#loctite is a miracle substance
My parents gave me their old car after I got into an accident (not my fault) which is wonderful and I appreciate her, her name is Bernadette and she has 224,735 miles. But ALSO my parents live in a one plate state while I live in a two plate state, so they didn't have screws for the front plate to be put on.
So did I find new fitting screws? Did I use Velcro, or any other simple fix that the internet will readily tell me? No. Why would I do that?
I took some smaller screws that I had lying around my home, and some loctite. I filled the fucking screw holes with loctite before putting in the smaller screws so that they would properly stick in there. THEN the heads of the screws were too small to keep the plate on, so what did I do? I filled in the gap with loctite. I reinforced every goddamn piece of cursed hardware with loctite, and let me tell you, that plate isn't going anywhere.
It makes no sense to do things properly when you can instead do them with the wrong materials in a way that will definitely cause problems later
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