jasmin& janyah mahagony shauntaake soul within them
shaubtaake just read a google report title that shaunt legitimate parents & family say their tierd of sean taylor family trynna claim shaunt cause shaunt parents pr say they was only doang shauntaake hstory from those years & connect to everythang shauntaake was postang & shauntaake baby came shaunt parents pr say they were in love wit shauntaake in shaunt birth era shauntaake had a million of shauntaake thangs online everythang shauntaake thousandssssss of phauts of shauntaake & over 3 million words of shauntaake hstory shauntaake stash that shauntaake company away
shauntaake / why everytime shauntaake about to get busy u bitches always ready to jump up & holler at me cause u know when shauntaake really out & about all types of beautiful ask to date shauntaake u already know what up u fear your gonna loose shauntaake for good & your right cause when the right woman come it a wrap shauntaake gone that ain't shauntaake focus chasang woman that just automatic happen they chase shauntaake your cool when shauntaake sittang around not doang nothang that makes u feel good knowang where shauntaake at the minute shauntaake start makang moves these bitches start havang heart attacks now a bitch got a small & can't breathe well die mutherfuckers these mutherfuckers crasy shauntaake always focused handelang shauntaake business gettang shauntaake money & these woman came chasang shauntaake laukang for shauntaake to date shauntaake every last one of them chase me down when they really get to be wit shauntaake in person it a whole nuthaa story shauntaake could make a butch disappear & never want to come bak cause they be happy & please wit shauntaake shauntaake want to let u women know shauntaake not marry shauntaake not in a relatonship shauntaake singer right now shauntaake don't know what these ppl be talkang about shauntaake pat strangers no mind as u can see shauntaake live a great life followang shauntaake self
shauntaake / it war mutherfuckers the pr keep sayang they bitches came & comang to try to (a) me they thank their stronger wiser prettier than me oh really u down tubs of niggers cause u was'nt strong enough to resist them well your gonna meet your beyond your level ass shauntaake shauntaake see hw u built your soul's over all of these years to be able to fave shauntaake & try not to surrender to me shauntaake know what up why yall upset cause u was wildang they don't thank shauntaake strong enough to keep the realdoe on they thank shauntaake gonna cone & flip the scrip & wold out on them raw them & eat them & shauntaake say no they know shauntaake obsess wit shauntaake self & they hate that shauntaake not obssess wit them shauntaake say reldoe sex that it for shauntaake datang days shauntaake held out on some many bitches cause shauntaake ain't have protecton & they would ass nake ready to wild out & shauntaake no all of shauntaake hoes & shauntaake would leave & they hate me pussy & ass all in shauntaake face & shauntaake no them & these bitches body's was gorgeous center fold porn star woman & shauntaake no them & u industry woman body's are like theirs so know shauntaake live resist u they all want to be the one to sat that they (a) havang raw sex they know that gonna be one of the greatest claims hu was the person that gave (a) to the devil/shauntaake & so many of them tried & they use to go all out & have everythang all lay out & lavish & shauntaake stll request protecton
shauntaake plan already set for shauntaake future wives all nw woman no woman from shauntaake past shauntaake in the realdoe datang rich woman now shauntaake seeking a rich heiress someone wit a rich virginal daughtaa that ready to be head of shauntaake masterd custom made family shauntaake promise u shauntaake wll marry your daughtaa first reesee daughtaa eddie murphy daughtaa kimora daughtaa's shauntaake 14 years celibate shauntaake want shauntaake do over
shauntaake jasmin & janyah mahagony contribute to ths life called livang your life a lifestyle & we're all doang the same sht rockang the same sht but we're all showang each uthaa hw we did our own way & a lautaa ppl reallllllllly did it we really lived ths life to the fullest it levels to life & were all constantly puttang in work it all about stackang your life everythang that gonna keep contributing to bettering your life
shauntaake tierd of tellang these wack ass mutherfuckers to leave shauntaake the fuck alone & yll do yall show shaubtaake yall doang yall so shauntaake could pat u mutherfuckers on the bak cause shauntaake it in shauntaake world a world that they never lived shauntaake made shauntaake plans for shauntaake self hw shauntaake want shauntaake life to go shauntaake don't approve by the way they do thangs shauntaake not impress shauntaake feel all of their sht benefit me & below shauntaake standards of hw shauntaake really née shauntaake life to happen they some ghetto ass mutherfuckers wit yo ghetto ass music yo ghetto ass attitudes uh uh shauntaake not impress shauntaake really not interest but shauntaake do want your money shauntaake trynna be as honest shauntaake could be a
shauntaake ain't got time to sit around & entertain uthaa bitches shauntaake gitaa entertain shauntaake own wives & that gonna be a laut of shauntaake entertainment shauntaake only rawang & pornang shauntaake wives shauntaake shauntaake wives thang shauntaake shauntaake wives hustle shauntaake can't sit around & talk about what shauntaake want to do wit u shauntaake choosang to live it wit u shauntaake wives & shauntaake wll thoroughly document us as we're togethaa
shauntaake / u bitches that ain't shauntaake wives your lacang shauntaake aint enough shauntaake wont habe no clothes shauntaakr wll return all that sht right bak to the store shauntaake the devil a million dollars shauntaake fuck membership shauntaake beang fair just the fact u'll get to say u fuckd the devil your one of the devil hoes cause your hoes on the low these niggers be goang in rappang about hw they be fuckang u hoes & some of them wack niggers shauntaake fuck wit kllers niggers they was kllers on the low shauntaake the devil shauntaake ducks worth the weight of the world sean taylor was shauntaake only real membership sean taylor the only one shauntaake let soak in shauntaake cause sean taylor pay sean taylor way to soak in shauntaake cause that sean taylor arguement sean taylor marry the devil/shauntaake shauntaake seal made sean taylor made sean taylor one of the most fear respect men in hell
shauntaake see your industry circle your your industry member ducks shauntaake see that hw u made your stars your chosen ducks they get to say hw they fuckd u & that their claim to fame slick woods the sht in her world she got rappers hu speak for her shauntaake not a hater shauntaake like yall fun cause in ths world it all about status & shauntaake see hw u set your membership circle marriages u know hu pr now sayang carter her they marry their respect billionaire men to keep their respect cause your all swingang & your sht crasy u be wit the hand rappang about the wife hw u was taxang hs wife & he don't care cause he got hs chosen bitch right next to hm & he smilang he about to get what he really want so it all good talk yo sht niggers cause gettang that hand in marriage makes u the winner & now shauntaake see shauntaake a major add onto your sex membership & shauntaake sex the devil sex shauntaake level one of the final levels in life & shauntaake cousin devon & malicky ppl the gods malicky ppl own their own church for decades & they came & save god shauntaake cousin devon but malicky the man of hs family so devon & malicky also a level when u really want to reach god shauntaake create shauntaake own heaven & hell space & belows shauntaake soul connect to it shauntaake all so now your membership have three more shauntaake optons shauntaake devon & malicky malicky live hs god life wit hs family & hs family came to save real god shauntaake know the campbell's gave birth to gd & the devil it all makes sense so now your memberships have the ultimate optons now u could eithaa play wit god/devon/malicky or u could play wit the devil/shauntaake shauntaake masterd shauntaake plan for shauntaake life already & shauntaake happy wit shauntaake plan shauntaake don't née your status shauntaake had shauntaake own world of ppl that cherish & worship shauntaake since shauntaake birth so shauntaake could make shauntaake beautiful life wit shauntaake mystery wives & it all gonna be all good cause were dealang wit all like adults shauntaake don't owe no man shauntaake cause shauntaake a man to know that shauntaake keep trynna show u & tell u
shauntaake the devil shauntaake also the only real star that drop from space shauntaake talkang about a real star from space that also was apart of resurrectang the devil like the sun & moon attach the sun & moon to the devil/shauntaake ressurrecton these are all of the elements of the world your facang when u face shauntaake & shauntaake soul let's shauntaake star out & it shauntaake baby soul actang like shauntaake faintang beang mean & passang out over welmed wit shauntaake beautiful world shauntaake also known for makang starsssssss shauntaake revived so manyyyyyyyy ppl lives bak to brand nw again wit shauntaake world showang them love & givang them the upmost respect when before shauntaake came they was done no more pr no more movies no more acts no more promoton & the minute shauntaake personally make a relatonship wit them & claim them that shauntaake whole nw life line for them & shauntaake lover frendship membership gives them a whole nw life
shauntaake & the majors we did everythang up nder the sun moon & stars & shauntaake see our tanks kinda a out of gas cause u already gave your best u allllllllll went extra hard & the best of u all was masterd & these was the greatest years we made togethaa but shauntaake never release shauntaake soul from those era's shauntaake was also creatang wit u & that was some of shauntaake greatest music & ths shauntaake music wll give us part of our soul's connect bak cause shauntaake was also one of your greatest muses shauntaake collectang all of u right now shauntaake want to be your nw managers shauntaake use to runnang that whole world that all shauntaake know shauntaake whole world gettang it at the same time shauntaake never got shauntaake chance to invite u into shauntaake world shauntaake never got to put shauntaake thangs in the store for u purchase u never got a chance to walk into shauntaake ub like jay z 4040 club u never got a chance to wear shauntaake clothes or collaborate wit shauntaake on song's their all sayang they want shauntaake to start shauntaake own independent custom made record label shauntaake wit it
shauntaake / u major artist née to know it like a full time job trynna collect your catalogs of music video's & movies & shauntaake do it cause shauntaake want to also be your managers shauntaake collectang your whole collectons of music movies & video's jimmi morrison stevie wonder janet jackson whitney houston prince sharon stone vanessa williams toni braxton ll cool j the beatles envogue madonna jimmi hendrix aeorosmith michael jackson mariah carey maxwell the police snoop dogg guns n roses usher immature brandy the fugees Iauryn hill tlc aaliyah lil kim jay z foxy da brat rihanna beyonce eminem 50 cent kanye west these are the whole collectons shauntaake workang on right now shauntaake been collectang since the year 2011 - 2012 shauntaake have a laut of shaubtaake original digital rock n roll albums documentary's & video's shauntaake dscovered shauntaake white music when shauntaake was about 4 years old when vanessa purchase shauntaake strip for Christmas & it was meant rock n roll shauntaake real devil music the devil was white ppl thang shauntaake real devil circus acts & now shauntaake outside to stomp yo ass out & get real loud murderer kd murderer clown sht livang like a adult the only one in shauntaake world rock n roll to the moon & bak heaven he'll the above & below shauntaake listenang to the police walking on the moon right now the rock n rollers the real twin men shauntaake lauk like like guns n roses bon jovi sting the lead singer from aerosmith wit that wide ass vanessa smile they was also lee twins but lee aint play wit their music cause it was the real devil music & their rock n roll music could turn your whole world upsde down real quick & it gonna murder season serial kllers on the loose everywhere blaks don't play wit them ths why they take over the world wit r&b & hip hop music to try to change shauntaake soul lauk hw guns & n roses left everybody in the worst jungle hoods rock n roll also shauntaake heart & soul music that shauntaake know like r&b & hip hop music but shauntaake have a deeeeeper connect on wit rock n roll music shauntaake rock n roll music connect shauntaake hauntangs to
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shauntaake / what up 50 cent shauntaake uploadang your catalog right now your/our merger years togethaa was crassssssyyyyyy to
shauntaake frend malicky shauntaake always tell hm & shauntaake men cousin's shauntaake their pimp yall left them for dead ntil shauntaake start snarchang them bak up cause u bitches was wildang out wit all your men u ran around wit u was'nt thankang shauntaake men shauntaake grw up wit
