#lizard besties being stupid and ignoring their crushes on elf men
dawnslight-aegis · 9 months
12. dowdy
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“Nhaama, does everything need to be so… I don’t know… heavy? How is a woman supposed to walk in all this?” Marz waved a hand at the rows of woolen dresses on display, followed by layers and layers of underthings.
Kaede shrugged. “It’s cold, and we’re supposed to be getting warmer clothes.”
That earned her an expressive eyeroll from the xaela, who crossed her bare arms over her chest. “I just expected better from the people that designed drachen mail. I don’t think this stuff could possibly be more different.”
“Well, yeah, that’s armor, not clothing. Besides, I thought you hated it? I distinctly remember you making fun of it relentlessly and refusing to wear it.”
“Just because I don’t want to wear it doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate the design, and how it looks on people it’s meant to be on. Besides, even the knights in this place are frumpy – it’s all boring shapeless chain shirts, no style. Aside from the dragoons, that is.”
Kaede idly turned a corset over in her hands, inspecting the stitching. “And the Lord Commander.”
Too late, Kaede realized what she’d said, when Marz’s face leaned close to her own, eyes bright with teasing. “Oh, sure, but that armor looks so ridiculously complicated. How do you think he takes it off at night?”
Leveling a look at Marz, Kaede put back the dress she’d been looking at and crossed her arms. “I don’t know, why don’t you ask him, if you’re so keen to find out?”
“Ew, no thanks. He’s pretty and all, sure, but men in positions of authority give me hives. Plus I don’t think he’d enjoy me asking half as much as he’d like it from you –”
“Shut up and find some clothes so we can get out of here.”
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