#listen i just love beverly katz a lot
backpackingspace · 9 months
Listen they had to stop giving Beverly scenes in the last couple episodes of Hannibal because she would have taken will to the hospital immediately and then there would not have been a plot.
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slashyrogue · 1 year
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Failed Twitter Attempts - Spacedogs AU: Yours Until Dawn
Adam only goes to the bachelor auction because Beth's family are donors to the library and she begs him to come. He hates big crowds and events like this, so many people and the noise is almost unbearable. Adam barely speaks the first hour, hating every piece of food put in front of him, and escapes to find a bathroom but ends up in the main lobby instead.
Which is where he spots the bar.
He doesn't usually like alcohol, the taste aside being inebriated isn't pleasant the few times he has been, but he's almost sure they'll have lemon lime soda and suddenly he's desperate for it since Beth refused to let him order any.
'You're an adult, Adam. Order a real drink.'
Adam walks over and sits at the bar, the bartender not noticing him, and several others come up until he knows he won't be heard at all. He's in tears after a few minutes, hands tight at his sides, when a hand comes up on his shoulder.
"What would you like, Darling?"
He turns to see a man standing beside him, cigarette in his mouth, and can't help but stare at his lips.
"I...I want some lemon lime soda...I...."
The man hits the bar and the bartender turns to smile at him. "Brother, what..."
"Get him some soda, Darko," the man says, "Lemon lime, and put it on my tab, "Anything else, Gorgeous?"
Adam blushes. "No, but I can pay."
"Not here you fucking can’t."
Adam is shocked when he's handed his drink, and takes a sip almost in tears at the taste. "Thank you."
"Everything alright?"
"My girlfriend, she...she didn't want me to order this. She said it was too childish. I'm at the bachelor auction next door."
The man smiles. "You up for auction then?"
"No," he frowns, "I...I just came with my girlfriend."
"She's looking to buy?"
"No, she..."
He turns and sees Beth coming over, looking angry, and takes a long sip of his drink handing it to the man. "Thank you, Mister..."
"Nigel," the man says, holding out his hand, "Nice to meet you, Adam."
Adam reaches for his hand just as Beth grabs him roughly, and he frowns at the look on her face.
"What are you doing out here? They're about to start!"
"I just..."
"Come on!"
She pulls him away, and Adam frowns back at Nigel who glares back making him feel like he’d done something wrong. Had he upset him? Nigel had seemed very nice, and now Adam worried as they headed inside.
The people are all standing up as they come inside, and Beth gets him to their table where he barely listens even when someone gets bought for lots of money halfway through. His stomach hurts, and he thinks of telling Beth but she is too busy watching the auction so he heads towards the bathroom.
Where he immediately bumps into a woman in tears who grabs his arm. 
“YOU!,” she says, eyes wide, “Please tell me you’re single.”
“I…no, I’m here with my girlfriend and her family. Please let me go.”
She sighs, putting hands over her face, and he frowns as she makes strange noises.
“I can’t believe this,” she groans, “I…I need just one more. I…we only need a little more money and…”
Adam’s stomach tightens as he chews his lip. “One more what?”
She looks up. “Bachelor. I…the library just needs a couple thousand more. You sure you didn’t see any single hot looking guys walking around?” She jokes, “My friend Will just got us to a hundred grand, we’re so close and I lost half the bachelors to undercooked chicken.”
He squeezes his hands at his sides. “What do they have to do?”
“Just go out with whoever buys you,” she says, smiling as she comes closer, “I mean, you don’t even have to really be single it’s just a night out.”
Adam sighs. “I…I can help you,” he said, “If it’s not really a date.”
The woman hugs him, making Adam freeze, and she pulls back fast. “I love you, Mister…”
“Adam,” he says, “Adam Raki, and you…”
“Beverly Katz,” she says, pulling him down the hall towards the stage, “I’m helping run this event and it’s been such a shit show let me tell you. What is it you do, Adam?”
“I work in computers,” he says, “For a toy company.”
“Ok, ok,” she says, getting him near the stage curtain, “And what do you like? I mean, what do you do in your spare time?”
“What does that…”
“Just askin’ sweetie,” she says, fixing his tie, “Tell me what you like.”
“Stars,” he says, blushing, “I like stars.”
Beverly smiles. “Perfect.”
Adam barely has time to ask why before he she pushes him through the curtain onto the stage, and the instant attention makes him freeze. 
Beth is going to be so mad at him. 
Beverly grabs his arm and starts to talk into a microphone while Adam feels like he’s going to scream. 
”Here we have our star, Adam Raki! Adam is a computer tech at a toy company, and he loves to stargaze in his spare time. He’s adorable, isn’t he? Is there anyone out there who wants to look at the stars with Adam tonight?” 
