#like. reblog me to disagree w/ me that's fine but why apologize for doing the thing while you are doing it
thatswhatsushesaid · 11 months
seeing some of the tag commentary on one of my posts atm and like. .../exhale, I acknowledge I could have been clearer re: jyl's presence at the nightless city massacre. no, she doesn't just run dramatically through armed conflict like she does in cql, u got me. mea culpa. however:
1) jyl was not the focus of that post--jgy was;
2) yes, I realize it wasn't supposed to be a battlefield (like most fields where battles take place). but it becomes one because wwx shows up and turns it into one;
3) after scattering wq's ashes, jgs makes it pretty clear that the rest of the wen remnants are going to be wiped out imminently--like, tomorrow, if we take him at his word. and when wwx hears jyl calling out for him after the fighting breaks out, even he's shocked that she's at the pledge conference. from ch 78 of the EXR translation:
Suddenly, amid the battle noises, Wei WuXian heard a faint voice.
The voice was shouting, “A-Xian!”
Like a bucket of ice-cold water, the voice doused the vile flames raging within his heart.
Jiang YanLi?
When did she come to the pledge conference?!
Wei WuXian was immediately half dead with fright. He couldn’t care about the fight with Lan WangJi any longer and put down Chenqing, “Shijie?!”
anyway /waves arms, I guess this is what I get for making one (1) tongue-in-cheek comment about jyl in a post that is otherwise not at all about jyl.
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omegastation · 6 years
Still on hiatus, but I need to clear the air because many things have been said to me (publicly, privately) and I want to give my perspective on this.
Ever since I've created this blog, I've always done the same thing, year after year:
-Focus on discussions and meta posts. I actually wanted one place where I could read Mass Effect discussions on Tumblr, and I couldn't find it, so I created my "thoughts" tag and started collecting posts, even those I did not agree with but thought were interesting to the fandom at large. -Check the tag and react to the posts, ESPECIALLY the text posts because, as I said, I'm a discussion/meta post blog first. I'm in it for the lore and character talk.
I did this when I had 100 followers, and I'm doing this now that I have a bit more followers. So if you feel like I react to a lot of posts, well that's the point of this blog.
Still: if you are concerned about me reacting to your post because you don't want the attention it would bring you, I urge you to unfollow and block. If you don't want to block, you are welcome to tell me privately "please don't reblog my posts." And I won't. That's a promise. Because there are concerns lately. To be absolutely clear: I don't have goals regarding people in this fandom, I am not interested in starting fights, and I am not in it to scare people or make them anxious.
And now, I'm not talking to people I know (friends, followers I interact with) or people who have always been sweet and kind. Don't take what I will say next for yourself, because it has nothing to do with you. At all. I promise. Please don't come to me apologizing (because I know some of you will believe it’s linked to you, it’s not). You have nothing to be sorry for. I'm serious. This is not about you. I'm also not talking to people who disagree with me but are respectful no matter what, because I like them and it's a joy talking to them. I'm talking to other people.
And to them:
I really need you to realize I don't want to "control" fandom or followers. I wish you would stop telling me this. You're basically expecting me to have a blog but not be myself in it and share my opinions. I see plenty of people making even more aggressive posts sharing their opinion and no one accuses them of what I'm accused of all the time. It's like you're thinking "big blog → manipulative person trying to control everyone" and that's UNFAIR. People are also fine with me and my following if I can give them notes, but the second I express my opinion it automatically means I'm looking for drama. I assure you I'm not. Even my "Shepard is not a saint" post was not me looking for drama. Sure, I started with "let's kill the idea that—" but at the end of the day, I was just talking about my favorite character being vulnerable, something that should be allowed. How is that so bad? Why does it deserve the kind of vitriol I got? I don't understand.  And anyone could disagree with this without accusing me of being controlling and driving fans away. Because that's a serious accusation. Do you even know me at all? And do you honestly believe I can even "control" people? Where does that come from? I know there is such a thing as a "mob mentality" but followers are their own people who don't need me to tell them what to do.  Truth is, people often forget there is a human being here behind this blog. Sometimes people talk to me like I'm literal trash in reply to my posts or in anon messages and apparently it's all okay. Deb can deal with it anyway, she has a "big blog" as you say, so it's all fine? No. It's not. Why can't you disagree with me without spreading things that are entirely false about me? I'm saying this because this is not the first time that this happened and it's so disheartening.
