Are you a home and ranch owners in need of a lot of livestock or wildlife fence but do not have the luxury of waiting weeks and weeks for another fence installer to complete the job?  Life Time Fence in Evergreen has the crews and equipment to get your job done in a fraction of the time a competitor would take. In fact, we don’t consider other fence companies competition when it comes to quality and speed.
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handhfenceco · 8 years
Both Sides of The Fence
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Most of us have been building fences since we were kids in an attempt to make a boundary. Legos, building blocks, popsicle sticks, rocks and any other stackable items have all been used at one time or another to claim a “space” and to protect what we deem valuable. We were born with the innate sense of knowing that there are things we want to protect and keep “in” and there are dangers or threats we want to keep “out” and fences have provided a means to do just that.
Therefore, a great place to start when planning to build a fence is to make a list of what will be on both sides of the fence. Here are a few ideas to get you started. Inside the fence: Tomatoes, corn, flowers, dogs, horses, chickens, goats or other animals and pets, children, tools, equipment and anything else you want to keep safe. Outside the fence: Deer, coyotes, dogs, children, horses, cows, goats, thieves or any other possible threats you want to keep out.
Yes, some things are on both sides of the fence. Unfortunately, Mr. Smith, the neighbor, won’t be nearly as excited about the baby goats as your children might be. Once again, the old adage proves true, good fences make better neighbors.
Taking the time to consider what will be on both sides of the fence before it is built will save a lot of time and “fixing” later and is an important step in choosing the right type of fence.  www.handhfenceco.com  Facebook.com/handhfenceco
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