A loud gasp makes Adam look up to see Beth staring with wide eyes, her angry gaze making his stomach ache, and tears came to his eyes when several people start to bid. 
“One hundred!” 
“Fifty thousand.” 
Adam feels like he’s been pulled out of his fear by the sound of the high bidder’s voice and he turns because he recognizes who it is immediately. 
The man from the bar. 
He has a cigarette in his hand, and a drink in the other that he holds up high while several people gasp looking at him in shock. 
“Well, well!” Beverly says, patting Adam on the back as he stares, “Sold! Looks like Adam has someone to watch the stars with tonight!” 
Adam finds  it hard to look away from the man from the bar, and as the stranger gets closer his heart beats faster. 
It felt dangerous, maybe even a little scary, and yet when the man stops at the edge of the stage to hold out his hand Adam takes it without hesitation. 
“Ready to show me the stars, Gorgeous?” 
Adam lets out a long breath. “I…yes, but I don’t know your name.” 
He smiles. “Nigel.” 
Nigel kisses his hand. “I’ll be right back.” 
Adam watches him go, blushing, and hardly even hears Beth until she grabs his arm pulling him out of the haze Nigel’s arrival seems to have brought. 
“Beth, I…” 
“How could you do this to me?” she hisses, “I’m humiliated! All the people at our table, they’re…” 
All at once Nigel is in between them, stepping closer to Beth as tears fill Adam’s eyes. “I’m afraid he’s bought and paid for till dawn, sweetheart,” he says, “You’ll have to wait till tomorrow to be a bitch.” 
“How dare…” 
Nigel pulls Adam away, ignoring her, and as he looks back the thing he sees is her glaring his way. 
Has he made a mistake? 
Would this one night with Nigel ruin his relationship with Beth? 
He can hardly breathe when they get out of the hall, and Nigel rushes to take Adam into his arms. 
“Breathe for me, Darling,” he whispers, “Just breathe.” 
Adam takes several breaths, tears falling down his face, and Nigel’s cologne is very nice smelling so he focuses on that. 
“I….I’m…I’m sorry.” 
“Never apologize for other people’s fuckery, Adam,” he says, “And that one…you can worry about her tomorrow. Tonight,” he says, pulling back to lift Adam’s chin, “Tonight you’re all mine.” 
Adam lets out a long breath. “I…” 
“I paid top dollar, didn’t I? I deserve all your attention.” 
He knows it’s not the best idea, ignoring the problems he’s already caused, but right now staring into Nigel’s eyes it seems better. 
“Ok, Nigel,” he says, “I…what are we going to do?” 
Nigel smiles and puts a hand on his cheek. 
“Look at the stars, Darling, just like you like. Sound good?” 
Adam smiles. “Yes, that…that sounds perfect.” 
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“Under the Knife” - Part 3
“Under the Knife” - Part 3
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Hannibal Lecter x Reader, Will Graham x Sister!Reader
Word Count: 1,700-ish
Key: Chunks of text in italics are (Y/N)’s thoughts. Y/N = Your Name, H/C = Your Hair Color, E/C = Your Eye Color
Warnings: Talk of Murder, Talk of Crime Scenes, Talk of Murder Victims, Cursing
Summary: You are Will Graham’s sister who works with him at the FBI. When you get offered a job promotion, life starts to change. Some changes for the better; Some for the worst.
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Tag List: @fruitloopzzz @theeactress @melconnor2007 @ashenfallsof @geeksareunique @all-by-myself98 @sj-thefan​ @fuck-your-bad-vibes-dude​ @ntlmundy
Author’s Note: This is my first Hannibal piece and I am proud of it. There aren’t too many stories for Hannibal, so I figured I would add to the collection. This does take place in some happy medium where they are all alive and work together. Sort of a happier season 1 era.
This is beta-read by @theeactress​, but please let me know if there is something that we missed or that we should look at again! 
If you would like to be tagged in any of my future pieces, check out my tag list above and let me know! And as always, feedback is greatly appreciated!
- DreaSaurusREX
“As most of you know, this is (Y/N) Graham, she will be our profiler for this case.”
“Oh good. Another Graham.” Beverly commented over her clipboard, writing down something involving the case probably. Jack gave her a chastising glance and she held her hands up in defense.
“(Y/N) this is Beverly Katz, Brian Zeller, and Jimmy Price.” Jack introduced you very quickly to the science-ier part of the team very quickly before jumping right into work. “So, tell us what you got so far, (Y/N).”
You opened your small notebook and began summarizing your notes from last night’s reading.