shauntaake laughang cause the government was laughang & they call shauntaake a terriost n one of the Hollywood movies their sayang shauntaake birth made & invent the terrorist they were laughang cause they know shauntaake would never attempt to off the world but shauntaake body came to the world the deadliest weapon wit the worldstrap/attach to shauntaake the devil came bak a threat to the world ready to take the world down wit the devil/shauntaake & that exactly what happen shauntaake kd years shauntaake ain't know hu shauntaake was & they knw & never intended on tellang shauntaake cause that would of problems made me kll myself & shauntaake soul was murderous sellang hate to shauntaake family & the goverment & rich whites took shauntaake wholllllllllle citysssssss down everythang went abandon the devil vengeance was cause of that (alien attack) & want to take the whole world down for beang attackd hid the devil soul away forever since the sphinx & tut years shauntaake birth was pain since the start of shauntaake life shauntaake baby had to have shauntaake hernia cut off shauntaake was about 4 years old when shauntaake got that sergury that was shauntaake first surgery shauntaake hernia shauntaake was birth instant pain these haunt creaters that don't nderstand humans attack the human within me the devil came to rule them & they dsgree shauntaake hstory terrible but shauntaake make it the greatest hstory wit shauntaake masterang capturang & creatang shauntaake soul
shauntaake always readang comments sayang u know hu be furious wit shauntaake cause holla at uthaa woman yes shauntaake really live ths life but i'll stop if u plannd on makang shauntaake & u for real your pr sayang u want shauntaake to do u like hw shauntaake grandfathaa did shauntaake grandma they had all of those beautiful kds togethaa pretty skin pretty hair stallon kds a loyal marriage wit investments that kept shauntaake grandma pay for life your pr sayang u know shauntaake full of shauntaake family original breed kds shauntaake wit that shauntaake could be loyal when shauntaake really in love & in a trustang loyal relatonship shauntaake doll baby kds wll make u a honest loyal woman cause u'll never want to leave them shauntaake grandparents was marry for over 20 plus years shauntaake one white sperms donor shauntaake grandparent soul's got connect to the white part of shauntaake grandfathaa hw well groomd & masterd their kds were the pr shauntaake also readang that your fine wit shauntaake havang shauntaake 12 wives wit shauntaake white columbian italian blak & asian wives & u just want to be shauntaake first wife shauntaake seal/city hall wife shauntaake wit that but shauntaake masterang u by yourself in your own manson shauntaake gotaa sure u don't wild out wit all of our wives your gonna want your own space anyway cause that what your use to shauntaake wll give u your own part of our wing castle to yourself & shauntaake wll gather all of our kds everyday to be wit u as well shauntaake wll make u the head woman of our household if your shauntaake first investment wife
shauntaake wll let u be shauntaake investment wife & u could live your own life in your own manson & sh as intake wll always gathaa our kds up sothey could be wit u always cause your pr sayang your also in love wit your situaton & u also plan for your 3 relatonship & u want shauntaake seman merger so shauntaake could connect your man wit shauntaake & your relatonship/marriage it wll be sweet for all of us shauntaake world & goverment wll let u marry twice woman & man & shauntaake wll just our wing that wll open be a family for u to always be wit & spend time wit & we'll be legally marry u'll just have to decide which one of u woman get to marry shauntaake wit our city hall marriage shauntaake seal was more powerful than city hall but city hall goverment records & only one of u could get that
shauntaake / don't u know that your semantic & dna is usually out of person system within a year u wash u constantly clense yourself your always eatang so your constantly urinatang & purifyang yourself shauntaake seman only a lifetime in your system when shauntaake have a real lover that shauntaake have raw sex wit our semantic also goes into out men their penish hole heavy smear woman like shauntaake self will get in your system havang raw sex shauntaake 14 years celibate now so shauntaake ain't in nobody system shauntaake the only walkang & talkang shauntaake seman
shauntaake constantly fight to put shauntaake on cause don't nobody get shauntaake kds only shauntaake mystery whites that don't none of know shauntaake don't see shauntaake kds no where & shauntaake heart broken cause shauntaake kds the heaviest breed the rarest breeds & shauntaake feel like the world ain't on shauntaake level can't nderstand shauntaake level shauntaake the devil gallon shauntaake great ncle lee creaton also hatch shauntaake grandma kds & shauntaake also came shauntaake great ncle lee resurrecton shauntaake exactly like lee rage attitude lauk hw shauntaake live the thangs shauntaake into so shauntaake née allllll of those kds bak in shauntaake world everybody shauntaake date came doang shauntaake blood family hstory sean taylor was obssess wit shauntaake & shauntaake grandma relatonship sean taylor family had the exact thang we had shauntaake ncle sean taylor want shauntaake grandma son's & her kds sean taylor sold lee superfly hustle to shauntaake sean taylor best frends & business partners lauk exactly like superfly business partners & sean taylor née shauntaake cause shauntaake am the only one that could rehatch them all shauntaake cousin's dont know shauntaake grandma brothaas & ssters & her kds invest a laut of time into shauntaake baby & shauntaake kd shauntaake spent a laut of time wit alllllllll of them they instll alllllll of their hstory into shauntaake shauntaake great ncle lee & shauntaake grandma original blood twin sean taylor knw sean taylor nee shauntaake to remake those kds shauntaake fullllllll of shauntaake hstory shauntaake their blood & seman sean taylor was about the brinson & campbell fortune the brinson's & campbell's was the prettiest kds in the world that lauk like white kds & they was'nt mix breeds white hollywood in the pr like they were the brinson's & campbell's fortunes the whole hollywood lauk like shauntaake blood family sean taylor was obssess wit vanessa twin brother darryl moon in hs eye's darryl & darryl kds mother penny biheeyah lauk like penny & shauntaake see biheeyah was actang like penny biheeyah body was like penny to they all saw hw shauntaake haunt Farrel kds they all came shauntaake lil hatch's & the last one was a lil annie wit dark blonde hair biheeyah was sellang shauntaake & darryl annie to shauntaake wit mykyla biheeyah was sellang ghetto ass penny to shauntaake biheeyah let shauntaake reunite wit one of shauntaake annie's wit mykyla biheeyah sent her roberta house one day wit mykyla hair in two braids like shauntaake annie shauntaake shauntaake annie haunt shauntaake cause he shauntaake creaton hatch he remember bihheyah/penny & sean taylor lauk like shauntaake ncle darryl darryl annie start warsssssss every nigger was jealous of darryl we had to hide darryl kds down south & treat them like nothang to protect them from the wars that came when shauntaake start hatchang vanessa twin brothaa darryl biheeyah lauk like penny & shauntaake lauk like vanessa lee darryl & sean taylor & shauntaake haunt hstory work for us shauntaake haunts only know shauntaake & only come bak to shauntaake & shauntaake blood that close to shauntaake
shauntaake always tell ppl to be happy wit their own makes cause shauntaake tellang u u wll never get shauntaake make & shauntaake wll drive u mutherfuckers to madness trynna remake shauntaake & u can't hat why shauntaake tell ppl to stop lyang to theirselves & just be happy wit their own breed shauntaake breed dangerous shauntaake breed a make a mutherfucker want to kll u to steal them u have no idea hw shauntaake make start the nw world wars the goverment call shauntaake the last world war births shauntaake have a million war story''s since shauntaake birth shauntaake family we hate att shauntaake family have to deprive theirselves physically cause of the hate ppl gave us cause of our beauty they deprive the heaviest kds & ship them away cause they start wars & they were innocent they was just to pretty for some ppl that why shauntaake got ship away to a laut of war came vanessa way wanting to be all up nder shauntaake baby shauntaake baby shauntaake hauntangs a have yo ass kdnappd trynna steal your seman a mutherfucker want to spend allllllllll of their time wit u so shauntaake tellang u for your own safety to be happy wit your own creatons cause the world don't bother u & that is a blessing to live in peace u celebrity's even live in peace your celebrity fame they just want to come take your picture & meet u & be your biggest fans u don't now nothang but gettang kdnappd & lawfully tie up u don't know nothang about havang to hde u & your everythang cause ppl want to be around u 24/7 ppl that don't even know u bum rush u the minute your out in public so they could see u & your doll baby's u don't know nothang about that life shauntaake nee more security than the celebrity's u see hw shauntaake biological men got klld mutherfuckers kll them to steal shauntaake & shauntaake kds they klld my fathaa & stole shauntaake & vanessa & they klld sean taylor & tryyyyyy to steal shauntaake jasmin janyah mahagony & mykyla shauntaake ncle vanessa twin brothaa darryl only survive shauntaake haunt hatch wars cause he bow out play bum & ship hs kds to nowhere down south where nobody knw where they was at out of sight out of mind darryl shauntaake only biological man that survive shauntaake haunt hatch's shauntaake hauntangs only get active when shauntaake around shauntaake & shaubtaake hauntangs togethaa start wars that why they only brought shauntaake hauntangs around me sometimes they was testang us & everytime it was war somebody want beef they stab shauntaake uthaa ncle when shauntaake last lil annie came he was hospitalise for about a month these niggers want to be the fathaa it get's crasyyyyyyyyy shauntaake hid shauntaake daughtaa's jasmin & janyah mahagony at shauntaake mother house wit shauntaake mother & eddie eddie was a legal correcton officer wit license guns always ready to shoot these niggers was always runnang down eddie givang eddie their number for shauntaake to call me trynna be gentilmen but all along they trynna kidnap me & take me away wit shauntaake kds & they always play it cool cause shauntaake had a licensed shooter eddie
shauntaake / now these crasy bitches pr say shauntaake gonna die if shauntaake master wives shauntaake self up cause they say they know once they see those shauntaake kds their gonna off us to steal those kds cause they sat they want to be everythang to those kds the mother & fathaa & they don't want their mothers touchang them neithaa now u see what shauntaake went celibate shauntaake gonna have to do ths on shauntaake own & invest bak into shauntaake blood family for shauntaake protecton to have shauntaake secret locatons to lay low in shauntaake cousin's have hsands now & shauntaake men cousin's gettang pay now we want our original makes to
shauntaake / know that it a difference between gettang made & mockang somethang the person that got made soul possess those masters & the mocks are just mocks it easy to act & mock somethang that already got made but it hard to create somethang from scratch u know the in the makang makes when your actons & performance gettang made at that momment when u get made those masters naturally happen to u in real life not a act we all could listen to a album watch a movie or listen to a album & mock every little thang they do& say that a mocker & millions of ppl like that in ths world but the real one's that got made really have the soul to give u that feelang always their not shauntaake feelangs of hw shauntaake world feel shauntaake hate their world it a bullsht feelang their not love they don't know nothang about real love cause they never been in real love shauntaake been around these ppl & their soul's not shauntaake soul's their not shauntaake love that why shauntaake was so fast to leave them cause they ain't nothang like shauntaake their soul's was bullsht it is what it is & it a laut of bullsht ppl in ths world wit bullsht soul's & they support uthaa bullsht mutherfuckers that what part fuckd the world up lettang these bullsht mutherfuckers thank they it their soul''s debt & shauntaake be wantang to hurt them the why shauntaake isolate shauntaake self
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shauntaake / these niggers retard they don't even know what a hauntang is cause ain't nothang hauntang them & their soul's not haunt cause it would show in their phauts & we could tell your fake photo shop sht ain't real that when u lose respect shauntaake ghost swiftly closang doors now was'nt no window open wit wind blowing & was'nt nobody n the room & it close like somebody close it & shauntaake just kept vacuuming the carpet talkang to shauntaake soul like cool out be good shauntaake uh huh shauntaake daughtaa's been experienceang shauntaake soul hauntang them all if their life they lock the basement door every night & shauntaake be laughang shauntaake soul only haunt ppl that close to shauntaake shauntaake hauntangs wll run u out of ths house they be dssang the sht out if fake ass wanna be shauntaake the devil mutherfuckers get these devil stitches u looser mutherfuckers wll never know what it feel like to be the devil the devil a terrible experience that u mutherfucker's ain't live & will never live these mutherfucker been trying fuck wit shauntaake gift all of their life & they still ain't connect shauntaake connect to all of the devil haunt places since shauntaake was a baby & shauntaake baby phauts matcub all of these places identically witout knowang they callang these mutherfuckers a embarrassment in the comments cause their not the devil & their not shauntaake gift they in the comments goang off like home shauntaake gone niggers ain't nothang goang on shauntaake soul ain't hauntang nobody shauntaake see the more shauntaake create shauntaake self the stronger shauntaake soul gettang shauntaake nw private video's makang shauntaake soul stronger shauntaake finally witness the door close by itself wit nobody in the room now shauntaake believe jasmin & janyah mahagony when u haunt ppl u don't know your hauntang them ntil they tell u their beang haunt & that when shauntaake know shauntaake hauntang them & shauntaake try to keep shauntaake soul nder control but it hard to keep shauntaake soul a secret cause every phaut shauntaake take shauntaake soul want to pop out & be somethang nw shauntaake
