#lo:svu fan fic
rocket-dancer · 5 years
I didn’t intend to somehow start an SVU fic?? But yet, here we are.
Enjoy a peek into this BarbaxOC fic. She may be ~a bit Mary Sue but I promise it'll be a good time.
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“So, what you’re saying,” she started slowly, her eyes connecting again with his, “is that this has been going on. That you’ve been threatened for some time and you’re just now telling me.”
“It wasn’t serious before.”
“ANY threat is fucking serious!” Esmée exclaimed, her free arm flying into the air with emphasis. “How could you just ignore this?!”
“People talk, Ez. Empty threats are nothing new to my job. And that’s all this was.”
“But it’s not anymore! Now, it’s very fucking real apparently! So real that you have protection, and so do I!”
“It’s still likely nothing,” Rafael argued. “Just because it’s shifted to in-person, that’s still a small escalation. It’s not a guarantee that something will happen to me, or you.”
“Are you insane?” she scoffed, shaking her head. “Someone has approached you to threaten you, and you think that’s nothing? Rafael, that is the exact opposite of nothing! These people know who you are, know how to find you! This is real!”
“Esmée, please….”
“NO!” She cut him off, angry tears starting to well in her eyes. “You should have told me. This is not nothing.”
“I didn’t think it would come to this.”
“Yea, you’re right, clearly you didn’t think.”
It strung to hear her sound so angry towards him. He’d been trying to protect her all this time, but she wasn’t seeing that. He’d thought the less she knew, the better. This had nothing to do with her, not really, and he truly felt he’d be able to handle it without bringing her into it. This was all likely an overreaction to the situation that would become moot. Threats weren’t anything new to him, and this would likely play out the same—into nothing.
“Ez, please, amor, listen to me,” he began to plead, an unusual move for him. “It will almost certainly be nothing at the end of the day. This is just…precautionary.”
“Well, that’s clearly a risk you’re willing to take,” she replied, almost bitterly, definitely annoyed. He watched as she turned back to the fridge, taking out the wine bottle, refilling her drink. She kept her back to him as she put the bottle away, and lifted her arm to take a long swallow from her glass. “It’s…whatever. Just, let me be for now.” She began to walk out of the kitchen at the conclusion of her sentence.
“Don’t walk away,” he requested, feeling his stomach and heart twist.
“I have to,” Esmée stated. “Because if I don’t…. Just give me some space, please. I need…I can’t do this right now.”
Rafael’s throat tightened, his face pinching, his eyes stinging. He couldn’t say anything as he watched her move out of the kitchen, her back eventually disappearing down the hallway towards the bedroom. Their bedroom. He wanted to go after her, follow her, not let her leave his sight. But he found himself stuck in place.
He squeezed at his glass, finally moving towards the living room. He sunk into the couch, slowly sipping the liquor as his brain continued to mull over every moment that led to the here and now. This wasn’t how things were meant to be.
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rocket-dancer · 5 years
Another snippet from a story i didn’t mean to start or write or attempt...
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“You’re with an Olympic athlete, right?” Jenna turned towards Rafael, her eyebrows raised, her expression desperate. “What would you tell her right now?”
“That’s hardly relevant.”
“Isn’t it?” she challenged. “You have to know what it’s like to have the world on your shoulders, to know every thing you do is being watched and ridiculed. My career, my life, is based as much on my physical abilities as it is on who I am, what I represent, how I look. You can’t tell me you don’t understand how that impacts someone day to day!”
Rafael faltered then, knowing what she was saying was true, but also knowing he had to compartmentalize his professional and personal lives. This had nothing to do with Esmée, and he had to remember that. It would be way too easy to constantly put her face to the victims he fought for. He couldn’t start doing it now, just because this case was just that much closer to her real life.
“I do know, and that’s why we’re here, trying to get justice for you,” he said instead, burying down all his other thoughts and emotions. “People are on your side. Derek has agreed to testify.”
“Derek Kaller?” Jenna inquired incredulously.
And the conversation moved on from there, with Jenna learning she’d been dropped from her management, but agreeing to fight all the same for herself. Rafael admired her strength, comparing it subconsciously to that of Esmée. He was not going to let this woman feel like her decisions, however they led her, meant that she had lost the right to govern how her body was touched and treated.
By the time Rafael made it back home that night, the sky was dark, the moon high and bright. As soon as he entered their apartment, he heard music playing, softer where he was but louder as he made his way into their place. He left his coat near the entrance, going to sit briefly in the living room to remove his suit coat and shoes. He unbuttoned his vest, picking up his items, going towards their bedroom, where the music was loudest.
When he entered the room, he had to pause to took in the scene before him. Esmée was in a pair of black cotton shorts, a purple thin-strap tank top on her torso. Her hair was billowing around her as she moved from the closet back to the bed, packing a suitcase for what he knew was her upcoming travel games. She was so beautiful, so free, so happy. It made it hard for him to move, let alone speak to announce himself.
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