And for those who are entirely convinced I take fandom too seriously: I have to tell you something, I take my irl life 100% more seriously than fandom. I care about it a lot more than fandom. (trigger warnings here, though nothing graphic) Why? Many reasons. I'm busy fighting depression. I'm seeing a therapist every two weeks to deal with it and so far it's a very long and painful road. I'm also fighting an abusive workplace with bosses who have made all my colleagues quit from burnout. I need to find a new job asap, but it's really difficult. I've been with my boyfriend for ten years, and caring for him every day because he's mentally and physically ill with suicidal tendencies. It takes me a LOT of energy on top of my own problems. It's especially draining when I come home after a stressful day at work. Some days I can't relax at all. And yeah, it's my choice, I fully accept my situation, but that doesn't mean it's easy. It's suffocating. The good news: I'm the godmother of the sweetest baby in the world and I want to be there for her. I want her to grow up always knowing me. I want to spend as much time as I can with my family (parents, brother, grandmother) because I think life is precious, and I know I won't always have them with me. I have friends I like to see.  And of course, I've had a gastric sleeve surgery months ago and that means a lot of changes in my life, things I need to take care of like stomach pains, new wardrobe, new diet... And I feel ridiculous saying this, but hey, I have hobbies. I'm trying to write a book. I also read books all the time. I watch tv. I play games... The problem is, every little thing I do has to be done fully, because I don't know how to do things differently. That's true for fandom as well. But that doesn't mean fandom is everything to me. What it means is that, even if I'm intense af, I use fandom to have fun because I'm just like you, trying to escape irl from time to time. I haven't talked about all this before, but I'm talking about it now, not because I want to overshare or make people pity me (god no, I don't need it!), but because I'm tired of people thinking it's okay to be aggressive or nasty to me because they believe I won’t care. Because they think I can take it or I only have this blog to worry about in my life. No, I actually use this blog to have fun and escape from the things I worry about. I'm here to have a good time, just like you. That's truly all I want! Please, please understand that.
And finally, I don't know where the whole "big blog trying to crush other blogs" comes from, but here are my true interests when it comes to other blogs: -Lore, lore, lore, lore, lore; -Make sure people who make good posts (be it a text post, fanart, fic) are noticed and get more notes when I reblog them; -Make little projects that can be useful for people, so they find the resources they might need; -Find people who I can be friends with in this fandom. That's really it.
I have a lot of flaws, but I try hard to be a good person. Decency and self-awareness are important to me, so if I do mess up, I try to understand how and why so I don't do it again. I've apologized here many, many times. I hate hurting or offending people.
So you're not talking to some evil person here, okay?
I'm done. Sorry for the long post.
I'm still at stationlittle for now. I hope the hiatus will do me some good.
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mrs-hongs-blog · 6 years
Like A Caffeine Rush (Pt. 2)
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m e m b e r : LEE JIHOON ;; 
g e n r e : fLUFF ofc <3
 w o r d c o u n t : 1.7k
 i n t r o : A good looking barista who made the best Iced Americano and a pretty law student who spent her time drowning in books in his cafe, a love that blossomed over a cup of coffee. Will they eventually grow to love each other, especially when they have feelings for each other that felt like a caffeine rush?
a / n : ahhh!! i’m sorry this took long, but here you go! i promise i’ll post regularly, i’m working on the requests now, so please be patient! thanks everyone, please like and reblog if you liked it <3
“Wait, so you’re telling me, you have something going on with the school’s hottie barista, Lee Jihoon?!” Your best friend freaked out at the lunch table, causing a few stares. “Okay, you need to shut, UP!” You said, pushing her back down on her seat. “How the hell- Then again I’m not surprised. You’re a hottie yourself, and you visit his café everyday. It was bound to happen. Everyone knows.”
