#lmao can you believe if one B. Wilberforce Wooster had perfect pitch. what if he DOES what if that's why singing on first try is so easy
ratsalad · 2 years
so bertie can sightread new (and sometimes difficult!) music and play it flawlessly WHILE singing along to it near-flawlessly all on first try, but he can't tell that ff is fortissimo... i always assumed he had a classical education because he was so proficient at piano but this changes things.
now i'm inclined to assume this was a skill he picked up on his own, gathering bits of instruction here and there, OR he was one of those folks to whom music sense came easily and he paid attention to only the most necessary theory (how to rudimentarily read a sheet) to get playing. and we know it does come easily to him - besides the sightreading, he's seen riffing even as he turns to speak to jeeves in the middle of a song. throughout the series he seems at his most comfortable while playing the piano and i just. really, really love that
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