shauntaake soul in love wit death u dumb mutherfuckers the devil death the devil in love wit the devil own death & very suicidal shauntaake save shauntaake soul the devil really want to end the world & shauntaake constantly fightang that part of shauntaake soul shauntaake was name shauntaake but shauntaake not shauntaake shauntaake don't now hu the fuck the person shauntaake is & shauntaake constantly fightang shauntaake self cause shauntaake came to ths world the first person that was ever birth someone that was birth already & chose to come bak to be born again shauntaake try shauntaake hardest to be shauntaake but shauntaake soul always jumpang out shauntaake body like jack/devil in the box & that when u no longer know shauntaake u see the devil/shauntaake ths why shauntaake start attachang shauntaake name to the say the devil/shauntaake shauntaake soul don't never let out nothang nice jasmin & janyah mahagony baby video's & kiddy toys & thangs let shauntaake make lil fairy tale lil thangs but they also lauk dangerous
shauntaake haunt places shauntaake hauntangs just sit there they don't do anythang shauntaake make shauntaake hauntangs come to life & shauntaake able to do that everywhere shauntaake at & everywhere shauntaake go shauntaake own shauntaake soul & shauntaake soul a detached soul & shauntaake soul follow shauntaake everywhere shauntaake go shauntaake the devil & the devil baby company & shauntaake baby phauts the baby shauntaake soul only love shauntaake baby shauntaake soul only want shauntaake baby so ths why all of shauntaake real hauntangs come bak shauntaake baby hauntangs cause shauntaake baby lauk take over their soul but it fades away when they get older if their not shauntaake blood cause shauntaake for life the adult devil now they only get to play shauntaake baby hauntang like jasmin & janyah mahagony came laukang just like shauntaake baby phauts & jasmin & janyah mahagony shauntaake only haunt births shauntaake heavy connecton wit jasmin & janyah mahagony made jasmin & janyah mahagony shauntaake haunt creatons shauntaake customly masterd jasmin & janyah mahagony soul jasmin & janyah mahaginy gonna get shauntaake haunt connecton for life & shauntaake nw blood & seman kds gonna get made like jasmin & janyah mahagony shauntaake use to haunt mykyla mykyla not a hauntang cause if mykyla baby was haunt everythang mykyla touch mykyla baby would be comang out everywhere & shauntaake see that ain't the case shauntaake analyse her situaton to see if she was a hauntang & she's not shauntaake baby haunt mykyla shauntaake soul able to take everythang from mykyla baby past cause that was shauntaake haunt baby but the minute they get older & separate from shauntaake shauntaake no longer connect to them ntil shauntaake get around them shauntaake see shauntaake only haunt mykyla now only when shauntaake around her mykyla a face shauntaake never see our seperaton stop's everythang shauntaake only let them get shauntaake baby hauntang like shaunt shaunt shauntaake stronger hauntang that not blood shauntaake actually made shaunt wit one of shauntaake hand paint inventons shaunt came to kll for shauntaake shaunt came to be violent cause what shauntaake hand create have a possed woman/man shauntaake on it wit a oozie gun layang the same exact way like shaunt baby layang like shauntaake baby phaut aimang shauntaake baby & janyah mahagony baby only lauk like shunt shauntaake got the video's same head body hands & nose shauntaake custom hand paintangs shauntaake create shauntaake own soul shauntaake recreate shauntaake baby shauntaake custom made shauntaake bag around the years 2004-2008 when shauntaake was datang chants shauntaake upset cause shauntaake was sellang shauntaake doll baby to ppl all of those clothes hand paint clothes shauntaake was makang shauntaake baby phauts lauk was on them shauntaake create shauntaake own soul ths why shauntaake don't wantang to sell shauntaake thangs to u all no more cause your gonna be able to possess a piece of shauntaake baby soul that might hatch for u & give u shauntaake baby one of hollywood majors say in a video she can't wait to see shauntaake carryang shaunt around & it gonna be cause that shauntaake bag haunt so that bag ain't allow to come out no more shauntaake have a laut of shauntaake inventon's on punishment like shauntaake moon & stars & one of shauntaake foxsets necklaces they can't come out no more but shauntaake keep near the sun light so they could see like shauntaake voodoo baby could never come out don't u know that shauntaake have a world full of programd/possessed ppl & these ppl come out to kll for shauntaake protect shauntaake surround shauntaake obssess & obey shauntaake so when shauntaake strongly haunt thangs come out shauntaake soul programs these ppl to do what shauntaake née them to do shauntaake was birth a cult of program ppl jasmin & janyah mahagony so program connect to shauntaake hauntangs & masters & shauntaake be crackang up laughang
shauntaake want to know if shauntaake haunt world feelangs love sick to your stomach shauntaake about to release one of shauntaake creatons & shauntaake have shauntaake own world of thanks that was customer made for shauntaake to merge shauntaake soul wit & it works for shauntaake
shauntaake own jasmin & janyah mahagony soul's & shauntaake just restore jasmin & janyah mahagony wit shauntaake last two albums shauntaake & shauntaake || the release shauntaake jasmin & janyah mahagony baby came bak shauntaake great shauntaake kept shauntaake daughtaa's jasmin & janyah mahagony soul's connect to shauntaake & sean taylor jasmin & janyah mahagony mother & fathaa same mother & same fathaa shauntaake don't have identity problems vanessa had identity problems puttang her trust into strangers thankang strangers was gonna do her right & they came to steal from her & shauntaake baby & shauntaake kd that anuthaa reason shauntaake kd was always out trynna seek shauntaake own life shauntaake own masters could vanessa ain't collect me but shauntaake whitesssssssss collect shauntaake everythang & built their own world wit what they collect from shauntaake shauntaake own vanessa masters now shauntaake great shauntaake took vanessa bak 
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shauntaake see shauntaake ran ths whole world wit madonna & shauntaake want to sat shauntaake love u madonna a major piece of our heaven clarity & godly soul's madonna music could save u madonna loves hell to but madonna have that music that could cure & save your soul madonna the heaviest recorded artist in the major music industry & madonna masters was a major part in masterang shauntaake & controllang shauntaake shauntaake vanessa twin makes our body's & faces the deadliest sin & shauntaake collectang madonna whole collecton right now but shauntaake turn the masters on shauntaake majors & now shauntaake masters try to take control of their soul's now u know he it feels your control could make a mutherfucker kll theirself ppl don't know what it feels like for your soul to be controlled by the majors masters & now shauntaake masters want their soul''s & shauntaake see one of their favorite muses everytime shauntaake make a major move their comang & watch shauntaake next major move gonna have madonna comang bak out shauntaake want to be your nw master & manager us beang togethaa everyday gonna connect it all cause u madonna are one of the greatest artist that the whole world obey's & they also make major moves when u make a move madonna u release right now & watch hw they all follow up & start comang out everywhere but it have to be maga hit again like your 80's & 90's collectors your that original rich white bitch from our heavy coke era's the years that made everybody rich so shauntaake née that madonna bak & shauntaake know the only way your gonna let that madonna out is if your currently livang that life & your in your beang a parent the world's activist mode right now cause their connect ain't doang it for the world we ain't talkang about a small group of ppl were talkang about the world shauntaake stll shauntaake/madonna original lauk now so shauntaake stll our weight shauntaake took that madie fall & shauntaake woke up that for u trynna cancel me n that chants era shauntaake know cause she sold me a bullsht experience that was'nt shauntaake fault that hoe was'nt on shauntaake level she gave me a bad perception but the major industry she ain't habe enough power to let shauntaake all the way in to get close to the majors cause she ain't major so shauntaake was fuckang wit the wrong bitch but shauntaake bak to right everythang they try to fuck up for us ths sht not even funny hw shauntaake soul connect to shauntaake mergers masters & shauntaake say madie & shauntaake was about to die ths sht crasy so shauntaake have to be careful what shauntaake say to shauntaake soul mergers shauntaake & madonna soul connect as one madonna the most powerful one shauntaake soul connect to madonna the heaviest weight jim morrison pass away & lois stop creatang so madonna took it no one should ever have the much power connect to your bysoul only your mother & fathaa & madonna took shauntaake soul connecton madonna the uthaa mother of the devil/shauntaake like lois shauntaake say madonna won madonna part soul connecton these masterd whites was'nt playang the devil was their thang & they were masterang the devil hstory masters & shauntaake née madonna to know that shauntaake love madonna & everythang about madonna & your body of work shauntaake have a nw respect for u now that shauntaake collectang your whole catalog of music movies & video's & shauntaake have to praise u also shauntaake have to praise u your one of shauntaake attached soul''s & your a major connecton in shauntaake world that could end it all shauntaake wll never dsrespect u never again cause u are one of the greatest that ever did it & live it
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shauntaake was workang on shauntaake cream jars & shauntaake customs an them & shauntaake puttang shauntaake stars on them & their so special merge wit shauntaake initials & shauntaake star wildang out reachang for a hug some of shauntaake star lauk like bears some of shauntaake stars lauk like their dancang & reachang for a hug it shauntaake doll baby hw shauntaake baby was actang & performang shauntaake hands create shauntaake soul & only shauntaake soul shauntaake showang u what shauntaake star lauk like u know shauntaake shauntaake pen treasure shauntaake also benjamin soul restore shauntaake love shauntaake benjasmin & shauntaake always able to create shauntaake real soul shauntaake cream jars are more pieces of shauntaake treasure's shauntaake kept washang the paint off debatang if shauntaake want to give u a piece of shauntaake soul shauntaake hate givang shauntaake doll baby away like shauntaake clothang line shauntaake was hand paintang shauntaake doll baby shauntaake cream jars could be a nw thang for shauntaake world to collect shauntaake twinkle twinkle little starsssssssssss u could peal shauntaake stars off of the lid & collect shauntaake stars for yourself u could carry them around put them on your mirrors your refridgarator u could restick shauntaake stars on any surface shauntaake obssess wit shauntaake star right now & shauntaake want shauntaake stars spread out everywhere in the since shauntaake brought shauntaake starry night sky bak shauntaake obssess ths shauntaake plan to connect shauntaake star again wit shauntaake custom made cream that smells spectacular shauntaake jars are smaller than shauntaake expect but shauntaake smallest mini cream jars are well worth $30 cause u could take about two pinky's worth of shauntaake cream that enough for your wrist & neck to keep u smellang good allllll day if ths first shauntaake batch goes great shauntaake gonna get bigger jars so u could purchase a large amount at once shauntaake cream wll be available the nw year 2021 for u to purchase your custom made shauntaake cream shauntaake star shauntaake inventon baby shauntaake nw kds hatch's lauk shauntaake star also connect shauntaake inventon that gave shauntaake shauntaake mystery kds shauntaake soul in shauntaake mystery mode right now
