#like ig i added em to my switch plan and then THEY added their friends to it but still had me blocked
jadeneppy · 1 year
Ojuuhh the roads still look kinda bad from the snow but i gotta go pick up a packagie
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fairymint-archive · 3 years
How does the mun decide which muses they want to add to their blog? Have they ever decided to remove a muse due to lost interest/other reasons?
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well, there’s 2 ‘levels’ of having a muse for me; wanting to play them as a mun, and the element that’s more like having an imaginary friend, and each muse has a varying level of both;  the latter always kicks in when i have a reply tab open and only uses my thoughts beforehand as a guideline.
Some I’ve added totally on purpose, while others operate nearly by themselves and just speak up whenever; when they won’t shut up is when I usually relent and add em, cause, might as well.  I add any muse like that so long as they won’t hurt anyone IRL.
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about all of my single-ship muses lean towards the unplanned;  I always get a lil miffed that I can’t ‘share’ em and let em love other muses, especially things I ship-;; if i can manage a way to get em to, I may successfully move ‘em to multi.
Tobey and Sterling are well planned, tho. Other OCs are on the basis of ‘i found this really cool FC so i’ll look at these icons and see what oc pops up’
But I have quite a few boys who, are here because they took a look @  felix-muse and went ‘oh that one, that’s mine’ so i’m like ‘ASDFGH u stop that’ including Sans, Robin, Bailey, and Kamui.
Sans was a muse i kinda had for my friend’s selfship, and then he switched gears when she left tumblr (and decided to flirt out of nowhere. without warning.)
I never planned to have Robin or Kamui largely due to having verses for that, and other people doing them justice.
it’s like i find it embarrassing but i’m not about to like fighting imaginary people that hard on their ‘ships lmfao. probably just reflects IRL tendencies;;;  i don’t ‘date’, i just give guys chances until i break up or get married ig;;;
Have they ever decided to remove a muse due to lost interest/other reasons?
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my last #blog update definitely proves I’ve removed some; when the muse is inactive for a while, I assume I’m not interested, at least for the time being. For muses I keep despite being inactive...probably just not in the mood for their bullshit, lol.
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simply-breeee · 3 years
Nov. 12 - 4:38pm
I feel the urge to write. My life is a complete mess. Okay so if you've been reading my posts in chronological order you may notice ive been talking about two different guys in my life. Okay well here everything that you may need to know:
* There is B1, B2, my SM, my Best-ee and lets name him gramps. Okay so 'him' from the summer is B1 and B2 is the new/old guy. everyone else will be explained as needed.
Okay so boom these past two weeks or so I been chatting with both B1 and B2. Before anyone says anything - never once was I told that these two individuals wanted to exclusively 'talk' to me. Okay so B1 started slipping up, or better yet I noticed his character flaws when I was shown 'better effort' from B2. Mind you, me and B2 have been an on and off type of thing for the past year but never made anything official. So B1 is slipping and B2 is back in my life showing me all the attention I could ask for.
Well happening on the other side of town im in a blocking battle with gramps over Best-ee. okay so apparently gramps had feelings for me (unbeknownst to me) and felt some type of way about my relationship with best-ee. Know best-ee was technically gramps friend first, but me and best-ee get along so well that we instantly clicked. well that rubbed gramps the wrong way and made his lash out on me because he felt like I was 'his' and that I we was supposed to end up together but now that im friends with best-ee thats getting in the way of his plans.
MIND YOU these are feelings I had know clue about and even still, I told him when we first got cool that I didn plan on being worth anyone and that I just want him as a friend. I guess that conversation went over his head bakes he sure was pissed about me and best-ee's relationship. Now with what just happened I understand why but im getting ahead of myself. okay so fast forward, I went off on gramps because I did like how he would act towards me because of a fantasy he had. SO now we are on better terms but its still awkward. And now he trynna push up on my friend SM.
Okay so yesterday I was on the phone with best-ee and SM when I got a call from another friend of mine (she doest really need a name). So me and her are on the phone when B1 decides to call me. I answer for him and chat for a second. we talk until he says hold on and hangs up. so I try to call back my best-ee while I test SM to see if she is still coming over. best-ee took too long to answer so as I was about to hang up B1 calls back. I talk with him and some bs (which is a whole other situation) happened. While being on the phone with him B2 called and ofc I chose his call so I switched calls over. While talking to B2 I called SM on my Mac and, putting B2 on mute, told her what happened with B1. She said I should block him lol. so me and B2 talk for a little while longer until his phone overheated and we hung up. during all off this my cousin also called me, so now im on my Mac with my cousin and B2 on my phone (before the overheating which was seconds apart). So when I get off the phone with him I call Sm on my phone and tell mat cousin the situation with B1. Ofc my best-ee decides to call em back so I made a big group chat with those three and let them sit on the side. I ended up calling back B1 and they overheard our conversation. They l said block him. He was being stale asf and barely talking. Ik I shouldn't make excuses BUT he was playing the game with his friends. he called me ig for my presence but thats it.
I eventually added B1 to the group cal and it was awkward asf bc best-ee was actin like that one uncle that ask all them questions. now fast forward to that night- B2 is seeming very distant which is not enjoyable -his head was hurting and he had to work. I decided to got over to my best-ee house with SM just to get off campus. After 🍃 we all just chilled. It was me, SM, gramps, and best-ee. So I usually sleep in the same bed as my guy friends because ion plan to fuck em so it shouldn't be an issue if we lay together. We got cuddle or nun hell half the time we sleep back to back. Well this time was different.
So this morning we was laying in the bed and I feel best-ee hadn't in a fist like shape next to me. we are both laying the same way but there's a gap between us which is where his hand is. So, his had was in a. fist between us and I didn't think anything of it. It was hovering close to my butt but again we sleep in the same bed al the time and never had any issues. Okay so I fall back to sleep and next thing you know im being woken up by feeling a hand on my ass. He was resting his hand on my ass. So I was like "what" because I thought he was trynna get my attention... he had never done this before- the only reason I didn't jumpy to conclusion is because his hadn't was between us earlier so to me it made sense that you wold just let your hand and set it down on what's near to get my attention.
Okay so I said 'what' and he said 'huh' so I was like 'you need sum/what you doin' (something along those lines, this was at 8am so leave me be) and he was like 'just trynna see sum' so I was like unt un no sir, so I said ' no best-ee I aint one of your little hoes' and he was like 'what', so I took this opportunity to turn over (now facing him0 and said 'im not one of your little hoes' beastie no sir you to finna be trynna been that with me. thats LITERALLY what gramps was just pissed about becasue he thought this would happen and now you trynn make it happen. No sir. Everything was cool after that like when we woke up up and got out the bed. and for anyone wondering I was in a pair of brown plaid pj pants for 5below and a California love shirt. my outfit was giving very conservative and comfy.
I just want B2 to not go to work so we can ft while I do my hw. At the same time I am a adult and realize he has to work and make money and I shouldn't put my emotions before him livelihood. Especially emotions that are not even valid because im being unreasonable.
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