#literally no ones gonna make their career being a writer anymore. not in this economy and certainly not when you work 40+ hours
walks-the-ages · 2 months
idk if I mentioned it here, but any books I write are going to have Ebook editions that are completely free, with donation-based options for anyone who wants to help me out directly.
Physical books are gonna be self-published so that I control the price and markup, and all of the books will have a little note inside that say "'Hey, can't afford this book? Read it online for free! If you really like it and you want to help me, the author/editor out, you can donate later."
Why? Because the only reason we had books to read growing up is used bookshops, and libraries when we actually lived near one (which was almost never.)
Poor people deserve to read good books, too.
(plus, it's much harder for them to become lost media if they're literally everywhere.)
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thegrandtortoise · 6 years
President Trump wants to defy the Constitution.
Yeah. So. Our dear president over in D.C would very much like you to know that not only is he terrified of illegal immigrants, but he also wants legal immigrants out!
Isn't that fun?
Basically, he wants to use an
Executive Order
(Something that isn't in the Constitution) to override one of the most important amendments in the Constitution- the 14th Amendment. This Amendment states that any person born in the United States or is naturalized is a citizen and gets all the benefits of being a citizen.
He said he doesn't want that to be a thing anymore.
Which is completely insane because literally, it's one of the big things we have going on here in the US. You can't just be like 'okay nvm ya gotta have AMERICAN parents and they gotta be AMERICAN and live in AMERICA!'
He's threatening to take away the citizenship of every lovely immigrant's child that was born in the US. Aka, me, and about half my damn school.
Can you guess how that makes us feel? 'You're not American, just cause you were born here and have lived here your entire life and speak perfect American English and love eating French fries and you vote doesn't make you eligible for citizenship.' Bitch, I know how the fuckin electoral college works. Can you say that about your precious white american babies?
Here's the thing. I'm not threatened by Trump's declaration, because within about 30 seconds of him signing his precious
Executive order
someone is gonna take him to court on the grounds that his order is unconstitutional and BAM it's gone because it most certainly is unconstitutional.
My problem, then? The fact that Trump thinks that a large minority of this country's engineers, doctors, writers, and workers who contribute daily to the welfare of this country don't deserve to have a say in their government.
That's fucked up. That's really fucked up.
Take me for example. The only daughter of Indian immigrants (who, btw, are applying for citizenship after 18 years of living and working here on a Greencard, being affected by all the decisions their fellow Americans have made over the years.) This is the only home I have and am familiar with. I speak and write perfect English, so much so that I want to be a journalist. I am very invested in the politics and social issues of the US. By the time I'm 25, I plan to have a bachelor's degree from a prestigious American university and be using it to pursue a career writing about said politics and social issues for an acclaimed American newspaper/magazine, and possibly be getting a master's degree.
I will be able vote in the 2020 election, and believe me, I am looking forward to it as my first contribution to society and politics.
So what does it mean when you take away the rights of a citizen from a person like me, like literally millions of people in the US? It means that you’re greedy. You’re perfectly fine taking their tax money and using their work to better the economy, but you want to deny them the right to input their opinions about the government? You want to deny them the right to make changes to the society we live in, to have a lasting impact in the only world they have?
That’s not acceptable. You are disrespecting these hard workers that contribute exactly the same amount to the economy, no matter the color of their skin or where their parents are born. If a person has lived a majority of their life in this country, working and buying and selling and living and contributing, they should have the right to at least have a say in the government that decides what they can and can’t do.
I can understand if a person was born in the US, but has lived their whole life in a different country, and couldn’t care less about the happenings of this nation (i.e, my cousin who was born in New Jersey, and therefore holds American citizenship, but has lived her entire life in India). They don’t need to have the right to vote and be a citizen, as they probably wouldn’t use it anyway, unless they decide to come make their living here.
But you can’t do that to Americans. You can’t do that to people who want to contribute, who are directly affected by these decisions, who work daily not just for themselves, but for this country and it’s economy and it’s society. President Trump obviously doesn’t care. He shows no respect for the people of America, and he is completely focused on greed.
A President can’t do that.
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