#look i just have a lot of feelings about people blaming laerryn
math-is-magic · 2 years
The Calamity was always going to happen
And I don’t mean on the Meta level that Matt established this lore and we started EXU: Calamity with the event in its very title. I mean that the system for containing the Elder gods was a million moving parts wrapped in secrecy and forgotten. There were so, so many ways for that containment to go wrong and very few people who knew what and why and how to keep the containment intact. If it wasn’t Vespin and Lycretia and Laerryn and Zerxus it would have been somebody else who Asmodeus corrupted, someone else who who attacked the tree in malice or ignorance, some other reason that Avalir was attacked or couldn’t spare the power for the replenishment. If gods can be locked away, can be challenged and replaced, why wouldn’t there be people who started toeing those lines?
 It might not have been in a year or ten or a thousand, but as long as Asmodeus and the other Betrayer gods were struggling to be free, and no one knew to pay attention an actively counter them, then eventually something was going to slip.
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