“Alright. So far I’ve been able to see three patterns: the ways they were killed, the time frame, and the fact that all of the victims that were dismembered were doctors. The strongest thing I can think of is that this killer was wronged by doctors in some way. I’m not sure if it's a doctor in the general term or if there is some specific way that ties these three doctors, and our killer, together. That was something I was going to work on today. 
The way that the bodies are taken apart is very particular. From what I could tell from the photos in the files, all of the cuts seemed to be straight lines all the way through. Which means that this guy’s gotta have access not only to the tools that can do this sort of stuff, but also whatever drug he got in their system to make them lay still while he... worked. So I’m assuming the murder weapon is nothing with a jagged blade or saw-like teeth until we get to the bone. Do we have any reports on striation patterns or anything that could help us with what was used?”
“It’s like you said, the cuts were almost completely straight lines, even through to the bone. The only things we could think of were surgical tools.” Zeller spoke up. “The skin and muscles were cut similarly to how a surgeon would with a scalpel. But the bone is where it gets tricky. You can’t cut like this through bone with just a scalpel.”
“Unless you have plenty of time and you're very persistent.” Beverly joked; you were the only one that slightly exhaled a laugh through your nose at her quip.
“Alright, so the killer has a medical background.” Jack tossed into the air. You nodded.
“Possibly. But why would a doctor be going after other doctors?”
“Maybe they’re taking all his patients?” Beverly shot out. You just nodded and looked back at your notes to see where you left off.
“The uh.. The most concerning thing is the time frame. They were all killed two weeks part from each other. Dr. Everet was almost 6 weeks ago, Dr. Chaseten almost 4, and Dr. Loriet about 2.” 
“Which means we could have another dead doctor within the week.” Jack solemnly spoke as he realized the gravity of the situation. “Alright, you three keep looking over everything to see if we missed something. (Y/N), start working on possible correlations between the victims and the killer. Let’s get this son of a bitch.”
And that’s how the next two days went. Researching, thinking, and trying to get into a mindset that you weren’t totally sure of yet. 
You had checked in with Will like you promised and said that you were fine but you were going to be very busy for at least the next few days. Hannibal had called you after your first day and could hear the slight exhaustion in your voice. He asked you to have lunch with him tomorrow and you very quickly agreed.
But the next day, you spent more time than you thought flipping through the databases to try to find any correlation between Everet, Chasten, and Loriet. The three of them never worked in the same hospital, clinic, or even the same city. Their wives didn’t know each other. Their neighbors didn’t know each other. They didn’t have any sort of communication with each other. They were all different types of doctors. Everet and Loriet went to the same med school, but they graduated 3 years apart.
So what the fuck am I missing?
You kept looking back over the crime scene photos. You couldn’t understand why the doctors were mutilated and positioned so intricately, but the others were cast aside. The focus has to be on the doctors. They must have done something to ‘wrong’ the killer. So what the hell did all three of you do to make someone want to murder? 
Your train of thought was interrupted by a knock at your office door. You let out a slightly aggravated sigh.
“Jack, I told you I will let you know when I-- Oh! Hannibal! Hi!” You looked up from your computer screen to find Hannibal standing in the doorway with a bag in his hand. 
“Should I come back later?” 
“No! No. Come on in. I probably should take a break. I feel like I’m going in circles anyways.” You looked at your watch and saw it was almost 3:30 PM. The last time you looked at the clock, it was 10:30 AM. “And I missed our lunch meeting.” You put your head in your hands and groaned in annoyance with yourself. “I am so sorry, Hannibal. I--”
“No need for apologies, my dear. I figured Jack had put a lot on your plate, so I thought I would bring lunch to you.” Hannibal made his way into your office and shut the door behind him. 
“You really didn’t have to.”
“When was the last time you ate, (Y/N)?” Hannibal questioned you, looking you dead in the eye after he sat down in one of your office chairs. 
You weren’t entirely sure. You started to speak but then stopped yourself, really trying to remember when you ate last. I know I had ½ of my breakfast at 7:30 this morning. Did I have my granola bar? Does coffee count as a meal?
“The fact that you have to think about when your last meal was, is a bit concerning. But nonetheless, I am more than happy to remedy that. ” He smiled one of his rare but small smiles and began unpacking whatever culinary art he brought. You tried to condense some of your piles of papers and folders so you had enough room to put food down. 
Hannibal had brought a home-cooked meal for the two of you to enjoy. A ginger salad with fresh pan-seared scallops and even some infused water that he had marinating in his fridge overnight. This was so much better than the PB&J you had packed. 
As you began to dig in, Hannibal couldn’t help but look at some of the crime scene photos and your notes. 
“So what are we calling this killer?” 
“‘The Virginia Scalpel.’” You said with slight annoyance. “He has a medical background and is within a reasonable distance from all of the vics. Yet, we have no idea who he is.”
