#like im not one to be boooo out of towners are the devil boooo but also none of these people know how to drive
luxwing · 2 months
The solar eclipse is gonna happen on the 8th (also happens to be my mom's birthday) and people are already coming in from out of town and it's gonna be really funny because they're predicting it's gonna be completely overcast during the eclipse lol
Like our town is one of the ones in the totality line and is the second (or third?) smallest town on it and we have a total of two motels and one hotel (if you can call it that) and theyve been booked solid for these two weeks since like January. These people are gonna be bored as fuck for the next week. I've lived here for almost three decades and I've never been not bored. The only stores that are still open in the "historic downtown" are the Dollar General, a shitty antique store and the hookah store with the Cheech and Chong gnomes in the window. Closest thing we have to a restaurant is Whataburger.
I saw a family pulled over on the side of the road yesterday all crowded around a tiny patch of Bluebonnets taking pictures, which was just really funny to me because around the corner was an entire field of them and I'm like oh boy when they drive another mile they're gonna lose their fucking minds.
I guess if they get excited about wildflowers then they might not be so bored after all. Just hope they watch the roads while they're driving. 🫣
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