#like for example. the scene where israel is mentioned is wade's mom being praised and portrayed as cool and badass
sonknuxadow · 1 month
i agree that theres zionist propaganda in the knuckles show and that it should be called out. but am i the only one who thinks that one big post about it going around (the one that sjust a bunch of screenshots with no elaboration or anything and has like 15k notes) is not doing the best job at accurately conveying whats going on in the scene or what the problem is when it comes to the content of the show itself. at least not to people who dont know what happens already. like im not accusing the op of trying to confuse people on purpose or anything its just that like i said the post doesnt really present the scene accurately and is missing a lot of context and the post in question is probably the only thing a lot of people are seeing about this when its not a very good source of information
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