“Does the killer have to be a medical professional? Maybe they just have very steady hands.” 
“True. But there is almost no way that a regular guy could cut through muscle and bone that cleanly without surgical tools or the knowledge of how to use them. Not to mention the fact that he would have some serious explaining to do on how he got the succinylcholine or whatever paralyzer he plans to use next.” You rub your eyes gently, feeling the strain from the computer screen hitting you. Hannibal could feel the stress radiating off of you. 
“Do you want to talk about this case?”
“Not really. But I’m not sure what else to talk about. This has been my life for the last 3 days, the killer could strike again any day now, and I still don’t know why these three doctors were targeted or who will be next!” 
You started to fidget with your ring unconsciously and a bit aggressively, a sign to Hannibal that your anxiety was starting to catch up. Despite the physical signs that you needed a break, you continued to glance over an open file near you while you took another bite of food. He leaned forward in his seat a bit as he closed the file that you had been rereading for what he assumed to be at least the tenth time.  
“(Y/N), you need to breathe.” You just nodded and closed your eyes to try to help your deep breaths relax you faster. “How about we go for a walk? Get the blood flowing.”
“I would love to. But I feel like I can’t afford that break right now.” You shook your head slightly as you reached down for a stack of papers you had bundled and put on the floor earlier. You didn’t see him get up, but Hannibal was standing, adjusting his jacket before holding a hand out to you.
“What’s the worst that could happen?” You looked from his hand to his face before standing up, shrugging. A small walk around the building wouldn’t hurt, right?
Before your hand could land in his, your phone rang and you felt your heart sink, dreading what could be waiting for you on the other end of the line. Both you and Hannibal looked down at your phone and saw the caller ID: “Jack Crawford.” You took a deep inhale and hit the answer button.
“I really hope you’re calling just to bug me to work faster, Jack…” You tried your best to control your voice. You looked up and Hannibal was watching, trying to listen in and gauge how you were going to react.
“Afraid not. There’s another Scalpel vic. I’m texting you the address. Drop whatever you're doing and get down here.” Jack hung up before you could say anything, leaving you in a bit of shock. 
Dammit! What the hell am I missing?! Someone else is dead--Another doctor is dead because I don’t have any answers yet. How can--
“(Y/N)?” Hannibal’s hand on your arm broke your stream of internal chastising before it could get too bad, but you did unintentionally jump at the contact. He instantly raised his hands up and let you process for a moment. “There’s another one, isn’t there?”
You just nod. A second later, your phone flashed a message from Jack with an address. 
“Guess my ‘walk’ is going to be to a crime scene.” You try to joke despite feeling a tinge of guilt spreading through you. Hannibal tried to walk you to your car but you kindly denied him. You wanted to be alone as you prepared yourself for your first real crime scene. 
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republictrooper · 4 years
Random thoughts now that I am about halfway through my rewatch of Hannibal:
-Those were Will’s first words Hannibal ever heard? No Wonder he fell in love with him.
-Early season 1 Will is basically living my dream, other than the subject matter he teaches. Solid career as a lecturer, lives in a secluded cabin close to nature with only a bunch of dogs for company, tentative but promising flirtations with both a beautiful woman and a handsome man? Guy has it all until the whole thing where said handsome man turns out to be a serial killer grooming him to be his partner.
-Jack is meaner than I remembered in season 1, softer than I remembered in season 2.
-I like Freddy Lounds a lot more on this watchthrough. Ultimately, she’s a survivor, I think the compassion she showed to Abigail (and briefly to Jack) was genuine, and I wonder if she might have been a successful, renowned, respected journalist at a more mainstream paper, or if they would have suppressed her bloodhound spirit too much.
-Listen, I still love Hannigram as a dark, twisted, would-be-horrified-if-it-happened-IRL-but-fun-to-explore-in-fiction gay fantasy, but I’m noticing how sweet and funny Preller kind of us in the background this watchthrough, lowkey. That bicker and banter is probably even cuter at home. I want to see them talking shop and lowkey flirting over breakfast, is what I’m saying.
-I’m not sure if Chilton was brave or foolish to outright tell Hannibal he suspected him of manipulating Will. I’m not sure if it was a rare moment of a genuine ethical man shining through, or he was trying to blackmail him. I’m leaning towards him being just foolish, honestly. The man may have high intelligence, but wisdom is definitely his dump stat.
-Beverly Katz deserved better.
-It occurs to me you COULD argue this show is technically copaganda, but it occurs in such a weird dreamlike state it almost feels more fantasy than reality, as if the FBI and police are secondary to the strange dance between Will and Hannibal. I’m not sure if that excuses it, or if I’m just trying to find excuses for it because I like the show, but it seems less worrisome somehow.
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songbird, songbird, songbird!
