#like the fact that antis emotion towards chase in the beginning was ''aw how cute''
florenceisfalling · 3 years
ok this does not make any fucking sense but,,,, i am thinking,,, about how chase and henrik were the only ones in my lore to live a semi-domestic (even if fucked up) life with anti,,,, and how they both compare/contrast with each other in that regard.
chase suffered from loneliness in front of anti, because he had just lost stacy. so anti exploited that isolation for funsies, made chase love him. but with henrik, that was completely different - anti had lost mealla, and henrik lost all his friends, so they were suffering together. henrik’s isolation wasn’t a tool to anti, love was never part of the plan - they were both just so hurt and they didn’t have anything to lean on but each other. 
and anti tried to fill all the holes in chase’s life. chase wanted a drink, anti had plenty of whiskey. chase needed a hug, anti was there to hold him. chase ached to be hurt, anti had knives at the ready. but henrik? anti tried to fit henrik into all the gaps in his own heart. anti needed someone to hurt, henrik was it. anti wanted to talk to someone- well, it wasn’t like henrik could leave his little homemade prison. anti needed to be held, be touched, be distracted, henrik eventually was all he could want. 
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