#like he didn’t just single-handedly destroy everyone in the room 😂
sketchncanto · 2 years
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Some post-movie Bruno! ✨
This is what I’d imagine his updated outfit to look like— definitely still wears his ruana, but occasionally hangs out without it!
I HC that Dolores and Isabela encouraged him to try different hairstyles to help him feel fresh and renewed after being in the walls for so long. ✨😭
I also HC that he can actually dance—like surprisingly well. I’ll die on this hill
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wroteclassicaly · 2 years
KRISTEN!! How are you, lovey? As promised, I'm here after work (& before studying) to gush about our Angsty-Christ😭
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Firstttt, he's so PRETTY and for WHAT?!!!! Those golden curls and devilish smile, the deep inhale he does when he's satisfied or proud of himself, the way he prances around the Outpost and teases Gallant and everyone else, the still and quiet way he watches people, the sassy "classified" or the sharp, "then you stay here and die", the way he projects his insecurities and trauma onto Gallant "I can see why your grandmother is so disgusted by you", the way his hair goes from curly to wavy as he gets older and we get to see Michael at various stages of his life non-chronologically, the way he dresses, THE DEEP VOICE AND CRYPTIC STATEMENTS AND THE WAY EVEN AFTER FOUR YEARS I STILL CAN'T FULLY READ HIS FACIAL EXPRESSIONS AND I LOVE THAT MYSTICISM.
The way he cries and breaks every time yet another family member abandons him, the way we can see him being used and abused and twisted into being what other people want him to be and because no one gave him an instruction manual and no one asked Michael what he wanted, they only told the antichrist what he needed to do, the way we see him grow and thrive and flourish but not in the way he wanted; he wanted to be good but people molded him for their own needs and the antichrist was loved but Michael, the sweet boy, was ignored and neglected, the cute puppy dog headtilt when he's doing that Rubik's Cube, those gorgeous blues and bouncy curls, the way I want to both look away from him because I'm blushing so hard I'm embarrassed but also I can't look away because he's magnetic and commands the screen even when he's just in the background, the close camera angles making it look like we're in the room with him, sharing in his life experience as an invisible presence, the way he deserved better.
I've never seen his death scene, I know you know why, but sometimes I feel like I should rip it off like a bandaid, just get it over with, but also it's been four years so if I haven't watched it yet then it's likely I never will because if I watch it, I acknowledge his entire tragic and bitter arc and I don't want to because Michael deserved better and I'll forever be mad and sad (smad?) about it.
All this to say, I love Michael Langdon. He'd snap me like a twig in a very unsexy way without even blinking or any second thoughts but I'd use my last breath to thank him for it.😂
I’m eh, lovely. How about you? ❤️
LISTEN, I cannot even put into words how you’ve just summed everything up about this poor bimbo, demonic daddy. He didn’t ask for anything he got, but somehow, he was Ryan’s biggest ball drop ever (whilst that man single handedly destroyed Murder House in the same season). Michael had Vivian’s humanity and it’s completely glossed over because of COVEN POWER OMGGGGGGFF. What could’ve been one of the best seasons was destroyed by Ryan himself, and I hope he’s proud! He can sit with the Duffer bros ^_^
Look at this face
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