Did you want three? ‘cause you’re getting three.
1) Suddenly I See-KT TunstallFandom: Mystic Messenger (I know, I’m sorry, don’t look at me Haitch. Don’t look at me)AU: After the events of the game (which ending is to be kept purposefully vague) MC runs off on their own to explore the world. This is more than a little personal wish-fulfillment.Reasoning (does anyone like reasoning? Just me?): While I really enjoy the game, one of my biggest issues was just how fast everyone committed. Oh, cool, nice to meet you stranger let’s get married after knowing one another for eleven days like this is a normal and healthy thing to do. Yikes, man, yikes. Anyway, were I in that situation I’d need some alone time to decompress.And aside from the more travel-ey lyrics there’s also the fact that I used to listen to this song a lot while going on solo jaunts through Northern Scotland, so that’s a fixed association right there.
You lean back into the cool, sweet grasses and stare up at the sky. There’s so much sky here, it’s so different from that gleaming city or that small, neat apartment. You don’t think you’ll ever get used to it. You don’t need to. Perhaps it’s that distracting sky, perhaps it’s the way those grasses whisper to one another in the chill wind, perhaps it’s the way your muscles ache pleasantly from your long morning hike, but you don’t notice the sound of footsteps coming up over the ridge. You glare at your phone as if it purposefully betrayed you. It’s a small dated throwaway. Not even a smartphone.
“Did you really think you could escape god 707?”
You roll over to look up at the tall figure beside you. Saeyoung looks out of place against the sky, though you suspect he’d look out of place anywhere outside, his red hair is twisting in the wind, the faint sun catching on his glasses, his smile somewhere between sweet and wistful.
You turn back to lean on your hill, “Honestly I wasn’t sure whether to expect you or Jumin.” He lets himself fall gracelessly onto the tall grass beside you. “You certainly took your sweet time.”
“Well you certainly picked the perfect time to disappear.” Out of the corner of your eye you see him pluck a few blades of grass and start to twist and fold them in esoteric patterns. It’s as if he can never let his hands stay still, not even for a moment. “Even a god can get distracted with a dissolving cult and brainwashed brother to take care of.”
You flash a cheeky grin and roll over to look at him, “I never knew there were limits to the Great God 707′s power.” He doesn’t smile back.
“You know, when you first left we didn’t know what to do. I was worried Mint Eye managed to get you. Maybe something had slipped through the cracks.” He looks down at the grasses in his hands, twisting them again and again and again. “I just…I don’t want to lose anyone else. Every again.”
You look away again, you don’t want to see him like them, you don’t want to watch him weeping. You sigh, “I’m sorry. I-it’s just-it was all happening so fast. I felt like I was the only thing keeping you all together and…I dunno, it was just too much for me. I felt like I was being torn apart.”
You gasp as he leans forward and pulls you into a hug. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” He chuckles softly, “You know, you came into our lives during a very strange time.” Now you’re both laughing. “Look, we all miss you. Please, will you come back? Just for a visit. We can finally get to know each other like normal people.”
“We’re not normal people.”
You feel him shrug, “I suppose not.”
You lean back into his arms and look up at that endless sky, those endless dappled clouds, as if there you can divine an answer.
2) Can’t Weld a Body-Karine PolwartFandom: HannibalAU: Bedelia comes out of hiding to briefly come for Beverly’s remains. See, it turns out that not only were she and Beverly having an affair but that Bedelia is also an expert of the dark arts and forbidden sciences and in her grief and desperation uses all her skill to bring back Beverly as an unholy union of steel and sorcery.Reasoning: Okay, so the song is literally about how you can’t heal someone the way you would a machine, but I’m just gonna run in the exact opposite directly with this thing. It’s also no secret that the Fridging of Beverly Katz is easily my least favorite part of the show. So here we are rectifying Fuller’s mistake.
“How do you feel?”
Beverly inhaled and closed her eyes reflectively, listening to her new body. “Restless.”
Bedelia rose from her perch at the foot of the bed and came to stand over Beverly, looking her over with a clinician’s eye. “Difficult though it may be, I need you to just rest.” She gently touched Beverly’s cheek, “You’re still settling.”
Beverly, never one to waste time looked Bedelia right in the eye and asked, “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“It’s a rather eccentric hobby. And a dangerous one. I didn’t want to risk your safety.”
Beverly laughed. “I meant about Hannibal.”
“Again. I didn’t want to risk your safety. Had I known you were talking to Will Graham…I would have taken you with me.” There was not a note of regret, of sorrow in her voice. Bedelia Du Maurier was never one for sentiment.
“You should have trusted me.”
