#like. moon carver looks like a moose(or just a big deer? probably a deer) but i’ve never seen a moose (deer???) that looks like that
m1d-45 · 1 year
Finches can scream when sad/agitated so all I can imagine is Xiao hopping onto a mountaintop later and screaming his little vocal cords out. And subsequently get taken care of by the reader when we notice he's suddenly very quiet which can be a sign of sorrow/illness/stress. They can also make these noises whenever they're bored but that's not angsty enough. (Also has Xiao always been a finch and I've just been blind??)
i imagine xiao’s quiet for a bird, but even so it’s easy to tell when he’s upset. he’s always quiet, just sort of… dull. standing there.
oh, or, he gets the urge to scream like this after reader vents, and they assume they’ve somehow angered him, only making the problem worse. he’s not mad at you, he’s not, he just- his form is too small to hold his anger, it needs to be let out but he can’t just leave you-
also, no, he hasn’t! i. don’t think. i’ve never specified his species (bc i don’t know birds nor what birds are in liyue at that) but i beliiieve sibling anon called him a cardinal? then you said finch and it was on my mind as i touched up ‘he who is without sin’ so that’s where that finch line is from, if that’s what you’re confused over.
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