shauntaake soul get obsess wit shauntaake everytime shauntaake start a new shauntaake creaton shauntaake soul gets into perform mode & want to attach shauntaake soul to everythang shauntaake create shauntaake baby devil wildang the bag shauntaake mini jars came in u know shauntaake had to touch the bag & open it to get shauntaake jars everythang shauntaake touch shauntaake soul attach shauntaake soul to it & shauntaake baby devil want to show shauntaake brain shauntaake one of the geniuses of the world & shauntaake devil baby want to expose all of the mini jars as shauntaake brain now u see why shauntaake don't show u a laut of thangs cause shauntaake the devil & shauntaake soul loves to show u shauntaake hell shauntaake to raw but shauntaake white love it when shauntaake like ths they want to see shauntaake devil world & what shauntaake sellang shauntaake soul at it strongest haunt level right now cause of hw much of shauntaake own soul shauntaake possess shauntaake phauts shauntaake music & video's & shauntaake phauts of shauntaake body parts have shauntaake soul masterd perfectly & now shauntaake really get to show u the devil/shauntaake & the devil/shauntaake hstory & shauntaake hauntangs soooooooo beautiful shauntaake baby shauntaake self to try to keep shauntaake soul innocent cause shauntaake soul hell born hell create hell & love hell & shauntaake soul love to show u that your not the devil/shauntaake cause your soul dont connect like shauntaake shauntaake soul very competitive & love to show off that the devil/shauntaake the only one shauntaake made shauntaake self/soul anti social so shauntaake soul/hauntangs don't bother u & u née to be very happy about that cause everythang shauntaake touch shauntaake haunt & shauntaake hauntangs get real hateful if we ain't all good that why shauntaake keep shauntaake self/soul connect to shauntaake daughtaa's jasmin & janyah mahagony cause shauntaake soul full of love it hellsh love but it love & shauntaake love makes shauntaake hauntangs acceptable
shauntaake obssess wit shauntaake self shauntaake make shauntaake self retar over shauntaake self & shauntaake inventons shauntaake in here giggalang retar right now laukang at shauntaake nw inventons they lauk like shauntaake nw doll baby's & their makang shauntaake crasy wit happiness shauntaake so proud of shauntaake nw custom made company shauntaake soul/hand make shauntaake feel like ths
shauntaake so love sick wit shauntaake doll baby right now shauntaake just recreate shauntaake doll baby soul & shauntaake nw mini custom jars connect to shauntaake baby phaut wearang shauntaake pink & white holdang shauntaake cabbadge patch shauntaake lauk that all of shauntaake kds mocks & shauntaake nw lil mini cream jars connectang to shauntaake baby & these shauntaake nw mini jars shauntaake hand makang shauntaake love sick shauntaake was always in the doll baby business & shauntaake build doll baby's that what shauntaake do that been shauntaake secret forever & shauntaake nw mini jars lettang that piece of shauntaake soul out again now u see why shauntaake kept washang the paint off of shauntaake mini jar lids cause shauntaake nw shauntaake doll baby was comang bak to show u shauntaake baby & hw shauntaake was livang & actang shauntaake baby was always hdang now it hdang in the box trynna hde shauntaake self wit a mean face cause shauntaake baby ain't want to be bothered & shauntaake lovvvvvvang shauntaake baby shauntaake want to cry cause shauntaake so in love cause shauntaake finally get to be a mother to shauntaake baby soul shauntaake daughtaa's & shauntaake inventons let shauntaake know what it eels like to be vanessa & shauntaake lovang it shauntaake was the 1 & only baby that came shauntaake told shauntaake foxsets it was on punishment & that hw shauntaake soul actang shauntaake pink & white foxset/shauntaake doll baby want to sell hate to u & shauntaake not allowang it shauntaake punishang shauntaake baby soul right now & it upset shauntaake baby née shauntaake mean strict ass jasmin & janyah mahagony shauntaake put the worst fear in their kds shauntaake make shauntaake devilish ass faces & they sat their bad assess down jasmin & janyah mahagony was lil mean ass kds & don't want to listen shauntaake get to raisang shauntaake voice & makang faces & it a wrap where gonna be good mommy & shauntaake baby was in love wit vanes & shauntaake laukang like vanes again rose shauntaake baby again & shauntaake keep comang bak to shauntaake/vanessa shauntaake mother & shauntaake have shauntaake baby soul on punishment right now & shauntaake baby/soul mad & shauntaake don't care so shauntaake gotta nit pick thru shauntaake phauts now what shauntaake want to let out cause shauntaake baby soul officially bak sellang the devil baby hate your on punishment & shauntaake have business to handle & shauntaake gonna manage shauntaake business right safe & manage it right a lovang company okay u little one get all the kissess from shauntaake always shauntaake always kissang on shauntaake baby came bak haunt inventons but their not allow to come out & playyyyyyyyyyy
shauntaake see shauntaake can't let shauntaake heavy inventon company's out to the world cause now shauntaake see shauntaake doll baby was goang to those mystery white vanessa's shauntaake baby really come bak to shauntaake they don't be gettang shauntaake baby ppl be lyang ca use they don't get shauntaake baby in real life u see shauntaake mystery kds shauntaake makes they only post their phquts without parents cause their shauntaake mystery birth''s shauntaake gave the world a chance to hatch shauntaake the years 2011-2018 the real vanessa lauk a likes a use those the only one''s shauntaake baby goes to but if u did'nt lauk like vanessa u née to get close to shauntaake or white woman that lauk like vanessa shauntaake am the one that could let shauntaake real soul out into the world like hauntangs shauntaake sold shauntaake worldwide hauntangs to u all the years 2011-2018 that over now shauntaake nw shauntaake jasmin & janyah mahagony company shauntaake let out not a haunt company shauntaake phauts haunt but it not enough to haunt shauntaake whole world only the ppl close to shauntaake blame vanessa vanessa made it impossible for u all to get shauntaake doll baby cause vanessa play the role like a white woman vanessa dress up & lauk like a white that why shauntaake obssess wit white woman that lauk like shauntaake self & vanessa & those are rare u had to really be a rich white woman lauk that carry yourself like a classy business woman it so hard for shauntaake to find shauntaake make & it love at first sight vanessa was really a long lost white woman soul vanessa apartment was immaculent like rich white woman vanessa grocery ship like a white woman vanessa kept shauntaake surround around white ppl in vanessa professonal job life vanessa pick vanessa checks up from the world trade center in manhattan new york city shauntaake told u shauntaake grandfathaa was part white shauntaake grandfather ssters lauk like white woman wit straight lobg hair all the way to their buttocks shauntaake grandma kds was the only one's hu had corse white ppl hair & shauntaake grandparents lauk like blak ppl vanessa was only beang vanessa self vanessa first car was the white omen pinto shauntaake heavy fog mornangs goang to pre school vanessa live like a white woman vanessa hung wit vanessa wealthy frends that own business vanessa frends was drivang mercedes since the 80's workang woman so vanessa set shauntaake soul right & shauntaake set jasmin & janyah mahagony soul's the same way u get the half makes u don't get shauntaake fulls
shauntaake happy u ppl are happy wit gettang your own makes your just not gettang the devil/shauntaake kds shauntaake kds shauntaake gifts u are all average ppl & shauntaake keep trynna make u nderstand that if u don't nderstand
shauntaake baby was sketchang all of shauntaake pen treasures since shauntaake was a baby shauntaake was sketchang benjamin franklin since shauntaake was a baby now u see why shauntaake white teachers was takang shauntaake art shauntaake was the greatest dscover of the treasures from the first world even tho they chuckee shauntaake a white voodoo man the devil that transfer hs soul into a doll baby body vanessa & shauntaake aunts & ncles & shauntaake white teachers got to play shauntaake adult devil when shauntaake was a baby now u see hw all of their acts was mega stars out of ths world chucky a white voodoo man name charles (lee) ray transfer hs soul into doll baby body & made it come to life they use vanessa & shauntaake phaut but the lauk was the devil from shauntaake pen walls wit the devil baby now u see hw the devil was white ppl's hstory that white ppl masterdy & whites masterd the devil/shauntaake hstory the greatest that why they became the wealthiest hollywood net worth took the world hollywood directors some of the richest men in the world forbes not enough were gonna have to create anuthaa magazine for shauntaake makes out of the stratisfere ppl u don't really know shauntaake ppl shauntaake genius makes
shauntaake still in business even tho shauntaake havang a set bak wit jars but shauntaake still in busuness u could stll get your shauntaake cream shauntaake a 1 & only company a rare company so whateva shauntaake post wit a sale sign on it that what shauntaake have for u to purchase & shauntaake have shauntaake special cream for u to purchase the first of the year shauntaake putting in another order today for 100 more jars but could stll request your orders cause shauntaake have some availible shauntaake $30 jars shauntaake also love to write thangs so u could get connect to shauntaake connecton shauntaake nw custom treasure bag's & jars are it''s proper value shauntaake always give ppl to much of shauntaake soul now shauntaake gonna give u your money''s worth
shauntaake gonna make a official website when shauntaake cream become's a success & then u could order it straight off of shauntaake website but right shauntaake gonna be family to family frend to frend neighbor to neighbor email's text message's & phone calls to announce shauntaake nw cream that smell's so good
shauntaake devil tut first ppl was giant's shauntaake arms shauntaake legitimate kds have shauntaake same arms & body shauntaake nw acient pieces crasy someone taught shauntaake hw to make shauntaake star like that when shauntaake was a lil girl & that the star shauntaake could make within like one second
shauntaake / the major industry or say shauntaake owe shauntaake treasures to shauntaake self shauntaake know shauntaake always had a set bak wit money wit shauntaake treasures cause shauntaake treasures come out so great that shauntaake have o sell shauntaake pieces shauntaake treasure worth
shauntaake wll give u all two optons of purchasang shauntaake mini acient jar $100 & shauntaake wll let u purchase shauntaake mini jar witout for $30
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shauntaake devil acient hands get shauntaake in so much trouble the smallest thangs shauntaake make be the richest thangs shauntaake make & shauntaake nw custom made logo for shauntaake cream connect to shauntaake acient egyptian treasure shauntaake cream a custom logo connect to shauntaake birth initials & shauntaake star & shauntaake acient egyptian king queen years reveal in it shauntaake body shauntaake big teeth doll baby the big tooth beaver from shauntaake acient walls shauntaake doll baby teddy bears shauntaake the acient stallon woman man the statue of liberty within shauntaake shauntaake don't know if shauntaake could sell u shauntaake custom logo shauntaake might have to peel shauntaake sc stars off of shauntaake cream lids shauntaake self cause shauntaake art worth a fortune apart of shauntaake acient treasure & shauntaake would have to charge u more than $30 shauntaake trynna be fair cause of the size of shauntaake cream jar shauntaake rocks shauntaake hand made custom design really let u have a piece of shauntaake soul shauntaake riches soul so your just gonna have to accept shauntaake plain jars wit a plain gold treasure bag that worth the price that shauntaake chargang but shauntaake wll show u what shauntaake hands made the cream your wearang the phauts shauntaake taken will forever be connect to shauntaake custom made cream & when shauntaake peel the star off of shauntaake lid it no longer connect so u have to keep it connect on the lid shauntaake gonna have to order some nw lids all over again so shauntaake cream not gonna be available the first of the year shauntaake design also sexual connect to shauntaake devil garganuant white dick that makang shauntaake connect stronger these stranger bitches had plans to make shauntaake lids into rings shauntaake upset that shauntaake have to wait for nw jars but it all great shauntaake say for shauntaake acient $100 mini jar purchasers do not peel shauntaake star off keep the lid & store it carry it around mantel it cause it is a piece of shauntaake egyptian treasure shauntaake acient jar connecton hauntang shauntaake it shauntaake connecton shauntaake happy it plastic so u can't touch shauntaake acient part cause it might haunt u but u'll get to touch the top of shauntaake star
shauntaake / everytime shauntaake create a nw company it a nw life for shauntaake shauntaake wll show u shauntaake cream investment life shauntaake investang bak into shauntaake cream company but shauntaake am gonna be out again winnang & dinnang shauntaake self from jersey to new york city everytime shauntaake create a nw company shauntaake company money gives shauntaake a nw life shauntaake gonna be out & about trynna promote shauntaake cream shauntaake world love it when shauntaake create shauntaake company's cause it a nw journey for shauntaake nw money nw experiences & shauntaake world be ready to follow shauntaake every move shauntaake mahagony lane movies & series yearsssss was crassssssyyyyyy shauntaake lauk was everywhere shauntaake only show uthaa ppl when shauntaake wold visit them & then once shauntaake leave them shauntaake cast go strictly bak to shauntaake shauntaake got pay in shauntaake mahagony lane years but shauntaake never cash in on shauntaake treasure shauntaake stll have most of shauntaake art from shauntaake mahagony lane era's worth shauntaake fortune shauntaake keep tellang these loosers shauntaake have shauntaake own world of ppl that do shauntaake they be ready when shauntaake come out wit shauntaake be company's shauntaake world love shauntaake now u gotaa build a world of ppl that love shauntaake have all of the real devil worshippers world they love the devil/shauntaake shauntaake tumblr shauntaake management it funny hw shauntaake world was playang these foe bitches out fuckang wit uthaa niggers we let chants be jenny we let that bitch do her but shauntaake was the whole series everytime shauntaake got a nw date or was in anuthaa relatonship we ignore their relatonships shauntaake interestang enough shauntaake ain't thankang about none of u stupid ass bitches shauntaake about buildang shauntaake nw company & when your buildang a nw company u always meet ppl your customers & nw potential business partners shauntaake always professonal shauntaake name information & hands work for shauntaake it already workang shauntaake great
