#longest thing I've written in 5 years and it was a gd struggle
alulaspeaks · 3 months
spn fic: Flicker
A belated kris kringle mingle fic for the talented @thegoodthebadandtheart.
Relationships: Sam & Dean Winchester Rating: Mature Tags: Outsider POV, Canon-typical violence, Season 11 Length: 3,111 words Summary: A snapshot of a hunt by the hunted.
Fic preview:
Headlights. The creak of a car door. It’s dark, cold. The brush of a fading feeling of recognition. Wait, where is she? In the woods. On the edge of a parking lot? Gravel and melting snow and walls of trees. Watching a tall man step from the passenger side of a car. A sleek, black beast. The headlights cut out. A second man joins the first.
Her body feels strange. Her head full of pressure and smoke. It hurts, or she thinks it does. Dull on the back of her head. Her ears are ringing. She smells pine and metal, copper or iron. Is that blood? She sees a flash of red splattered across concrete, like the memory of a dream. Something spikes in her heart—it’s beating so strangely—twisted up and tight like fear. Dread. Something happened. She needs help.
There's a moment of instinctual hesitance. Dangerous for a woman alone to approach men in the dark. But something happened. Something—
Help, she needs—she stumbles forward, says, “help,” quieter than she means to. She needs to yell it. Feels like it’s been bottled in her throat for hours, for days.
“Help.” Her voice is a croak, sounds—forced. She cringes away from the idea, sees a flash of her own face in a mirror. Flickering fluorescents and a smile that’s all wrong. How did she get here?
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