“Yes.” Bedelia looked down at Beverly’s broken body, still humming with strange silver and spell work, “I should have.“
Beverly sighed, “And look at us now.” She looked back at Bedelia, at the way her hair caught the strange shimmering light of this place, this strange liminal state between worlds. She looked cold and sharp and very beautiful. “How did you know? How did you know he had killed me?”
Bedelia leaned forward, “Do you really think there’s any reality, any distance, that could keep me from feeling such a loss? You really think me so dull?”
Beverly grinned, “Sorry. I’d never want to insult you.”
“See that you don’t.”
“Well I certainly can’t fault your craftsmanship. What did you do to me anyway?”
“It was relatively simple, I put your body back together with sutures and sorcery, I replaced what flesh and organs were too rotted away with mechanical alternatives, made replacements for what organs the good doctor stole from you, and then summoned your spirit from beyond the Veil.”
“Ah yes, how didn’t I think of that.” Beverly looked over her body, “Tell me Bedelia, am I alive?“
“In a manner of speaking.”
“Why doesn’t that comfort me?”
Bedelia placed a hand beneath her chin and raised Beverly’s eyes to her own, “You are the thinking, feeling, spirit you always were, just with a slightly altered casing. Your body doesn’t change who you are or who I love.”
“Thank you,” Beverly whispered. She paused, “And what now? We have to go after him.”
Bedelia looked away, she didn’t want to answer. “Let’s think of that later. For now, just rest. Let’s just enjoy the quiet while we can.”
3) Phantims-45 GraveFandom: Penny DreadfulAU: Instead of allowing Ethan to accompany her back to Vanessa goes alone where the storm brings her old ghosts.Reasoning: Well the song is pretty straight-forward and the dead are pretty much the one Victorian supernatural we never saw on the show, so here we are.
The rain sounds like so many far-off footsteps, the wind drawing them ever closer. And there is at last no place left to run, the rain will offer no haven. And besides, she is tired, she is so tired, every name she has ever been called pulls at her: daughter, sister, witch, madwoman, demon. She would cut them from her if she could, but then would there even be anything left?
It is perhaps because of this exhaustion that Vanessa didn’t react when she noticed the slight figure sitting across from her, staring at her with large watery eyes.
She reached out, “Mina?” And took her small, pale hand in her own. It was cold as the rains whipping the house outside.
“Yes, dear sister,” It was Mina’s voice, but small and silvery, as if heard from down a long subterranean tunnel.
“Oh Mina, how I’ve missed you,” Vanessa felt a small, hesitant smile.
“And I you,” It was Mina as Vanessa had known her in life, when they were young and foolish by the sea. “I am yours, after all.”
“What?” She could sense that cold lingering just behind Mina’s words, Mina’s gaze.
“I am yours, I am you dead. After all,” and now Mina’s features were changing, dulling from gold to silver, “It is because of you that I am dead.”
“No…” Vanessa whispered, “It…it was Sir Malcolm, I was here to save you.”
She smiled, but there was no warmth there, “And save me you did. You sent me away from the Master, away from the blood and the darkness and the screaming…” Her eyes, there was something wrong with Mina’s eyes.
Vanessa said nothing.
“It’s alright sister. I’m visiting you from the gray place now. Where we all go. All your little ghosts.”
“Oh stop your whining girl.”
Mina paused, her hand loosened and Vanessa drew back as she looked towards the fire place where an old familiar figure poked at the dying flames. Joan didn’t look up, but Vanessa could see the flames clinging to her dusty, hollow cheeks, “You come all the way back to my home, least you could do is leave your pets at the door.”
“Aye, ‘tis me. No use getting riled.” She stood and turned towards Vanessa. With the firelight glimmering faintly about her figure, it was almost as if she were made of mist.
“What are you doing here?”
The Cut-Wife sighed, “Seems I didn’t teach you proper. Don’t you know where you are?” She scowled down at Vanessa, “We’re between states here. Makes a good meeting place for the living and the dead.”
Vanessa leaned forward between her dearest friend and wisest teacher, “And is it true? What Mina says?“
Joan looked over at Mina as she would a particularly loathsome toad, “She ain’t lying, I’ll give her that.”
Vanessa felt her head spin, “So it’s true, the gray place.”
Joan nodded curtly, “No time to think on that my girl. I don’t suppose your friend told you why your dead have returned.”
Vanessa raised a hand to her brow, “My dead?”
Mina leaned forward, “We’ve been dragged up my dear, dragged up to you.”
Joan stood over Vanessa, her arms crossed across her chest, “The worlds are spinning about you. We’re here to make sure you know what’s what.”
“You’re at a crossroads sister.”
“You need to act.”
“Lest the gray place rises up and consumes the world.”
“You know what needs to be done.”