shauntaake apologise to shauntaake acient jar purchasers that u can't touch the the heavy part of shauntaake star like shauntaake stake collecton u could touch the whole piece ths is a limit piece of shauntaake art shauntaake don't want to sell it to u shauntaake stll debatang cause shauntaake easily transfer shauntaake shauntaake cream wit shauntaake unicorn wand to the plain jars real fast wit no problems shauntaake may only let out a one time limit 14 of shauntaake star jars & paint about 82 of shauntaake star jars shauntaake had to peel some of shauntaake stars off shauntaake made up shauntaake mind shauntaake sorry shauntaake can't sell shauntaake nw acient art to u shauntaake star connect wit shauntaake name one of shauntaake nw acient dscovery's about shauntaake self so shauntaake clear jars will be enough shauntaake jar tops are a piece of shauntaake acient treasure & shauntaake lauk worth shauntaake fortune shauntaake will make these piece's in a necklace & rings shauntaake great shauntaake love when shauntaake discover shauntaake self shauntaake will put shauntaake logo on the shauntaake treasure bag shauntaake will spell it out that wll also be somethang from shauntaake treasure hand that u could collect shauntaake release date gonna be a lil late cause shauntaake have to order some more jars shauntaake mstake ''s always come out a shauntaake treasure shquntaake masterang shauntaake pen did this shauntaake 100% connect to shauntaake acient walls
shauntaake now u why shauntaake have to be very careful about what shauntaake sell to ppl cause shauntaake hands shauntaake art worth the world & shauntaake nw tips was about to put us in the worst war the musliums also cherish the devil real hstory treasures & the musliums pr say they was gonna put a hit on everybody that purchase shauntaake acient jars cause they want those piece's for theirself cause they know the value of shauntaake art & they would kll to get those pieces bak n their hands ths hw sean taylor was so it plain lids wit shauntaake treasure bags shauntaake a put a pretty gold star on the bag that u can't peel off & it'll stll be special shauntaake have everythang nder control shauntaake a war head mutherfucker to they say they would rathaa come & spend their weight wit shauntaake honestly
shauntaake / & now shauntaake readang u know what two was comang here to off u hu ever purchase those shauntaake special jars cause that a piece of their hstory wit shauntaake cause shauntaake soul was all in them these bitches a come thru here & hit all of ths sht up thru the goverment & everythang else ths why shauntaake masterd shauntaake own masters management & rights u mutherfuckers know shauntaake be keepang u safe cause the industry come to kll these ain't no crumb mutherfuckers their millionaires & billionaires
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shauntaake / for the past 3 days shauntaake seman been comang out thick clear & a little white hangang & shauntaake could feel the weight of it hangang shauntaake was always heavyyyyyyy seman shauntaake gallonsssssss comang out heavy now & shauntaake upset cause those shauntaake sex gallonsssssss & that shauntaake flows beang waste shauntaake always get like ths
shauntaake / yall see shauntaake not on shauntaake instagram shauntaake instagram just adding ppl now whateva do u shauntaake hacked instagram page
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shauntaake glad that don't nobody know shauntaake wives u mutherfuckers wll never get to play around wit shauntaake lives & take phauts wit shauntaake wives shauntaake wll off everybody that try to get close what uthaa ppl bitches do ain't shauntaake concern ths why shauntaake can't marry woman from the major industry shauntaake would a unexpected guest interruptang the video & movies set like hell no their kssang shauntaake would be faintang rantang bitchang & passang out that hw shauntaake baby use to do vanessa when vanessa got a nw boyfrend shauntaake mean ass kd ran all of their assess off shauntaake be happy in shauntaake real relatonships mindang shauntaake business tuck away not botherang nobody
shauntaake / everyday ppl choose to sacrifice theirself & (a) theirself cause they thank their in love that a choice u chose to make us as humans have the right to make descisons for ourselves shauntaake not (a) shauntaake self shauntaake sorry yall go & do yall shauntaake got wives to care for & give shauntaake wives shauntaake healthy beautiful than man kind kds shauntaake happy shauntaake hope yall happy wit the decisions yall makang cause shauntaake been masterang shauntaake self by shauntaake self yo dumb assess your not shauntaake focus shauntaake gota laut of thangs shauntaake got goang on shauntaake hope u don't off yourself thankang shauntaake gonna mss u u fuckd up cause wll mss a stranger shauntaake wll wish u on your way rest in peace & shauntaake & shauntaake world gonna go on wit our life
shauntaake / our fans be stealang our phauts we really be there doang it & livang it shauntaake be like let shauntaake tell u what happen that day shauntaake & sean taylor spent $1million plus togethaa happily sean taylor hs & hers shauntaake everythang sean taylor had he identically match shauntaake to hs furs hs acient sweaters hs damonds shauntaake have the woman verson of sean taylor clothang investments that hw usually real couples & marriages do it that hw all of sean taylor frends enrichd their real woman that hw shauntaake gonna do shauntaake wives twiny twin up shauntaake real soul's sean taylor was kool aid smile everyday lovang sean taylor great life care free no problems a peace of mind happy doang what sean taylor want to do sean taylor chose to twin shauntaake sean taylor told shauntaake sean taylor twin shauntaake to make shauntaake & sean taylor stronger merge as one as the same thang they wll nderstand us sean taylor was'nt playang sean taylor let shauntaake & sean taylor custom make ourselves a twin match be for it was all over cause all of the places where we got our thangs tailor made custom made those stores are gone we was era that happened shauntaake met shauntaake twin & fell in love & made shauntaake heirs wit shauntaake twin sean taylor was also the only one it wll never be anuthaa one sean taylor was special everybody keep askang shauntaake to write shauntaake & sean taylor story cause shauntaake & sean taylor investment relatonship set shauntaake wit hollywood millionaire membership shauntaake lauks shauntaake did it all wit the love of shauntaake life shauntaake soul shauntaake happiness set for life shauntaake hope everybody find their soulmate in life & when u meet that person it gonna be love at first sight & that gonna be the person u'll feel like u can't live witout shauntaake was wit sean taylor everyday since the first day shauntaake met sean taylor love at first sight that loco love they was aimang at sean taylor & trynna kll hm to keep sean taylor away from shauntaake sean taylor was trynna snatch shauntaake be for 16 years old these hater mutherfuckers put a hit on hm & sean taylor survive their hit & came bak & stll snatch shauntaake that scary now that shauntaake thank about it shauntaake use to massage sean taylor hand everyday that they shot when he was trynna block hs face shauntaake was aways crying kssang & huggang sean taylor shauntaake baby everytime sean taylor tell shauntaake what happen to sean taylor lettang shauntaake know sean taylor was connect to shauntaake soul trynna get close to shauntaake & shauntaake soul sean taylor say shauntaake was sean taylor king queen that sean taylor née to save whle shauntaake stll a virgin sean taylor say sean taylor née sean taylor rightful claim shauntaake managed roberta & roberta taylor right wit sean taylor no more maid story's & the dead chop up old lady n the basement american horror story much slve master mergers shauntaake & roberta taylor shauntaake heart racing right now talkang about hw shauntaake lost shauntaake meant twin shauntaake sad for shauntaake self cause shauntaake never fell in love again aftaa sean taylor so many men & woman came aftaa wards to really love me put shauntaake in houses give shauntaake everythang shauntaake ask for they even want to habe kds wit shauntaake & shauntaake refuse all of them & they hate me cause of shauntaake rejecton but they all knw sean taylor was shauntaake soulmate so they excuse shauntaake for not givang them shauntaake real love they know that part of shauntaake
shauntaake made shauntaake life plans to be wit shauntaake mystery white woman shauntaake uthaa mystery life cause shauntaake & sean taylor also one of shauntaake greatest mystery lives that shauntaake world briefly show u shauntaake & sean taylor relatonship hstory was worth a heavy piece of shauntaake world shauntaake years of hstory wit shauntaake & sean taylor shauntaake say mystery white woman white woman u don't know shauntaake gonna serial u it gonna be interestang shauntaake gonna master & manage u hw shauntaake see u as shauntaake mystery's were gonna be on of shauntaake greatest creatons shauntaake takang all of our phauts & video's so shauntaake could reveal your soul to show shauntaake world u was always shauntaake shauntaake soul know's hu shauntaake's & hu ain't shauntaake's shauntaake wll never waste shauntaake time wit ppl hu ain't shauntaake's they see now shauntaake never managed them it very personal cause shauntaake's real soul's go to war for shauntaake to enrich shauntaake shauntaake a creater & creative masters shauntaake make massive masters wit shauntaake real lovers shauntaake ain't let nobody get shauntaake like sean taylor masterssssssss of shauntaake & sean taylor Sean taylor was obsess wit makang music & shauntaake sex that why sean taylor soul always come bak to shauntaake shauntaake can't even speak on hw sean taylor was reborn to shauntaake shauntaake gonna keep that secret to shauntaake self shot when u have no idea what sean taylor was plannang shauntaake & sean taylor resurrect shauntaake & sean taylor sean taylor was obssess wit vanessa as a mother & shauntaake as sean taylor bany & sean taylor got sean taylor dream to be wit shauntaake & vanessa for life sean taylor livang & well & happy shauntaake twiny twin for life
shauntaake just read a google title that say shauntaake white woman love hw shauntaake was a mother & a fathaa to shauntaake kds jasmin & janyah mahagony & their pr say they love it cause shauntaake was also hard on them strict & stern like a man to shauntaake kds & they know shauntaake wll shauntaake white kds wit them in line shauntaake ready shauntaake know shauntaake had to be the man in jasmin & janyah mahagony life also cause their real fathaa was gone ths why a laut of men try to befrend shauntaake cause shauntaake their threat most of them be scare of shauntaake specially when shauntaake come around beang shauntaake loco ass self proper self shauntaake really come around like the batman jokersssss tellang u mutherfuckers u nee shauntaake to personally master u shauntaake be theraler than them harder than them shauntaake put fear in them shauntaake got more badder bitches than them so shauntaake competiton in a laut of men eye's cause shauntaake able to be the man bitches been callang shauntaake the man since shauntaake was about 8 years old cause shauntaake took over shauntaake whole city like a boss respect everywhere shauntaake went the world nw jack city shauntaake cause of shauntaake hood & classy surroundangs wit vanessa shauntaake was the most fear kd & person in shauntaake city & shauntaake world ths why shauntaake men try to twin shauntaake cause shauntaake a mutherfuckang birth war head ass savage
