#like. not to compare loz to genshin fucking impact but. this happens with every new genshin patch too
blueskittlesart · 2 years
what do you think about all the theories everywhere that Zelda is dead in totk? Personally I’d like to have a little more faith in the writers to not do something so lazy
every time a new game comes out there will always be edgelords who become convinced with little to no evidence that a beloved character is going to kick the bucket and because the internet thrives on mass hysteria everyone just decides that they're obviously right without even stopping to think about how little sense that choice would make thematically. if this was a twilight princess sequel i might not put it past them to randomly kill a character but breath of the wild is and was incredibly meticulously planned and well-written to the point that almost any miniscule detail can be connected back to the overarching lore or themes of the narrative. I genuinely can't imagine that a game that ALREADY has that legacy to live up to, and which has been in development for at least three years now, would make a writing decision that seems so at odds with the preestablished narrative. I can't see a way that killing zelda would fit thematically into the overarching narrative of botw/totk and quite frankly i am choosing to trust that the developers know what they're doing here, considering what they gave us with breath of the wild. Call me crazy but breath of the wild was one of the best-written video games ive ever played and i think that with that standard of writing as their base the totk devs are unlikely to make stupid decisions for shock value alone, which is imo what killing zelda would be. like. tldr i think people are content farming via controversy. theorists who want views know that people will be upset if zelda dies, so if they suggest that zelda will die they're going to get people to watch and engage with their content out of fear or anger. this is social media 101
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