#like. my laura tag used to be x-23 but i changed it when i realized that was not great
lovecatsys · 1 year
if you still call him Daken I'm hardcore judging you btw
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knightthart · 3 years
Tagged by @wonderwolfballoon   List of my 5 comfort characters! This will be HARD because I have few 
1- Tony Stark: For YEARS, Tony was my only comfort character and I used to think we were very alike. Tony has the tendency to hide behind his ego when, in reality, he thinks he isn't good enough for anything so I kind of related a LOT with him because of that. I remember that I was kinda obsessed with him and I projected a fucking LOT while writing and reading fanfics. I still love him, but after he died in the movies it was like he really DIED for me and since then I kinda chilled.
2- Logan/Wolverine: Before Tony, Logan was my favourite character during my childhood and teenage years. What can I say?? I have a soft spot for feral traumatized men that like to adopt EVERY CHILDREN that cross his path because he doesn't want them to be as traumatized as he is.
2.1- Laura Kinney/X-23/Wolverine: Because I loved Logan I immediately fell in love with Laura and she became one of my favs but I don't think she is really a comfort character for me because I didn't project much on her or read fanfics.
3- Harry Hart: THIS MAN, I love him. The movies didn't explore much of him as a person, but I kinda relate to the fact of how much his life is focused only on work and how lonely he must be (as he talks about in the second movie). Also, the lack of information about him made me able to PROJECT A FUCKING LOT. So I kinda created my own version of Harry in my mind.
P.S: Also, he is played by Colin Flirt and Colin Flirt IS my comfort character. I don't care that he is a real person, he is my comfort character. Because of that, I HAVE to add Harry Bright and Mark Darcy as comfort characters in this P.S just because they are played by him and Harry B is gay too.
4-Dean Winchester: Dean (and the next character) was a new addition to my list.  I don't just love this man, I kinda WANT TO BE this man and I relate a LOT with him. So, I am the oldest sibling and through ALL my life I kinda was seen as this "perfect little kid" that was smart, obedient and who did ALL that my parents want. So I grew up with this huge pressure to achieve success and whatever and the older I got I realized that I didn't know who the fuck I was, I still don't know. Also, my parents didn't have a lot of money growing up and being the oldest sibling it was kinda my duty to NOT worry my parents because they had a lot of problem and to look after my little brother, explain to him why he couldn't do this or that. Anyway, I could talk A FUCKING LOT about all the things that make me relate to Dean and that is why I AM SO FUCKING MAD, that he didn't get to be happy because ALL I WANTED was to him to find his crew and his family and get to find out who he truly is (a raging nerd queer guy that YES, IS CAPABLE OF LOVE AND LEARN HOW TO BE LOVED).
5- Gabriel: I FUCKING LOVE GABRIEL AND WHAT THEY DID TO HIM WAS A CRIME. For me, Gabriel is the COOLEST archangel in the supernatural and he was a character with SO MUCH POTENTIAL. He literally said "fuck it" to heaven and spent YEARS on earth and he could do SO MUCH MORE than he did. He was the true O.G MENSSAGER OF GOD, GOD'S FUCKING RIGHT HAND and the show didn't explore ANY of it. Also, GABRIEL IS QUEER. LOOK, HERE ME OUT, ACORD TO THE FOLKLORE GABRIEL CHANGES HIS GENDER/GENDER PRESENTATION ACCORDING TO WHO HE IS TALKING TO. SO sometimes he is a woman and other times a man, which means he is gender-fluid because angels DON'T HAVE A GENDER, TO BEGIN WITH. I would do EVERYTHING to have a show exploring Gabriel more.  Also, I think he became my favourite character because, sometimes, I do wish that I could just run away and start a new life somewhere else and away from my family (look, I love my family bc even tho they fucked me up and aren't really that bad, but, you know).
Overall PS: I do like other characters, but these ones are the ones that I was EXTREMELY obsessed about or currently am. This list may change in the future.
Honourable mentions: Crowley, Brienne, Quasimodo, Bucky Barnes and Naruto.
@dauntlessdiva @stronglyobsessed
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Kari’s What If MCU Challenge
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I reached 3k and got a hold of the infinity stones. I snapped my fingers and changed one thing about the MCU several times creating new timelines. It’s now your mission should you chose to accept it to tell me what that single change would make the MCU look like. 
Interested? Read on. And please reblog this to spread the word!