Vanessa looked back and forth between her two specters, “Wait, I don’t-I don’t know what’s happening I-”
And then with a sudden light and a sudden strike the roof was sparking and just like that Vanessa was alone in the Cut-Wife’s cottage. There was no sign that anyone had been there, save the strange heaviness in the air and a strange chill lingering in her hand.
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RULES - Tag nine people you want to get to know better
fuRelationship status – in a relationship
Lipstick or Chapstick – Lipstick. I’ve been wearing mostly rose and nude shades lately but I love a good dark red. The first color I was obsessed with was Fire and Ice back in high school, which worked a lot better on my when I was blond.
Last Song I Listened To –  Not sure the specific song, but I know I listened to Obedear about 15 times this week because I just really like it and also it’s the theme song to Search Party and I’m still all sorts of fucked up over the ending.
Last Movie I Watched –  Reefer Madness (the musical) with @mebediel
Top 3 Characters – Fuck. Ok. Amy Brookheimer, Beverly Katz, and probably Hermione Granger
Top Three Ships – Fuck 2.0. Jim and Pam was the first I was really attached to. Beyond that, probably Mulder & Scully and Alana & Margot 
tagged by: @ashinypenguin
And I tag:
So half the people I *wanted* to tag were already tagged by Maria because we’re all a roommate hivemind but
@shitpostingperidot @chrysanthemumskies @pajamasecrets @alice-queen-of-spades @fthoriuminmywater @fuelledbymaple @surullinensaukko @randompersonofdoom @kuryree
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macguires · 7 years
I'm so late but I sure hope you're still doing that ask meme because if you are I'm giving you Hannibal and Star Wars. Because I know you too well and I know you'd be waiting ;D - tattlecrimc
YESSSSSSS EDEN BLESS U (i’m assuming you mean this one bc that’s the only one i’ve reblogged recently)
i will ramble horribly on the hannibal one and i’m very sorry about it so i’ll leave that for last so i can put it under a read more
i should probably warn u that the only movie fresh in my memory is the force awakens so all of this is gonna be answered through a v tfa-heavy lens but ok
star wars
three favourite male characters: poe dameron, kylo ren & general hux (DON’T KILL ME i know kylo & hux are awful, the fandom paired w/ my pre-existing love for domhnall gleeson did this to me and i am v ashamed). finn, han solo, bodhi rook, cassian andor, chirrut imwe & luke skywalker are also v dear to me. listen i just have a lot of love to givethree favourite female characters: jessika pava (i’d better see So Much of her in ep8), phasma & padme amidala. & also rey! ‘Needs More Girls’ is my opinion on most franchises but especially star warsfavourite pairing(s): finn/poe, kylo/hux, rey/jessika & han/luke! i also like obi-wan/anakin in the sense that i don’t actively go looking for stuff abt it but when i do see it on my dash my heart does a lil “!!”notp(s): r*ylo is like one of the only ships on my blacklist so that probably tells u something. i’m also p Ew about rey with any of the villains, so that also rules out rey/hux & rey/kylo/hux which i see way too often all over the place. also you wouldn’t think snoke/kylo would be a thing but i’ve seen fics & i’ve seen art and i’ve like cried every single time, experiencing that was my tragic backstory and now i’m a jaded & cynical anti-hero who’s seen Too Much™least favourite character: snoke who’s like me: i’ll hesitantly say padme amidala? i saw the prequels when i was too young to be properly interested in them and i haven’t rewatched them yet so 99% of my knowledge is secondhand, but from what i’ve seen she’s the most relatable most attractive: jessika pava tbh, yet another reason behind me hoping she’s around a lot in the next movie, i am Absolutely in love alreadyfavourite moment/scene: THAT’S MY JACKET(also lowkey the whole starkiller/hosnian system scene, that was shot so impressively w/ the whole ~greatcoat blowing dramatically in wind~ and the brief reaction shot of the people on hosnian prime and the lights shooting across the sky and damn)favourite quote(s): LOTS
“so this is how liberty dies. with thunderous applause.” - padme
“if you live long enough, you see the same eyes in different people.” - maz
“mm. lost a planet, master obi-wan has. how embarrassing.” - yoda
“are you kidding me? i’m blind!” - chirrut 
“there’s a problem on the horizon. …there is no horizon.” - k2-so
“so you’re with the resistance?”“obviously. yes, i am. i am with the resistance, yeah. i’m with the resistance.”“i’ve never met a resistance fighter before.”“well, this is what we look like. some of us. others look different.” - rey & finn
“lieutenant, get back to your station!”“just look! we won’t survive. even hux is gone!” - rodinon
“through the ages, i’ve seen evil take many forms: the sith. the empire. today, it is the first order.” - maz
“where is my boyfriend? […] i like that wookiee.” - maz
ok right. now for my favourite thing in the world. the show i don’t shut up about. the universe to which my heart belongs