You looked at her, eyes wide open. “What did you mean by that?” It was you turn to freak out now. Your best friend put a spoonful of her salad in her mouth, “Well, we can all see Jihoon staring at you from the counter and you always day-dreaming in his direction.” Seems like your little crush wasn’t really that little and hidden after all.
Still in shock, you felt someone slide strawberry milk infront of you. You looked up and saw Jihoon, his face was tense and he was like his usual self. “Here’s some strawberry milk, don’t starve.” He smirked when you raised your eyebrow. “Don’t worry Mr. Hottie, I am well fed by you looking like a snack.” Jihoon blushed at your words and you guys shared eye contact for awhile before your best friend squeaked.
“Are you serious?! Right in front of my salad?!”
Class was pretty boring, but the butterflies in your stomach just kept you alive and smiling foolishly to yourself. As soon as class ended, you walked down the hallways to the lockers before heading to café and you saw the waitress, Cheryl. She stopped you in your tracks, “How did last night go?” You smiled and told her everything, including his kiss on your cheek.
“Ah, Jihoon knew how to hit it off well. Lucky you!” She smiled before waving you goodbye. You continued walking to your locker and put all your unnecessary books in the locker, touching up on your makeup and perfume. “Hey! Iced Americano!” You turned around to see Jihoon. He was wearing a sweater, bag slinged on one shoulder.
You smiled and as you were going to close your locker, someone closed it for you. “Hi princess.” You looked at the who it was and turns out, it was your childhood friend, Daniel. “Oh my gosh! Daniel! It’s been so long!” You jumped to hug him, in which he returned. You guys pulled away afterawhile and he smiled, so did you.
“Are you officially enrolled here?” You squeaked and he nodded before you smiled even wider. “Now, I’ll never be away from my princess!” You guys laughed and you remembered Jihoon. “Oh! Listen, I’ll catch up soon. I have to go study at the café.” He nodded, “By the way, Tiffany stays in the same block as you.” You smiled, the three of you were inseperable when you guys were young before Tiffany moved away when you guys were in middle school, with Daniel following towards the end of high school.
Although you guys always texted in the group chat, Daniel and Tiffany got together officially 2 summers back, and you are happy for the both of them. “It feels nice that we’re reunited again. I should see if I can room with Tiff but, catch up later.” Daniel nodded before you guys separated and you walking to Jihoon.
“Hi Coffee Prince! Sorry to keep you-“ “Who was that? Princess?” Jihoon looked at you with a semi-pissed and semi-upset face, was he jealous? You laughed at his jealous face, “That was my childhood friend, we grew up together before he moved away a few years ago. I was shocked to see him.”
“But why princess? Are you guys together?” You shook your head, “When we were young, I used to be the only girl at the playground so I was the princess and he was my servant! The name always stuck though.” He nodded before returning to silence. I smiled quietly, “You’re my prince though.”
You mumbled quietly but he heard it, cheeks flushed red and walking into the café counter. “I’m going to go first.” I nodded and Cheryl just smiled at Jihoon walking away and looked at you. “Get a room you two.” You laughed and walked to take a seat as usual, before ordering an Iced Americano.
You were studying for the past few hours and as the sky grew darker, the lesser the amount of people in the café. You looked up to see the Council President sitting infront of the counter, a few tables from you. You always knew she was beautiful, but she really looked like a goddess.
You see Jihoon take off his apron and leave the counter with 2 drinks. You guys made eye contact, and you feel blood flush to your cheeks as he approached. Unfortunately, he was stopped by the Council President, Adriana, I think it was her name.
She smiled at him and said something, winking to him and sliding a piece of paper to him. Jihoon looked at her, and you were 100% sure her was going to sit down with her and ditch you. Instead, he picked up the piece of paper, crushing it emotionlessly and walking towards you. You gasped and the shock on her face was pretty evident and you could see Cheryl laughing from your side eye.