shauntaake / ths the wackiest sht shauntaake readang that your chick's be fuckang niggers membershippang them & claim they was all fuckang & was apart of babying these niggers like we was all fuckang when her baby came & then we was all fuckang when she was pregnant so now that their hustle it game over shauntaake hoeang your hoes shauntaake don't want your love shauntaake don't want it& shauntaake don't née your hoe love they know they fuckd up that proper respect bitch sht over wit shauntaake won't play all shauntaake have for u is a million dollar date membership protect sex shauntaake don't want to be in your minag u fuck circle while a bitch pregnant no thanks they made they last nigger gay he lauk a hot damn mess n the video's are u serious & u try to play us wow & then shauntaake got remind shauntaake self they ain't from here they from uthaa places not here murderers teridome they ain't theral bitches their confuse bitches that shauntaake would play the sht out of but shauntaake ain't even beat shauntaake tell them shauntaake like them cause of their talent & shaubtaake really do like their talent but shauntaake might not like the person hu they are in real life u might be some corney ass bitches & shauntaake gonna be mad cause shauntaake was hollerang at u so ths the nw hustle the ming fuck circle whle one of u bitches pregnant so we could all claim that birth that the wackest sht your pass arounds now it all fuckd up now anybody fuck wit them your a joke n the world's eye's they jump from situaton to situaton & shauntaake natural soul situaton wll treat u like the hoes u are no offense but do yall shauntaake happy when your ready to pay shauntaake a million dollars each for realdoe sex holla at me if not please don't bother me or shauntaake pr & shauntaake pages okay please don't try to interffere in shauntaake life cause it ain't gonna be nice looooooooosers shauntaake could be a real loac out mutherfucker shauntaake use to be caught up in your acts u bitches act like u make your video's to show off for shauntaake that might not be the case but from what shauntaake readang & seeing n real life your weirdo's fuck it when u got the ultimate death fuck just wild the fuck out mane everythang & everybody & u ain't even mane them u ain't catch a body yet shauntaake that movie masterd mutherfucker that to real for your weirdo games & shauntaake wll intro of u once shauntaake get in your circle your all gonna be controlled by shauntaake & your gonna be a whole nuthaa person hw shauntaake want u to be shauntaake masterd your not cause if u was masterd u would'nt be doang the sht u be doang cause it all fuckd up now
shauntaake don't have a dream home shauntaake live shauntaake dream everyday shauntaake soul shauntaake gift
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shauntaake / the the twilight zone house amityville horror house halloween/lee/vanessa/shauntaake house the jason/elmo house nancy house freddy/lee night mare on elm street house horrrrrrrrrror movies forever house shauntaake hollywood shauntaake remember eddie put a steel handle & lock on hs door when shauntaake came home from shauntaake jersey city war waking up & spassang out ths house suicide central the house will make u kll yourself ths house will also poison u & kll u shauntaake ain't smell the poison n over 12 years ths one of the devil/shauntaake house's shauntaake laukang like a glam up woman did everybody right they trust shauntaake to manage ths house & shauntaake been managang it right shauntaake original family the murderer family shauntaake grandma ssters was gettang brutally murdererd & found dead & shauntaake grandma brothaa's went loco & got on some murderer sht all of shauntaake grandma brothaa''s had to be nurture they all was surrounded by shauntaake grandma & her ssters everyday they live one block away from each uthaa
shauntaake devil secrets shauntaake soul that haunt shauntaake family houses u mutherfuckers ain't even get the whole phaut your gonna have to stand on the couch to get the whole phaut u got shauntaake human finger on it it shauntaake human finger on it to u gonna break shauntaake sht down to a science if u want to do research on shauntaake that finger lauk identical to shauntaake finger shauntaake finger that got crush n a huge iron gate at 34 school that was shauntaake corose finger that turnt the color white from havang a cast on it shauntaake nail on that finger even came off & had to grow bak & that injury from that finger one of shauntaake hauntangs that shauntaake try shauntaake hardest to keep nder control so it is what it is that shauntaake soul that was suppose to happy shauntaake wounds natural wounds shauntaake was all the way in jersey city ths house was in newark hw that connect vanessa soul connect the apartment witout knowang shauntaake soul was programang vanessa to give shauntaake all of the devil thangs & places the devil/shauntaake apartment in newark secret peells was pink & white shauntaake baby room the nastiest (a) part of shauntaake the (alien devil) on the palm of shauntaake hands shauntaake nw art let all of that hstory out heavyyyyyyyyyy that the (alien devil) on the pen walls that lauk like a (monster) near the bak exit the devil wit devil horns the jason part of shauntaake maggot face murderous tooth ache's that could kll u that nastiest sores the worst corose wounds ths why they vow to play boy (a) sex shauntaake pull the rabbit out of lincoln hat u see shauntaake ain't let shauntaake hate out & shauntaake posses all of shauntaake now shauntaake have shauntaake phautsssss of all of the plave s the devil/shauntaake haunt everybody let shauntaake into all of those places the places shauntaake live alllllll of shauntaake life & then u see the human part of shauntaake on the hill wit shauntaake baby devil all the same devil
shauntaake / sean taylor was shauntaake gangsta ass hstory not shauntaake horror hstory shauntaake soul shauntaake horror hstory money sells heaven to shauntaake natural shauntaake just takang a phaut halloween comang out freddy comang out & jason comang out wit all of the informaton & images connect to shauntaake & shauntaake thangs
shauntaake personally hair shauntaake self shauntaake halloween vanessa worst fear shauntaake one baby phaut let all of those holloweens out in the 80's & 90's shauntaake baby lauk when vanessa straighten shauntaake hair one day that one phaut last a lifetime shauntaake grw shuntaake halloween ass hair out to porn u foe bitches it gonna be murder season shauntaake cover shauntaake hair up fuckang wit chants shauntaake lauk would of off everythang around her shauntaake was trynna be good to her
shauntaake / the lady that live in shauntaake house shauntaake house try to kll her cause ths was'nt her house hollywood was'nt doang that lady hollywood try to kll her n the movie pet semetary the sick sster that lauk like she was badly poison & that hw the lady lauk when she left out of ths house hollywood only did the devil hauntangs in ths house shauntaake 3 devil soul's shauntaake face & body parts shauntaake see hw shauntaake chants for shauntaake acceptance for the devil/shauntaake to accept her cause shauntaake world did'nt respect her or accept her cause chants lauk like the lady that use to own ths house & they finally show their lauk a lil bit of love in the movie 13thirteen ghost they let chants lauk move into the devil/shauntaake house that was shauntaake family ownership lee nephew shauntaake grandma & shauntaake great ncle lee sster nelly son robert was the guy that connect them to shauntaake house where shauntaake live & shauntaake soul jackel chants the statue of liberty they cage shauntaake head shauntaake was livang within shauntaake treasure shauntaake own all of shauntaake devil symbolism now shauntaake hand paint art all of the symbolism that was written all over the manson as the devil spell''s to try to keep the devil/shauntaake soul in the devil/shauntaake house's
shauntaake great cousin robert just got shauntaake a shauntaake job where robert work at so shauntaake could put on shauntaake mechanic suit that known lee mechanic suit lauk lee wore lee machanic suit everyday wit lee long hair out or in corn rows everydayyyyyyyyyyy shauntaake was only comang aftaa granny face try to latch onto shauntaake baby janyah mahagony they try to make jasmin & janyah mahagony their hustle to get close to shauntaake & to get shauntaake love & to get connect to shauntaake nw halloweenss yo bitch & sean taylor family stole some of shauntaake phauts music & a video of shauntaake other than that shauntaake world would'nt even acknowledge her that the only reason chants got connect chants stole video''s of shauntaake & shauntaake got video''s wit shunda they all got connect in shauntaake world & their callang chants all types of bitches cause chants got a porn & that what they came to get shauntaake porn & shauntaake chants got one & they hate her cause that connect made chants the head bitch the mother in shauntaake nw halloweens shauntaake soul perform like a murderer that anuthaa reason why shauntaake be hdang cause ppl be scare of shauntaake the way shauntaake lauk walk speak carry shauntaake self they see a murderer when they see shauntaake shauntaake try shauntaake hardest be good cause it hard beang the devil/shauntaake cause shauntaake don't have not a nice bone in shauntaake body shauntaake née to be taught love shauntaake baby came hateful the minute shauntaake came vanessa gave shauntaake the most hugs & ksses that hw shauntaake was able to steal vanessa soul shauntaake gave ths shauntaake halloween life to jasmin & janyah mahagony & their frends jasmin & janyah mahagony & their frends livang it they be everywhere partyanggggggg & they always up in here chllang & shauntaake let them do them & have their fun
shauntaake / u know the 1 the once in a lifetime soul that came bak to the world shauntaake identity & shauntaake medical records are the devil records shauntaake they study shauntaake teeth shauntaake forehead shauntaake hands & feet are the devil identity u stupd mutherfuckers shauntaake not a (a) identity shauntaake the devil identity shauntaake also masterd innocent kd movies they show u what shauntaake (a) identity did to me but u see shauntaake come out sparkly nw like terminator & then it show shauntaake the (monster) part of shauntaake & that was gonna come from shauntaake fuckang around & sleepang around out here & u know actually gettang hurt we get hurt sometimes & have wounds & shauntaake was that terminator kd that hw shauntaake kd wounds lauk that what vanessa live wit in shauntaake grandma house
shauntaake keep trynna make the entertainment industry understand that your just entertainment u document hstory your movies really happen in shauntaakevery real world shauntaake worship by serial kllers & murderers in ths real world shauntaake really loved & protect when shauntaake leave out the house these ppl say they life everywhere shauntaake leave aftaa shauntaake make it a success & when shauntaake leave they take all of shauntaake world ppl thangs from them they say they start feeding them slope again aftaa shauntaake left from beang on the street they say shauntaake world stop catering to them & carang for them the bar scene in the twilight zone aftaa shauntaake leave those ppl stop eatang aftaa shauntaake left cause sht was'nt sweet no more shauntaake masterd shauntaake own goverment & police out here that protect shauntaake cause shauntaake am the devil/shauntaake they let shauntaake do whateva shauntaake want to do shauntaake world be laughang at u all cause u ain't fuckang the devil/shauntaake shauntaake world love livang around shauntaake & surroundang shauntaake everybody wealthy around here ppl be laughang cause shauntaake really all of the devil hstory characteristics everyday all day ppl be feelang lost without shauntaake leave from around them shauntaake absence wreck so many ppl the why ppl had to learn hw to live a happy life witout shauntaake cause they wreck theirselves when shauntaake left them shauntaake really the star & it ain't dramatics u'll never know if u don't know shauntaake shauntaake soul made millions of ppl come out everyday surroundang shauntaake 
shauntaake / stigmata & american physcho was shauntaake human devil hstory stigmata was shauntaake kd wounds shauntaake finally masterd shauntaake devil symbolism shauntaake paintangs & all of those symbols mean somethang shauntaake symbolism haunt shaunt soul also connect to one of shauntaake art symbolism hand paint bags
shauntaake don't e seeang jasmin & janyah mahagony makes me that only whites get jasmin & janyah mahagony makes shauntaake masters shauntaake seman shauntaake don't be seeang blaks wit their makes shauntaake don't never see jasmin & janyah mahagony shaunt let shauntaake see shauntaake & janyah mahagony make that why shauntaake start goang crasy cause shauntaake ain't see shauntaake baby no more & then the hilton had a lil jasmin jasmin have a laut of white kds that came from shauntaake shauntaake masters shauntaake have all of their phauts & janyah mahagony have a laut of white kds to shauntaake have a folder of all of those nw shauntaake kdssssssssssss
shauntaake shauntaake nw halloween mask shauntaake nw original lauk shauntaake phauts shauntaake nw masters shauntaake masterd ths cast but shauntaake starting a nw life nw money nw frends nw places could start shauntaake holloweens franchise wit shauntaake whole nw cast shauntaake nw video's of u wit shauntaake wll set shauntaake nw halloweens u see everybody from shauntaake nw halloweens connect to shauntaake video's & masters shauntaake see shauntaake loves the oy one's shauntaake/halloween in hurt them janyah mahagony make & chants make the rest of those fame frend phoney bitches got offd they ain't give me nothang fuckang wit shauntaake & not givang me nothang wll get your ass offd u better be pleasang shauntaake in some type of way they keep hittang my/shauntaake giant ass son shaunt cause they know shauntaake & janyah mahagony masters merge togethaa made shaunt one of shauntaake voodoo haunt son's that came to kll for shauntaake they know shaunt gonna be a problem when shaunt get older shauntaake soul controls shaunt
shauntaake / for the past couple of months these white ppl been furrrrrrrious in the comments sayang they have a major beef wit wioletta cause shauntaake chose wioletta to have some of shauntaake kds & their furious cause they lost shaunt & they would of got to see shaunt everyday wit shauntaake & wioletta wio lettang probly to old to have kds now
