#lolabee overthinks
As it’s Frankie Friday, I have some Frankie thoughts and questions today:
How many kids does Frankie have in TF? I’ve noticed in fics, including my fic CIWYW, he often just has the baby mentioned at the start, but he says ‘new baby’ which leaves it open to interpretation. Does he have more than one kid then, what would that mean for his character throughout and the aftermath of the film?
If Frankie can’t get his licence back, what does he do and what’s his next choice of career or options after the film?
what do you think? I’m really interested in how people interpret some of this or your headcanons too?
Random Frankie Thoughts
Every time I watch this film, it breaks my heart how easily Frankie falls to peer pressure and doesn’t listen to his gut feel. He really doesn’t want to go on the reccy, he knows the helicopter is loaded too heavy, he just doesn’t fight back against his friends on this enough.
The way he looks to Will in the locker room, saying his lady doesn’t like him getting involved in this anymore, breaks my heart too. He’s begging Will here to back him up and get him out of this
I headcanon him as a people pleaser for sure. That would be interesting to see in how it impacts his relationships, especially with his partner at the start of the film. If she doesn’t like him doing this, how on earth do they get past that? I have read some brilliant fics on this exact question though!
In spite of the above, we see his hyper competent, focused (but arguably completely shut down) self in the mission too. He’s skilled at what he does.
He’s got layers, baby, layers!
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