#lmao wait i realized i put 25/7 instead of 24/7 y'know what im leaving it thats funny
ftm-radio · 2 years
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ah, yes. you caught me red-handed. I was absolutely using gender euphoria as a weapon and discrediting other trans people when I made a cheerful little post about......
[checks notes]
........a pair of pants.
yyyyyup, you got me. I am obviously not "an actual trans person" because I am able to experience joy and I don't view my trans existence as pure suffering. 😔
oh noooo, I'm such a big bad villain, aaaaaaaaaahh!!!
no but seriously. what? i am assuming with this language that you must be one of those transmeds or truscum or w/e. is this really what you guys do for fun, just being dicks to people who weren't having anything to do with you and accusing them of ableism??? lol wut
I mean I'm no expert, so correct me if I'm wrong, but I feel like the actual ableist thing here would be insinuating that every single trans person—sorry, every real trans person, not me and the fakers who arent suffering 25/7 i guess—is disabled by nature of being trans....?
if it actually was the case that being trans was a disability, then whatever because guess what there's nothing wrong with being disabled, but i just know that there is no way in hell that you people are saying this shit without viewing disabilities and disabled people in a very gross & negative way, what with misery and self-hatred being your whole thing.
so like, fuck off with that shit.
I am very sorry for you, and for every other trans person who feels the way you do. I am sorry that you see happiness as a threat and that you base your entire existence on feeling awful. I'm sorry that other people's experiences and relationships with themselves make you insecure. I'm sorry you're hurting bad enough that you have to attack other people in your community.
I sincerely hope that you can feel better someday. I hope you can feel comfortable with yourself and stop feeling like you have to prove your transness through despair. I hope you can grow to appreciate the differences in other people without feeling threatened. I hope you can heal from all your hurts and come out on the other side a happier, healthier person.
I really, truly do.
but until that day comes, keep your garbage off my blog. <3
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