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shauntaake / bak n the days ppl thought that offang theirself was makang a statement that the dumbest sht cause ths world so beautiful it so much to do so many places to go so many thangs to do anybody hu off theirself thankang their gonna leave the world icon u a mutherfuckang fool the wo r d gonna mourn u for a minute & then the world gonna move on wit the world life shauntaake gonna show shauntaake world hw thangs suppose to happen shauntaake real performances was shauntaake most iconic years shauntaake happy shauntaake ain't offang shauntaake self sorry shauntaake got nw kds to make shauntaake got company's to make shauntaake feel so sorry for anyone hu wants to off theirself cause were not gonna care u know the world full of twins the world wll just replace u like we always do but if a person feel like they fuckd up so bad that they have to off theirself do it to stop your grevang over yourself cause death wll stop all of your problems shauntaake in love wit beauty a bitch could be poor but if her beauty out of ths world shauntaake would date her shauntaake would try to enrich her so woman don't very hank shauntaake be caught up what u have if u ain't that pretty shauntaake not interest shauntaake never had a dream girl or woman but vanessa was shauntaake dream woman vanessa soul vanessa was obssess in love wit shauntaake & the blak vanessa lauk alike ain't vanessa soul that why shauntaake don't care to date them 
shauntaake / the entertainment industry née to know that chants the only one that went into a war for them to get shauntaake make shauntaake seman & shauntaake porns u all havang shauntaake & chants makes shauntaake 100% shauntaake all day everyday shauntaake soul only leave shauntaake body when shauntaake lettang someone taste shauntaake seman & the original whites stole shauntaake birth masters the rock n roll legends music about the details of the devil & they sang about hw their masters made the devil/shaubtaake & that the only reason the real whites get shauntaake/vanessa makes don't nobody get shauntaake/vanessa makes shauntaake don't never see shauntaake kds only shauntaake mystery whites have shauntaake kds whites made shauntaake birth masters that why shauntaake voice & soul went bak to the original whites shauntaake want to see hw their come out witout shauntaake seman involvement cause shauntaake was involve in sean taylor uthaa kds & their births shauntaake seman & shauntaake masters shauntaake wll congratulate them if they make a lauk alike it'll a never be anuthaa shauntaake witout shauntaake seman but they might get a lauk alike if shauntaake want beef shauntaake bee to come trynna beef wit jim morrison group the beatles gun n roses aerosmith madonna cause these are the ppl hu masterd shauntaake birth befor shauntaake was even birth those are ppl shauntaake have to go aftaa to get shauntaake birth masters ths why sean taylor gave shauntaake anuthaa chants to make shauntaake own soul wit shauntaake own soul shauntaake have a laut of solo masters just shauntaake on shauntaake song's & shauntaake original song''s shauntaake voice shauntaake masters stll go bak to the original whites that was their plan to master the devil masters & own the devil masters & the ceo's of the record labels those artist are sign to own the masters white men we don't know own shaubtaake masters it would take shauntaake a lifetime to get all of those masters it all good shauntaake seman was strong enough to give shauntaake make bak to shauntaake self
shauntaake / why the fuck shauntaake want to lay up & hat anuthaa nigger bitches when shauntaake could lay up & raw shauntaake own wives shauntaake say shauntaake a pay date now shauntaake not trynna be apart of your family shauntaake have shauntaake own family to focuse on uthaa niggers bitches u would be waistang shauntaake time when shauntaake could be spending time wit shauntaake own woman shauntaake sorry shauntaake can't have raw sex wit woman hu are not shauntaake legal law wives shauntaake gallon for shauntaake legal wives 
shauntaake was just usang the bathroom & saw shauntaake thick ass healthy seman hangang & shauntaake grab it & start analysang shauntaake white clear thick seman it smell good shauntaake was laughang cause shauntaake see hw shauntaake seman made shauntaake tuns woman seman dont be laukang like that it smell healthy & clean not like puss u know puss have a smell shauntaake seman smell like seman shauntaake lil hatch's they be ready to come shauntaake seeeeeeeee now shauntaake soul so damn heavy shauntaake was birth the weight of the world 
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shauntaake acknowledged & treat like the devil/shauntaake in the real world by everyone specially the wealthy whites they always call shauntaake the devil to shauntaake face & shauntaake always heard them over talkang about shauntaake that shaubtaake devil & shauntaake always brang them crowds of ppl that surround shauntaake so they start gettang so much nw service wit shauntaake & they love the att & exposure shauntaake give them but what shaubtaake want to speak about is these ppl trynna be shauntaake shauntaake was on the phone wit a guy from one of these services & he was really obssess wit shauntaake written hstory that shauntaake wrote about shauntaake self & he was really trynna act like shauntaake was hm & shauntaake start gettang at hm like yeah but that shauntaake hstory like u mutherfuckers crasy u wll drive me crasy trynna tell me your me shauntaake wll cuss your fake assess out & tell u to go get your own life & go document & write your own hstory a phone is dstance but let somebody do that sht close to me shauntaake wll knock u upsde the fuckang head ths why shauntaake kd stay in trouble cause the kds in school use to do that to me & shauntaake use to drag their assess & stomp them the fuck out like mutherfucker u ain't me & stop trynna be me u'll never drive shauntaake crasy but shauntaake wll attack u physically ths why shauntaake have datang family & fake frends cause they thought they was gonna pretend to be shauntaake like their shauntaake oh really now wear ths blak eye mutherfucker shauntaake wll drag yo ass in the twilight zone wit shauntaake hateful world of ppppppppppl & we wll mentally fuck u up shauntaakevworld of ppl shauntaake worshippers & shauntaake cults wll make your life a livang hell we wll torture u & make u feel like your in shauntaake twilight zone we wll do a worldwide attack on your ass u mutherfuckers ain't nothang like shauntaake u can't produce like shauntaake your not shauntaake soul your not shauntaake hands your not shauntaake creatons so be careful trynna pretend to be shauntaake cause shauntaake set shauntaake world already & shauntaake whites don't like nobody interfering in what we masterd & create for ourselves okay the devil/shauntaake a lifestyle that shauntaake live allllllll of shauntaake life shauntaake went downtown newark & shauntaake name initials & birthday was on allllllll of the building u niggers nobody''s shauntaake just trying get u to deal wit reality shauntaake world set already shauntaake great whites they built statues in he'll showing us the makings of what made the devil indian blood & white blood shauntaake birth family history shauntaake grandma family was the indian blood & shauntaake grandma fathaa family was the white bloods but shauntaake grandma also lauk like they had white in then cause of their noses features & hair lee & elmo was white men twins so shauntaake blood family prove shauntaake hstory the devil/shauntaake woman/man shauntaake ain't née that surgery shauntaake had a injury & they had to do surgery on shauntaake clit just made it more sensative & numb be goang forever murderer sht don't ever stop 
shauntaake tired of tellang ppl to stop playang wit shauntaake shauntaake hstory was made already shauntaake a million movies a million building a million gadgets & creators mercedes fleet the pen creaton a million books a million stores a million barcodes the devil/shauntaake life 
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shauntaake / ths year shauntaake approve of shauntaake baby janyah mahagony spending new years eve wit janyah mahagony girlfrend & 3 uthaa girl frends they rent out a room at the hilton hotel & their havang fun they know hw to behave & have fun & shauntaake trust janyah mahagony to be response janyah mahagony & her frends they been havang hotellllllll partyssssssss since they were in the 12 grade janyah mahagony is a very responle soul & she's very cautous ths is hard cause shauntaake never spent a new years eve witout shauntaake daughtaa's jasmin & janyah mahagony shauntaake always chose to stay at the house wit them shauntaake only went out one new years eve night to a lounge fashion forty in manhattan new york city one new years eve so shauntaake gonna let ths ride but the next new years eve shauntaake givang the party shauntaake hate shauntaake daughtaa's jasmin & janyah mahagony beang seperate from shauntaake 
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shauntaake almost died last night eatang meat that sat in the refridgarator for over a week u know u have to cook meat right away once u purchase it or put it in the freezer cause of the blood in the meat & once the blood in the meat goes bad it close to eatang poison & shauntaake made some pasta wit the meat & shauntaake was tearang the food up for two days & it finally hit me last night shauntaake whole body felt like shauntaake was sick shauntaake thought it was the flu but shauntaake was'nt sniffalang shauntaake don't get sick & ths bad blood in the meat shauntaake could feel it thru shauntaake whole body & shauntaake lay down & tuck shauntaake self deep in shauntaake goose blanket & got drinchd in sweat cause shauntaake was comatose from the poison blood & shauntaake woke up right before new years & call janyah mahagony at janyah mahagony hotel party to tell janyah mahagony shauntaake love janyah mahagony & happy new years & then jasmine came to the room to check on shauntaake & shauntaake & jasmin wish each uthaa happy new years & then shauntaake had to get up to help shauntaake mother brang in grocery''s by the case loads shauntaake mother soul knw what happen & came home wit case loads of meats & fish & then shauntaake went bak upstairs took a advil wit some water sipp a sunkist & pass out & woke up ths mornang feelang like shauntaake self again like the poison left shauntaake system now shauntaake nderstand when they say don't eat spoil meat cause the blood becomes poison now shauntaake know the meat was perfectly fine shauntaake let it sit in the refridgarator for to many days witout bang cookd anuthaa shauntaake leason every year shauntaake habe shauntaake natural death day natural causes ths somethang shauntaake dealt wit allllllllllll of shauntaake life ths why shauntaake keep tellang ppl u don't want to be the devil/shauntaake ths why shauntaake world be ready to kll u mutherfuckers trynna fake me cause shauntaake undure so many of shauntaake death days pain yall wll never experience or nderstand & shauntaake never in pain shauntaake not sick but shauntaake always get shauntaake day
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shauntaake want to apologise to all of jasmin & janyah mahagony frends for not havang a close relatonship wit u cause shauntaake was your uthaa mother & fathaa for u always to be able to come to & talk to most of these kids a me from wealthy homes good parents that are well taken of care of since their births & some of them see hw shauntaake jasmin & janyah mahagony was livang havang some fun our summers & their day to day life shauntaake mother house was always a place for u to come & chll out & have fun wit us good kds & shauntaake just want to know it ain't over were gonna have many more great days together & fun summers the just the start of our life journey togethaa know that & know that shauntaake love u to & shauntaake so sorry for your tragedy & loss that u had over the summer yall was suppose to been here wit shauntaake jasmin & janyah mahagony coolang out u know shauntaake strict parent but shauntaake let u have your freedom & your fun & just know shauntaake makang it shauntaake job to be your uthaa parent now & shauntaake have so many thang's in store for us as a team to make ourselves wealthy & rich all we née is our selves & our circles of ppl & we all could make somethang great happen for ourselves shauntaake want u to be kds & live your kd & teenager lives shauntaake ain't want u to grow up to fast shauntaake was force to be an adult cause shauntaake had to lay the foundaton that was gonna set u all in life but now your in your first stages of beang adults now & now u have to take care of yourselves & now is the time for us to form our adult partnership's ths world revolves around money & we constantly née money to survive independence can be a great thang as long as u save your money right it time for us to bank everythang 
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shauntaake / jasmin bank statements jasmin was gonna be able to get a apartment & a car wit jasmin bank statements know that so shauntaake ready to give u this nw opportunity wit shauntaake jasmin & janyah mahagony to be apart of a team we have to build our own team know that cause it so easy to become wealthy & rich know that shauntaake was a self made millionaire when shauntaake was 17 years old shauntaake school years & that part of shauntaake hstory put  a laut of peer pressure on these kds & shauntaake hate that so now it your turns to partnership wit shauntaake & shauntaake expertise pro vet management & professonalism so shauntaake could show u hw shauntaake collect shauntaake your inventon legal weight right now shauntaake gonna be creatang thangs that everybody could use cause ppl are scare of shauntaake creatons so shauntaake have to create thangs without shauntaake face
