#lmtd 54
justaghostingon · 11 months
Love Me to Death Meta: Enrique’s Fall
So I want to take some time to analyze how important this moment is, and not just for shipping:
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Up until this moment, Enrique has been the safety net for the group. He’s been the one to hire shady people to save them from the church, to use Necromancer scrolls his money got for him, and to hide them in his house. He’s the protector, the plan maker, and the moneybags all in one. He’s the leader no questions asked, the strong solid wall protecting the other two from the outside world.
And Enrique deserves that title hand’s down. He’s smart and incredibly good at thinking on his feet, coming up with pragmatic plans none of the others would dream of.
But Enrique, he’s been through Hell. His fiance died, and he never had the chance to mourn before bringing her back. Only she doesn’t remember him and comes with another man attached to her. And instead of breaking down, Enrique adapts. But now…he’s lost his family, his reputation, his money all in one fell swoop. All of which were the tools he used to to protect the others. Even his one-time fiance Mia has abandoned him.
But even then, Enrique perseveres. He has to. He needs to be strong to help Mercedes, who is literally just an arm and can’t get herself out of this situation. He builds himself a tower of boxes and he actually suceeds in getting a hand on the deck.
Then the board breaks, and he falls.
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And you can read the panic in his eyes, the all encompassing fear. In this moment, Enrique realizes he is going to die, and there is nothing he can do about it.
And then…
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He’s caught.
Seconds before death, Victor saved him with his rope.
And look at Enrique’s reaction:
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He’s in shock, he can’t even form sentences. Just staring at Victor in awe. Because this is the first time Enrique has failed, and someone has been there to catch him.
For the first time, Enrique is experiencing what it is like to be rescued, to have a safety net like the one he tries to provide for his friends. One that will stay by him even after he loses his money, family, and reputation. Someone who wants nothing from him except his safety.
And Enrique’s not used to that. No wonder he looks so smitten. For the first time (I’m assuming since mercedes died) he has someone to rely on.
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eshopica · 7 years
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justaghostingon · 11 months
Love Me to Death Chapter 54 Reactions:
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Dear god Victor who taught you to be that smooth?
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justaghostingon · 11 months
Love me To Death Chapter 54 Reactions:
Enrique’s parents and Father Santiago, my three least favorite characters all together!
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