Due Date: October 4th, 2019
Word min: 1k words
Word Max: 10k words
Style: It can be a one-shot or the beginning of a series. If your series cross 10K talk to me about it. I’ll allow it but I might not read it all depending on the number of people that break the top count. 
Fandom: MCU 
Will you read and reblog my fic?
You betcha :D I am behind on reading for previous challenges so patience is a virtue here
When Do I Post?
Right now. Sign-Ups start now and end when there are no more prompts or when the due date rolls around
Genre: Anything you want. You have to be over 18 if you write smut and you always have to warn accordingly! Fluff, angst, AUs, and crack are all welcome.
Limits on what you can write: No Mommy/Daddy kinks, no non/dub con, no A/B/O, no merpeople. No half animal anything, please. No mobster aus. No monster porn (this counts Venom and Hulk) No glorification on cheating (it’s okay as a plot device but use it with thought) - if you got any questions at any time feel free to send me an ask,
Format: State in your A/N that it is for my (until-theend-oftheline) Kari’s What if MCU Challenge. And use the # Kari’s What if MCU Challenge in the first 5 tags.
Pairing and word count also have to be easy to spot in your header!
Submit: After you posted on Tumblr you have to add yourself and your fic to this doc. If you don’t do this you will not be added to the masterlist I create when the challenge is over. If you got questions - just ask :D
Doc link it case Tumblr is an ass: https://docs.google.com/document/d/11r5CGQXp4UXjG0Tfx0MTai8gxtIxp5YdNJrsbuVcJN4/edit?usp=sharing
How do I join?
You pick a prompt and a pairing off the list. Then you go to this doc to sign up: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xYnJWm5K2XZECz_S1S4ArXy7Ha70qlA3FxMVIujxCzs/edit?usp=sharing
If you got any problems let me know and I will sign you up manually. Any questions are welcomed via asks as well.
Prompts and pairings are under the cut.
Prompts1 What if Bucky realized he was injected with super serum before the fall?
2 What if Vision had sided with Ultron?
3 What if our Steve called Mjolnir in the past and Thor had no idea where his hammer went? 
4 What if Steve and Thor called Mjolnir at the same time?
5 What if Steve had fallen from the train instead of Bucky?
6 What if the fugitive Avengers hadn’t been offered asylum in Wakanda?
7 What if Tony had died from a heart attack after the battle of New York?
8 What if Steve went looking for Bucky after the battle of New York?
9 What if Sam encountered Winter Soldier in war before meeting Steve? 
10 What if Pierto hadn’t died? 
11 What if Clint hadn’t got a wife and kids?
12 What if Tony had consulted the others before building Ultron? 
13 What if Steve had never found Bucky being held captive during WW2?
14 What if Thor was stuck on Earth when Loki stole his ride home after the battle of NY?
15 What if Natasha had found Clint years earlier (Endgame era)?
16 What if Loki had brainwashed Fury instead of Clint?
17 What if Natasha only trusted Clint for the longest time after he brought her into SHIELD?
18 What if the Avengers went to hunt down Venom?
19 What if Wade Wilson joined the Avengers on a mission? 
20 What if Clint had made the sacrifice for the soul stone?
21 What if Natasha knew Bucky/Winter Soldier better than she let on with Steve? 
22 What if Sam had been hit by Vision instead of Rhodey during CW?
23 What if Clint hadn’t gone into house arrest and had still been with Cap when Thanos attacked?
24 What if Tony had used Steve’s burner phone to make contact before or when Thanos attacked? 
25 What if Sam had refused the shield?
26 What if the Avengers had agreed about the accords and not signed?
27 What if the Avengers had agreed about the accords and signed?
28 What if Loki had been banished instead of Thor?
30 What if Laura had been Clint’s sister (or Barney’s wife) not his wife?
31 What if Clint became Captain America?
32 What if Killmonger had found Bucky?
33 What if Bucky became Captain America?
34 What if Sam as Captain and Bucky build a new team of Avengers?
35 What if the politicians are still scared off/wanting to control the Avengers powers after EG?
36 What if Wanda took over for Nat helping Sam (and Bucky) run the Avengers?
37 What if T’Challa hadn’t won back his throne?
38 What if Wanda had stayed with Steve, Nat and Sam?
Characters (x reader or oc)
Bucky Barnes
Steve Rogers
Thor Odinson
Tony Stark
Wanda Maximoff
Sam Wilson
Natasha Romanoff
Clint Barton
Ships (all are allowed as poly with reader too):
Sam x Clint (I don’t know their ship name)
Thor x Brunnhilde/Valkyrie (also forgot the ship name)
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