#lmk if u check any of these out :DD!!
absentmoon · 2 years
BUUUG BUG do you have any good robot movie recommendations :] i am currently stuck in my house with 4th of july stuff and i would like to watch robot movies
YOUVE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACEthank you for asking omgg :DD!!!! here are my top Robot RecsTM!!
1. 2001: A Space Odyssey. this one is self explanatory. very long movie im gonna be honest 90% of my love for it is from HAL but i still recommend it! there's also the sequel movie 2010: The Year We Make Contact.
2: Electric Dreams (1984). this one's on youtube for free! do YOU like bisexual objectum autistic polyamory? check this one out its highly underrated!
3. Wargames (1983). a little computer deserves so much and gets so little. he just wants to play chess but. well Things Happen. sometimes joshua gets put on evil AI lists and nobody knows why. its a mystery.
3. TAU (2018). havent watched this myself but i need to so badly. another hidden gem!!
4. WALL-E. also self explanatory! i watch this one for the sillybots B)
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blnk338 · 1 year
my adult teeth got pulled out and i need to had like a couple shots of anesthesia, so rn im dealing with the after effects and it's a bitch omfg im in tremendous pain and in need of comfort :"") if reaper got her teeth pulled out and is like high on anesthesia, what would ghost do
im gonna use this as my announcement for VALENTINES DAY REQUESTS :DD
msg me a cod character (rwys or mw22, and roach) and whatever you'd like and ill do a short drabble/imagines/headcanons! whatever you prefer (but pls lmk if u want something specific!)
sorry about the aftermath btw homie i hope u feel better <3
Ghost isn't good at comforting people, he's hardly good at comforting himself
But seeing Reaper quietly go about her day in pain was the last thing he wanted to watch
Absolute silence came out of her; nodding or signing her responses. He fucking hated that she wasn't firing some light-hearted insult back at Soap or shoving Ghost's own words back into his face-- he wanted her to annoy him and pester him, but she'd been so quiet all day.
She'd slumped herself into her room hours ago, letting the team know she was "filling out reports"-- yeah, right
He carefully stepped over to her door and knocked a few times after checking the hallways-- clear of any wandering eyes-- before he heard the lock click and the door squeak open
She looked just as bored as usual, but her eyes told him all he needed to know. The usually lively, emotional glitters in her gaze were dulled, drowned out by the aches in her jaw
"Papers from Price," he muttered, holding up the stack he'd carried down the hall. He watched her eyes flick down, dread joining her pain, taking the stack from him with a nod and a sigh.
Swallowing back the anxiety that sat in his throat, he pulled out a too-fucking-loud bottle of Advil, holding it forward after the documents. "And... something to get you talking again."
Her eyes lit up, glancing from the little white bottle to him, blinking a few times. "The uh," fuck, he couldn't meet her eyes for more than a second at a time, "--the files are already filled out." Price actually gave him the stack of papers hours ago, but he made sure to get all of the unimportant stuff out of the way so she could relax.
Confusion cloaked her features under the mask, yet it was clear as day to him. She opened her mouth to ask, but he glanced once down the hallway, then back to her again, talking before she could. "Get some sleep, Sergeant."
Gulping back another lump of nervousness, he inhaled, breath hitching in just the slightest, "Take care of yourself."
Terrifying, to say the least. But he did it. Even if it was the most agonizing thing he'd done all day, he hoped that little branch of care would extend enough to make her feel better.
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moderngirlmp3 · 3 years
yeah but i'm 5'2 yeehaw, some of my friends have to bend over/hunch their shoulders somewhat in order to talk to me fshdjklfxj
mm yeah that's fair honestly, it was an okay book if you ignore the problematic bits which. questionable way to read any book. but i don't think you're missing out on much with catcher in the rye. lmk if you like the odyssey!! i'm interested in seeing if my opinion was biased bc of school or not (or if i re-read it i'd like it more, idk!)
oooooooh !!!!! that's going on my tbr list, so thank you for the half-rec? i've wanted to read it vaguely, but !!! if you liked it i'm sure i would too yknow?
