#like how fnv lets you run right up to a deathclaw at like lvl one and then you die
lastoneout · 8 months
I just love it when video games let you do really stupid shit that kills you immediately. I love being like "oh this is a terrible idea" and being able to do it and then die. It's good game design.
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augustatheodora · 3 years
recently decided to finally get into fallout bc i haven’t been able to work for like a month and my brain was going numb. ANYWAY, i started with 3 and got all the way to the last quest before i gave up bc i wanted to start new vegas so bad, lol. i have not been disappointed so far, here are some fnv takes:
-the changes to the ammo system from 3 to nv confuse and vex me. i’ve always been bad at fps because i know nothing about guns in general but now they gotta throw a whole new system of damage calculators in there??
-in practically every rpg i prefer to play an int/speech/charisma/etc-focused character who negotiates their way through things. this was tricky but not too big of a deterrent in 3, bc i got really good at sneaking around and setting up traps with mines and shit... which worked well in a game where you spend most of your time in tunnels, caves, vaults, and urban areas with tons of barricades and choke points. not so much in a wide-open expanse of desert. this leads me to my next point:
-i cannot believe how many times i’ve been killed by wildlife. everything in the mojave wasteland can and will destroy me on sight. in f3 my first encounter with deathclaws was waltzing right into that one town where there’s like a hundred of them and i had minimal trouble. 30 minutes into nv i stumbled into what must have been some kind of giant radscorpion nest and had to run all the way back to goodsprings for backup bc they wrecked my lvl 3 ass so hard. then there was that blind deathclaw that guards primm pass - going off of my experience with them in 3, i tried for like an hour to snipe him, sneak past with a stealthboy, etc before i’d gotten killed so many times i gave up and tried to go around. naturally i got swarmed by cazadors immediately and at that point i just had to suck it up and lower the difficulty setting. i fucking hate the desert and hope it gets nuked again asap.
-vilified myself w the powder gang right off the bat in that first goodsprings quest, which was great bc you have to pass their camp on the way to the next town and obv my sneak skill was garbage that early in the game.
-i would die for ed-e
-it’s just not in my nature to play anything but a good/very good protag in fallout. so in that first encounter with the legion when you find nipton burned to the ground and vulpes does his big gross speech before turning around to leave, i let them get a short distance away then chucked a stick of dynamite and somehow managed to pick the rest off with a bunch of lucky crits. apparently this is not an uncommon reaction but it is definitely coming back to bite me bc now they keep sending assassin squadrons after me and they are a pain in the ASS to kill.
-surprised myself with how quickly i was able to grasp the basics of caravan, considering i’m big dumb. i actually really like it now, i’ve made a ton of money through that alone.
-decided to break whatsisface out of jail so he could be primm’s sheriff, had to kill a couple guards to get him out so now they hate me there too. if you’re keeping track, that brings my vilified groups count up to Everyone Except NCR and Regular Townsfolk. that being said:
-i really didn’t mean to gain so much cred with the NCR this quickly. was actually planning to stay as neutral as possible since i’m not a huge fan of either faction (same way i usually played skyrim) but i just keep doing their missions since they mostly involve rescuing people/hunting rapists/murderers/gang leaders and they fuckin love me there now. so... oops.
-i rly want to go find more companions bc they’re all so good and it’s just been me and ed-e so far (which is fine, as stated previously i love my robot son So Much) but they’re all locked behind stacks on stacks of quests. i’ve been sloooowly working my way up the map trying to finish the requirements to get cass, and i’ve encountered what i think are the hooks to find boone and maybe raul but i just have so many quests open already. 😭 i just want 2 meet my friends.....
-literally haven’t even been to the strip yet, i just keep going around it in circles doing endless sidequests and NCR jobs. still bleeding from my open head wound and i’m over here negotiating a trade deal so the disgruntled cook at HQ can get some spices.
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