#like i'm talking Batman: Year 3 Aflred who was like damn i can't believe i'm failing Bruce by not speaking well enough at Zuccos parole
danny-chase · 1 year
do you ever feel like a lot of the pre-crisis origin stories were better than the rebirth or even post-crisis stories? or at least that a combination of pre and post crisis would work best? like IMO with alfred, it'd make way more sense if he served as the wayne family butler when bruce was very young, had to leave for england around the time bruce's parents passed and bruce grew up with his uncle philip, then returned when dick was already taken in around age 8. because then we don't run into the problems that come with alfred "enabling" batman or whatever right? likewise i think it's better to keep events in their actual decade and just pretend 10 real life years are one year in comics time or whatever marvel does. because dick being 8 years old when he started robin makes a lot more sense when you remember child labor was still a thing in 1940 LMAO. also teenagers were a lot more independent in general all the way through the 80s, especially in europe and asia but the usa too (think of all the stuff holden caulfield got away with) so yeah i can believe his adventures way more easily than tim's. your thoughts?
I don't read a ton of pre-crisis stuff, pretty much the only stuff I've read is the Batmanga (which is questionable canon considering it's a manga and not mainline), the Teen Titans 1996 series, and the parts of NTT that are from pre-crisis. I think when choosing what to keep and what to scrap, it should kinda be up to personal preference and whatever makes the story more interesting, which is a lame cop-out answer, and is different for everyone. I personally think Bruce growing up with Alfred is interesting, but that's just me, and if I were writing an origin for Bruce, I'd have him initially hiding the Batman stuff from Alfred, and eventually running away to pursue it. So you don't demonize Alfred completely for it. I think Alfred as a flawed character is interesting, and I think Bruce running away and pursuing it anyways is a good way to have him being an enabler later on make sense, but that's just me
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