“Jihoon! Why did you do that?” You asked, quietly in shock. He calmly pulled a chair nearby to your table and sitting down, giving you the drink before sipping his own. “That? She acted like a whore, throwing herself on me and giving me her number. She’s too easy.”  Your eyes widened at what he said and your stomach churned.
Too easy? Of course, with his godly looks, any girl would pounce on him the chance they get. Was he just with you for the challenge because you were different? You were deep in over-thinking before he snapped you back to reality.
“Stop it.” He said, sternly, sipping on his drink. You raised a brow, confused. “You’re over-thinking. I’m not with you because you are hard to get. I genuinely like you.” It was as if he read your mind and you sighed before it got to you, WAIT WHAT?! He liked you? Did he just confess?
“I’m going to leave if you stare in blank air.” You apologized and he watched over youstudying for your next major test. “Do you need a ride back?” He asked, breaking the silence and you looked up to him, eyes batting. “Is that fine with you or is it inconvenient?” He shook his head gently, smirking.
 “I would gladly send you home every night, and only I should be able to do that.” You blushed to his possessiveness, this man will be the end of you.  You nodded silently, “So it’s settle, I’m sending you home everyday.” Before you could disagree, he stood up and walked back to the counter.
If only he knew how crazy he drove you.
Before you knew it, the café closed and you were the only one left. You packed everything into a bag and grabbed a cloth to help wipe down the tables. “Hey. That’s my job!” Cheryl shouted cheerfully form the counter, both of you breaking out in laughter, while you continued wiping the table down.
“You are unbelievable. First, you took away my son, now you’re robbing me of my jobs? I’m going to faint!” She says, the back of her hand on her forehead, as if she’s fainting. Jihoon walked out of the kitchen, looking at the both of us and our ridiculous antics. I wondered how stupid we looked.
The both of you laughed before continuing, and soon, Cheryl left, leaving you to wait by the door for Jihoon. “Ready?” He asked and you took a sharp breath. He looked so bloody good in his black shit, grey jacket and grey sweats. You nodded and followed behind him to his car.
The ride was silent, not awkward but pleasant and the music made up for it. Halfway through the ride, He put his free hand on your thigh, and would occasionally squeeze it. It was almost as if he was reassuring you that he was there, by your side.
He pulled into the parking lot and snatched your mountain of books from you before alighting, and you followed. He easily carried the books with one hand, but you were not surprised, considering his relatively buff arms. You ran next to him, and slid your hands in it and he took a sharp breath before interlocking it.
You guys walked sweetly to your dorm, but were stopped on the way by Daniel. “Daniel? Are you a girl now, why are you here?” You guys laughed and you were about to hug him, before Jihoon tightened his grip, making you stay by his side. Daniel looked down at your hands and nodded, smirking. He was about to say something before someone ran up to him.
“Babe! Here you go! Sorry I forgot.” You opened your eyes and the both of your squeaked. “Tiffany! It has been long.” You both chirped away, before you remembered Jihoon being there. “Oh, catch up next time okay? I’ll try to ask if they let me room with you.” She nodded, before she grabbed Daniel’s hand and walking away, you doing the same.
The walk back was silent again, definitely not uncomfortable though. Holding hands sweetly, and as usual he came in to put your books on your table. “Thank you, for sending me home again.” You smiled and he just rolled your eyes. “This is the last time you’re going to thank me for sending you home, because I’m going to do this all the time.”
You guys shared eye contact, breaking into giggles. “But really, Thank you.” You said once more, Jihoon sighed. “That’s it.” He swept you off your feet and threw you on your bed, you squealing. “Stop it silly!” He kept tickling you, but you cut him off by pulling him into a kiss.
The kiss was gentle, but passionate. You both pulled away shortly after, catching your breaths. He held your face against his palm, “Finally, I have the whole universe in my palms.” You blushed and swatted his hand away, him laughing.
He pulled you into a hug, chin resting on the top of your head. “You are mine, do you hear me? You are my princess, and only mine to love. I’m selfish, but I want you all to myself, you hear me?” You blushed, hiding in his chest before nodding.
Part 1 — Part 2
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