#like where’s Alex and Kelly and Esme’s lil spin-off
ekingston · 2 months
who do you think is the main ship in sg? (for arrow its felicity x oliver, the flash being barry x iris...) does dansen count as our main ship since alex is the second main lead? or would you say the danvers sisters is technically the main and strongest pairing
oh it’s the danvers sisters all the way! i don’t think the CW’s Supergirl really has a ‘main’ romantic ship—that sort of thing wasn’t really ever their forte. Alex and Kelly could have been it, but only if the writers had actually tried to sell it; i feel their romance lacked buildup, their rapport (to me) always came across more friendly than magnetic, and Kelly was never given enough time to grow into her own person, separate from the roles she played in other people’s arcs. Azie objectively killed it, but even for a supporting character i think she was given very little to work with!
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