three favourite male characters: will graham, hannibal lecter & anthony dimmondthree favourite female characters: chiyoh, molly graham & reba mcclane (also beverly katz. and freddie lounds. and abigail hobbs. and literally every other girl)favourite pairing(s): hannibal/will, margot/alana, reba/molly, abigail/marissa & jimmy/brian are the ones i pay most attention to, but i’m honestly also down for literally any other f/f ship u can imagine from this shownotp(s): there isn’t anything i would specifically call a notp, but i’m not a huge fan of will/alana or hannibal/alana i guess? just bc as much as i love will & hannibal, alana deserves 1000x better and i lovelovelove her with margot. i also dislike mason with literally anyone for what i would hope are obvious reasons. i also tend to be kinda cringey about abigail with will or hannibal in a romantic/sexual sense bc it’s made very clear that their relationship with her is parent/child and that she’s a teenager so it feels v creepy to meleast favourite character: i like them enough as characters but i’ll say francis dolarhyde & mason verger. bc everything mason does ever makes me feel vaguely ill and my first impression of francis dolarhyde was him stretching and grunting @ his mirror in briefs w/ Glistening Muscles and i was done with That and ready to move on in under 0.00002 seconds but it just….. kept happeningwho’s most like me: peter bernardone, abigail hobbs & s1!will graham most attractive: chiyoh! i was literally Gone from the second we saw her through will’s goddamn binoculars favourite moment/scene: literally every second of dark!will i am so here for that. every moment from when he attacked freddie in the barn and then. u know. ate randall tier with hannibal, the whole ~i’ve given up good & evil for behaviourism~ conversation and the knife exchange in the kitchen. also him bringing randall’s body to hannibal in the middle of the night like some dog looking for approval wtf. and obviously him & hannibal double-teaming & killing francis in the season finale and running the fuck away together and then coming back to eat bedelia like I JUST REALLY LOVE DARK!WILLfavourite quote(s): i have SO MANY. some of them i just think are gorgeous and thought-provoking, some i like for shippy reasons or bc they were super chilling or Ominous on a rewatch/paired with later context, and some i just find straight-up hilarious
hannibal: “i’ve always found the idea of death comforting. the thought that my life could end at any moment frees me to fully appreciate the beauty and art and horror of everything this world has to offer.”
hannibal: “the essence of the worst in the human spirit is not found in the crazy sons-of-bitches. ugliness is found in the faces of the crowd.”  
jack: “you remember when you decided to call hannibal?”will: “i wasn’t decided when i called him. i just called him. i deliberated while the phone rang… i decided when i heard his voice.”jack: “you told him we knew.” will: “i told him to leave, because i wanted him to run.”jack: “why?”will: “because… because he was my friend. and because i wanted to run away with him.” 
hannibal: “you cannot control with respect to whom you fall in love.” 
will: “i’ve never known myself as well as i know myself… when i’m with him.” 
hannibal: “when the fox hears the rabbit scream, he comes a-running. but not to help. when you hear jack scream, why will you come running?”
chiyoh: “you have a taste for it now.”will: “for what?”chiyoh: “harm.”will: “do you?”chiyoh: “i was violent when it was the right thing to do. but i think you like it. […] if you don’t kill him, you’re afraid you’re going to become him.”will: “yes.”
freddie: “i’ve interviewed enough serial killers to know one when i see one. […] a very specific brand of hostility. i see it every time i look at will graham.” 
gray: “there is no god.”hannibal: “well, not with that attitude.” 
hannibal: “hello! i love your work.” (YOU NEED CONTEXT FOR THIS ONE BUT I LOVE IT)
guest: “it smells divine!”hannibal: “it is! i say that without ego. i don’t require conventional reinforcement.” 
hannibal: “that may have been impulsive.”
hannibal: “a paradox.”alana: “freddie lounds thinks the two of you are a paradox. she sees something no one else sees.”will: “and what’s that?”alana: “that neither of you is the killer she’s writing about… but together you might be.” 
will: “i’d pack my bags if i were you, bedelia. meat’s back on the menu. […] ready or not, here he comes.” 
freddie: “what will understands is that if you can’t beat hannibal lecter… join him.” 
hannibal: “what’s the meat? veal? pork?”will: “she was a slim and delicate pig.”hannibal: “i’ll make you lomo soltado. we’ll make it together. …you slice the ginger.” […]hannibal: “this meat is not pork.”will: “it’s long pig.” (RIDICULOUS. now they’re both making puns while eating people)
will: “is hannibal in love with me?”bedelia: “could he daily feel a stab of hunger for you and find nourishment at the very sight of you? yes. but do you ache for him?”  
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