#like that’s the bare fucking minimum and jfc is it rare to find a
badolmen · 6 months
Actually it really fucking frustrates me as a disabled person how ‘controversial’ video game accessibility is, how contrived it is to find actually useful accessibility mods for even popular games, how abled gamers try to distance themselves from us because we’re the ones without social lives, who don’t leave the house, who can’t work.
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deejayers · 5 years
today was so ungodly long
-all our scheduled appointments came in on time yay
-but like 6 walk ins also came. all at the same time. right when our appointments were scheduled this morning.
-vet assistant was pissy af. has been the past two days. she needs to chill her ass out.
-kennel assistant is lazy and takes no initiative and keeps wanting us in treatment to help her do her job
-receptionist is a dumbass who somehow decided the scheduled annual visit needed to be seen before the gsd that had been in labor since yesterday without producing any pups at all that the vet had told to come in and we'd see right away cause DUH
-gsd owner wants natural birth unless just not possible
-find out she bred her 73# (at the END of her pregnancy!) female to her 110-115# male and the one pup she has is just too damn big to pass no matter what we do (and we tried a lot)
-emergency c-section
-yay mom and pup live!
-realize i should have gone to lunch 30+ minutes ago, finish what needs to be done and finally go.
-get back and afternoon is slammed
-hit the ground running amd have several sick appointments. most are super fearful too
-assistant is still pissy but now asking me for advice on handling fearful animals
-does the exact OPPOSITE of what i advise then tries to argue with me. nah fuck you shut up and listen
-receptionist is still stupid and can't even get a request for medicine across properly
-send home kennel assistant cause it's closing time and she has one room to clean. we can do that.
-also send vet assistant home cause i'm tired of her shit and i don't need her at this point. me and dr can handle everything left
-surprise!! 18 yo cat with a baaaaad broken leg cause of a careless house cleaner and her kids she brought to work with her (not judging bringing her kids, ya gotta do what ya gotta do, but don't let em run loose in a clients house). cat gets euthanized. guy is crying and we totally get it
-oh hello 12 year old sweet dog with horrible melanoma on the back of your tongue and all the bits of tissue and clotted blood you keep hacking onto the floor. thank god your mama let us euth.
-realize it's a whole hour after closing and no one else is in the clinic but you and the vet and you're both just like "...U G H."
i am so tired. this week is so long. we rarely hit overtime due to careful scheduling but i'm already in overtime and still gotta work tomorrow morning.
and yeah i know so many other clinics have it so much worse but we're just a small town vet in the boonies that routinely only has one of our two vet owners on duty. we usually have a few clear hours over lunch time for surgeries and everyone to take revolving lunches. past two days we've barely been able to get lunch at all. hit the ground running first thing in the morning, don't quit til after our typical lunch time. pick up earlier than normal and keep going til after closing. extra bad cause our head tech is on vacation so we're shorthanded on an already skeleton crew. we really need to hire more people but the owners are worried we're just in some freak growth spurt and how busy we've been will quit. he doesn't want to have to let anyone go if we don't have the same level of business.
also jfc i can only handle the current combination of receptionist-vet assistant-kennel assistant for so long before i start saying things that hurt feelings. things i prolly don't need to say. i'm not a supervisor or anything but damn if I don't have way seniority and apparently more sense than all 3 of them combined
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i really really miss my head tech yall. she more than earned this vacation but god she is our chaos coordinator and mama monkey for a fuckin reason and i am so exhausted from covering for her while she's out. and i wanna text her about these shits so bad but no i will not ruin her lovely trip with work idiocy! might just have to go to lunch together monday
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i'm not ready for tomorrow. tomorrow is gonna be a minimum of 5.5 hours of terrible group chemistry and myself as the one (1) person who keeps any control of her considerable temper and tries to keep things going smoothly. same rec-vet asst-kennel asst combo as today plus the one part time vet who covers for our regular vets who doesn't like any of them. he likes me pretty well but his fav is of course the head tech who is also his aunt-in-law lol
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