#like... because of intersectionality... at that point your joke is no longer satire and u r just being antisemitic to a jewish guy
jewishfalin · 3 months
You can criticize people like Ben Shapiro without being antisemitic... Like if you can get it through your head that doing things like misgendering a trans person because they did something wrong is bad, you should understand its bad to resort to projecting harmful jewish stereotypes onto people because they're shitty.
Ben Shapiro sucks, but he is a jewish man and jewish men have been stereotyped as feminine and there is even an antisemitic myth that cis jewish men have menstrual cycles. So like... joking about a cis jewish man being secretly trans isnt exactly the funny irony joke you think it is.
Also, he talks like that because that is a common speech pattern for a lot of jewish people in certain communities.
You can criticize shitty people without perpetuating bigoted beliefs. Also this shit is just gonna push a guy like him deeper into toxic masculinity.
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