#like if sokka was a well-adjusted mentally stable human being (an oxymoron i know)
comradekatara · 1 month
sorry this is not atla related, but have you ever read animorphs? i think you might enjoy it, it also has themes of children trying to navigate war on a huge scale and the ways they have to change themselves (and each other) to cope and hopefully change things. which is not to say it doesn’t have its issues obviously lol it was very much written in the 90s but it’s full of deeply compelling characters and moral issues and such
it's funny that you say that because my friend once spent upwards of 3 hours explaining the plot of animorphs to me as he remembered it from his childhood. so no, i have not actually read those books (i didn't really read children's books as a child, which i know is ironic coming a blog dedicated to a nickelodeon cartoon) but i basically feel like i have. this friend has since watched atla (i mentioned him here) and we've also talked about it at length (for at least a combined total of 3 hours, but probably far more); i definitely remember asking him at some point which series he preferred, and he said atla without a shadow of a doubt lmfao. but he's also the most sokkacoded person i've ever met in my life, so i think he might be biased.
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