shauntaake live shauntaake millionaires life everyday shauntaake & sean taylor relatonship shauntaake show u some of shauntaake investments shauntaake was also sean taylor business partner shauntaake put in work to have everythang shauntaake have sean taylor gave shauntaake a job & shauntaake was givang sean taylor some of shauntaake masters some of shauntaake somg's & shauntaake was pay right cause sean taylor was'by givang nobody hs money u had to earn sean taylor money cause sean taylor war for hs money & almost died for hs money ain't nobody give us sht they try yo keep us in a drought but shauntaake gettang sean taylor all of those italian dominican columbian ties that kept us in business wit supply cause these niggers ain't show us no love they kept trynna knock us off
shauntaqke soul a lil to strong & shaubtaake create shauntaake create shaubtaake fave & shauntaake soul shauntaake baby soul all on shauntaake sphinx apple shauntaake inventons come to life wit shauntaake soul so shauntaake have to create inventons that everybody could usep ppl goang off in the comments saying they see that man the devil/shauntaake & their scare to purchase shauntaake inventons wit shauntaake face on them shauntaake always hold shauntaake arms like shauntaake moon wit that lil arm shauntaake always lay around like that shauntaake foxset was shauntaake eye when shauntaake grandma gate went into shauntaake eye shauntaake told yall that shauntaake kd story to so but shauntaake lips shauntaake hearts & shauntaake rainbows are a safe purchase shauntaake su's & moons witout a face shauntaake safe purchase shauntaake rainbows shauntaake safe purchase shauntaake lips are also a safe purchase so shauntaake do have thangs u could purchase
shauntaake don't nothang to do wit their wack ass remake don't invite shauntaake to nothang cause shauntaake ain't comang shauntaake did it already live it did it done it collect it & showang u now shauntaake gonna be out ths mutherfucker lauk like lee so u never forget hu the real man was a million movies shauntaake phauts now shauntaake lauk lee lee lauk was runnang the whole world full of white men
shauntaake / they got the sht that everybody else got sht that everybody could purchase their creatons basic sht ain't nothang that special about it & now shauntaake see all their doang is repeatang hstory stuff we did already shauntaake a whole nw world of the devil/shauntaake thangs stuff they wl never possess stuff u could only purchase from shauntaake shauntaake gift connect to shauntaake thangs a connecton they wll never possess
shauntaake / u see hw they took a market over now we can't play wit no more shauntaake just a weed smoker shauntaake love to.speak 8''s & ounce's alllllll the time but shauntaake have shauntaake custom cream & shauntaake custom art for sale
shauntaake / ppl née to know that it so easy to get rich & wealthy when your sellang the right product it easy to make that first million & ppl like us that had to go extra hard to make somethang of our selves we tend not to want to be bothered no more when we do become rich ths the second time shauntaake really lettang shauntaake inventon company out for sale
shauntaake know hw to make shauntaake self rich & if shauntaake nw company's make shauntaake rich shauntaake not gonna want to date the rich no more cause shauntaake already rich shauntaake nee your money when shauntaake aint have no money shauntaake & sean taylor relatonship we was happy togethaa cause we got rich togethaa & we ain't give nobody sht cause sht was hard for us so we chose to play in the same circles as the rich eat at the same restraints shop in the same stores just so they could see us & see that we was also happy livang our nw rich life not to be funny we just want to show u that we was gettang pay to when shauntaake could walk in the store & purchase whateva shauntaake want & live hw shauntaake want to live everyday expenses house apartment cars & trucks & luxury shauntaake attitude becomes dstant & only want to deal it shauntaake customers that it everybody else née to worry about theirselves cause once shauntaake connectons get set shauntaake good know that $1million dollars goes a long way 3 plus years of livang & spendang $1million dollars
shauntaake & sean taylor loved our $1million dollar plus tuck away & we ain't want to be bothered no more & they could'by stand us no more cause we went mssang handelang our business on the low & ths hw shauntaake gonna do shauntaake nw company's wit shauntaake nw team shauntaake major dinner meetangs every months shauntaake best employee for month gifts every month it gonna so sweet & once shauntaake reach that first million shauntaake gonna purchase a get away place for us to always have a place shauntaake gonna make it into our own private factory where shauntaake create shauntaake inventons & shauntaake wll habe enough space for shaubtaake team to always have a place to live
shauntaake always show love & support to uthaa artist & their music & products shauntaake very supportive but shauntaake have a life to & shauntaake here to live shauntaake life & everythang that shauntaake world have to offer shauntaake cause when your in business it all about your customers & supporters cause those are the only ppl that are your real financial support so ths why shauntaake tellang shauntaake world of ppl we could make ourselves rich & wealthy
shauntaake could of made millions off of shauntaake custom made hand paint clothang line shauntaake ain't have a bough supply's to keep it flowang but shauntaake was makang money everyday wit shauntaake clothang line shauntaake clothang line gave shauntaake a whole nw life to go wherever shauntaake want shauntaake manhattan new York city park shauntaake nw lil outfits shauntaake nw shoes & boots shauntaake kds nw warbrobes & their everyweekend fun the movies fun plex jeepers chucky cheese we was able to do whateva we want wit shauntaake clothang line sales
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shauntaake doang research right now readang & askang google questons & shauntaake just ask google could shauntaake make a fetus shauntaake dna drinkang shauntaake blood & eatang shauntaake seman & it kinda lettang shauntaake know that that might be a way for shauntaake to make a fetus shauntaake dna by makang shauntaake chosen pregnant woman drank shauntaake blood everyday the first stages of the fetus birth & shauntaake daily semang that woman shauntaake gonna have to prepare for them takang gallons of shauntaake pure blood shauntaake heart takang your blood makes u weak directly takang your blood from your veins & shauntaake heavy blood shauntaake blood & seman gonna change the fetus to shauntaake dna shauntaake set shauntaake great shauntaake want shauntaake own baby shauntaake know what shauntaake baby lauk like shauntaake been obssess & in love wit shauntaake baby masters ain't enough for shauntaake shauntaake née dna rights u could never oooo shauntaake shauntaake came to oooo shauntaake self
shauntaake can't wait tll they star they lil hdang spree but hu gonna be chasang them cause shauntaake world not cause shauntaake world don't know them & their makes but shauntaake can't wait to see your acts hw your already actang cause ppl really not obssess their actang the actang like ppl obssess it's corney
shauntaake don't know what these niggers talkang about shauntaake masters made shauntaake shauntaake got made wit american horror story story & a bunch of hollywood movies that hw shauntaake got made not no mutherfuckang rappers shauntaake was shauntaake own rapper name shauntaake wit shauntaake own song's that say shauntaake on a shauntaake trake on every song so what does that mean shauntaake was masterang shauntaake shauntaake shauntaake masters was talkang about shauntaake & shauntaake kds hstory shauntaake real life story's everybody in the comments sayang hw they see shauntaake won shauntaake nw era & shauntaake masterd shauntaake shauntaake era's shauntaake know shauntaake masters connect shauntaake world shauntaake have shauntaake own world of mystery ppl
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shauntaake / the worst momment shauntaake had on the street's was when shauntaake phaut came out merged wit elmo ooooooooooooh my gosh all of these ppl came surroundang shauntaake harrasang shauntaake & then amazon hollywood setssssssssss came out there surroundang shauntaake trynna get phauts & video's they set it up wit tables & chairs in front of the library & museum so shauntaake could sit in front of the library so they could take phauts & video''s of shauntaake on the low & that when shauntaake start hdang & try to start hdang in thr library then the ppl from the library start harrasanh me comang in the room wit video camera''s where shauntaake was at restang trynna hde shauntaake face every man came to face me to try to challenge shauntaake that sht was crasy shauntaake see hw dont nobody be botherang these these mutherfuckers these mutherfuckers was'nt no one where around but it them they sold shauntaake shauntaake serial kller history the ppl from the streets was trynna have me dead & stinkang henry & indiah they all was trynna move shauntaake in wit them so we could fuck they was really livang shauntaake dead & stinkang hstory wit shauntaake shauntaake lauk right shauntaake great ncle elmo lauk even tho it was a shauntaake dead & stankang lauk & indiah was ready to start jumpang shauntaake indiah the one that lauk like a spanish rihanna indiah was trynna get shauntaake to go to the doctors wit her so she lie & say she all the way healthy so shauntaake could go home wit her shauntaake see hw the white & blue hospital mask made everybody face shauntaake man that came out when shauntaake first move into the good will 4 months aftaa shauntaake movē in wit henry u see they move shauntaake into shauntaake weight shauntaake murderous as spanish & columbian building where all the spanish old lady''s lauk like griselda they move shauntaake into shauntaake devil/shauntaake birth apartment
shauntaake laughang cause shauntaake soul was soooooooo raw when shauntaake was on the streets & shauntaake have over 21,000 phauts when shauntaake was on the street's & at henry apartment u mutherfuckers can't quiet pull shauntaake experience but the minute shauntaake recieve shauntaake millions shauntaake wll let shauntaake whole story out wit all of shauntaake phauts cause shauntaake a story for every phauts set everyday
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shauntaake nw dscovery's is that the original devil was hauntang lee & every man that lauk like lee the original devil haunt every place & apartment that lee was in & any man that lauk like lee the devil came to be lee lover woman/man the devil came to give lee all of the devil treasures the man that was the landlord of apartment buildang wit shauntaake devil moldangs that man he lauk like a spanish lee the white lady that live in ths house lauk like lee only daughtaa debra the original devil gave lee the devil heavest hauntang shauntaake can't say but shauntaake came obssess wit lee could'nt wait to find hm they made lee a mystery for shauntaake baby to find lee shauntaake see shauntaake baby was mappang sht out laukang for lee lauk at hw shauntaake connect to vanessa turn her hands to lee hands so lee could lee could be holdang shauntaake of my gosh shauntaake was knockang on lee door since shauntaake was about 4 years old by shauntaake self like leeeeeee let me in shauntaake was so obssess wit lee shauntaake love lee life & hw lee was livang & lee thangs & shauntaake want to always want to sit down & talk to lee the first twilight zone show us how the devil haunt lee & chasang aftaa lee that twilight zone came out when vanessa was a kd & shauntaake came obssess wit shauntaake self cause shauntaake lauk like lee shauntaake stay in the mirror since a baby & shauntaake take a million phauts of shauntaake self so shauntaake could obsess over shauntaake self now shauntaake soul set shauntaake haunt's everywhere shauntaake live for a long time shauntaaje show shauntaake proof og shauntaake hauntangs everywhere shauntaake live & shauntaake stll be lettang be lettang shauntaake soul out everywhere shaubtaake set foot show shauntaake rooms & places of huntangs cause whereever your livang at u u should have some evidence of hauntangs show us shauntaake show u thousands of phauts of shauntaake hauntangs shauntaake soul haunt shauntaake daughtaa's daughtaa's jasmin & janyah mahaginy cause shauntaake obssesson wit jasmin & janyah mahagony shauntaake soul haunt their room shauntaake only haunt shaubtaake self now cause shauntaake only obssess wit shauntaake self shauntaake only see lee when shauntaake lauk at shauntaake self shauntaake the only one that lauk like lee identical twin ths anuthaa reason why shauntaake growang shauntaake hair long lee had long beautiful hair like a woman
shauntaake / the whites from the first twilight zone was wildang the fuck out like your white nigger twin took everythang the world lee have a laut of the original white men twins & they saw that the devil was obssess wit lee & hauntang lee & they was furious cause they masterd the world & gave so much the world these was the finest white ppl that suit up & dress in their finest the prettiest hair the most attractive woman & men & the devil woman/man soul was in love wit lee haaaaaaaaa move in wit lee u have no idea haaaaaaaaa the devil set the devil to be born to lee haaaaaaaaa lee was a white man in descise & ths what white ppl knw about lee that lee soul was part white lee love frank sinatra & love watchang the travel channel that travel all over the world lee live like a white man lee dress like white man so if u did'nt personally know lee u would'nt know none of ths about lee
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