#like theres a reason we all judge the fuck out of cassandra clare when her old ginny/ron fics came out
omg I know you're busy, but holy shit I can't hold this shit in any longer. I NEED TO TELL SOMEONE
So when ATWOW came out I was looking through places like Tumblr and AO3 to see people's opinions on it, mostly Tumblr. So tell me why when I scrolled through the ATWOW tag on a AO3, I saw a description of a fic about a certain custom of the Navi people. AND TELL ME WHY IT WAS INCEST.
The description was literally just "The Navi have a tradition where the children sleep with their parents." BRO WHAT⁉️ I logged out so quick ☹️ It's so disturbing, like Tuk, Loak, Neyteam, Kiri with Jake and Neytiri? What the hell? I'm sorry I just need to tell someone about this ☹️
Oh ho ho ho, I have SEEN it bestie. It's always on the front of the page because of how often it's updated. I haven't blocked that creator YET on a03, but I have blocked a few others for this issue. This fandom is chock full of incest and pedophilia content, more than I've seen in a while. I really do not understand this. I said it before and I'll say it again; incest, pedophilia, and rape/non con content in a fetkishitic way should not exist. There is no valid reason for it.
I had an MFA professor say to me once that content like that should only be included in a piece if you are making a statement about it. I think that's a great point, but I would stand to go a tad farther; if your work is to excuse content like that, then it shouldn't exist. It's incredibly harmful, especially in a minor filled space like fanfiction.
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