FHSKLDJF fair fair. we also did a typing game!! it was called type to learn? idk if that's the same one you did or not
pesto pasta is incredible. amazing. beloved. cooking in general is quite useful, i mean. most people do need to consume sustenance or whatever. and i guess people like their nutrients to taste good or something like that. idk. *checks palm* i too lick god food, fellow humans *nods wisely*
!!! shirt. dilf. shirt. but you're so right that shirt is wonderful
sdhfjklwjsdbfiuxh and you're so valid for that!!
favorite image (ish) (i'm lazy but i have most of my images in folders and don't want to look through all the tiny little icons of pictures, and plus i have a few out)
Tumblr media
what's something you regret spending so much time on? if you had a jean jacket to decorate with pins and patches, what would be some of your ideal decorations? if you got a houseplant, what type would you want? random, but actually useful website that you use? what browser extensions do you have? f- 🌵
hmm maybe! it sounds really fun and interesting, but i'm not very good at sticking to plans if there's no one else with me so i'd. probably get sidetracked and/or lost which is maybe not very sustainable? math!! it's a uh. certainly a thing. geometry can BURN IN HELL, but algebra is really fun :)
when i was younger i used to stay up late in the dark and watch five minute craft videos :/ i wish i could have gone back in time and told myself to a) read more books instead!! no internet only books <3 (to clarify, i did read a lot of books at night, but i wasted a crap ton of time on those stupid youtube vides) and b) save my eyesight because i'm almost certain that was Worsening Me Eyes from a young age. art and music, honestly. i wish i could draw, or paint, or draw digitally but i Cannot. and i wish i had discovered more music artists from a younger age, instead of cramming them all into the now, because i don't think i'm absorbing a whole lot of it! that's okay though because at least it's fun :DD
flying squirrel!!! have i told you about my younger obsession with them? i think so,,, not sure. but yep! flying squirrel <3
what's something you regret spending so much time on? if you had a jean jacket to decorate with pins and patches, what would be some of your ideal decorations? if you got a houseplant, what type would you want? random, but actually useful website that you use? what browser extensions do you have? if you started a podcast, what would it be about? - 🌵
NO YOU LITERALLY DO. like if i had to guess i wouldve said you were at LEAST 5'6"
dw i'm still shorter than u tho <333
oooh yeah okay my sister is reading it for school rn so once she's done i'll steal it and see what i think :)
yeah yeah !! let me know what u think if u end up reading it. i LOVE talking about that book sm
hmm no it was not that one. that sounds kinda. fun ?? ish ???? no ours was called typing instructor for kids or something. it was like a treasure hunt sorta game ?? and as you went through different locations you learned different keys. fun times
"*checks palm* i too lick god food, fellow humans *nods wisely*" HELP. SKFHWEGSJOSJFLS. i mean idk personally i just like me some chicken nuggets but. cooking is cool !! we shall see. i really really just want mac n cheese that isn't the boxed kind lol
LMAO that is very very fair. yeah. being lost would def be a concern. and omg no LITERALLY. geometry is awful but algebra is cool !!
HELP NOT THE FIVE MINUTE CRAFTS.... I DID THAT TOO THO. but yeah books would probably have been better. for a lot of reasons. oh god same.... society if we could draw ......... ooooh yeah that makes sense !! yeah it's hard to absorb all the musics ™ if it is all coming in at once. .. . . dude flying squirrels are so cool yes omg
hmmm something i regret spending so much time on.... probably watching shows that i never really liked in the first place? like i binge watched both greys anatomy and criminal minds and neither of them were particularly fun for me. and binging them had really negative impacts on my sleep schedule and how i did in school so...... hm. no thanks.
ooooh i would probably want a cactus patch (<333) and a mushroom or fourteen and maybe the nonbinary flag if i was feeling risky LMAO. also maybe some sort of book patch. or pin idk.
i would want a cute lil succulent that looks great but doesn't take that much attention to keep alive. random but useful... uhhh... how about random but useless. tumblr dot com. no uhhh hmmmm probably the tag replacer for tumblr !! i use it a lot when my mutuals change their aliases or when i wanna change how i tag something !!!
browser extensions uhhh. netflix party and google docs dark mode. on my school acc i have momentum ?? oh also i have honey and grammarly which i am THIS close to deleting it's so fucking ANNOYING.
omg if i started a podcast... it would probably just be about reading every single queer book that people freak out about on tumblr and giving my honest opinions on them lmao. also shows. and movies.
if you started a podcast, what would it be about? do you listen to audiobooks? in a perfect world, what would your ideal house be like? what would you have in it? do you enjoy writing essays?
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