#literally tho after reading down among the sticks and bones it was like something changed inside me
nerdy-stilinski · 1 year
WIP Whenever
so i read like the first three books in Seanan McGuire's Wayward Children series and uh. spontaneously wrote like 2k of a maybe-sterek fic about it and am seriously considering making it a long fic so uh - i hope y'all read something that inspires you like this soon :) tagged by the lovely @outtoshatter
On the day of his father’s funeral, Stiles found a door.  He’d gone home – not that he could call it that much longer – almost immediately after the funeral was over, his father in the ground but the casket not yet covered, the sea of people present for all the wrong reasons not yet dispersed, unable to bear the condolences from his father’s coworkers that were meaningless unless they could bring him back. Even so, just putting the key in the lock of his front door reminded him of everything he’d lost. His eyes burned, but he couldn’t cry. He hadn’t been able to in weeks, not since the night he’d gotten that phone call and he’d cried all the tears he had.  Instead, Stiles calmly walked into his house, locking the door behind him in a routine written so deep into his bones that not even grief could change it, and went straight upstairs to sit in the shell of his parents’ bedroom. It was emptied, nothing but four white walls and scratched hardwood floors, but if Stiles sat where the queen-sized bed had been, closed his eyes and hugged his knees and rested his head against the wall, he could almost pretend he was nine again, with two parents who were still alive and a house that wasn’t reclaimed and that the last two weeks (five and a half years) were just a long and horrible nightmare.  But this is reality, so when Stiles opens his eyes, he’s still alone, numb in his chest where his heart should be, and in an empty room – that wasn’t so empty anymore. Directly across from him, right where his mother’s wardrobe used to sit, was a rather unassuming door.
again, no clue who's writing what right now - if you want me to tag you whenever i happen to have a snippet to post, just lemme know :) if anybody reading this has something to share, tag me in it!!
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